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2008-11-17 18:29:00 -05:00
;;; Microsoft Research Singularity
;;; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;;; This file contains ARM-specific assembly code handling dispatching of interrupts.
AREA |.text|, CODE, ARM, ALIGN=5
|defining ?g_LoadResetVector@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXXZ| EQU 1
|defining ?g_DispatchVector@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXXZ| EQU 1
|defining ?g_SetModeSp@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXHPAUuintPtr@@@Z| EQU 1
;;; These are exported so we can see, in the debugger, which exception was triggered.
EXPORT |DispatchReset|
EXPORT |DispatchUndefinedInstruction|
EXPORT |DispatchSupervisorCall|
EXPORT |DispatchPrefetchAbort|
EXPORT |DispatchDataAbort|
EXPORT |DispatchUnused|
EXPORT |DispatchIrq|
EXPORT |DispatchFiq|
EXPORT |VectorReset|
EXPORT |VectorUndefinedInstruction|
EXPORT |VectorSupervisorCall|
EXPORT |VectorPrefetchAbort|
EXPORT |VectorDataAbort|
EXPORT |VectorUnused|
EXPORT |VectorIrq|
EXPORT |VectorFiq|
;;; "public: static void __cdecl Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa::g_LoadIdt(void)"
;;; Loads the address of the exception vectors into the VBAR.
LEAF_ENTRY ?g_LoadResetVector@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXXZ
;; Load the address of the 0 interrupt vector into r0.
adr r0, VectorReset
;; Load R0 into VBAR. Note: This code is ARMv7 specific.
mcr p15,0,r0,c12,c0,0
bx lr
;;; SetModeSp sets the stack pointer in the target mode to the value passed in.
LEAF_ENTRY ?g_SetModeSp@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXHPAUuintPtr@@@Z
;; r0 arg contains the target mode
;; r1 arg contains the value for sp
mrs r2, cpsr
bic r3, r2, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ProcessorMode_Mask
orr r3, r3, r0
msr cpsr_c, r3
mov sp, r1
msr cpsr_c, r2
bx lr
;;; VectorX indicates a branch instruction in the exception vector
;;; Note that these 8 1-instruction functions must be laid out in exactly
;;; this order as this *IS* the hardware exception vector on ARM.
LEAF_ENTRY VectorReset
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ; b |DispatchReset|
LEAF_ENTRY VectorUndefinedInstruction
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchUndefinedInstruction|
LEAF_ENTRY VectorSupervisorCall
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchSupervisorCall|
LEAF_ENTRY VectorPrefetchAbort
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchPrefetchAbort|
LEAF_ENTRY VectorDataAbort
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchDataAbort|
LEAF_ENTRY VectorUnused
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchUnused|
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchIrq|
ldr pc, [pc, #24] ;b |DispatchFiq|
DCD |DispatchReset|
DCD |DispatchUndefinedInstruction|
DCD |DispatchSupervisorCall|
DCD |DispatchPrefetchAbort|
DCD |DispatchDataAbort|
DCD |DispatchUnused|
DCD |DispatchIrq|
DCD |DispatchFiq|
;;; Interrupt dispatching on ARM occurs at fixed memory locations (either 0-based or
;;; FFFF0000-based). For now we use the zero base exclusively.
;;; ARM has 7 interrupt categories. Currently we use a simplified model, which
;;; matches other architectures (i.e. we move to a single per-processor interrupt
;;; stack for all interrupt handling.)
;;; Modes:
;;; IRQ: this is normal device interrupt we expect to get.
;;; Abort: both types of aborts correspond to normal software exceptions,
;;; (which are currently just forwarded to the debugger)
;;; All other interrupts are assumed to be anomalous, and are also passed to the debugger.
;;; FIQ: we don't want to write special interrupt handlers currently, so this
;;; mode has no benefit
;;; SWI, Reset: no cases of these yet.
;;; We do not execute substantial amounts of code in IRQ mode. This is because
;;; a nested IRQ interrupt would trash our lr register. (We don't take nested IRQ's
;;; now, but likely will eventually.)
;;; The GO_DISPATCH macro creates an InterruptContext at the top of the interrupted
;;; stack and save R0-R3 and the exception vector number into it (takes as an argument).
;;; GO_DISPATCH branches to |GoDispatchPhase2| which saves the rest of the caller-saved
;;; registers and switches to system mode. If $save is true, the faulting instruction
;;; opcode is saved as well.
;;; Note that this code requires the interrupt mode sp to point to a DispatchStack structure.
