2475 lines
79 KiB
2475 lines
79 KiB
# (C) 1997 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
# Revised 06/05/98 - Paula
# Added support for Custom Ad Rotation model: Dynamic GET w/Cookie
# Created 3 Dynamic URLS to support POST, GET, and GET w/cookie
# will default to use DYNAMIC_ROOT (POST) if others not specified
# Add percentage for GET w/cookie to loadload data. Also fixed
# defaults for other percentages and changed lg_proc and lg_num to
# use actual test values to avoid configuration description errors.
# Revised 09/23/98 - Paula, Keti, Yea-Cheng
# Ketii: Added client logging option; use -l option to invoke.
# Yea-Cheng: Improved post log validation to check for serialization
# across all clients not just within each client (ie. check
# that the record id increases after each entry). This is
# in keeping with the 2.1.2 SUT run rule where the result of
# any dynamic request must be visible to any client on any
# subsequent dynamic request.
# Paula: Added urlroot to list of parameters passed on Reset command,
# this will be used in WEB98_INC processing.
# Updated parameters used for dynamic script designation -
# allow use of 4 separate RC parameters to specify COMMAND's,
# simple dynamic GET's, dynamic GET's for Custom Ad Rotation
# model and POST's
# Add minor bug fixes.
# Revised 02/01/99 - Yea-Cheng
# Support the new SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS in the rc file. LOAD_VALUES and
# PROCS are no more supported. In the rc file, a client can be configured
# as name(port)[speed].
# SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS replaces LOAD_VALUES in the sense that the
# number of connections will be distributed among all the clients as the
# requested workload of a client. The speed of a client will be taken
# into consideration when calculating the workload distribution. On a
# client system, there will be as many number of processes/threads
# created as the requested workload. Each of these processes/threads
# will send requests to the SUT in a contiguous manner.
# Support the new USER_LINE_SPEED, and USER_SPEED_LIMIT in the rc file.
# Every Client process/thread will not start another operation until enough
# time has elapsed so that all the bytes received from the SUT can be
# transmitted over the user dial up line. The speed of the dialup line
# (USER_LINE_SPEED) will determine that elapsed time. The connection to
# the SUT will remain open for that period of time.
# Based on the average size of SPECweb fileset files, at the user
# dialup line speed of 400000bits/secs, each connection can get about
# 3 OPS/sec. SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS will therefore determine the scope
# of the file_set directories every client will access in a single run.
# Process the new result data: rate, rate2, and aggregate_bytes.
# Report the new result in terms of the number of simultaneous connections,
# the aggregate bit rate, the throughput, and the statistical
# distributions of bit rates in raw, ascii, and screen formats.
# Other changes: unlink 'post.log' file before fetching it from the server.
# Revised 2/24/99 - Ruth Morgenstein
# Changed the way run data from each point is passed around. There
# used to be 3 pieces of data in the 'config' structure (connections,
# throughput, and avg. response). There's more data than that, so
# I replaced those 3 fields with an associative array containing
# all the relevant data. Having this array, makes it easy to change
# what data gets passed around.
# Revised 2/26/99 - Ruth Morgenstein
# Added code to support ITERATIONS. For each point in SIMULTANEOUS_
# CONNECTIONS, it will be repeated ITERATIONS times. Each group if
# ITERATIONS is a separate test. For each group, WARMUP_TIME done
# before the 1st point and the new parameter RAMPUP_TIME is done
# before iterations 2 through n.
# The reported result is the median value.
# Revised 3/11/99 - Ruth Morgenstein
# Add checking for required values to make sure the test will be valid.
# Added -C flag, to make all required values conforming
# Added validation code to check all paths for GETs and POSTS
# Changed SPECweb98 to SPECweb99 in ASCII output
# Better error reporting
require 5.005;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Select;
use Time::localtime;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::File;
use Compress::Zlib;
use MIME::Base64;
use Cwd;
use WebClient;
sub Log;
sub client_log;
# Set up global variables
use vars qw ($perfcnt);
use vars qw(@info @config_files %formatter $default_config_file $output_dir);
$default_config_file = "rc";
use vars qw(@info @config_files %formatter $default_config_file
$MAX_ERROR_RATE = .0104999999; # dependant upon %.3f formatting
$MIX_TOLERANCE = .1049999999; # dependant upon %.3f formatting
$REQ_RUN_TIME = 1200;
use vars qw($verbose $output_types @output_types $ignore_errors $compliant
$rawformat $logclient $file_num $test_time $version $rcs_version
$max_load @configs $short_version $details);
use vars qw( @network_fields
@clients_fields @bm_config_fields @notes_fields );
@info = (
$verbose = 10;
$logclient = 1;
$details = 0;
$test_time = time;
$version = "99-v1.0";
($short_version)= $version =~ m/([\d.]+-)/;
$rcs_version = q#$Id: manager,v 1.30 1999/06/29 20:30:12 ruth Exp $#;
# A note on the @configs data structures.
# @configs is an array of inputs and results from each config file.
# A config file can either be an "rc" file that gets used to run a test,
# or a raw file that gets read in for post-processing.
# We typically operate on 1 $config within @configs at a time
# Each $config a reference to a hash containing inputs and results from a
# series of points
# Each $config hash has a key for each input from the rc file. For example,
# $config->{'WARMUP_TIME'} is used to hold the WARMUP_TIME that was input
# from the rc file. In addition, there are 2 substructures, used to hold
# output data from the test:
# 'results'
# 'errors'
# The 'results' key contains an array, @results, with each element of the array
# representing the results from an individual run within the series of
# tests.
# Each array element $results in the @results array contains an array, with each
# entry as the following
# $results[0] %run_stats - hash of statistics from the point
# $results[1] $run_number - (this ought match the index of @results)
# $results[2] $unused field
# $results[3] @class_results - per class rollup info
# $results[4] @errors - errors for this run
# The %run_stats contains the following keys:
# connections, invalid, conforming, conform_pct, throughput,
# ops_per_thread, response, bitrate, cum_conformance
# So, to roll things up, here's an example of getting to a run stat, for the
# 5th point in a test
# $config->{'results'}[4][0]{'conforming'}
# My advice: use lots of temporaries
# -- Ruth
if (! exists $ENV{'SPEC'}) {
die "\nERROR: environement variable \$SPEC not defined.\n" .
"Do \". shrc\" in sh or \"shrc.bat\" from NT to setup SPEC environment\n\n";
if (! -e "$ENV{'SPEC'}/bin/fonts") {
die "\nERROR: SPEC environment not properly installed.\n" .
"Can't find \$SPEC/bin/fonts directory\n\n";
# Make sure the results directory exists
$output_dir = "results/";
mkdir $output_dir, 0755 if ! -d $output_dir;
# Initialize HTTP useragent
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("SPECweb/$short_version " . $ua->agent);
# Open up the log file
my $file_num = &find_next_number($output_dir);
my $log_file = "res.$file_num";
open (LOG, ">$output_dir$log_file") ||
die "Can't open log file '$log_file': $!\n";
select((select(LOG),$|=1)[0]); # Unbuffer LOG file
Log (10, "\nOpened logfile $output_dir$log_file\n");
# die "
#$ENV{'SPEC'}/bin/fonts") if exists $ENV{'SPEC'};
sub usage {
print <<EOT;
Usage: $0 [options] [option=val...] [file...]
-v # verbosity level
-o types Produce output in the specified types
-I Do not abort on certain classes of errors
-R files are reformatted and not used as config files
-l Turn off client logging in log-client.nnn file
-C set all parameters need for a compliant run
-D turn on details in the ASCII output
exit 1;
sub parse_arguments {
my %opts;
my $rc = getopts("Iv:c:d:ho:RlCD", \%opts);
&usage if $opts{'h'} || !$rc;
push (@config_files, $opts{'c'}) if defined $opts{'c'};
$verbose = $opts{'v'} if defined $opts{'v'};
$output_types = $opts{'o'} if defined $opts{'o'};
$ignore_errors = 1 if defined $opts{'I'};
$rawformat = 1 if defined $opts{'R'};
$logclient = 0 if defined $opts{'l'};
$compliant = 1 if defined $opts{'C'};
$details = 1 if defined $opts{'D'};
@config_files = grep(!m/=/, @ARGV);
@ARGV = grep(m/=/, @ARGV);
#open log file for client summaries if user specified this option
if ($logclient) {
my $cllog_file = "log-client.$file_num";
open (CLLOG, ">$output_dir$cllog_file") || die "Can't open client log file '$cllog_file': $!\n";
select((select(CLLOG),$|=1)[0]); # Unbuffer client log file
Log (10, "\nOpened client logfile $output_dir$cllog_file\n");
