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2008-11-17 18:29:00 -05:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Triggers for quantifiers
// We could use a single trigger for all values; the distinction between the
// various triggers below is just to help the prover run fast.
// TV is a trigger for values in general, including addresses.
function{:expand false} TV(val:int) returns (bool) { true }
// TO is a trigger specifically for word offsets from addresses, where
// word offset n is byte offset 4 * n.
function{:expand false} TO(wordOffset:int) returns (bool) { true }
// TSlot is a trigger for slots in sparse tags
function{:expand false} TSlot(slot:int) returns (bool) { true }
// TT is a trigger for tables
function{:expand false} TT(table:int) returns (bool) { true }
// i1 <= x < i2
function between(i1:int, i2:int, x:int) returns(bool) { i1 <= x && x < i2 }
// valid 32-bit unsigned words
// word(i) <==> 0 <= i < 2^32
const WORD_HI:int; // 2^32
axiom WORD_HI >= 100; // REVIEW: should we go ahead and set WORD_HI to exactly 2^32?
function word(val:int) returns(bool) { 0 <= val && val < WORD_HI }
// converts 2's complement 32-bit val into signed integer
function asSigned(val:int) returns(int);
// null value(s)
const NULL: int; axiom NULL == 0;
// invariant: word(r) for each register r
// To maintain invariant, simply check word(exp) for each assignment r := exp
// invariant: word(r) for each word w in memory
// To maintain invariant, simply check word(exp) for each store of exp to memory
var eax:int;
var ebx:int;
var ecx:int;
var edx:int;
var esi:int;
var edi:int;
var ebp:int;
var esp:int;
function neg (int) returns (int);
function and (int, int) returns (int);
function or (int, int) returns (int);
function xor (int, int) returns (int);
function shl (int, int) returns (int);
function shr (int, int) returns (int);
function{:expand false} TVM(a:int, b:int) returns(bool) { true }
function Mult(a:int, b:int) returns(int);
axiom (forall a:int, b:int::{TVM(a, b)} Mult(a, b) == a * b);
// REVIEW: one would hope that this axiom is derivable from
// Mult(a, b) == a * b, using b = b1 + b2, but Z3 couldn't seem to do it yet:
function{:expand false} TVM3(a:int, b1:int, b2:int) returns(bool) { true }
axiom (forall a:int, b1:int, b2:int::{TVM3(a, b1, b2)} Mult(a, b1 + b2) == a * (b1 + b2));
procedure Add(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int);
requires word(x + y);
ensures ret == x + y;
procedure Sub(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int);
requires word(x - y);
ensures ret == x - y;
procedure Mul(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int, hi:int);
requires word(x * y);
ensures ret == x * y;
ensures ret == Mult(x, y);
// Note: we only support 32-bit division, so the upper 32 bits must be 0
procedure Div(x:int, zero:int, y:int) returns(ret:int, rem:int);
requires zero == 0;
requires y != 0;
ensures word(ret);
ensures word(rem);
ensures ret == x / y && ret * y + rem == x;
ensures rem == x % y && rem < y;
procedure Not(x:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures ret == neg(x);
ensures word(ret);
procedure And(x1:int, x2:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures ret == and(x1, x2);
ensures word(ret);
procedure Or(x1:int, x2:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures ret == or(x1, x2);
ensures word(ret);
procedure Xor(x1:int, x2:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures ret == xor(x1, x2);
ensures word(ret);
procedure Shl(x1:int, x2:int) returns(ret:int);
requires x2 < 32;
ensures ret == shl(x1, x2);
ensures word(ret);
procedure Shr(x1:int, x2:int) returns(ret:int);
requires x2 < 32;
ensures ret == shr(x1, x2);
ensures word(ret);
// run-time overflow checked
procedure AddChecked(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures word(x + y);
ensures ret == x + y;
// run-time overflow checked
procedure SubChecked(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures word(x - y);
ensures ret == x - y;
// run-time overflow checked
procedure MulChecked(x:int, y:int) returns(ret:int, hi:int);
ensures word(x * y);
ensures word(Mult(x, y));
ensures ret == x * y;
ensures ret == Mult(x, y);
procedure Lea(addr:int) returns(ret:int);
requires word(addr);
ensures ret == addr;
procedure LeaUnchecked(addr:int) returns(ret:int);
ensures word(ret);
// REVIEW: add more general support for signed arithmetic?
