507 lines
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507 lines
18 KiB
AMLCode := DefBlockHdr TermList
DefBlockHdr := TableSig TableLen SpecCompliance CheckSum OemID OemTableID OemRev CreatorID CreatorRev
LeadNameChar := 'A'-'Z' | '_'
DigitChar := '0'-'9'
NameChar := DigitChar | LeadNameChar
RootChar := '\'
ParentPrefixChar := '^'
'A'-'Z' := 0x41-0x5a
'_' := 0x5f
'0'-'9' := 0x30-0x39
'\' := 0x5c
'^' := 0x5e
NameSeg := <LeadNameChar NameChar NameChar NameChar>
// Notice that NameSegs shorter than 4 characters are
// filled with trailing '_'s.
NameString := <RootChar NamePath> | <PrefixPath NamePath>
PrefixPath := Nothing | <'^' PrefixPath>
NamePath := NameSeg | DualNamePath | MultiNamePath | NullName
DualNamePath := DualNamePrefix NameSeg NameSeg
DualNamePrefix := 0x2e
MultiNamePath := MultiNamePrefix SegCount NameSeg(SegCount)
MultiNamePrefix := 0x2f
SegCount := ByteData
// SegCount can be from 1 to 255.
// MultiNamePrefix(35) => 0x2f 0x23
// and following by 35 NameSegs.
// So, the total encoding length
// will be 1 + 1 + 35*4 = 142.
// Notice that:
// DualNamePrefix NameSeg NameSeg
// has a smaller encoding than the
// equivalent encoding of:
// MultiNamePrefix(2) NameSeg NameSeg
SimpleName := NameString | ArgObj | LocalObj
SuperName := SimpleName | DebugObj | Type6Opcode
NullName := 0x00
Target := SuperName | NullName
ComputationalData := ByteConst | WordConst | DwordConst | QwordConst | String | ConstObj | RevisionOp | DefBuffer
DataObject := ComputationalData | DefPackage | DefVarPackage
DataRefObject := DataObject | ObjectReference | DDBHandleObject
ByteConst := BytePrefix ByteData
BytePrefix := 0x0a
WordConst := WordPrefix WordData
WordPrefix := 0x0b
DWordConst := DWordPrefix DWordData
DWordPrefix := 0x0c
QWordConst := QWordPrefix QWordData
QWordPrefix := 0x0e
String := StringPrefix AsciiCharList NullChar
StringPrefix := 0x0d
ConstObj := ZeroOp | OneOp | OnesOp
ByteList := Nothing | <ByteData ByteList>
ByteData := 0x00-0xff
WordData := ByteData[0:7] ByteData[8:15] // 0x0000-0xffff
DWordData := WordData[0:15] WordData[16:31] // 0x00000000-0xffffffff
QWordData := DwordData[0:31] DwordData[32:63] // 0x0000000000000000-0xffffffffffffffff
AsciiCharList := Nothing | <AsciiChar AsciiCharList>
AsciiChar := 0x01-0x7f
NullChar := 0x00
ZeroOp := 0x00
OneOp := 0x01
OnesOp := 0xff
RevisionOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x30
ExtOpPrefix := 0x5b
PkgLength := PkgLeadByte | <PkgLeadByte ByteData> | <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData> | <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData ByteData>
PkgLeadByte := <bit 7-6: follow ByteData count> <bit 5-4: reserved> <bit 3-0: least significant package length byte>
// Note: The high 2 bits of the first byte reveal how
// many follow bytes are in the PkgLength. If the
// PkgLength has only one byte, bit 0 through 5 are
// used to encode the package length (in other words,
// values 0-63).
// If the package length value is more than
// 63, more than one byte must be used for the
// encoding in which case bit 5 and 4 of the
// PkgLeadByte are reserved and must be zero. If
// multiple bytes encoding is used, bits 3-0 of the
// PkgLeadByte become the least significant 4 bits
// of the resulting package length value. The next
// ByteData will become the next least significant
// 8 bits of the resulting value and so on.
