
131 lines
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#include <std/io.pat>
// TECH types
// LZSS compression header thingy.
struct Lzss_Header {
u32 next; // this is formally Lzss_Header*
// but hexpat does handle pointers
// and I kinda don't want it to.
u8 cByteId;
u8 cHdrSize;
u8 nMaxMatch;
u8 nFillByte;
u16 nRingSize;
u16 nErrorId;
u32 nUnCompressedBytes;
u32 nCompressedBytes;
u32 nCRC;
u32 nFileId;
u32 nCompressedDataCRC;
// if valid, print out (useful) information
//if(cByteId == 0x91 && cHdrSize == 0x20) {
//std::print(" header_size: {}, max_match: {}, fill_byte: {} ring_size: {}", cHdrSize, nMaxMatch, nFillByte, nRingSize);
//std::print(" uncompressed_size: {}, compressed_size: {}, crc: {}, file_id: {}, compressed_crc: {}", nUnCompressedBytes, nCompressedBytes, nCRC, nFileId, nCompressedDataCRC);
// Data strutures actually part of the file:
// "PGRP" entry.
// This marks the start of a "package group".
// Whatever that is.
struct JMMT_PGRP {
u32 magic;
u32 groupNameCrc; // This is in the string table
u32 nrfiles;
u32 pad; // seemingly always 0xCDCDCDCD
// "PFIL" entry.
// This represents a file block,
// which can itself represent either a whole file (> 65535 bytes),
// or part of a file (which will need to be stiched together).
struct JMMT_PFIL {
u32 magic;
u32 unk[2]; // Don't know what these are?
// Sequence number of the chunk.
// This repressents the order of each chunk,
// presumably so order can just be whatever.
// However the game seems to order chunks for files
// in order, and doesn't start/interleave other files
// in between. So this is a nice waste of 16 bits.
u16 chunkSequenceNumber;
// Amount of chunks which need to be read
// from to read this file completely.
// 1 means this file starts and ends on this chunk.
u16 chunkAmount;
// This is a CRC32 hash of the path of this file.
// Hashed with jmmt::HashString() (in the jmmt_tools repo).
u32 filenameCrc;
u32 unk2[7]; // more unknown stuff I don't care/know about
// Uncompressed size of this file chunk. Has a maximum of 65535 bytes.
u32 chunkSize;
// Offset where this file chunk should start,
// inside of a larger buffer.
u32 blockOffset;
// ?
u32 unk3;
// Offset inside of the package file where
// the compressed data blob starts.
u32 dataOffset;
u32 fileSize;
// TECH LZSS header.
// Used to (shocker) configure LZSS decompression.
Lzss_Header lzssHeader;
// Debug information. This doesn't print literally everything,
// just the useful stuff to look at it.
if(1) {
std::print(" Chunk seqNum: {}, Filename CRC: {:0x}, File Size: {}, Chunk Size: {}, Block Offset: {}, Data Offset: {}", chunkSequenceNumber, filenameCrc, fileSize, chunkSize, blockOffset, dataOffset);
//if(lzHeader.cByteId == 0x91)
// std::print("file has a valid lzss header");
// This is a wrapper so we can easily do the chunk viewing in imhex.
// While there's probably a way I could do this easier this works.
// So it's what I'm gonna use.
JMMT_PFIL pfilChunkZero;
if(pfilChunkZero.chunkAmount != 1) {
std::print("This file has {} chunks", pfilChunkZero.chunkAmount);
JMMT_PFIL pfilChunkExtra[pfilChunkZero.chunkAmount - 1];
} else {
std::print("File ended with 1 chunk");
// Group header is hardcoded for config.pak cause that's what I'm using to test
// Group header.
JMMT_PGRP grp @ 0xd1c30;
// This isn't right (as one PFIL chunk doesn't actually have to mean one file),
// but it works for testing and trying to understand the format.
PFIL_WRAPPER files[grp.nrfiles] @ $;