# These are the valid formatters, to add a new formatter just write the
# function and add it here.
$formatter{'asc'} = \&write_asc;
$formatter{'screen'} = \&write_screen;
$formatter{'raw'} = \&write_raw;
# If no config file was specified, use the efault
push (@config_files, $default_config_file) if (!@config_files);
# Rawformat is the process of taking a .raw file and outputting any of
# the defined output formats. This is used so that people don't have
# to create all of the different outputs they desire at once. They can
# produce any output from a .raw file. Also useful for fixing up
# incorrect notes and things.
if ($rawformat) {
# for all of the files (not actually config files) specified on the
# command line
for my $config_file (@config_files) {
open (FILE, "<$config_file") || die "Cannot open '$config_file'";
my @foo=();
# Grab the raw data out of the file
while (<FILE>) {
push (@foo, $_) if /^(%% )?BEGIN SPECWEB99/ .. /^(%% )?END SPECWEB99/;
if ($#foo < 0) {
print STDERR "******\n$config_file is not a valid raw file\n";
# strip any comment and character escaping that might have been
# done. We comment for Postscript and PDF and escape for HTML.
@foo = grep(!m/(%% )?(BEGIN|END) SPECWEB99/, @foo);
grep(s/^\s*%%\s*//, @foo);
grep(s/\</</g, @foo);
grep(s/\>/>/g, @foo);
grep(s/\&/\&/g, @foo);
# Read in the config file, we use a special option to mark this
# as a read of a raw file.
my $config = config_read(\@foo, 1);
my ($num) = $config_file =~ m/^.*\.(\d+)\.raw$/;
&do_outputs($config, $num, $output_dir);
# If rawformatting that's all we do
exit (0);
# Read in and parse all the config files and find the maximum load value
$max_load = 0;
for (@config_files) {
my ($req, $res, $url);
#as we read each config file, we save its info as an entry in @configs
my $config = config_read($_);
push (@configs, $config);
# Make sure that for each config file, we can actually do all the
# operations (Static GET, Dyn GET, Dyn CGI GET, Dyn CAD GET, Dyn POST)
Log(5, "\nValidating all paths for $config->{'FILENAME'}\n");
Log(5, "\n");
# Run all of the separate config files
for my $config (@configs) {
# &validate_config($config);
#For multiple iterations, monkey with the SIMULTANEOUS CONNECTIONS
#parameter to make separate tests for each point
if ($config->{'ITERATIONS'} > 1) {
my @saved_connections_list = @{$config->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}};
foreach my $point (@saved_connections_list) {
$config->{'results'} = [];
$config->{'errors'} = [];
@{$config->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}} = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $config->{'ITERATIONS'}; $i++) {
push (@{$config->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}} ,$point);
run_all ($config);
&do_outputs($config, $file_num, $output_dir);
#If single iteration, then just run all the points -- this is really
#just a testing mode, not something that can be done in a submittable test
else {
&do_outputs($config, $file_num, $output_dir);
# Config file routines
# Initialize configuration file to have default values
sub config_init {
Log(30, 'init_config\n');
my $config = {};
$config->{'LOAD_FILL'} = 0;
$config->{'CLIENTS'} = 'client1';
$config->{'URL_ROOT'} = 'http://server/spec/file_set';
$config->{'DYNAMIC_ROOT'} = 'http://server/spec/cgi-bin/dynamic?';
$config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'} = '';
$config->{'DYN_GET_SCRIPT'} = '';
$config->{'DYN_CAD_SCRIPT'} = '';
$config->{'DYN_CGI_SCRIPT'} = '';
$config->{'DYN_POST_SCRIPT'} = '';
$config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'} = '';
$config->{'SERVER'} = "server";
$config->{'OUTPUT_NAME'} = "output";
# $config->{'LOG_SUFFIX'} = ".err";
$config->{'WAIT_TO_BEGIN'} = 5;
$config->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'} = 0;
$config->{'OUTPUT_TYPE'} = "all";
$config->{'Volume'} = '--';
$config->{'Issue'} = '--';
$config->{'Page'} = '--';
$config->{'munge_date'} = 1;
# $config->{'detail'} = 1; #Turn on more data in ASCII
for (@info) {
$config->{$_->[1]} = '';
return $config;
sub set_required_parameters {
my ($config) = @_;
$config->{'RUN_TIME'} = $REQ_RUN_TIME;
$config->{'MAX_FILE'} = $REQ_MAX_FILE;
# Read in a configuration file
# $file may be a filename or an reference to the array containing
# the file.
sub config_read {
my($file, $rawread) = @_;
my ($key, $value, $num, @lines);
Log(30, "Reading Config file\n");
# Initializes the default values for the config file.
my $hash = config_init();
# If it's an array then just use it, otherwise read in the file.
if (ref($file) eq "ARRAY") {
@lines = @$file;
} else {
$hash->{'FILENAME'} = $file;
my $fh = new IO::File "< $file";
die "Can't open file '$file': $!\n" if (!defined $fh);
@lines = $fh->getlines;
# Put any option=val arguments at the bottom so they override the
# values in the config file.
push (@lines, @ARGV);
my @rawlines = grep(!m/^\s*[#;]>/, @lines);
# If we are reading a .raw file, we need to define some values so
# that they won't be interpreted as errors
if ($rawread) {
for (qw(median_index median_results metric
test_time WORK_DIR FILENAME MAX_LOAD version
total_speed rcs_version rawconfig)) {
$hash->{$_} = '--';
$hash->{'results'} = [];
$hash->{'errors'} = [];
# Parse the actual file
for (@lines) {
if (m/^\s*$/ || m/^\s*[#;]/) {
# Comments and blank lines are ignored
} elsif (m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$/ ||
m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*\S)\s*$/ ||
# key=value, key="value" are accepted
($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
# Check to see if the key is in the form of label### these
# are treated specially
$num = -1;
if ($key =~ m/(.*\D)(\d+)/) {
($key, $num) = ($1, $2);
# If the key is results then we have to parse the line to
# fill out our data
if ($key eq "results") {
# Make sure we have somewhere to put the data
if (!defined $hash->{'results'}[$num]) {
$hash->{'results'}[$num] = [];
$hash->{'results'}[$num][0] = {}; # %run_stats
$hash->{'results'}[$num][1] = $num; # $run_num
$hash->{'results'}[$num][2] = "unused_field";
$hash->{'results'}[$num][3] = []; # @class_results
$hash->{'results'}[$num][4] = []; # @errors
# For quick reference
my $res = $hash->{'results'}[$num];
# Find out our subkey so we can put the data in the
# right place
my ($subkey, $val);
if (($subkey, $val) = $value =~ m/(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
#find error strings
if ($subkey eq "error") {
push (@{$res->[4]}, $val) ;
#find per class statistics
elsif ($subkey eq "class") {
my ($class_num, $class_name, $class_data) =
$val =~ m/^(\d+)\s+"(.*)"\s+(.*)/;
$res->[3][$class_num] = [ $class_name, split(" ", $class_data) ];
else {
# all the rest are other result statistics
$res->[0]{$subkey} = $val;
} else {
Log(10, "Can't parse line: $_\n");
} elsif (!defined $hash->{$key}) {
# We make sure that there aren't any typos by only
# accepting keys which we have defined for the user
$num = '' if ($num == -1);
Log(10, "Key '$key$num' is unknown. Ignoring.\n");