TermObj := NameSpaceModifierObj | NamedObj | Type1Opcode | Type2Opcode
TermList := Nothing | <TermObj TermList>
TermArg := Type2Opcode | DataObject | ArgObj | LocalObj
UserTermObj := NameString TermArgList
TermArgList := Nothing | <TermArg TermArgList>
ObjectList := Nothing | <Object ObjectList>
Object := NameSpaceModifierObj | NamedObj
NameSpaceModifierObj := DefAlias | DefName | DefScope
DefAlias := AliasOp NameString NameString
AliasOp := 0x06
DefName := NameOp NameString DataRefObject
NameOp := 0x08
DefScope := ScopeOp PkgLength NameString TermList
ScopeOp := 0x10
NamedObj := DefBankField | DefCreateBitField | DefCreateByteField | DefCreateDWordField | DefCreateField | DefCreateQWordField | DefCreateWordField | DefDataRegion | DefDevice | DefEvent | DefField | DefIndexField | DefMethod | DefMutex | DefOpRegion | DefPowerRes | DefProcessor | DefThermalZone
DefBankField := BankFieldOp PkgLength NameString NameString BankValue FieldFlags FieldList
BankFieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x87
BankValue := TermArg=>Integer
FieldFlags := ByteData
// bit 0-3: AccessType
// 0: AnyAcc
// 1: ByteAcc
// 2: WordAcc
// 3: DWordAcc
// 4: QWordAcc
// 5: BufferAcc
// 6: Reserved
// 7-15: Reserved
// bit 4: LockRule
// 0: NoLock
// 1: Lock
// bit 5-6: UpdateRule
// 0: Preserve
// 1: WriteAsOnes
// 2: WriteAsZeros
// bit 7: reserved (must be 0)
FieldList := Nothing | <FieldElement FieldList>
FieldElement := NamedField | ReservedField | AccessField
NamedField := NameSeg PkgLength
ReservedField := 0x00 PkgLength
AccessField := 0x01 AccessType AccessAttrib
AccessType := ByteData
// Same as AccessType bits of FieldFlags
AccessAttrib := ByteData
// If AccessType is BufferAcc for the SMB OpRegion,
// AccessAttrib can be one of the following values:
// 0x02 - SMBQuick
// 0x04 - SMBSendReceive
// 0x06 - SMBByte
// 0x08 - SMBWord
// 0x0a - SMBBlock
// 0x0c - SMBProcessCall
// 0x0d - SMBBlockProcessCall
DefCreateBitField := CreateBitFieldOp SourceBuff BitIndex NameString
CreateBitFieldOp := 0x8d
SourceBuff := TermArg=>Buffer
BitIndex := TermArg=>Integer
DefCreateByteField := CreateByteFieldOp SourceBuff ByteIndex NameString
CreateByteFieldOp := 0x8c
ByteIndex := TermArg=>Integer
DefCreateDWordField := CreateDWordFieldOp SourceBuff ByteIndex NameString
CreateDWordFieldOp := 0x8a
DefCreateField := CreateFieldOp SourceBuff BitIndex NumBits NameString
CreateFieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x13
NumBits := TermArg=>Integer
DefCreateQWordField := CreateQWordFieldOp SourceBuff ByteIndex NameString
CreateQWordFieldOp := 0x8f
DefCreateWordField := CreateWordFieldOp SourceBuff ByteIndex NameString
CreateWordFieldOp := 0x8b
DefDataRegion := DataRegionOp NameString TermArg TermArg TermArg
DataRegionOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x88
DefDevice := DeviceOp PkgLength NameString ObjectList
DeviceOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x82
DefEvent := EventOp NameString
EventOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x02
DefField := FieldOp PkgLength NameString FieldFlags FieldList
FieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x81
DefIndexField := IndexFieldOp PkgLength NameString NameString FieldFlags FieldList
IndexFieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x86
DefMethod := MethodOp PkgLength NameString MethodFlags TermList
MethodOp := 0x14
MethodFlags := ByteData
// bit 0-2: ArgCount (0-7)
// bit 3: SerializeFlag
// 0: NotSerialized
// 1: Serialized
// bit 4-7: SyncLevel (0x00-0x0f)
DefMutex := MutexOp NameString SyncFlags
MutexOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x01
SyncFlags := ByteData
// bit 0-3: SyncLevel (0x00-0x0f)
// bit 4-7: reserved (must be 0)
DefOpRegion := OpRegionOp NameString RegionSpace RegionOffset RegionLen
OpRegionOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x80
RegionSpace := ByteData
// 0x00: SystemMemory
// 0x01: SystemIO
// 0x02: PCI_Config
// 0x03: EmbeddedControl
// 0x04: SMBus
// 0x05: CMOS
// 0x06: PciBarTarget
// 0x80-0xff: user defined
RegionOffset := TermArg=>Integer
RegionLen := TermArg=>Integer