procedure LeaSignedIndex(base:int, scale:int, index:int, offset:int) returns(ret:int);
requires scale == 1 || scale == 2 || scale == 4 || scale == 8;
requires word(base + scale * asSigned(index) + offset);
ensures ret == base + scale * asSigned(index) + offset;
procedure DebugBreak();
ensures false; // DebugBreak never returns.
function roS8(ptr:int) returns(int);
function roU8(ptr:int) returns(int);
function roS16(ptr:int) returns(int);
function roU16(ptr:int) returns(int);
function ro32(ptr:int) returns(int);
function inRo(ptr:int, size:int) returns(bool);
// read and zero-extend 8 bits
procedure RoLoadU8(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires inRo(ptr, 1);
ensures word(val);
ensures val == roU8(ptr);
// read and sign-extend 8 bits
procedure RoLoadS8(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires inRo(ptr, 1);
ensures word(val);
ensures asSigned(val) == roS8(ptr);
// read and zero-extend 16 bits
procedure RoLoadU16(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires inRo(ptr, 2);
ensures word(val);
ensures val == roU16(ptr);
// read and sign-extend 16 bits
procedure RoLoadS16(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires inRo(ptr, 2);
ensures word(val);
ensures asSigned(val) == roS16(ptr);
procedure RoLoad32(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires inRo(ptr, 4);
ensures word(val);
ensures val == ro32(ptr);
// valid gc-controlled addresses (must be disjoint from null values)
// warning: because of interior pointers, ?gcHi must be a 32-bit word
// (it can equal 2^32 - 1, but not 2^32)
const ?gcLo: int;
const ?gcHi: int;
axiom NULL < ?gcLo;
axiom ?gcLo <= ?gcHi;
axiom ?gcHi < WORD_HI;
function gcAddr(i:int) returns (bool) {?gcLo <= i && i < ?gcHi}
function gcAddrEx(i:int) returns (bool) {?gcLo <= i && i <= ?gcHi}
// Aligned(i) <==> i is a multiple of 4
function Aligned(i:int) returns(bool);
axiom (forall i:int, j:int::{TV(i), TO(j)} TV(i) && TO(j) ==> Aligned(i) == Aligned(i + 4 * j));
axiom Aligned(?gcLo);
axiom Aligned(?gcHi);
// $GcMem[i] = data at address i, if gcAddr(i) and Aligned(i).
var $GcMem:[int]int; // Do not modify directly! Use procedures below.
// Read a word from gc-controlled memory
procedure GcLoad(ptr:int) returns (val:int);
requires TV(ptr);
requires gcAddr(ptr);
requires Aligned(ptr);
ensures word(val);
ensures TV(val);
ensures val == $GcMem[ptr];
// Write a word to gc-controlled memory
procedure GcStore(ptr:int, val:int);
requires gcAddr(ptr);
requires Aligned(ptr);
requires word(val);
requires TV(ptr) && TV(val);
modifies $GcMem;
ensures $GcMem == old($GcMem)[ptr := val];
// MAP_ZERO maps all addresses to value zero.
const MAP_ZERO:[int]int;
axiom (forall i:int::{TV(i)} TV(i) ==> MAP_ZERO[i] == 0);
// The mutator controls an abstract graph consisting of abstract nodes,
// which contain abstract values. These abstract values may be
// abstract primitive values or abstract edges pointing to abstract nodes.
// Abstract values are represented by integers. For any integer A,
// we may interpret A as an abstract primitive value or an abstract pointer:
// - the abstract primitive value A represents the concrete integer A
// - the abstract pointer A may be one of the following:
// - NO_ABS, representing no value (used for partial maps)
// - any other value, representing a node in the abstract graph
// Any primitive value A will satisfy word(A). To avoid confusion
// between abstract primitive and abstract pointer values, the
// mutator should choose abstract pointer values A such that !word(A).
const NO_ABS:int; // the value "none"
// Each abstract object node A has some number of fields,
// which is chosen when A is allocated, and never changes afterwards.
function numFields(abs:int) returns (int);
// $AbsMem represents of the abstract graph's edges: for abstract node A
// and field j, $AbsMem[A][j] is the abstract node pointed to by A's field j.