} else {
# If it was in the form label### assign the value to
# the correct index in the entry, otherwise just assign
# the value.
#if ($num ne "") {
if ($num != -1) {
if (ref($hash->{$key}) ne "ARRAY") {
$hash->{$key} = [$hash->{$key}];
$hash->{$key}->[$num] = $value;
} else {
$hash->{$key} = $value;
} else {
Log(10, "Can't parse $.: $_\n");
$hash->{'metric'} = 'SPECweb99';
if (!$rawread) {
chomp(@rawlines); chomp(@rawlines);
my $rawtxt = join("\n", @rawlines);
my $cmptxt = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($rawtxt);
my $md5txt = encode_base64($cmptxt);
$hash->{'rawconfig'} = [ split("\n", $md5txt) ];
# Fix up a bunch of values
&finalize_config($hash,[qw(SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS CLIENTS)]) if !$rawread;
# If $compliant asked for, then change the parameters to valid values
if ($compliant && !$rawread) {
Log (10, "\nSetting all required parameters to legal values\n\n");
# Any descriptive information which doesn't have a label gets
# assigned two dashes
for (@info) {
my $key = $_->[1];
$hash->{$key} = "--" if ($hash->{$key} =~ /^\s*$/);
# The 'errors' field in @notes_field in @info shouldn't
# get preloaded with '--'. We want it to be an array
delete $hash->{'errors'} if !$rawread;
return $hash;
# Fix up the data from the config file
sub finalize_config {
Log(30, "finalize_config\n");
my ($hash, $multi) = @_;
my ($key, %load, $step, $fudge_step, $fudge, $num, $bad, $i);
# Turn multi-valued entries into an arrays so we can fetch data out easily
for $key (@$multi) {
if (ref($hash->{$key}) eq "") {
$hash->{$key} = [grep(!/^\s*$/, split(/ |,/, $hash->{$key}))];
$hash->{'OUTPUT_TYPES'} =
join (",", grep(!/^\s*$/, split(/ |,/, $hash->{'OUTPUT_TYPES'})));
# Make sure we have version information
$hash->{'version'} =$version if !defined $hash->{'version'};
$hash->{'rcs_version'}=$rcs_version if !defined $hash->{'rcs_version'};
# Check to see if MSL and TIME_WAIT were RFC compliant
($hash->{'msl'}) = $hash->{'msl'} =~ /(\d+)/;
($hash->{'time_wait'}) = $hash->{'time_wait'} =~ /(\d+)/;
$hash->{'msl'} .= ' (Non RFC1122)' if $hash->{'msl'} < 120;
$hash->{'time_wait'} .= ' (Non RFC1122)' if $hash->{'time_wait'} < 240 ||
$hash->{'time_wait'}/$hash->{'msl'} < 2;
# Record where this took place
$hash->{'WORK_DIR'} =cwd if ($hash->{'WORK_DIR'} eq "");
# Set individual DYN parameters if the 1-size-fits-all DYNAMIC_ROOT was used
if ($hash->{'DYN_GET_SCRIPT'} eq '') {
$hash->{'DYN_GET_SCRIPT'} = $hash->{'DYNAMIC_ROOT'}
if ($hash->{'DYN_CAD_SCRIPT'} eq '') {
$hash->{'DYN_CAD_SCRIPT'} = $hash->{'DYNAMIC_ROOT'}
if ($hash->{'DYN_POST_SCRIPT'} eq '') {
$hash->{'DYN_POST_SCRIPT'} = $hash->{'DYNAMIC_ROOT'}
if ($hash->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'} eq '') {
$hash->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'} = $hash->{'DYNAMIC_ROOT'}
# Get rid of the '?' and anything following it
($hash->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'} = $hash->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'}) =~ s/\?.*$//;
print "$hash->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'} \n";
# This code is from before we had reasonable RAMP_DOWN values
# Set some really long value for WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS. Hopefully to
# allow all of the sockets to shut down gracefully.
# if ($hash->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'} eq "" && $hash->{'time_wait'} > 0) {
# $hash->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'} = $hash->{'time_wait'};
# }
#expand any ranges in simultaneous_connections string and store list
$hash->{'MAX_LOAD'} = &max(@{$hash->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}});
# Make sure that we have 10 evenly spaced points
%load = map {$_ => 1} @{$hash->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}};
my $max = $hash->{'MAX_LOAD'};
if ($max < 10 && $hash->{'LOAD_FILL'}) {
Log(5, "Can't make 10 evenly spaced points for a load of less than 10\n");
# Store the load in order
@{$hash->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %load;
$hash->{'test_time'} = $test_time;
# Parse the client names. See if they've overridden the port to
# connect to, or if they've specified a relative speed rating
$hash->{'clients_parsed'} = [];
$hash->{'total_speed'} = 0;
Log(10, "\nCLIENT LIST: \n");
$i = 1;
for (@{$hash->{'CLIENTS'}}) {
my ($name, $port, $speed, $host);
($port) = m/\((\d*)\)/; # ()
($speed) = m/\[([\d.]*)\]/; # []
($host) = m/\{([^<{([\])}>]*)\}/; # {}
($name) = m/^([^<{([\])}>]+)/;
$speed = 1 if $speed eq "" || $speed <= 0;
Log(10, " Client $i: name=$name, port=$port, speed=$speed, host=$host\n");
$hash->{'total_speed'} += $speed;
push (@{$hash->{'clients_parsed'}}, [$name, $port, $speed, $host]);
# Do the actual runs
sub run_all {
Log(30, "run_all\n");
my ($config) = @_;
#my (@values) = &expand_ranges(@{$config->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}});
my (@values) = @{$config->{'SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS'}};
my $num_runs = 1;
my $max_run = @values;
# my @results;
# Do a run for each requested load value
for (my $i = 0; $i < @values; $i++) {
my $load = $values[$i];
# while (@values) {
# my $load = shift @values;
my $date = &date;
#for multiple iterations, the 1st point does a long warmup,
#and the rest of the points do a short rampup
my $test_warmup = $config->{'WARMUP_TIME'};
my ($tmp_string) = "Point $num_runs";
if ($config->{'ITERATIONS'} > 1 ) {
$tmp_string = "Iteration $num_runs of $config->{'ITERATIONS'}";
if ( $i > 0) {
$test_warmup = $config->{'RAMPUP_TIME'};
$tmp_string = sprintf("\n%s with load of %d connections\n%s\n",
$tmp_string, $load, $date);
Log (10, $tmp_string);
&client_log($tmp_string) if $logclient;
my $num_clients = @{$config->{'CLIENTS'}};
Log 101, <<EOT;
Number of clients = $num_clients
Simultaneous Connections = $load
Warm-up time (seconds) = $test_warmup
Run time (seconds) = $config->{'RUN_TIME'}
my $rc = run_one($config, $load, $num_runs++, $test_warmup);
if (!defined $rc) {
&Log(10, "Error running with load of $load\n");
return undef if !$ignore_errors;
if (@values) {
&Log(20, "Waiting for $config->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'} seconds between points\n");
sleep ($config->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'});
#Log(10, "Finding median result\n");
($config->{'median_index'},$config->{'median_results'}) =
# my(%med_run_stats)= %{$config->{'results'}[$config->{'median_index'}][0]};
# $config->{'bm_requested_conn'} = $med_run_stats{'requested_conn'};
# $config->{'bm_fileset_size'} = $MB_PER_DIRECTORY *
# &dirs_from_load($config, $med_run_stats{'requested_conn'});
# Run one data point
sub run_one {
Log(30, "run_one\n");
my ($config, $load, $num, $test_warmup) = @_;
my ($i, $j, $exe, $hostname, $client, @clients);
my (%tmp, $tmp, @errors, $class);
my ($ts, $ts1, $ts2);
my $num_clients = @{$config->{'CLIENTS'}};
my $total_speed = $config->{'total_speed'};
my $client_num = 0;
my $expired_list = '' ;
my @client_loads;
#Calculate the total load with regard to the weightings
my $total_load;
my $wtload = 0;
for my $data (@{$config->{'clients_parsed'}}) {
my ($hostname, $port, $speed, $clients_server) = @$data;
my $client_load = int ($load * ($speed/$total_speed));
if ($client_load > $wtload) {
$wtload = $client_load;
$total_load += $client_load;
push (@client_loads, $client_load);
next if $client_load <= 0;
my $maxthread = $num_clients * $wtload;
# If the total load is not evenly divisible by the clients
# and their weightings, then distribute the extra processes
my $delta_load = $load - $total_load;
for (; $delta_load > 0; $delta_load--) {
# Initialize the POST and Get w/Cookie data on the server if necessary
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0 || $config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'} > 0 ) {
my ($req, $res, $dynamic_url);
$ts = time;
$ts1 = $ts % 360;
$ts2 = $ts1 + 100;
if ($ts2 > 359) {
$ts = $ts2 - 360;
$ts2 = $ts1;
$ts1 = $ts;
$expired_list = $ts1 . ',' . $ts2;
# For the command/Reset, we don't want any other argument pieces
# so delete everything after the first '?' and append the command.
$dynamic_url = $config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'};
$dynamic_url =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
my $pttime = $config->{'RUN_TIME'} + $test_warmup + $config->{'RAMPDOWN_TIME'};
my $tmp_url_root = $config->{'URL_ROOT'};
$tmp_url_root =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$req = new HTTP::Request 'GET' => $dynamic_url .
'?command/Reset' . '&maxload=' . $max_load . '&pttime=' . $pttime . '&maxthread=' . $maxthread . '&exp=' . $expired_list . '&urlroot=' . $tmp_url_root;
$req->header('Accept' => '*/*');
$res = $ua->request($req);
if (!$res->is_success) {
die "Can't reset POST log on server, make sure cgi script\n" .
"DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_CMD_SCRIPT) is configured correctly!\n" .