DefPowerRes := PowerResOp PkgLength NameString SystemLevel ResourceOrder ObjectList
PowerResOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x84
SystemLevel := ByteData
ResourceOrder := WordData
DefProcessor := ProcessorOp PkgLength NameString ProcID PblkAddr PblkLen ObjectList
ProcessorOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x83
ProcID := ByteData
PblkAddr := DwordData
PblkLen := ByteData
DefThermalZone := ThermalZoneOp PkgLength NameString ObjectList
ThermalZoneOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x85
Type1Opcode := DefBreak | DefBreakPoint | DefContinue | DefFatal | DefIfElse | DefLoad | DefNoop | DefNotify | DefRelease | DefReset | DefReturn | DefSignal | DefSleep | DefStall | DefUnload | DefWhile
DefBreak := BreakOp
BreakOp := 0xa5
DefBreakPoint := BreakPointOp
BreakPointOp := 0xcc
DefContinue := ContinueOp
ContinueOp := 0x9f
DefElse := Nothing | <ElseOp PkgLength TermList>
ElseOp := 0xa1
DefFatal := FatalOp FatalType FatalCode FatalArg
FatalOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x32
FatalType := ByteData
FatalCode := DwordData
FatalArg := TermArg=>Integer
DefIfElse := IfOp PkgLength Predicate TermList DefElse
IfOp := 0xa0
Predicate := TermArg=>Integer
DefLoad := LoadOp NameString DDBHandleObject
LoadOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x20
DDBHandleObject := SuperName
DefNoop := NoopOp
NoopOp := 0xa3
DefNotify := NotifyOp NotifyObject NotifyValue
NotifyOp := 0x86
NotifyObject := SuperName=>ThermalZone|Processor|Device
NotifyValue := TermArg=>Integer
DefRelease := ReleaseOp MutexObject
ReleaseOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x27
MutexObject := SuperName
DefReset := ResetOp EventObject
ResetOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x26
EventObject := SuperName
DefReturn := ReturnOp ArgObject
ReturnOp := 0xa4
ArgObject := TermArg=>DataRefObject
DefSignal := SignalOp EventObject
SignalOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x24
DefSleep := SleepOp MsecTime
SleepOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x22
MsecTime := TermArg=>Integer
DefStall := StallOp UsecTime
StallOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x21
UsecTime := TermArg=>ByteData
DefUnload := UnloadOp DDBHandleObject
UnloadOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x2a
DefWhile := WhileOp PkgLength Predicate TermList
WhileOp := 0xa2
Type2Opcode := DefAcquire | DefAdd | DefAnd | DefBuffer | DefConcat | DefConcatRes | DefCondRefOf | DefCopyObject | DefDecrement | DefDerefOf | DefDivide | DefFindSetLeftBit | DefFindSetRightBit | DefFromBCD | DefIncrement | DefIndex | DefLAnd | DefLEqual | DefLGreater | DefLGreaterEqual | DefLLess | DefLLessEqual | DefMid | DefLNot | DefLNotEqual | DefLoadTable | DefLOr | DefMatch | DefMod | DefMultiply | DefNAnd | DefNOr | DefNot | DefObjectType | DefOr | DefPackage | DefVarPackage | DefRefOf | DefShiftLeft | DefShiftRight | DefSizeOf | DefStore | DefSubtract | DefToBCD | DefToBuffer | DefToDecimalString | DefToHexString | DefToInteger | DefToString | DefWait | DefXOr | UserTermObj
Type6Opcode := DefRefOf | DefDerefOf | DefIndex | UserTermObj
DefAcquire := AcquireOp MutexObject Timeout
AcquireOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x23
Timeout := WordData
DefAdd := AddOp Operand Operand Target
AddOp := 0x72
Operand := TermArg=>Integer
DefAnd := AndOp Operand Operand Target
AndOp := 0x7b
DefBuffer := BufferOp PkgLength BufferSize ByteList
BufferOp := 0x11
BufferSize := TermArg=>Integer
DefConcat := ConcatOp Data Data Target
ConcatOp := 0x73
Data := TermArg=>ComputationalData
DefConcatRes := ConcatResOp BufData BufData Target
ConcatResOp := 0x84
BufData := TermArg=>Buffer
DefCondRefOf := CondRefOfOp SuperName Target
CondRefOfOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x12
DefCopyObject := CopyObjectOp TermArg SimpleName
CopyObjectOp := 0x9d
DefDecrement := DecrementOp SuperName
DecrementOp := 0x76
DefDerefOf := DerefOfOp ObjReference
DerefOfOp := 0x83
ObjReference := TermArg=>ObjectReference|String
//ObjectReference is an object produced by terms such as Index, RefOf or CondRefOf.