// Do not modify $AbsMem directly! $AbsMem is controlled by the mutator.
var $AbsMem:[int][int]int;
type Time;
var $Time:Time;
// reached(A,T) means that the GC has reached abstract node A at some time
// after the initial time T. Initially (at time T), the mutator will
// say that reached(root, T). After that, the GC calls the "reach"
// ghost procedure to generate reached(A, T) for other A.
function reached(a:int, t:Time) returns (bool);
// If we've reached A, and A points to A', then reach A'.
// Note: this depends on $AbsMem being defined by the mutator. The GC
// should not write to $AbsMem directly (if it did, then it could reach
// anything, trivially).
procedure reach($a:int, $j:int, $t:Time);
requires reached($a, $t);
requires $AbsMem[$a][$j] != NO_ABS;
ensures reached($AbsMem[$a][$j], $t);
function Pointer(rev:[int]int, ptr:int, abs:int) returns (bool)
gcAddr(ptr) && Aligned(ptr) && abs != NO_ABS && rev[ptr] == abs // AbsMapped(ptr,rev,abs)
// An interior pointer ("interiorPtr") points to an actual
// object address ("ptr") plus some offset ("offset"):
// !nullAddr(interiorPtr) ==> interiorPtr == ptr + offset && 0 <= offset && offset <= 4 * numFields($toAbs[ptr - 4]) - 4;
function InteriorValue(isPtr:bool, rev:[int]int, val:int, abs:int, offset:int) returns (bool)
(isPtr && word(val) && gcAddrEx(val) && Pointer(rev, val - 4 - offset, abs)
&& !word(abs)
&& 0 <= offset && offset <= 4 * numFields(abs) - 4)
|| (isPtr && word(val) && !gcAddrEx(val) && abs == val)
|| (!isPtr && word(val) && abs == val)
function Value(isPtr:bool, rev:[int]int, val:int, abs:int) returns (bool)
InteriorValue(isPtr, rev, val, abs, 0)
function getBit(x:int, i:int) returns(bool) { 1 == and(shr(x, i), 1) }
function getNib(x:int, i:int) returns(int) { and(shr(x, i), 15) }
const ?SPARSE_TAG:int; axiom ?SPARSE_TAG == 1;
const ?DENSE_TAG:int; axiom ?DENSE_TAG == 3;
const ?PTR_VECTOR_TAG:int; axiom ?PTR_VECTOR_TAG == 5;
const ?OTHER_VECTOR_TAG:int; axiom ?OTHER_VECTOR_TAG == 7;
const ?PTR_ARRAY_TAG:int; axiom ?PTR_ARRAY_TAG == 9;
const ?OTHER_ARRAY_TAG:int; axiom ?OTHER_ARRAY_TAG == 11;
const ?STRING_TAG:int; axiom ?STRING_TAG == 13;
function isOtherTag(t:int) returns(bool)
t == ?SPARSE_TAG || t == ?DENSE_TAG
|| t == ?STRING_TAG
function isVarSize(t:int) returns(bool)
|| t == ?STRING_TAG
function isReadonlyField(t:int, j:int) returns(bool)
(j == 1)
|| (t == ?PTR_VECTOR_TAG && j == 2)
|| (t == ?OTHER_VECTOR_TAG && j == 2)
|| (t == ?PTR_ARRAY_TAG && (j == 2 || j == 3))
|| (t == ?OTHER_ARRAY_TAG && (j == 2 || j == 3))
|| (t == ?STRING_TAG && j == 2)
const ?STRING_VTABLE:int;
const ?VT_MASK:int; axiom ?VT_MASK == 60;
const ?VT_BASE_LENGTH:int; axiom ?VT_BASE_LENGTH == 52;
const ?VT_ARRAY_OF:int; axiom ?VT_ARRAY_OF == 36;
function mask(vt:int) returns(int) { ro32(vt + ?VT_MASK) }
function tag(vt:int) returns(int) { and(mask(vt), 15) }
function baseLength(vt:int) returns(int) { ro32(vt + ?VT_BASE_LENGTH) }