"Error: " . $res->code . " " . $res->message, "\n";
# Open and initialize each client
my $data;
my $clientnum = 0;
for my $data (@{$config->{'clients_parsed'}}) {
my ($hostname, $port, $speed, $clients_server) = @$data;
if ($clients_server eq '') {
$clients_server = $config->{'SERVER'};
$port = 'specweb(2222)' if $port eq "";
my $client_load = shift (@client_loads);
next if $client_load <= 0;
Log(30, "Opening client '$hostname'\n");
my $client = WebClient->new(PeerAddr => $hostname,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp');
die "Can't open socket to '$hostname'\n" if (!defined $client);
# If the hostname has already been seen, then add a modifier to
# the end in the hopes that we can make unique names.
my $tmp = $hostname;
if ($tmp{$tmp}++) {
$tmp .= "-".$tmp{$tmp}++;
# Wait until this client is ready and that the version of the
# daemon on each client matches this manager script
wait_until_ready([ $client ]);
if ($client->identity() ne "SPEC-WEB-$version") {
die "Client $client_num($hostname) is not running version $version of the SPEC daemon!\n";
# Configure this client
my $max_dir = dirs_from_load($config, $load);
my $tmp_url_root = $config->{'URL_ROOT'};
my $tmp_dyn_post_script = $config->{'DYN_POST_SCRIPT'};
my $tmp_dyn_get_script = $config->{'DYN_GET_SCRIPT'};
my $tmp_dyn_cad_script = $config->{'DYN_CAD_SCRIPT'};
my $tmp_dyn_cgi_script = $config->{'DYN_CGI_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_url_root =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$clients_server/e;
$tmp_dyn_post_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$clients_server/e;
$tmp_dyn_get_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$clients_server/e;
$tmp_dyn_cad_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$clients_server/e;
$tmp_dyn_cgi_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$clients_server/e;
$client->workload99 ($tmp_url_root,
"class0", "0.35",
"class1", "0.50",
"class2", "0.14",
"class3", "0.01");
$client->set_server ($config->{'SERVER'});
$client->set_client ($tmp);
$client->set_runtime ($config->{'RUN_TIME'});
$client->set_rampup ($test_warmup);;
$client->set_rampdown ($config->{'RAMPDOWN_TIME'}) if $config->{'RAMPDOWN_TIME'};
$client->set_abortive_close ($config->{'ABORTIVE_CLOSE'}) if ($config->{'ABORTIVE_CLOSE'});
$client->set_loadgen ($client_load);
# set the load in terms of OPS/sec:
$client->set_load (($config->{'USER_LINE_SPEED'}/122000)*$client_load);
my $protocol = $config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'};
if ($protocol =~ s#.*/##) {
$protocol *= 10;
} else {
die "Can't use HTTP_PROTOCOL '$config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'}'\n";
$client->srandom (2331 + 256*$client_num++);
# $client->workload ('workload');
$client->init ();
push (@clients, $client);
# At this point in time all of the clients are ready to run. So we
# just send the comand to kick them off.
for (@clients) {
# Everybody is running now, queue up a few commands to run fetch
# the results and then disconnect from the client.
for (@clients) {
# OKAY -- we're all done running this point/iteration, now
# For the command/Finish, we don't want any other argument pieces
# so delete everything after the first '?' and append the command.
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0 || $config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'} > 0 ) {
my ($req, $res, $dynamic_url);
$dynamic_url = $config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'};
$dynamic_url =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$req = new HTTP::Request 'GET' => $dynamic_url .
$req->header('Accept' => '*/*');
$res = $ua->request($req);
if (!$res->is_success) {
die "Can't issue Finish on server\n";
$perfcnt = $res->content;
print $res->content . "\n";
# Check to see that the post log looks okay
my ($server_post_count_ref,$post_errors_ref);
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0) {
($server_post_count_ref,$post_errors_ref) =
&validate_post_log($config, $num);
push (@errors, @$post_errors_ref);
# For each of the clients, sum all of the results for each class.
my $cl_results = [];
my $lg_res = [];
my $successive_speed_limits = [];
my $speed_limit_string;
my $lg_cum_res = [];
my $total_cum = [];
my $total_missing_ops;
my %run_stats;
#Initialize min_bitrate to max possible speed
$run_stats{'min_bitrate'} = $config->{'USER_LINE_SPEED'} + 1000;
# Get results from each client
for (@clients) {
&client_log( "\n***** Client: $_->{'client'}\n") if $logclient;
$lg_res = $_->{'lg_results'};
# Load generator status info
$client_run_stats{'requested_conn'} = $_->loadgen();
$client_run_stats{'conforming'} = $lg_res->[1];
$client_run_stats{'invalid_conn'}=$client_run_stats{'requested_conn'} -
$client_run_stats{'min_bitrate'} = $lg_res->[2] * 8;
$client_run_stats{'mean_bitrate'} = $lg_res->[3] * 8;
$client_run_stats{'max_bitrate'} = $lg_res->[4] * 8;
$run_stats{'requested_conn'} += $client_run_stats{'requested_conn'};
$run_stats{'conforming'} += $client_run_stats{'conforming'};
$run_stats{'invalid_conn'} += $client_run_stats{'invalid_conn'};
if ($client_run_stats{'min_bitrate'} < $run_stats{'min_bitrate'}) {
$run_stats{'min_bitrate'} = $client_run_stats{'min_bitrate'};
if ($client_run_stats{'max_bitrate'} > $run_stats{'max_bitrate'}) {
$run_stats{'max_bitrate'} = $client_run_stats{'max_bitrate'};
# Look for generators that have 0 ops (i.e. 0 good, 0 bad);
my (%no_ops, @opkeys, @text_results);
@text_results = split (/\n/, $_->text_results());
for (@text_results) {
# Log 130, "$_\n";
# pattern: 602 generator class time time2 good bad ...
if (m/^602 (\d+) \d+ \d+ \d+ 0 0/) {
$no_ops{$1} = 1;
@opkeys = keys (%no_ops);
$client_run_stats{'gens_missing_class_ops'} = @opkeys;
$run_stats{'gens_missing_class_ops'} += @opkeys;
# Cumulative conformance data
$lg_cum_res = $_->{'lg_cum_results'};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$lg_cum_res; $i++) {
$client_run_stats{'cum_conformance'} .=
sprintf("%6.2f ",
($lg_cum_res->[$i] /
$total_cum->[$i] += $lg_cum_res->[$i];
# Successive speed limit string
$successive_speed_limits = $_->{'successive_speed_limits'};
if (! $config->{'successive_speed_limits'}) {
$config->{'SUCCESSIVE_SPEED_LIMITS'}= [@{$successive_speed_limits}];
$speed_limit_string = sprintf "@{$successive_speed_limits}";
# Total up per class results
my $tmp = $_->results();
for ($class = 0; $class < @$tmp; $class++) {
$cl_results->[$class] = [] if !defined($cl_results->[$class]);
# Don't subtotal name and probability fields
$cl_results->[$class][0] = $tmp->[$class][0];
$cl_results->[$class][1] = $tmp->[$class][1];
# Subtotal all the other stats
for ($j = 2; $j < @{$tmp->[$class]}; $j++) {
$cl_results->[$class][$j] = 0
if !defined($cl_results->[$class][$j]);
$cl_results->[$class][$j] += $tmp->[$class][$j];
#Printout class results for this client
my (@misc_results) =
&printout_class_results ($tmp, $config->{'RUN_TIME'},$num,"CLIENT");
for (qw(response bitrate throughput)) {
$client_run_stats{$_} = shift @misc_results;
push (@errors, @misc_results);
#Prinout summary infor for this client
printout_summary( \%client_run_stats, $speed_limit_string,
&client_log("ERRORS FOUND\n" . join("\n", @misc_results) . "\n\n")
if (@misc_results);
&client_log ("=============================================================================\n");
undef $_;
} #end of for (@clients)
# Printout class results for this run
my (@misc_results) = &printout_class_results($cl_results,
$num, "TOTALS");
#Save return values and errors
for (qw(response bitrate throughput)) {
$run_stats{$_} = shift @misc_results;
push (@errors, @misc_results);
# Check to see if the posts per class match what's in the post.log
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0) {
my (@server_post_count) = @$server_post_count_ref;
for ($class = 0; $class < @server_post_count; $class++) {
my $difference = $cl_results->[$class][6] -
# The server isn't allowed to have more posts than were submitted
if ($difference < 0) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $num: The server post.log recorded %d too many POSTS in class %d",
abs($difference), $class);
# The server is allowed to have less, up to the MAX_ERROR_RATE percent.
elsif ($difference / $cl_results->[$class][6] > $MAX_ERROR_RATE) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $num: %.1f%% of class %d POSTS missing in post.log.",
100 * $difference / $cl_results->[$class][6], $class);
# if ($cl_results->[$class][6] != $server_post_count[$class]) {
# push (@errors,
# sprintf "Iteration $num: The server saw %d instead of %d class %d POST transactions",
# $server_post_count[$class], $cl_results->[$class][6],
# $class);
# }
# Make the conformance stirng
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$total_cum; $i++) {
$run_stats{'cum_conformance'} .=
sprintf("%6.2f ",
($total_cum->[$i] /
# Printout summary info for this run
printout_summary( \%run_stats, $speed_limit_string,
$config->{'USER_SPEED_LIMIT'}, "TOTALS");
# A few more error checks
if ($run_stats{'invalid_conn'} > 0) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $num: $run_stats{'invalid_conn'} invalid connections found");
push (@errors,
sprintf (" %d from load generators with 0 requests in a class or classes",
push (@errors,
sprintf (" %d from load generators with > %.1f%% errors in a class or classes",
$run_stats{'invalid_conn'} - $run_stats{'gens_missing_class_ops'},
$MAX_ERROR_RATE * 100));
if ($run_stats{'conform_pct'} < $MIN_CONFORM_PCT) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $num: %% conforming connections is %.1f%% must be >= %.1f%%",
$run_stats{'conform_pct'}, $MIN_CONFORM_PCT);
