//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: Sb16.sg // using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; //StructAlign attribute using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //structLayout attribute using System.GCs; using Microsoft.SingSharp; using Microsoft.SingSharp.Reflection; using Microsoft.Singularity; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; using Microsoft.Singularity.Extending; using Microsoft.Singularity.Directory; using Microsoft.Singularity.Io; using Microsoft.Singularity.Configuration; using Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Services; using Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Threads; using Allocation = Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Services.SharedHeapService.Allocation; using Microsoft.Singularity.Drivers; [assembly: Transform(typeof(DriverResourceTransform))] namespace Microsoft.Singularity.Drivers.Sb16 { // Declare all resource needs in one place: [DriverCategory] [Signature("/pnp/PNPB003")] internal class Sb16Resources : DriverCategoryDeclaration { [IoPortRange(0, Default = 0x0220, Length = 0x10)] internal readonly IoPortRange basePorts; [IoPortRange(1, Default = 0x0380, Length = 0x10)] internal readonly IoPortRange gamePorts; [IoIrqRange(2, Default = 0x05)] internal readonly IoIrqRange irq; [IoDmaRange(3, Default = 0x01)] internal readonly IoDmaRange dma8; [IoDmaRange(4, Default = 0x05)] internal readonly IoDmaRange dma16; [IoFixedMemoryRange(AddressBits = 24, Alignment = 0x20000, Length = 0x4000)] internal readonly IoMemoryRange fixedMem; [ExtensionEndpoint] internal TRef ec; [ServiceEndpoint(typeof(SoundDeviceContract))] internal TRef audiosp; internal int DriverMain(string instance) { return Sb16Channels.DriverMain(this); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The Sb16Channels class has a single message pump that manages messages // to/from the "/dev" namespace and incoming play requests. // public class Sb16Channels { internal static int DriverMain(Sb16Resources! resources) { // Create and Initialize the device Sb16Device device = new Sb16Device(resources); device.Initialize(); // get the endpoints and set up the main switch receive ExtensionContract.Exp ec = ((!)resources.ec).Acquire(); ServiceProviderContract.Exp sp = ((!)resources.audiosp).Acquire(); // Signal parent that driver is initialized. Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Sb16 Registered"); ec.SendSuccess(); // create a set of all client endpoints connected to the sound // device ESet clients = new ESet(); try { for (bool run = true; run;) { switch receive { // Listen for new connections case sp.Connect(candidate): SoundDeviceContract.Exp newClient = candidate as SoundDeviceContract.Exp; if (newClient != null) { newClient.SendSuccess(); clients.Add(newClient); sp.SendAckConnect(); } else { sp.SendNackConnect(candidate); } break; // Listen for client requests case ep.RecvPlayPcm(data, offset, length, sampleRate, stereo, signed, eightBit) in clients: { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "PlayPcm({0:d})", (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)length)); device.PlayPcm((!)data, offset, length, sampleRate, stereo, signed, eightBit); ep.SendAckPlayPcm(data); // add client endpoint back into set. clients.Add(ep); break; } // Listen for client requests case ep.RecvPlayWav(data) in clients: { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "PlayWav({0:d}", (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)data.Length)); device.PlayWav(data); ep.SendAckPlayWav(data); // add client endpoint back into set. clients.Add(ep); break; } // Listen for client departure case ep.ChannelClosed() in clients: Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Client channel closes."); delete ep; break; // Listen for extension parent case ec.Shutdown(): ec.SendAckShutdown(); run = false; break; case clients.Empty() && sp.ChannelClosed(): Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Sound driver no longer needed."); run = false; break; } } } finally { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Sb16 finished message pump."); delete sp; clients.Dispose(); } // Close the device device.Finalize(); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Shutdown"); delete ec; return 0; } } public class Sb16Device { private const ushort BUFSIZE = 0x4000; private const ushort HALFBUFSIZE = BUFSIZE / 2; private IoIrq! irq; private Thread irqWorker; private bool irqWorkerStop; private AutoResetEvent! playEndEvent; private IoDma! dma8; private IoDma! dma16; private IoMemory! fixedBuffer; private IoPort! resetPort; private IoPort! readDataPort; private IoPort! writePort; private IoPort! readStatPort; private IoPort! intAck16Port; private IoPort! mixAddrPort; private IoPort! mixDataPort; // Variables re-used for each play request. private unsafe SharedHeapService.Allocation * pcmData; private int pcmLeft = 0; private int pcmOffset = 0; //[invariant ((pcmData == null) || //(0 <= pcmOffset && pcmOffset + pcmLeft <= pcmData.Length));] private ushort samplesPerSec; private int halfBufOffset = 0; //[invariant (halfBufOffset == 0 || halfBufOffset == HALFBUFSIZE);] private bool done = true; private bool exit = false; private ushort dspVersion = 0; const ushort MIX_ADDR_REG = 0x04; // MIXER CHIP REGISTER ADDRESS PORT : WRITE const ushort MIX_DATA_REG = 0x05; // MIXER CHIP DATA ADDRESS PORT : READ/WRITE const ushort DSP_RESET_REG = 0x06; // DSP RESET : WRITE const ushort DSP_READ_DATA_REG = 0x0A; // DSP READ DATA PORT : READ const ushort DSP_WRITE_REG = 0x0C; // DSP WRITE COMMAND/DATA PORT : READ/WRITE const ushort DSP_READ_STAT_REG = 0x0E; // DSP READ BUFFER STATUS PORT : READ const ushort DSP_INT_ACK16_REG = 0x0F; // Interrupt Ack Port 16bit :READ private const byte DSPREADY = 0xAA;// code for DSP READY private enum DspMode { STEREO = 0x20, // Stereo bit. SIGNED = 0x10, // Signed bit. NORMAL = 0x00, // Neither stereo nor signed. } private enum DspCommand { SETSAMPRATE = 0x41, // Set sample rate ( only available in 4.xx) PROGAUTOINIT16 = 0xb6, // program 16 bit digital input output PROGAUTOINIT8 = 0xc6, // program 8 bit digital input output SPKRON = 0xd1, // turn speaker on SPKROFF = 0xd3, // turn off speaker EXITAUTOINIT16 = 0xd9, // exit 16-bit auto init DMA mode EXITAUTOINIT8 = 0xda, // exit 8 bit auto init DMA mode GETDSPVERSION = 0xe1, // Get DSP version number } private enum DspRegisters { IntStatPort = 0x82, } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internal Sb16Device(Sb16Resources! res) { // Ranges[0]: Fixed I/O Port bas=0220 len=10 0220..022f // Ranges[1]: Fixed I/O Port bas=0380 len=10 0380..038f // Ranges[2]: IRQ 5 // Ranges[3]: DMA 1 - 8-bit DMA // Ranges[4]: DMA 5 - 16-bit DMA playEndEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); assume res.irq != null; assume res.dma8 != null; assume res.dma16 != null; assume res.fixedMem != null; assume res.basePorts != null; // get Irq and Dma channels from the resources irq = (!)res.irq.IrqAtOffset(0); dma8 = (!)res.dma8.DmaAtOffset(0); dma16 = (!)res.dma16.DmaAtOffset(0); mixAddrPort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(MIX_ADDR_REG, 1, Access.Write); mixDataPort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(MIX_DATA_REG, 1, Access.ReadWrite); resetPort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(DSP_RESET_REG, 1, Access.Write); readDataPort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(DSP_READ_DATA_REG, 1, Access.Read); writePort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(DSP_WRITE_REG, 1, Access.ReadWrite); readStatPort = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(DSP_READ_STAT_REG, 1, Access.Read); intAck16Port = (!)res.basePorts.PortAtOffset(DSP_INT_ACK16_REG, 1, Access.Read); base(); // Now get the fixed memory region out of the resources: fixedBuffer = (!)res.fixedMem.MemoryAtOffset(0, BUFSIZE, true, true); } public void Initialize() { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Initialize"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Fixed Buffer: {0,8:x8}", fixedBuffer.PhysicalAddress.Value); bool iflag = PrivilegedGate.DisableInterrupts(); try { irq.RegisterInterrupt(); DspReset(); DspWrite(DspCommand.SPKRON); } finally { PrivilegedGate.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } irqWorker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(IrqWorkerPump)); irqWorkerStop = false; irqWorker.Start(); } public void Finalize() { bool iflag = PrivilegedGate.DisableInterrupts(); try { DspWrite(DspCommand.SPKROFF); irqWorkerStop = true; irq.ReleaseInterrupt(); } finally { PrivilegedGate.