function arrayElementSize(vt:int) returns(int) { ro32(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SIZE) }
function arrayElementClass(vt:int) returns(int) { ro32(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_CLASS) }
function arrayOf(vt:int) returns(int) { ro32(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_OF) }
function baseWords(vt:int) returns(int) { shr(baseLength(vt), 2) }
function arrayElementWords(vt:int) returns(int) { shr(arrayElementSize(vt), 2) }
const ?TYPE_STRUCT:int; axiom ?TYPE_STRUCT == 3;
// true ==> field j is pointer
// false ==> field j is primitive
function VFieldPtr(abs:int, f:int) returns(bool);
function fieldToSlot(vt:int, j:int) returns(k:int);
// field 0 is the first non-header field
function Sparse1(abs:int, vt:int, j:int, field:int) returns(bool)
VFieldPtr(abs, j) == (fieldToSlot(vt, field) != 0)
&& (fieldToSlot(vt, field) != 0 ==> between(1, 8, fieldToSlot(vt, field))
&& getNib(mask(vt), 4 * fieldToSlot(vt, field)) - 1 == field)
function Sparse2(vt:int, nFields:int) returns(bool)
(forall k:int::{TSlot(k)} TSlot(k) ==> 1 <= k && k < 8 && getNib(mask(vt), 4 * k) != 0 ==>
between(0, nFields, getNib(mask(vt), 4 * k) - 1)
&& fieldToSlot(vt, getNib(mask(vt), 4 * k) - 1) == k)
function{:expand false} TVT(abs:int, vt:int) returns(bool) { true }
function VTable(abs:int, vt:int) returns(bool);
axiom (forall abs:int, vt:int::{TVT(abs, vt)} VTable(abs, vt) <==>
!VFieldPtr(abs, 0) // REVIEW: is this redundant?
&& !VFieldPtr(abs, 1) // REVIEW: is this redundant?
&& (tag(vt) == ?DENSE_TAG ==> (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> 2 <= j && j < numFields(abs) ==>
VFieldPtr(abs, j) == (j < 30 && getBit(mask(vt), 2 + j))) // REVIEW: is the "j < 30" redundant?
&& (tag(vt) == ?SPARSE_TAG ==>
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> Sparse1(abs, vt, j, j - 2))
&& Sparse2(vt, numFields(abs) - 2)
&& (tag(vt) == ?STRING_TAG ==>
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> !VFieldPtr(abs, j))
&& (tag(vt) == ?PTR_VECTOR_TAG ==>
between(3, numFields(abs), baseWords(vt))
&& (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> (baseWords(vt) <= j && j < numFields(abs) <==> VFieldPtr(abs, j)))
&& (tag(vt) == ?OTHER_VECTOR_TAG ==>
!VFieldPtr(abs, 2)
&& inRo(arrayElementClass(vt) + ?VT_MASK, 4) // REVIEW
&& between(3, numFields(abs), baseWords(vt))
&& (arrayOf(vt) != ?TYPE_STRUCT ==> (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> !VFieldPtr(abs, j)))
&& (arrayOf(vt) == ?TYPE_STRUCT ==> !isVarSize(tag(arrayElementClass(vt))))
&& (arrayOf(vt) == ?TYPE_STRUCT && mask(arrayElementClass(vt)) == ?SPARSE_TAG ==>
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> !VFieldPtr(abs, j))) // REVIEW: redundant
&& (arrayOf(vt) == ?TYPE_STRUCT && tag(arrayElementClass(vt)) == ?SPARSE_TAG ==>
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==>
(VFieldPtr(abs, j) ==> baseWords(vt) <= j && j < numFields(abs))
&& (baseWords(vt) <= j && j < numFields(abs) ==>
(forall m:int::{TO(m)} TO(m) ==>