# Save the errors off so that we can peruse them later.
$config->{'results'} = [] if !defined $config->{'results'};
push (@{$config->{'results'}},
[ { %run_stats }, #%run_stats
$num - 1, #$num is 1-based
"unused field", #place-holder, if we need it
$cl_results, #class results stuff
[ @errors ] ]); #@errors
&Log (101, "ERRORS FOUND\n" . join("\n", @errors) . "\n\n") if (@errors);
&Log (101, "=============================================================================\n");
return 1;
# This is called to validate whether the inputs in the config file will
# generate a valid test
sub validate_config {
my ($config) = @_;
my (@errors);
push (@errors, &validate_req('RUN_TIME', $config->{'RUN_TIME'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('RAMPUP_TIME', $config->{'RAMPUP_TIME'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('ITERATIONS', $config->{'ITERATIONS'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('RAMPDOWN_TIME', $config->{'RAMPDOWN_TIME'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('DYNAMIC_CONTENT', $config->{'DYNAMIC_CONTENT'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('DYNAMIC_POST', $config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('DYNAMIC_CAD_GET', $config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('DYNAMIC_CGI_GET', $config->{'DYNAMIC_CGI_GET'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('REQUESTS_PER_KEEP_ALIVE', $config->{'REQUESTS_PER_KEEP_ALIVE'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('PERCENT_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS', $config->{'PERCENT_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('ABORTIVE_CLOSE', $config->{'ABORTIVE_CLOSE'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('USER_LINE_SPEED', $config->{'USER_LINE_SPEED'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('USER_SPEED_LIMIT', $config->{'USER_SPEED_LIMIT'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('MAX_FILE', $config->{'MAX_FILE'}));
push (@errors, &validate_req('WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS', $config->{'WAIT_BETWEEN_POINTS'}));
# check for reportable values for warmup and runtime
if ($config->{'WARMUP_TIME'} < $MIN_WARMUP_TIME) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Invalid test: WARMUP_TIME is %d, must be greater than %d",
if (@errors) {
push (@{$config->{'errors'}}, @errors);
my $errorstring = "\nWARNING: RUN WILL BE INVALID\n" .
join ("\n", @errors) . "\n\n";
&Log(10, $errorstring);
# Check the validity of USER_SPEED_LIMIT versus USER_LINE_SPEED
if ($config->{'USER_SPEED_LIMIT'} > $config->{'USER_LINE_SPEED'} ) {
die "Fatal error: USER_SPEED_LIMIT cannot be larger than USER_LINE_SPEED!\n";
sub validate_req {
my ($varname, $input_value) = @_;
# Create the $REQ_varname variable and find out its value
my $REQ_varname = '$REQ_' . $varname;
my $REQ_value = eval $REQ_varname;
#Test it against the input, and return an error string if not equal
if ($REQ_value != $input_value) {
return "Invalid test: $varname is $input_value, must be $REQ_value";
# This is called to validate the results of the entire run for this
# config file. It uses the error data calculated for each data point
# in run_one
sub validate_results {
&Log(30, "validate_results\n");
my ($config) = @_;
my ($num, $idxname, $peakidx, $peak, $min, $max, $tmp);
my (@invalid_mix, @invalid_errors);
my (@results) = @{$config->{'results'}};
my (@test_errors) = ();
my %conform_cxn;
#@{$config->{'errors'}} = (); #MC: initialize to no errors
&Log(10, scalar(@{$config->{'results'}}) . " data points\n");
#Look through all of the results
my ($i);
for ($i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
#Test for errors
my @run_errors = @{$results[$i][4]};
if (@run_errors ) {
push (@test_errors, "\n");
push (@test_errors, @run_errors);
push (@{$config->{'errors'}}, @test_errors);
# Return a list of the errors -- why? nobody checks the return value
#return @{$config->{'errors'}};;
#check the post log for any errors -- done after every point
sub validate_post_log {
my ($config, $iteration) = @_;
my @errors = ();
# Fetch the POST data on the server if necessary
my @server_post_count;
my ($req, $res, $real_count, $reference_count, $dynamic_url);
# For the command/Fetch, we don't want any other argument pieces
# so delete everything after the first '?' and append the command.
$dynamic_url = $config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'};
$dynamic_url =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$req = new HTTP::Request 'GET' => $dynamic_url . '?command/Fetch';
$req->header('Accept' => '*/*');
$res = $ua->request($req, 'post.log');
if (!$res->is_success) {
die "Can't fetch POST log from server, make sure cgi script\n" .
"DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_CMD_SCRIPT) is configured correctly!\n" .
"Error: " . $res->code . " " . $res->message, "\n";
if (open(FILE, "<post.log")) {
my $lastseen = 0;
my $errorseen = 0;
my $seen_pre = 0;
while (<FILE>) {
if (!$seen_pre) {
$seen_pre = 1 if m/^<pre>/;
} elsif (m#^</pre>#) {
$seen_pre = 0;
} elsif (m#^\s*$#) {
} elsif (m#^\s*(\d+)\s*$#) {
$reference_count = $1;
my ($count, $ts, $pid1, $dir, $class, $num, $client, $query, $pid2, $cookie) = split;
warn "POST Log contains inconsistent data!\n" if ($pid1 != $pid2);
if (!$errorseen && $lastseen >= $count) {
push (@errors,
"Iteration $iteration: out of order entry in log\n");
} else {
$lastseen = $count;
} else {
die "Can't open POST log we fetched from server 'post.log': $!\n";
if ($reference_count != $real_count) {
push (@errors,
"Iteration $iteration: Number of POST requests in log inconsistant\n");
return \@server_post_count, \@errors;
# This simply loops until all of the clients are in the 'Ready' state.
sub wait_until_ready {
my ($clients, $state) = @_;
$state = 'Ready' if $state eq '';
my $ready = 0;
while (!$ready) {
$ready = 1;
for (@$clients) {
if ($_->state() ne $state) {
$ready = 0;
# This checks to see which clients are active, and selects on them.
sub event_loop {
my ($clients) = @_;
my $sel_read = IO::Select->new();
my $sel_write = IO::Select->new();
my %sock_to_client;
for (@$clients) {
my $sock = $_->sock();
$sel_read->add($_->sock()) if $_->need_read();
$sel_write->add($_->sock()) if $_->need_write();
$sock_to_client{$sock} = $_;
my ($reads, $writes, $errors) = $sel_read->select($sel_write, undef);
for (@$reads) {
for (@$writes) {
sub dirs_from_load {
my ($config, $load) = @_;
# 122000 is the average size of reply per SPECweb99 request
my $opsps = ($config->{'USER_LINE_SPEED'}/122000) * $load;
return int(25+($opsps/5));
#the @results are passed in -- an index number for the median one is returned
sub find_median_result {
my ($config) = @_;
my @sorted_results = sort results_sort @{$config->{'results'}};
my $median_index = $#sorted_results / 2;
# Helper functions
# Try one of each test operation to make sure it works -- die if any
# are broken.
# Note: This is the ONLY place where the custom ad scan/replacement scheme
# is verified.
# Another note: we set $config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'} in here with the return
# protocol from the 1st GET (if not specified in the rc file, that is)
sub verify_all_HTTP_operations {
my($config) = @_;
my($thiserror, $errors, $res);
my $tmp_url_root = $config->{'URL_ROOT'};
$tmp_url_root =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$max_load = $config->{'MAX_LOAD'} if $config->{'MAX_LOAD'} > $max_load;
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0 || $config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'} > 0 ) {
my $tmp_dyn_cmd_script = $config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_cmd_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation
("Reset command",
$tmp_dyn_cmd_script . '?command/Reset' . '&maxload=' . $max_load .
'&pttime=' . 100 . '&maxthread=' . 100 . '&exp=' .
