Later on, it might be worth considering again, however, for now, a functional decompilation will mean faster, more promising results.
## How can I help?
Contributions are greatly accepted, if not valued in the early stage of this project.
Documentation for the styleguide used in the project is below, and a Ghidra server for the project is also available.
# Building
You will need:
- A Linux machine
- CMake
- the SCE PS2 SDK (PS2SDK support may be considered later), 2.5.5 at least.
You'll need to export SCE to point to your SCE root. This is always /usr/local/sce, and some of the scripts assume so, but for posterity, I don't hardcode it.
The SCE EE and IOP tools will also need to be in your PATH.
## Build Hacks
The crt0.s needs to be built in $SCE/ee/lib, due to a weird issue (and CMake building binaries before the actual compilation stage).
This can be done like so (do not run this as root. You should have $SCE chowned to yourself.):
$ ee-gcc -c -xassembler-with-cpp crt0.s -o crt0.o
Finally, you'll need to then edit app.cmd (in the same directory) to replace all indirect mentions of `crt0.o` with the path to the crt0.o you just assembled. This is the final hack in the build process.