between(0, arrayElementWords(vt), j - Mult(arrayElementWords(vt), m) - baseWords(vt)) ==>
baseWords(vt) + Mult(arrayElementWords(vt), m) + arrayElementWords(vt) <= numFields(abs)
&& Sparse1(abs, arrayElementClass(vt), j, j - Mult(arrayElementWords(vt), m) - baseWords(vt)))))
&& arrayElementWords(vt) >= 0
&& Sparse2(arrayElementClass(vt), arrayElementWords(vt)))
&& (tag(vt) == ?PTR_ARRAY_TAG ==>
between(4, numFields(abs), baseWords(vt))
&& (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> (baseWords(vt) <= j && j < numFields(abs) <==> VFieldPtr(abs, j)))
&& (tag(vt) == ?OTHER_ARRAY_TAG ==>
!VFieldPtr(abs, 2)
&& !VFieldPtr(abs, 3)
&& between(4, numFields(abs), baseWords(vt))
&& (arrayOf(vt) != ?TYPE_STRUCT ==> (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> !VFieldPtr(abs, j)))
&& (isOtherTag(tag(vt)) ==>
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==>
VFieldPtr(abs, j) == (fieldToSlot(vt, j) != 0)
&& (fieldToSlot(vt, j) != 0 ==> between(1, 1 + ro32(mask(vt)), fieldToSlot(vt, j))
&& ro32(mask(vt) + 4 * fieldToSlot(vt, j)) + 1 == j))
&& (forall k:int::{TSlot(k)} TSlot(k) ==> 1 <= k && k < 1 + ro32(mask(vt)) ==>
inRo(mask(vt) + 4 * k, 4)
&& (ro32(mask(vt) + 4 * k) != 0 ==>
between(0, numFields(abs), ro32(mask(vt) + 4 * k) + 1)
&& fieldToSlot(vt, ro32(mask(vt) + 4 * k) + 1) == k))
&& inRo(mask(vt), 4)
&& ro32(mask(vt)) >= 0
axiom (forall abs:int, vt:int::{TVT(abs, vt)} VTable(abs, vt) ==>
inRo(vt + ?VT_MASK, 4)
&& inRo(vt + ?VT_BASE_LENGTH, 4)
&& inRo(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SIZE, 4)
&& inRo(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_CLASS, 4)
&& inRo(vt + ?VT_ARRAY_OF, 4)
function pad(i:int) returns(int)
and(i + 3, neg(3))
function{:expand false} TVL(abs:int) returns(bool) { true }
function ObjSize(abs:int, vt:int, nElems1:int, nElems2:int) returns(bool);
axiom (forall abs:int, vt:int, nElems1:int, nElems2:int::{TVL(abs), ObjSize(abs, vt, nElems1, nElems2)} ObjSize(abs, vt, nElems1, nElems2) <==>
numFields(abs) >= 2
&& (!isVarSize(tag(vt)) ==> 4 * numFields(abs) == baseLength(vt))
&& (tag(vt) == ?STRING_TAG ==> numFields(abs) >= 4 && 4 * numFields(abs) == pad(16 + 2 * nElems1))
&& (tag(vt) == ?PTR_VECTOR_TAG ==> numFields(abs) >= 3 && 4 * numFields(abs) == pad(baseLength(vt) + 4 * nElems1))
&& (tag(vt) == ?OTHER_VECTOR_TAG ==> numFields(abs) >= 3 && 4 * numFields(abs) == pad(baseLength(vt) + Mult(arrayElementSize(vt), nElems1)))
&& (tag(vt) == ?PTR_ARRAY_TAG ==> numFields(abs) >= 4 && 4 * numFields(abs) == pad(baseLength(vt) + 4 * nElems2))
&& (tag(vt) == ?OTHER_ARRAY_TAG ==> numFields(abs) >= 4 && 4 * numFields(abs) == pad(baseLength(vt) + Mult(arrayElementSize(vt), nElems2)))
type $FrameLayout;
function frameLayoutArgs($FrameLayout) returns(int);
function frameLayoutLocals($FrameLayout) returns(int);
function frameHasPtr($FrameLayout, int) returns(bool);
function frameDescriptor($FrameLayout) returns(desc:int);
function frameFieldToSlot($FrameLayout, int) returns(int);
var $FrameCount:int;