'1,100' . '&urlroot=' . $tmp_url_root ,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0 || $config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'} > 0 ) {
my $tmp_dyn_cmd_script = $config->{'DYN_CMD_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_cmd_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation
("Finish command", $tmp_dyn_cmd_script . '?command/Finish');
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
my($filenum) = int(rand($FILES_PER_CLASS - 1));
$url = sprintf ("/file_set/dir%05d/class3_$filenum",
&dirs_from_load($config, $config->{'MAX_LOAD'})-1);
# Static GET
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation("static GET",
$tmp_url_root . $url,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
#Decide whether we need HTTP 1.0 or 1.1
if ($config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'} eq '') {
$config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'} = $res->protocol();
#print "HTTP_PROTOCOL = $config->{'HTTP_PROTOCOL'}\n";
# Switch to shorter files!
$url =~ s/class3/class1/;
# Dynamic GET
my $tmp_dyn_get_script = $config->{'DYN_GET_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_get_script .= '?' if !($tmp_dyn_get_script =~ m/\?/);
$tmp_dyn_get_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_CONTENT'} > 0) {
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation("dynamic GET",
$tmp_dyn_get_script . $url,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
# Dynamic CGI GET
my $tmp_dyn_cgi_script = $config->{'DYN_CGI_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_cgi_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$tmp_dyn_cgi_script .= '?' if !($tmp_dyn_cgi_script =~ m/\?/);
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_CGI_GET'} > 0) {
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation("dynamic CGI GET",
$tmp_dyn_cgi_script . $url,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
my ($filename) = 'dyncadget.out';
# Dynamic Custom Ad GET
my $tmp_dyn_cad_script = $config->{'DYN_CAD_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_cad_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$tmp_dyn_cad_script .= '?' if !($tmp_dyn_cad_script =~ m/\?/);
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_CAD_GET'} > 0) {
my ($old_errors) = $errors;
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation("dynamic custom ad (CAD) GET",
$tmp_dyn_cad_script . $url,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
# From the cookie, figure out the expected n, x, and y values
my ($adid, $en, $ex, $ey, $fn, $fx, $fy, $ct, $found, $sep);
my $headers = $res->headers_as_string();
if ($headers =~ m/Set-Cookie.*Ad_id=(\d+)/) {
$adid = $1;
$en = sprintf( "%05d", int($adid/36));
$ex = int(($adid % 36) / 9);
$ey = int($adid % 9);
if (open(FILE, "<$filename")) {
while (<FILE>) {
#Note: on NT, the headers show up in the file, not in
#headers-as-string() method
if (undef($adid) && m/Set-Cookie.*Ad_id=(\d+)/) {
$adid = $1;
$en = sprintf( "%05d", int($adid/36));
$ex = int(($adid % 36) / 9);
$ey = int($adid % 9);
if (m#<!WEB99CAD><IMG SRC="(\S+)"><!/WEB99CAD>#) {
$found = $1;
if ($1 =~ m/(\S{1})class/) {
$sep = $1;
else {
Log (1, " **ERROR**: Bizarre stuff found in WEBCAD string\n\n$_\n");
my($expected) =sprintf("%sfile_set%sdir%5s%sclass%01d_%01d",
if ($expected ne $found) {
Log (1, "ERROR: Substitution in Custom Ad scan is incorrect\n Expected: $expected Found: $found\n");
close FILE;
if (undef($adid)) {
Log (1, " **ERROR**: No Set-Cookie header returned -- Header string:\n\n$headers\n");
elsif ($ct == 0) {
Log(1, " **ERROR**: No Custom Ad substitution was found -- see runrules for information on the WEB99CAD string substitution\n");
else {
Log(1, " **ERROR**: Can't open $filename fetched from dynamic CAD GET of $!\n");
if ($old_errors < $errors) {
Log(1, " NOTE: errors in Custom Ad Rotation may be caused by" .
" problems in \n command/Reset. Check that upfgen and cadgen" .
" get run correctly\n");
# Dynamic post
my $tmp_dyn_post_script = $config->{'DYN_POST_SCRIPT'};
$tmp_dyn_post_script =~ s/\@\@SERVER\@\@/$config->{'SERVER'}/e;
$tmp_dyn_post_script .= '?' if !($tmp_dyn_post_script =~ m/\?/);
if ($config->{'DYNAMIC_POST'} > 0) {
($res, $thiserror) = &HTTP_operation("dynamic POST",
$tmp_dyn_post_script . $url,
if ($thiserror) {
Log (1, $thiserror);
my ($server_pcount) = 0;
my($pcount_ref, $errors_ref) = &validate_post_log($config, "pre test");
for (@$pcount_ref) {$server_pcount += $_};
if ($server_pcount != 1) {
Log(1, " **ERROR**: There should only be 1 post log entry;" .
"$server_pcount" .
" were found\n");
Log(1, " NOTE: errors in dynamic POST may be caused by" .
" problems in \n command/Reset. Check that the post.log" .
" gets zeroed correctly\n");
die "\n\n****** FATAL ERRORS FOUND *******\n\n" if $errors;
# Code for doing HTTP operations from manager
sub HTTP_operation {
my ($operation, $url, $output_file) = @_;
my($req, $res, $error);
Log(5, "\n Checking $operation with '$url'\n");
if ($operation =~ m/POST/i) {
$req = new HTTP::Request 'POST' => $url . "f";
my($urlroot) = ($url =~ m#\?(.*file_set/)#);
else {
$req = new HTTP::Request 'GET' => $url;
$req->header('Accept' => '*/*');
if ($operation =~ m/CAD/i || $operation =~ m/POST/i) {
$req->header('Cookie'=> "my_cookie=user_id=10001&last_ad=20");
$res = $ua->request($req,$output_file);
if (!$res->is_success) {
if ($operation =~ m/static/i) {
$error .= " **ERROR**:" .
"Can't fetch file $url with a $operation request\n" .
"Did WAFGEN generate a large enough fileset?\n" .
"Error: " . $res->code . " " . $res->message . "\n";
else {
$error .= " **ERROR**:" .
" Can't fetch file $url with a $operation request\n" .
"Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured " .
" correctly?\n" .
"Error: " . $res->code . " "
. $res->message . "\n";
return $res, $error;
if ($operation =~ m/Reset/i) {
return $res, $error;
if ($operation =~ m/Finish/i) {
return $res, $error;
if (open(FILE, "<$output_file")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if (m/\d+\s+(file_set.*class.*)/){
$fileset_string = $1;
if (!$fileset_string ) {
$error .= " **ERROR**: Improper file returned. See " .
"$output_file for returned text\n";
else {
$error .= "Can't open $output_file to check $operation: $!\n";
return $res, $error;
# Printout the class summary tables. The first table has the mix,
# op count, and response time information. The 2nd table has bitrate
# information.
# This routine works for both the per-client and per-iteration printouts
# Also, check for per-class errors:
# 1) Mix problems (only for entire iteration)
# 2) Error rate (for each client)
sub printout_class_results {
my ($cl_res_array, $runtime, $runnum, $output_type) = @_;
# Set this (and change the label ) to the confidence interval you
# desire:
# my $CHI_SQR = 2.71; # chi-sqr value for 90% CI
# my $CHI_SQR = 3.84; # chi-sqr value for 95% CI
# my $CHI_SQR = 5.02; # chi-sqr value for 97.5% CI
# my $CHI_SQR = 6.63; # chi-sqr value for 99% CI
my $CHI_SQR = 7.88; # chi-sqr value for 99.5% CI
my (@subtotals, $mix_str, $rate_str, $total_wtd_abr, @errors);
$subtotals[0] = $cl_res_array->[0][0];
$subtotals[1] = -10101; #The probability subtotal is meaningless
# Subtotal all the classes, then save in the xxx_T variables
for (my $class = 0; $class < @$cl_res_array; $class++) {
for (my $j = 2; $j < @{$cl_res_array->[$class]}; $j++) {
$subtotals[$j] += $cl_res_array->[$class][$j];
my ($name_T, $prob_T, $time_T, $time2_T, $good_T, $bad_T, $post_T,
$rate_T, $rate2_T, $slow_rate_T, $aggregate_bytes_T) = @subtotals;
# Calculate the aggregate bit-rate
my $throughput_T = $runtime?$good_T / $runtime:0;
my $aggregate_rate_T = $throughput_T ?