DefDivide := DivideOp Dividend Divisor Remainder Quotient
DivideOp := 0x78
Dividend := TermArg=>Integer
Divisor := TermArg=>Integer
Remainder := Target
Quotient := Target
DefFindSetLeftBit := FindSetLeftBitOp Operand Target
FindSetLeftBitOp := 0x81
DefFindSetRightBit := FindSetRightBitOp Operand Target
FindSetRightBitOp := 0x82
DefFromBCD := FromBCDOp BCDValue Target
FromBCDOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x28
BCDValue := TermArg=>Integer
DefIncrement := IncrementOp SuperName
IncrementOp := 0x75
DefIndex := IndexOp BuffPkgStrObj IndexValue Target
IndexOp := 0x88
BuffPkgStrObj := TermArg=>Buffer, Package or String
IndexValue := TermArg=>Integer
DefLAnd := LandOp Operand Operand
LandOp := 0x90
DefLEqual := LequalOp Operand Operand
LequalOp := 0x93
DefLGreater := LgreaterOp Operand Operand
LgreaterOp := 0x94
DefLGreaterEqual := LgreaterEqualOp Operand Operand
LgreaterEqualOp := LnotOp LlessOp
DefLLess := LlessOp Operand Operand
LlessOp := 0x95
DefLLessEqual := LlessEqualOp Operand Operand
LlessEqualOp := LnotOp LgreaterOp
DefLNot := LnotOp Operand
LnotOp := 0x92
DefLNotEqual := LnotEqualOp Operand Operand
LnotEqualOp := LnotOp LequalOp
DefLoadTable := LoadTableOp TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg
LoadTableOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x1F
DefLOr := LorOp Operand Operand
LorOp := 0x91
DefMatch := MatchOp SearchPkg MatchOpcode Operand MatchOpcode Operand StartIndex
MatchOp := 0x89
SearchPkg := TermArg=>Package
MatchOpcode := ByteData
// 0: MTR
// 1: MEQ
// 2: MLE
// 3: MLT
// 4: MGE
// 5: MGT
StartIndex := TermArg=>Integer
DefMid := MidOp MidObj TermArg TermArg Target
MidOp := 0x9E
MidObj := TermArg=>Buffer|String
DefMod := ModOp Dividend Divisor Target
ModOp := 0x85
DefMultiply := MultiplyOp Operand Operand Target
MultiplyOp := 0x77
DefNAnd := NandOp Operand Operand Target
NandOp := 0x7c
DefNOr := NorOp Operand Operand Target
NorOp := 0x7e
DefNot := NotOp Operand Target
NotOp := 0x80
DefObjectType := ObjectTypeOp SuperName
ObjectTypeOp := 0x8e
DefOr := OrOp Operand Operand Target
OrOp := 0x7d
DefPackage := PackageOp PkgLength NumElements PackageElementList
PackageOp := 0x12
DefVarPackage := VarPackageOp PkgLength VarNumElements PackageElementList
VarPackageOp := 0x13
NumElements := ByteData
VarNumElements := TermArg=>Integer
PackageElementList := Nothing | <PackageElement PackageElementList>
PackageElement := DataRefObject | NameString
DefRefOf := RefOfOp SuperName
RefOfOp := 0x71
DefShiftLeft := ShiftLeftOp Operand ShiftCount Target
ShiftLeftOp := 0x79
ShiftCount := TermArg=>Integer
DefShiftRight := ShiftRightOp Operand ShiftCount Target
ShiftRightOp := 0x7a
DefSizeOf := SizeOfOp SuperName
SizeOfOp := 0x87
DefStore := StoreOp TermArg SuperName
StoreOp := 0x70
DefSubtract := SubtractOp Operand Operand Target
SubtractOp := 0x74
DefToBCD := ToBCDOp Operand Target
ToBCDOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x29
DefToBuffer := ToBufferOp Operand Target
ToBufferOp := 0x96
DefToDecimalString := ToDecimalStringOp Operand Target
ToDecimalStringOp := 0x97
DefToHexString := ToHexStringOp Operand Target
ToHexStringOp := 0x98
DefToInteger := ToIntegerOp Operand Target
ToIntegerOp := 0x99
DefToString := ToStringOp TermArg LengthArg Target
LengthArg := TermArg=>Integer
ToStringOp := 0x9c
DefWait := WaitOp EventObject Operand
WaitOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x25
DefXOr := XorOp Operand Operand Target
XorOp := 0x7f
ArgObj := Arg0Op | Arg1Op | Arg2Op | Arg3Op | Arg4Op | Arg5Op | Arg6Op
Arg0Op := 0x68
Arg1Op := 0x69
Arg2Op := 0x6a
Arg3Op := 0x6b
Arg4Op := 0x6c
Arg5Op := 0x6d
Arg6Op := 0x6e
LocalObj := Local0Op | Local1Op | Local2Op | Local3Op | Local4Op | Local5Op | Local6Op | Local7Op
Local0Op := 0x60
Local1Op := 0x61
Local2Op := 0x62
Local3Op := 0x63
Local4Op := 0x64
Local5Op := 0x65
Local6Op := 0x66
Local7Op := 0x67
DebugObj := DebugOp
DebugOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x31