var $FrameSlice:[int]int;
var $FrameAddr:[int]int;
var $FrameLayout:[int]$FrameLayout;
var $FrameMem:[int]int;
var $FrameAbs:[int][int]int;
var $FrameOffset:[int]int;
function inFrame(layout:$FrameLayout, j:int) returns(bool)
-frameLayoutLocals(layout) <= j && j < 2 + frameLayoutArgs(layout)
function{:expand false} TVF(l:$FrameLayout) returns(bool) { true }
axiom (forall l:$FrameLayout, j:int::{TVF(l),TO(j)}
(inFrame(l, 0) && !frameHasPtr(l, 0))
&& (inFrame(l, 1) && !frameHasPtr(l, 1))
&& (TO(j) && frameHasPtr(l, j) ==> inFrame(l, j))
&& (TO(j) && getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 0) && !getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 1) && and(shr(frameDescriptor(l), 6), 1023) == 0 ==>
between(0, 16, frameLayoutArgs(l))
&& frameLayoutArgs(l) == and(shr(frameDescriptor(l), 2), 15)
&& (frameHasPtr(l, j) ==> 0 <= frameLayoutArgs(l) + 1 - j && frameLayoutArgs(l) - 1 - j < 16)
&& (0 <= frameLayoutArgs(l) + 1 - j && frameLayoutArgs(l) - 1 - j < 16 ==> (
(j >= 2 ==> frameHasPtr(l, j) == getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 16 + frameLayoutArgs(l) + 1 - j))
&& (j < 0 ==> frameHasPtr(l, j) == getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 16 + frameLayoutArgs(l) - 1 - j)))
&& (TO(j) && !getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 0) ==> inRo(frameDescriptor(l), 4))
&& (TO(j) && !getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 0) && ro32(frameDescriptor(l)) == 4096 && inFrame(l, j) ==> (
inRo(frameDescriptor(l) + 4, 1)
&& inRo(frameDescriptor(l) + 6 + frameFieldToSlot(l, j), 1)
&& j == roS8(frameDescriptor(l) + 6 + frameFieldToSlot(l, j))
&& frameHasPtr(l, j) == (
between(0, roU8(frameDescriptor(l) + 4), frameFieldToSlot(l, j))
axiom (forall l:$FrameLayout, k:int::{TVF(l),TSlot(k)}
TSlot(k) && !getBit(frameDescriptor(l), 0) && ro32(frameDescriptor(l)) == 4096 && between(0, roU8(frameDescriptor(l) + 4), k) ==>
inFrame(l, roS8(frameDescriptor(l) + 6 + k))
&& k == frameFieldToSlot(l, roS8(frameDescriptor(l) + 6 + k))
const ?sectionCount:int;
const ?staticDataPointerBitMap:int;
const ?dataSectionEnd:int;
const ?dataSectionBase:int;
function sectionSlice(ptr:int) returns(section:int);
function sectionBase(section:int) returns(ptr:int) { ro32(?dataSectionBase + 4 * section) }
function sectionEnd(section:int) returns(ptr:int) { ro32(?dataSectionEnd + 4 * section) }
function sectionHasPtr(section:int, j:int) returns(bool);
function inSectionData(ptr:int) returns(bool);
function{:expand false} TVS(s:int, j:int) returns(bool) { true }
axiom (forall s:int, j:int::{TVS(s, j)}
0 <= s && s < ?sectionCount && 0 <= j ==>
inRo(?dataSectionBase + 4 * s, 4)
&& inRo(?dataSectionEnd + 4 * s, 4)
&& inRo(?staticDataPointerBitMap + 4 * s, 4)
&& (sectionBase(s) + 4 * j < sectionEnd(s) ==>
inSectionData(ro32(?dataSectionBase + 4 * s) + 4 * j)
&& inRo(ro32(?staticDataPointerBitMap + 4 * s) + 4 * shr(j, 5), 4)
&& and(j, 31) < 32 // REVIEW: this is true, so just prove it
&& sectionHasPtr(s, j) == getBit(