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } #if CAN_JOIN if (irqWorker != null) { irqWorker.Join(); irqWorker = null; } #endif } public void PlayWav(byte[]! in ExHeap data) { if (data.Length < 64) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Warning, "File too short for WAV"); return; } if (data[0] != 'R' || data[1] != 'I' || data[2] != 'F' || data[3] != 'F' || data[8] != 'W' || data[9] != 'A' || data[10] != 'V' || data[11] != 'E' || data[12] != 'f' || data[13] != 'm' || data[14] != 't' || data[15] != ' ' || data[20] != 1 || data[21] != 0) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Warning, "No WAVE signature"); return; } ushort numChannels = Bitter.ToUInt16(data, 22); ushort samplesPerSec = (ushort)Bitter.ToUInt32(data, 24); ushort bitsPerSample = Bitter.ToUInt16(data, 34); if ((numChannels != 1 && numChannels != 2) || (samplesPerSec > 48000) || (bitsPerSample != 8 && bitsPerSample != 16)) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Warning, "Unrecognized WAV fmt parameters."); return; } for (int offset = 12;;) { if (data.Length < offset + 8) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Warning, "Malformed WAV file at {0}.", (UIntPtr)offset); return; } if (data[offset] == 'd' && data[offset+1] == 'a' && data[offset+2] == 't' && data[offset+3] == 'a') { PlayPcm(data, offset + 8, Bitter.ToInt32(data, offset + 4), samplesPerSec, numChannels == 2, bitsPerSample != 8, bitsPerSample == 8); return; } offset += 8 + Bitter.ToInt32(data, offset + 4); } } public unsafe void PlayPcm(byte[]! in ExHeap buffer, int offset, int length, ushort sampleRate, bool stereo, bool signed, bool eightBit) //[requires offset >= 0 && offset + length <= data.Length;] { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "buff.Length={0}, offset={1}, length={2} ={3}", (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)buffer.Length), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)offset), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)length), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)offset + length)); done = false; exit = false; pcmData = (Allocation *)buffer; pcmOffset = offset; pcmLeft = length; samplesPerSec = sampleRate; if (eightBit) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Playing 8-bit sound (byte={0}, {1} Hz, {2})", (UIntPtr)length, sampleRate, (UIntPtr)(stereo ? 2 : 1)); PlayDmaAutoInit8(stereo, signed); } else { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Playing 16-bit sound (byte={0}, {1} Hz, {2})", (UIntPtr)length, sampleRate, (UIntPtr)(stereo ? 2 : 1)); PlayDmaAutoInit16(stereo, signed); } playEndEvent.WaitOne(); } private void PlayDmaAutoInit8(bool stereo, bool signed) { halfBufOffset = 0; bool iflag = PrivilegedGate.DisableInterrupts(); try { dma8.DisableChannel(); //Disable DMA channel while programming it dma8.SetControlByteMask(IoDma.Settings.SingleMode | IoDma.Settings.AddressIncrement | IoDma.Settings.AutoInit | IoDma.Settings.ReadTransfer); dma8.ClearFlipFlop(); //Clear Flip-Flop [ref]swap clear and control statement dma8.SetControlByte(); //Put into 8-bit Single Cycle mode dma8.SetBuffer(fixedBuffer); dma8.SetTransferLength(BUFSIZE - 1); dma8.EnableChannel(); //enable DMA channelFillBuffer(); DspWrite(DspCommand.SETSAMPRATE); DspWriteBig(samplesPerSec); done = FillHalfBuffer(); DspWrite(DspCommand.PROGAUTOINIT8); DspWriteBMode(stereo, signed); DspWriteLittle(HALFBUFSIZE - 1); if (done) { DspWrite(DspCommand.EXITAUTOINIT8); exit = true; } else { done = FillHalfBuffer(); } } finally { PrivilegedGate.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } } private void PlayDmaAutoInit16(bool stereo, bool signed) { halfBufOffset = 0; bool iflag = PrivilegedGate.DisableInterrupts(); try { dma16.DisableChannel(); //Disable DMA channel while programming it dma16.SetControlByteMask(IoDma.Settings.SingleMode | IoDma.Settings.AddressIncrement | IoDma.Settings.AutoInit | IoDma.Settings.ReadTransfer); dma16.ClearFlipFlop(); //Clear Flip-Flop [ref]swap clear and control statement dma16.SetControlByte(); //Put into 8-bit Single Cycle mode dma16.SetBuffer(fixedBuffer); dma16.SetTransferLength((BUFSIZE / 2) - 1); dma16.EnableChannel(); //enable DMA channelFillBuffer(); DspWrite(DspCommand.SETSAMPRATE); DspWriteBig(samplesPerSec); done = FillHalfBuffer(); DspWrite(DspCommand.PROGAUTOINIT16); DspWriteBMode(stereo, signed); DspWriteLittle((HALFBUFSIZE / 2) - 1); if (done) { DspWrite(DspCommand.EXITAUTOINIT16); exit = true; } else { done = FillHalfBuffer(); } } finally { PrivilegedGate.