GO_DISPATCH $vector, $save
;; Sp in interrupt mode will always point at a per-cpu DispatchStack structure
;; Free R4 and fetch interrupted SP.
stmia sp, {r4,sp}^ ; Stored to Struct_Microsoft_Isal_Arm_DispatchStack
;; Load address of interrupt context from interrupted SP.
ldr r4, [sp, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_DispatchStack___sp]
sub r4, r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___SIZE
;; Save the unbanked user volatile regs (this gets us some scratch regs)
stmia r4, {r0-r3,r12}
;; Save vector
ldr r0, =$vector
str r0, [r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___vector]
;; Save interrupted PC.
sub r0, lr, #4
str r0, [r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___pc]
;; Save faulting instruction (from the pc in r0)
IF $save
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r0, =0
str r0, [r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___instruction]
;; Continue in share code (with r4 == InterruptContext)
b |GoModePhase2|
|GoModePhase2| PROC
;; Save the banked interrupted registers (use R3 as pointer to banked registers).
add r3, r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___sp
stmia r3, {sp,lr}^
;; Save interrupted CPSR.
mrs r0, spsr
str r0, [r4, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___cpsr]
;; Move InterruptContext pointer to r3 and restore r4 from DispatchStack.
mov r3, r4
ldr r4, [sp, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_DispatchStack___r4]
;; Switch to system mode
mrs r0, cpsr
bic r0, r0, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ProcessorMode_Mask
orr r0, r0, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ProcessorMode_System
msr cpsr_c, r0
;; Restore SP to top of the InterruptContext (i.e. old sp - sizeof(InterruptContext)).
mov sp, r3
;; Jump to common dispatch routine. (with r3 = InterruptContext)
b |?g_DispatchVector@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXXZ|
;;; DispatchX is the dispatch routine for vector X. This code is largely identical
;;; for all the vectors, except for the ID constant which is pushed in the frame
;;; TBD: sharing more code would be a good thing, but it's tough to find a place to stash
;;; the interrupt id.
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchReset
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_Reset,{false}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchUndefinedInstruction
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_UndefinedInstruction,{true}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchSupervisorCall
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_SoftwareInterrupt,{true}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchPrefetchAbort
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_PrefetchAbort,{false}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchDataAbort
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_DataAbort,{true}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchUnused
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_Unused,{false}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchIrq
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_Irq,{false}
LEAF_ENTRY DispatchFiq
GO_DISPATCH Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_Fiq,{false}
;;; DispatchVector implements the meat of the low level interrupt dispatching logic. Its goal
;;; is to implement the transition to high level code with minimal overhead.
|?g_DispatchVector@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXXZ| PROC
;; Pick the correct spill context based on the interrupt vector.
;; Our normal scheduler-capable interrupts are IRQ's. Other exceptions
;; are just reported to the debugger for now.
;; TODO: Note that we are not implementing a "no scheduler switch" category
;; of interrupts for now, so we won't be able to handle nested interrupts. This will
;; be easy to change if we can figure out the right criteria to identify such interrupts
;; at this level later on.
ldr r0, [sp, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___vector]
cmp r0, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ExceptionVector_Irq
bne |debug|
;; Use current thread's spill context
GET_THREAD_FIELD_ADDR r0, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_ThreadRecord___spill
b |save|
|debug| ;; Use cpu's spill context
GET_CPU_FIELD_ADDR r0, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_CpuRecord___spill
|save| ;; Save to spill context
mov r1, sp
bl |?m_Save@Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_SpillContext@@SA_NPAU1@PAUStruct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext@@@Z|
;; Save previous stack limit
GET_THREAD_FIELD_ADDR r0, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_ThreadRecord___activeStackLimit
ldr r0, [r0]
;; See if we are already on the interrupt stack
GET_CPU_FIELD_ADDR r1, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_CpuRecord___interruptStackLimit
ldr r1, [r1]
cmp r1, r0
;; Stash current sp
mov r0, sp
beq |no_switch|
;; Now switch to the interrupt stack
GET_CPU_FIELD_ADDR r2, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_CpuRecord___interruptStackBegin
ldr sp, [r2]
GET_THREAD_FIELD_ADDR r2, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_ThreadRecord___activeStackLimit
str r1, [r2]
;; Save the old stack pointer
;; Interrupt context is old stack pointer + 4
add r0, r0, #4
;; Call dispatch routine
bl |?g_DispatchInterrupt@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Isa@@SAXPAUStruct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext@@@Z|
;; Restore the old stack pointer and limit
POP sp
POP r0
GET_THREAD_FIELD_ADDR r1, r12, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_ThreadRecord___activeStackLimit
str r0, [r1]
;; Now we need to switch back to interrupt mode so we can do a proper atomic resume (using spsr)
mov r1, sp
mrs r0, cpsr
bic r0, r0, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ProcessorMode_Mask
orr r0, r0, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_Arm_ProcessorMode_Supervisor
msr cpsr_c, r0
;; Move saved CPSR into SPSR
ldr r0, [r1, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___cpsr]
msr spsr, r0
;; Restore banked pre-interrupt registers (use R3 as pointer to banked registers).
add r3, r1, #Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_Isal_InterruptContext___sp
ldmia r3, {sp,lr}^
;; Resume unbanked pre-interrupt state
ldmfd r1, {r0-r3,r12,pc}^