ro32(ro32(?staticDataPointerBitMap + 4 * s) + 4 * shr(j, 5)),
and(j, 31)
const ?callSiteTableCount:int;
const ?codeBaseStartTable:int;
const ?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers:int;
const ?callSiteSetCount:int;
const ?callSiteSetNumberToIndex:int;
const ?activationDescriptorTable:int;
function LookupDesc(t:int, j:int) returns(int)
ro32(ro32(?activationDescriptorTable + 4 * t) + 4 *
roU16(ro32(?callSiteSetNumberToIndex + 4 * t) + 2 * j))
function InTable(t:int, j:int) returns(bool)
0 <= t && t < ?callSiteTableCount && 0 <= j && j < ro32(ro32(?callSiteSetCount + 4 * t))
function RetAddrAt(t:int, j:int, retaddr:int) returns(bool)
InTable(t, j)
&& between(ro32(ro32(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t) + 4 * j),
ro32(ro32(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t) + 4 * (j + 1)),
retaddr - ro32(?codeBaseStartTable + 4 * t))
function{:expand false} TVFT(f:int) returns(bool) { true }
function FrameNextInv(f:int, ra:int, nextFp:int, $FrameAddr:[int]int, $FrameLayout:[int]$FrameLayout) returns(bool);
axiom (forall f:int, ra:int, nextFp:int, $FrameAddr:[int]int, $FrameLayout:[int]$FrameLayout::{TVFT(f), FrameNextInv(f, ra, nextFp, $FrameAddr, $FrameLayout)} FrameNextInv(f, ra, nextFp, $FrameAddr, $FrameLayout) <==>
f >= 0
&& (f == 0 <==> !(exists t:int, j:int::{TT(t), TO(j)} TT(t) && TO(j) && RetAddrAt(t, j, ra)))
&& (f > 0 ==>
$FrameAddr[f - 1] == nextFp
&& (forall t:int, j:int::{TT(t), TO(j)} TT(t) && TO(j) ==>
RetAddrAt(t, j, ra) ==> frameDescriptor($FrameLayout[f - 1]) == LookupDesc(t, j)))
axiom (forall f:int::{TVFT(f)}
(forall t:int::{TT(t)} TT(t) ==> 0 <= t && t < ?callSiteTableCount ==>
inRo(?codeBaseStartTable + 4 * t, 4)
&& inRo(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t, 4)
&& inRo(?callSiteSetCount + 4 * t, 4)
&& inRo(ro32(?callSiteSetCount + 4 * t), 4)
&& inRo(?callSiteSetNumberToIndex + 4 * t, 4)
&& inRo(?activationDescriptorTable + 4 * t, 4)
&& (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> 0 <= j && j <= ro32(ro32(?callSiteSetCount + 4 * t)) ==>
inRo(ro32(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t) + 4 * j, 4)
&& inRo(ro32(?callSiteSetNumberToIndex + 4 * t) + 2 * j, 2)
&& inRo(ro32(?activationDescriptorTable + 4 * t)
+ 4 * roU16(ro32(?callSiteSetNumberToIndex + 4 * t) + 2 * j), 4)
axiom (forall f:int::{TVFT(f)}
(forall t:int, j1:int, j2:int::{TT(t), TO(j1), TO(j2)} TT(t) && TO(j1) && TO(j2) ==>
0 <= t && t < ?callSiteTableCount && 0 <= j1 && j1 < j2 && j2 <= ro32(ro32(?callSiteSetCount + 4 * t)) ==>
ro32(ro32(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t) + 4 * j1) < ro32(ro32(?returnAddressToCallSiteSetNumbers + 4 * t) + 4 * j2)
// Note: we allow reads, but not writes, from $frame == $FrameCount, which
// is the garbage collector's own initial stack frame. This feature allows
// the collector to read the arguments and saved return address set
// by the mutator. It does not allow reading the collector's own data.