$aggregate_bytes_T / ($time_T/1000) : 0;
# convert into bits/sec
$aggregate_rate_T *= 8;
# Build $mix_str with basic class mix information
$mix_str = "
Class Target Actual | Success Error | Mean StdDev 95% CI | Time
#Build $rate_str with bit-rte information
$rate_str .= "
|Individual OP Bit Rate(bits/sec)| Aggregate Bit | Weighted ABR
Class | Mean StdDev 95% CI | Rate (bits/sec) | (%)
# Go through each class, calculating and printing stats for the 2 tables
for (my $class = 0; $class < @$cl_res_array; $class++) {
my ($name, $prob, $time, $time2, $good, $bad, $post, $rate,
$rate2, $slow_rate, $aggregate_bytes) = @{$cl_res_array->[$class]};
# Stats for response times
my $stddev = 0;
my $confidence = 0;
my $mean = 0;
# Stats for bit rates
my $stddev_rate = 0;
my $confidence_rate = 0;
my $mean_rate = 0;
my $abr = 0;
my $weighted_abr = 0;
my $actual_mix= $good_T ? $good/$good_T : 0 ;
my $class_time = $time_T ? $time/$time_T : 0;
if ($good > 0) {
$mean = $time / $good;
$mean_rate = $rate / $good;
# convert into bits/sec
$mean_rate *= 8;
$abr = ($aggregate_bytes / ($time/1000)) * 8.0;
$weighted_abr = $abr * $class_time;
$total_wtd_abr += $weighted_abr;
if ($good > 1) {
$stddev = sqrt(($time2 - ($time*$time)/$good) / ($good - 1));
$confidence = sqrt($CHI_SQR * $stddev / $good);
$stddev_rate = sqrt(($rate2 - ($rate*$rate)/$good) / ($good - 1));
# convert into bits/sec
$stddev_rate *= 8;
$confidence_rate = sqrt($CHI_SQR * $stddev_rate / $good);
# Check for per-class error rate problems
# NOTE: this is the only place where Class 3 error rates are checked
# Classes 0-2 are checked in the client on a per load-generator
# per-class basis. If the error rate is too high, the load-gen is
# marked as invalid.
# Class 3 is such a small portion, a single error could invalidate
# a load-gen, so class 3 errors rates are calculated for each client.
if ($output_type eq "CLIENT") {
if ($good && $bad / ($bad+$good) > $MAX_ERROR_RATE) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $runnum: error rate for class %s is %.1f%%, must be <= %.1f%%",
$name, 100 * $bad/($bad+$good), $MAX_ERROR_RATE * 100);
# Check for errors on the whole run
elsif ($output_type eq "TOTALS") {
# Mix problems for each class
if ($actual_mix < $prob * (1 - $MIX_TOLERANCE) ||
$actual_mix > $prob * (1 + $MIX_TOLERANCE)) {
push (@errors,
sprintf "Iteration $runnum: mix for class %s is %.3f, must be between %.3f and %.3f",
$name, $actual_mix,
$prob * (1 - $MIX_TOLERANCE),
$prob * (1 + $MIX_TOLERANCE));
$mix_str.=sprintf ("%-12s %5.3f %5.3f | %7d %7d | %8.2f %8.2f %6.2f |%5.1f%%\n",
$name, $prob, $actual_mix, $good, $bad, $mean,
$stddev, $confidence, $class_time*100.0);
$rate_str .= sprintf ("%-6s | %11.2f %11.2f %6.2f | %11.2f | %11.2f(%3.2f)\n",
$name, $mean_rate, $stddev_rate, $confidence_rate,
$abr, $weighted_abr,
($aggregate_rate_T ? $weighted_abr/$aggregate_rate_T : 0)*100);
# Calculate and print the totals for the 2 tables
my $stddev_T = 0;
my $confidence_T = 0;
my $mean_T = 0;
my $error_pct_T = 0;
if ($good_T > 0) {
$mean_T = $time_T / $good_T;
$error_pct_T = ($bad_T / ($bad_T+$good_T)) * 100;
if ($good_T > 1) {
$stddev_T =sqrt(($time2_T - ($time_T*$time_T)/$good_T) / ($good_T - 1));
$confidence_T = sqrt($CHI_SQR * $stddev_T / $good_T);
$mix_str .= sprintf "-------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+------
| %7d %7d | %8.2f %8.2f %6.2f |\n\n",
$good_T, $bad_T, $mean_T, $stddev_T, $confidence_T;
$rate_str .= sprintf "-------+--------------------------------+------------------+--------------------
| | | %11.2f(%3.2f)
($aggregate_rate_T ? $total_wtd_abr/$aggregate_rate_T : 0 )*100;
# Print out mix table and rate table
if ($output_type eq "ASCII") { return ($mix_str . $rate_str) }
if ($logclient && $output_type eq "CLIENT") {
&client_log($mix_str . $rate_str);
&Log(101, $mix_str . $rate_str) if $output_type eq "TOTALS";
return $mean_T, $aggregate_rate_T, $throughput_T, @errors;
# Summary information for a client or run
sub printout_summary {
my ($run_stats, $speed_limit_string, $user_speed_limit, $output_type) = @_;
$run_stats->{'conform_pct'} =
100 * $run_stats->{'conforming'}/$run_stats->{'requested_conn'};
$run_stats->{'ops_per_thread'} = $run_stats->{'throughput'} /
my ($str2) = sprintf "
| | total | ops/sec/|
| SPECweb99 | ops/sec | loadgen | msec/op
RESULTS | %6d | %6d | %4.2f | %5.1f
| | | | conforming*
| requested | valid | invalid | (conf %)
SIMULTANEOUS | %7d | %7d | %7d | %7d (%6.2f%%)
* a conforming connection is one that operates faster than 320K bit/sec
| mean | min | max
BITRATES | %6d | %6d | %6d
(bits/sec) | | |
Percentage of simultaneous connections conforming at various speed limits
Successive Speed Limits : | %s
Cumulative Conformance %: | %s
$run_stats->{'requested_conn'} - $run_stats->{'invalid_conn'},
my($str) = sprintf "
RESULTS: %6d SPECweb99
BITRATES(bits/sec): avg = %6d min =%6d max = %6d
THROUGHPUTS: ops/sec = %6d ops/sec/loadgen = %4.2f msec/op = %6.1f
%6d requested %6d invalid %6d (%.2f%) conforming at %d bits/sec
Percentage of simultaneous connections conforming at various speed limits
Successive Speed Limits : | %s
Cumulative Conformance %: | %s
# Print out mix table and rate table
return $str2 if $output_type eq "ASCII";
&client_log($str2) if $logclient && $output_type eq "CLIENT";
&Log(101, $str2) if $output_type eq "TOTALS";
# Utility functions
sub Log {
my ($level, @data) = @_;
my ($type, @output);
my $log_output = "";
my $screen_output = "";
for (@data) {
$type = ref($_);
if ($type eq "ARRAY") {
if ($verbose >= $level) {
$screen_output .= join ("", @$_);
$log_output .= join ("", @$_);
} elsif ($level >= 100) {
$screen_output .= $_ if $verbose + 100 >= $level;
$log_output .= join ("", @$_);
} elsif ($type eq "SCALAR") {
if ($verbose >= $level) {
$screen_output .= $$_;
$log_output .= $$_;
} elsif ($level >= 100) {
$screen_output .= $_ if $verbose + 100 >= $level;
$log_output .= $$_;
} else {
if ($verbose >= $level) {
$screen_output .= $_;
$log_output .= $_;
} elsif ($level >= 100) {
$screen_output .= $_ if $verbose + 100 >= $level;
$log_output .= $_;
print $screen_output;
print LOG $log_output;
sub client_log {
my (@data) = @_;
my ($type, @output);
my $log_output = "";
for (@data) {
$type = ref($_);
if ($type eq "ARRAY") {
$log_output .= join ("", @$_);
} elsif ($type eq "SCALAR") {
$log_output .= $$_;
} else {
$log_output .= $_;
print CLLOG $log_output;
sub max {
my ($val) = @_;
for (@_) {
$val = $_ if $_ > $val;
return $val;
# This expands strings in the form of M or M-N or M-NxO into a complete
# list of the values they represent. 1-3 would be 1,2,3 and 1-5x2
# would be 1,3,5
sub expand_ranges {
my (@data) = @_;
my (@rc, $start, $stop, $step, $i);
for (@data) {
if (($start, $stop, $step) = m/^(\d+)-(\d+)x(\d+)$/) {
for ($i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i+=$step) {
push (@rc, $i);
} elsif (($start, $stop) = m/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
for ($i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i++) {
push (@rc, $i);
} else {
push (@rc, $_);
# Return the date (Note that this doesn't have time time zone in it,
# but I'm not sure if we are that concerned about it
sub date {
my ($result);
chomp($result = &ctime(time));
return $result;