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } } private unsafe bool FillHalfBuffer() { //transfer data from snddat.Sound to Buffer int use = Math.Min(pcmLeft, HALFBUFSIZE); if (use != 0) { byte[] in ExHeap buffer = (byte[] in ExHeap)pcmData; Bitter.ToIoMemory(buffer, pcmOffset, use, fixedBuffer, halfBufOffset); if (use < HALFBUFSIZE) { // Pad with empty sound as needed. fixedBuffer.Write8(halfBufOffset + use, 0, HALFBUFSIZE - use); } pcmOffset += use; pcmLeft -= use; if (halfBufOffset > 0) { halfBufOffset = 0; } else { halfBufOffset = HALFBUFSIZE; } } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "offset:{0,6}, left:{1,6}, use:{2,5}, buffer:{3,5}", (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)pcmOffset), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)pcmLeft), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)use), (UIntPtr)unchecked((uint)halfBufOffset)); return (use < HALFBUFSIZE); } private void IrqWorkerPump() { // When this IRQ is signaled, there may be two half-buffers // at play. The first just finished (thus triggering the IRQ); // the second is going out the DSP as we process. // If the done flag is set, the last half-buffer has been filled. // If the exit flag is set, then this *IS* the last half-buffer. // Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Start worker thread."); while (irqWorkerStop == false) { irq.WaitForInterrupt(); if (irqWorkerStop) { break; } bool iflag = PrivilegedGate.DisableInterrupts(); try { byte bt = (byte)ReadMixPort((byte)DspRegisters.IntStatPort); bt &= 0x7u; if (bt == 1) { readStatPort.Read8(); if (exit) { playEndEvent.Set(); continue; } if (done) { DspWrite(DspCommand.EXITAUTOINIT8); exit = true; } } else if (bt == 2) { intAck16Port.Read8(); if (exit) { playEndEvent.Set(); continue; } if (done) { DspWrite(DspCommand.EXITAUTOINIT16); exit = true; } } else if (irqWorkerStop == false) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Error, "Interrupt status {0}", bt); DebugStub.Break(); } done = FillHalfBuffer(); } finally { irq.AckInterrupt(); PrivilegedGate.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } } } #region DSP private void DspWaitForData() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((readStatPort.Read8() & 0x80) != 0) { return; } } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Error, "DSP Data Avail FAILED"); DebugStub.Break(); } private byte DspRead() { DspWaitForData(); // wait for data to be available return readDataPort.Read8(); } private void DspGetVersion() { byte VersionMaj; byte VersionMin; DspWrite(DspCommand.GETDSPVERSION); //send instruction DspWaitForData(); //wait for dsp to flag u for instruction VersionMaj = DspRead(); VersionMin = DspRead(); dspVersion = (ushort)((VersionMaj << 8) | VersionMin); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Hardware Version : {0:x4}", dspVersion); } private bool DspReset() { resetPort.Write8(0x01); Thread.SpinWait(10000); resetPort.Write8(0x00); for (int i = 0; i < 0xffff; i++) { DspWaitForData(); byte bt = DspRead(); if (bt == DSPREADY) { DspGetVersion(); return true; } else { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Warning, "BT {0} is not DSP_READY", bt); } } return false; } private void DspWait() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((writePort.Read8() & 0x80) == 0) { return; } } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Error, "DSP Wait FAlLED."); DebugStub.Break(); } private void DspWrite(DspCommand cmd) { DspWait(); writePort.Write8((byte)cmd); } private void DspWriteBMode(bool stereo, bool signed) { DspWait(); DspMode mode = DspMode.NORMAL; if (stereo) { mode |= DspMode.STEREO; } if (signed) { mode |= DspMode.SIGNED; } writePort.Write8((byte)mode); } // Little-endian write. private void DspWriteLittle(ushort value) { DspWait(); writePort.Write8((byte)(value & 0xff)); DspWait(); writePort.Write8((byte)(value >> 8)); } // Big-endian write. private void DspWriteBig(ushort value) { DspWait(); writePort.Write8((byte)(value >> 8)); DspWait(); writePort.Write8((byte)(value & 0xff)); } private void WriteMixPort(byte Add,byte data) { mixAddrPort.Write8(Add); mixDataPort.Write8(data); } private byte ReadMixPort(byte Add) { mixAddrPort.Write8(Add); return mixDataPort.Read8(); } #endregion // DSP } }