-- Lua test device. This'll probably get removed soon, this is just for testing -- that Lua->C++ interop actually works like it should function LCPU.Devices.LuaTest() local test_device = LCPUNative.CreateDevice(0x11300000, 0x8) test_device.register = 0x0 function test_device:Peek(address) --print(string.format("TestDevice:Peek @ 0x%08x", address)) if address == self.Base then return CurTime() end -- it a test! if address == self.Base + 4 then return self.register end return 0xffffffff end function test_device:Poke(address, value) --print(string.format("TestDevice:Poke @ 0x%08x -> 0x%08x", address, value)) if address == self.Base + 4 then --print("LUAREG write") self.register = value end end function test_device:Reset() --print("TestDevice:Reset") -- clear the register self.register = 0 end return test_device end