33 lines
1.3 KiB
33 lines
1.3 KiB
@echo off
if /I "%ScriptDebug%" EQU "Yes" (
@echo on
@rem The purpose of this script is to either bootstrap or update a directory for the purpose
@rem of executing stress on a Stress Runner machine.
@rem Simply create a local stress directory (c:\stress), put this script in it, and execute
@rem it.
@rem You can update this script by taking a new one from Source Depot and then re-executing
@rem it, at some date in the future.
@rem It is very simple, so you can just do all these steps by hand if you prefer (like
@rem explicitly executing the AT command to schedule a stress run).
set LocalStressDir=c:\Stress
md %LocalStressDir%
copy %SINGULARITY_ROOT%\build\SizeCompare.exe %LocalStressDir%
copy %SINGULARITY_ROOT%\build\internal\CheckinWizard\x86\smartmail.exe %LocalStressDir%
copy %SINGULARITY_ROOT%\build\buildtracker\scripts\StressMail.cmd %LocalStressDir%
copy %SINGULARITY_ROOT%\build\buildtracker\scripts\StressMandelbrot.cmd %LocalStressDir%
copy %SINGULARITY_ROOT%\build\buildtracker\scripts\StressWeb.cmd %LocalStressDir%
echo Use the AT command to set up regular stress launches. To manually launch:
echo Mandelbrot: cmd.exe /c %LocalStressDir%\StressMandelbrot.cmd
echo WebStress: cmd.exe /c %LocalStressDir%\StressWeb.cmd