procedure FrameLoad($frame:int, ptr:int) returns(val:int);
requires 0 <= $frame && $frame <= $FrameCount;
requires $FrameSlice[ptr] == $frame;
ensures word(val);
ensures val == $FrameMem[ptr];
procedure FrameStore($frame:int, ptr:int, val:int);
requires 0 <= $frame && $frame < $FrameCount;
requires $FrameSlice[ptr] == $frame;
requires word(val);
modifies $FrameMem;
ensures $FrameMem == old($FrameMem)[ptr := val];
function FrameInv(f:int, l:$FrameLayout, r:[int]int, $FrameAddr:[int]int, $FrameSlice:[int]int, $FrameLayout:[int]$FrameLayout, $FrameMem:[int]int, $FrameAbs:[int][int]int, $FrameOffset:[int]int, $Time:Time) returns(bool)
FrameNextInv(f, $FrameMem[$FrameAddr[f] + 4], $FrameMem[$FrameAddr[f]], $FrameAddr, $FrameLayout)
&& (forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> inFrame(l, j) ==>
$FrameSlice[$FrameAddr[f] + 4 * j] == f
&& word($FrameAddr[f] + 4 * j)
&& InteriorValue(frameHasPtr(l, j), r, $FrameMem[$FrameAddr[f] + 4 * j], $FrameAbs[f][j], $FrameOffset[$FrameAddr[f] + 4 * j])
&& (frameHasPtr(l, j) && gcAddrEx($FrameMem[$FrameAddr[f] + 4 * j]) ==> reached($FrameAbs[f][j], $Time))
function StackInv(r:[int]int, $FrameCount:int, $FrameAddr:[int]int, $FrameLayout:[int]$FrameLayout,
$FrameSlice:[int]int, $FrameMem:[int]int, $FrameAbs:[int][int]int, $FrameOffset:[int]int, t:Time) returns(bool)
(forall f:int::{TV(f)} TV(f) ==> 0 <= f && f < $FrameCount ==>
FrameInv(f, $FrameLayout[f], r, $FrameAddr, $FrameSlice, $FrameLayout, $FrameMem, $FrameAbs, $FrameOffset, t))
var $SectionMem:[int]int;
var $SectionAbs:[int][int]int;
function SectionInv(s:int, i1:int, i2:int, r:[int]int, $SectionMem:[int]int, $SectionAbs:[int][int]int, t:Time) returns(bool)
(forall j:int::{TO(j)} TO(j) ==> 0 <= j && i1 + 4 * j < i2 ==>
sectionSlice(i1 + 4 * j) == s
&& Value(sectionHasPtr(s, j), r, $SectionMem[i1 + 4 * j], $SectionAbs[s][j])
&& (sectionHasPtr(s, j) && gcAddrEx($SectionMem[i1 + 4 * j]) ==> reached($SectionAbs[s][j], t))
function StaticInv(r:[int]int, $SectionMem:[int]int, $SectionAbs:[int][int]int, t:Time) returns(bool)
(forall s:int::{TV(s)} TV(s) ==> 0 <= s && s < ?sectionCount ==>
SectionInv(s, sectionBase(s), sectionEnd(s), r, $SectionMem, $SectionAbs, t))
procedure SectionLoad(ptr:int) returns(val:int);
requires inSectionData(ptr);
ensures word(val);
ensures val == $SectionMem[ptr];
procedure SectionStore(ptr:int, val:int);
requires inSectionData(ptr);
requires word(val);
modifies $SectionMem;
ensures $SectionMem == old($SectionMem)[ptr := val];
// Each integer i is considered a concrete node.
// The memory manager controls concrete nodes in memory.
// - Each abstract object node is either mapped to one concrete node or is unmapped
// - Each concrete node is either mapped to one abstract object node or is unmapped
// - If abstract object node A is mapped to concrete node C, then C is mapped to A
// Let the notation C<-->A indicate that A is mapped to C and C is mapped to A.
// Let the notation C-->none indicate that C is unmapped.
// Let the notation A-->none indicate that A is unmapped.
// The variable $toAbs maps concrete nodes to abstract nodes, and thereby
// exactly describes all C<-->A and C-->none. The A-->none mappings are
// implied; if there is no C such that C<-->A, then A-->none.
var $toAbs:[int]int; // maps a concrete node C to an abstract node A or to "none"
// MAP_NO_ABS has no C<-->A mappings.
const MAP_NO_ABS:[int]int;
axiom (forall i:int::{TV(i)} TV(i) ==> MAP_NO_ABS[i] == NO_ABS);
// WellFormed($toAbs) ensures that if C1 != C2 and $toAbs[C1] != NO_ABS
// and $toAbs[C2] != NO_ABS then $toAbs[C1] != $toAbs[C2].
function WellFormed($toAbs:[int]int) returns(bool)
(forall i1:int, i2:int::{TV(i1), TV(i2)} TV(i1) && TV(i2)
&& gcAddr(i1) && gcAddr(i2) && i1 != i2 && $toAbs[i1] != NO_ABS && $toAbs[i2] != NO_ABS
==> $toAbs[i1] != $toAbs[i2])