NAME=ps2rom TARGET=ee KIND=bin SELF=$(shell pwd) INCS = -I$(TOP)/rom CFLAGS = -ffreestanding -fno-stack-protector CXXFLAGS = -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti LDFLAGS = -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -Wl,-Map,$(BINDIR)/$(FINALNAME).map -T$(SELF)/link.ld -L$(BINDIR) # Link to each portion of the ROM codebase. For now, # this will only link to the EE ROM codebase. LIBS=-lps2rom_ee_$(CONFIG) #-lps2rom_iop_$(CONFIG) # sources SRCS = rom_start.s include $(TOP)/build/ .PHONY: all clean clean-products all: $(BINDIR)/$(FINALNAME).rom $(BINDIR)/: mkdir -p $@ $(OBJDIR)/: mkdir -p $@ # make sure to assemble the primary ROM start routine # as MIPS-I, so that we don't get into any issues. $(OBJDIR)/rom_start.o: AS += -march=r3000 $(BINDIR)/$(FINALNAME).rom: $(BINDIR)/$(FINALNAME).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ clean: clean-products -rm $(BINDIR)/$(FINALNAME).rom include $(TOP)/build/products/$(KIND).mk