# Given an list of choices, choose the one that matches the first few
# characters. Ambiguous and non-matching strings return undef.
sub choose_string {
my ($string, @choices) = @_;
my (@matches) = grep (m/^$string/, @choices);
return undef if @matches != 1;
return $matches[0];
# resolve_choices takes a string containing a comma separated list of
# choices and returns the choices from valid_outputs that match. The
# choices in required_outputs are added automatically.
sub resolve_choices {
my($temp, $valid_outputs, $required_outputs) = @_;
my @temp = split(/\s*[,\s]\s*/, $temp);
my %temp;
my @output_types = ();
for (@$required_outputs) {
push (@output_types, $_) if (!$temp{$_}++);
for (@temp) {
$temp = &choose_string ($_, @$valid_outputs, "all");
if ($temp eq "all") {
for (@$valid_outputs) {
if (!$temp{$_}++) {
push (@output_types, $_);
} elsif (!defined $temp) {
Log(0, "Don't know how to output type '$_'\n");
} else {
if (!$temp{$_}++) {
push (@output_types, $_);
push (@output_types, $valid_outputs->[0]) if (!@output_types);
# Find the largest 3 digit numbered file in the directory and return a
# 3 digit string of the next number. Used to output numbered log files.
sub find_next_number {
local (*DIR);
my($path) = @_;
my (@files, $max);
opendir (DIR, $path) || die "Can't open directory '$path': $!\n";
@files = readdir(DIR);
closedir (DIR);
$max = 0;
for (@files) {
$max = $1 if ((m/^(\d{3})\./ || m/\.(\d{3})$/ || m/\.(\d{3})\./) && $max < $1 );
if ($max < 0) {
$max = "000";
} else {
$max = sprintf ("%03d", $max+1);
#For 2 $results, compares 'conforming' -- if equal, then compares 'throughput'
sub results_sort {
my ($res) = $a->[0]{'conforming'} <=> $b->[0]{'conforming'};
return $res if $res != 0;
return $a->[0]{'throughput'} <=> $b->[0]{'throughput'};
# Formatting functions
# All formatting functions build the output file in a string which they
# return. If a filename is specified, then they also output to a file.
# do_outputs, figures out what types are needed and calls the appropriate
# functions
sub do_outputs {
my ($config, $file_num, $output_dir) = @_;
# Fill in some benchmark stats for the output
my(%med_run_stats)= %{$config->{'results'}[$config->{'median_index'}][0]};
$config->{'bm_requested_conn'} = $med_run_stats{'requested_conn'};
$config->{'bm_fileset_size'} = $MB_PER_DIRECTORY *
&dirs_from_load($config, $med_run_stats{'requested_conn'});
my $outsel=($output_types ne "")?$output_types:$config->{'OUTPUT_TYPE'};
my @types=&resolve_choices($outsel, [ sort keys %formatter ], ['screen', 'raw']);
# Output the results
for (@types) {
my $name = "$output_dir$config->{'OUTPUT_NAME'}.$file_num.$_";
my $output = &{$formatter{$_}}($config);
next if $_ eq 'screen';
my $fh = new IO::File ">$name";
&Log (10, "Writing '$name'\n");
if (!defined $fh) {
&Log (0, "Cannot create '$name': $!\n");
exit (1);
print $fh $output;
sub init_output {
@network_fields = (
[ 'MSL (sec)', 'msl' ],
[ 'Time-Wait (sec)', 'time_wait' ],
@clients_fields = (
[ '# of Clients', 'lg_num' ],
@bm_config_fields = (
[ 'Requested Connections', 'bm_requested_conn' ],
[ 'Fileset Size (MB)', 'bm_fileset_size' ],
@notes_fields = (
[ 'Errors', 'errors', ],
return 0;
# .raw files are to look at the raw data and to re-format into the
# other formats.
sub write_raw {
my ($config, $output_name) = @_;
my $rc = "";
# Header for a raw file
$rc .= "BEGIN SPECWEB99 1.00\n";
# for (qw( peak_index peak_load peak_throughput peak_response peak_size )) {
# $rc .= "$_= $config->{$_}\n";
# }
# Print out the results
my $num = "000";
for (@{$config->{'results'}}) {
my(%run_stats) = %{$_->[0]};
foreach $statname (sort keys %run_stats) {
$rc .= "results$num = $statname $run_stats{$statname}\n";
my $class = 0;
for (@{$_->[3]}) {
my ($name, @rest) = @$_;
$rc .= "results$num = class $class \"$name\" ". join(" ", @rest). "\n";
for (@{$_->[4]}) {
$rc .= "results$num = error $_\n";
# Print out the entire configuration array
for my $key (sort keys %$config) {
if ($key eq 'results' || $key eq 'clients_parsed') {
# except these, results is done above, and clients_parsed would
# need similar logic, but really isn't worth it. If we
# *really* need it we can regenerate it
} elsif (ref($config->{$key}) eq "ARRAY") {
# arrays are output as numbered lines
my $num = "000";
for (@{$config->{$key}}) {
$rc .= "$key$num = $_\n";
} elsif ($config->{$key} ne "--" && $config->{$key} !~ /^\s*$/) {
# Don't print out lines with no values
$rc .= "$key = $config->{$key}\n";
# Trailer to mark the end of the raw data
$rc .= "END SPECWEB99 1.00\n";
return $rc;
# write_screen Just writes the ASCII output to the screen. Used to
# output the results during the run
sub write_screen {
print &write_asc($_[0]);
# Produces an ASCII formatted listing.
sub write_asc {
my ($config) = @_;
my (@results) = @{$config->{'results'}};
my (@errors) = @{$config->{'errors'}} if $config->{'errors'};
my $rc = "";
# Make sure we mark runs invalid
my $invalid_string = (@errors)?"INVALID TEST":"";
my $successive_speed_limits = [];
$successive_speed_limits = $config->{'SUCCESSIVE_SPEED_LIMITS'};
my $speed_limit_string = sprintf "@{$successive_speed_limits}";
# Banner
$rc .= sprintf <<EOT, $config->{'median_results'};
SPECweb99 Result
%-45.45s || %6d SPECweb99
%-45.45s || $invalid_string
| Conforming Simultaneous
Iteration | Connections
for (my $i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
my ($conforming) = $results[$i][0]->{'conforming'};
$rc .= sprintf(" %2d | %7d\n", $i+1, $conforming);
$rc .= "---------------+----------------------------\n";
$rc .= sprintf(" Median | %7d\n", $config->{'median_results'});
$rc .= "\n";
### Use actual test values - so no mismatch occurs ###
$config->{'lg_num'} = scalar(@{$config->{'CLIENTS'}});
my $width = 79;
$rc .= '=' x $width . "\n";
my $title = "Notes/Tuning information";
$rc .= ' ' x int(($width - length($title))/2) . $title . "\n";
for my $info ( @notes_fields ) {
my ($name, $key) = @$info;
my $val = $config->{$key};
my @vals = ();
next if $val eq '' || $val eq '--' || (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' && @$val == 0);
$rc .= "\n$name\n";
if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
for (@$val) {
push (@vals, split("\n", $_));
} else {
@vals = split("\n", $val);
for (@vals) {
$rc .= " $_\n";
$rc .= <<EOT;
Test Run Details
Run Conforming Percent | Throughput Response ops/sec/ Kbits/
Num Connections Conform | ops/sec msec loadgen sec
# Print out the data points we've collected
for (my $i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
my(%run_stats) = %{$results[$i][0]};
$rc .= sprintf (" %2s %2d %6d %7.1f%% | %7.1f %7.1f %5.2f %5.1f\n",
$i == $config->{'median_index'} ? "=>" : " ",
$run_stats{'conform_pct'}, $run_stats{'throughput'},
$run_stats{'response'}, $run_stats{'ops_per_thread'},
$run_stats{'bitrate'} / 1000);
$rc .= sprintf("Performance Counters:\n");
$rc .= sprintf ("%s\n", $perfcnt);
if ($details) {
$rc .= sprintf <<EOT, $speed_limit_string;
Cumulative Conformance % Chart
Run Conforming | Percent of connections conforming at various speeds
Num Connections | %s
for (my $i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
my(%run_stats) = %{$results[$i][0]};
$rc .= sprintf (" %2s %2d %5d | %s\n",
$i == $config->{'median_index'} ? "=>" : " ",
$i + 1,
$rc .= "\n\n";
if ($details) {
#Write results for individual tests
for (my $i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
$rc .= sprintf("\n\nResults From Iteration %d\n", $i+1);
my (@class_results) = @{$results[$i][3]};
$rc .= &printout_class_results( \@class_results,
$config->{'RUN_TIME'}, $i + 1,
my(%run_stats) = %{$results[$i][0]};
$rc .= &printout_summary(\%run_stats, $speed_limit_string,
$config->{'USER_SPEED_LIMIT'}, "ASCII");
return $rc;
sub firstof($) {
my ($val) = @_;
$val = $val->[0] if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY');
return $val;