//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: Disk.sg // // Reads and manages volumes and Partitions on the system // // Useful links: // http://www.ata-atapi.com/hiwtab.htm // http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.SingSharp; using Microsoft.Singularity; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; using Microsoft.Singularity.Directory; using Microsoft.Singularity.Io; using Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Services; using Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Threads; namespace Microsoft.Singularity.Services.VolumeManager { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=4)] internal pointerfree struct PartitionDescriptor { public byte BootIndicator; private byte chsStartHead; private byte chsStartSector; private byte chsStartCylinder; public byte SystemId; private byte chsEndHead; private byte chsEndSector; private byte chsEndCylinder; private uint leStartSector; private uint leTotalSector; private static byte GetChsSector(byte sectorByte) { return (byte)(sectorByte & 0x3f); } private static ushort GetChsCylinder(byte sectorByte, byte cylinderByte) { return (ushort) ((((int)sectorByte & 0xc0) << 2) + (int)cylinderByte); } public byte ChsStartHead { get { return chsStartHead; } } public byte ChsStartSector { get { return GetChsSector(chsStartSector); } } public ushort ChsStartCylinder { get { return GetChsCylinder(chsStartSector, chsStartCylinder); } } public byte ChsEndHead { get { return chsEndHead; } } public byte ChsEndSector { get { return GetChsSector(chsEndSector); } } public ushort ChsEndCylinder { get { return GetChsCylinder(chsEndSector, chsEndCylinder); } } public uint StartSector { get { return ByteOrder.LittleEndianToHost(leStartSector); } set { leStartSector = ByteOrder.HostToLittleEndian(value); } } public uint TotalSector { get { return ByteOrder.LittleEndianToHost(leTotalSector); } set { leTotalSector = ByteOrder.HostToLittleEndian(value); } } } public class Disk { public const byte SystemIdFat16Extended = 0x05; public const byte SystemIdFat32ExtendedLba = 0x0f; public const byte Byte510Signature = 0x55; public const byte Byte511Signature = 0xaa; public const int Descriptor0Offset = 0x1be; public const int DescriptorSize = 16; public const int DescriptorMax = 4; public const int BytesPerSector = 512; private String diskName; private ArrayList partitions; // Holds boxed PartitionDescriptor's private TRef VolExp; public void MakeTRef([Claims]VolumeManagerContract.Exp:Accept! imp) requires imp.InState(VolumeManagerContract.Accept.Value); { VolExp = new TRef (imp); } public VolumeManagerContract.Exp:Accept! AcquireTRef() { assert VolExp != null; VolumeManagerContract.Exp:Accept exp = VolExp.Acquire(); VolExp = null; return exp; } internal int PartitionCount { get { return (partitions == null) ? 0 : partitions.Count; } } internal bool GetPartition(int partitionId, out PartitionDescriptor pd) { if (partitions != null && partitionId < partitions.Count) { pd = (PartitionDescriptor) (!)partitions[partitionId]; return true; } pd = new PartitionDescriptor(); return false; } private static byte[] in ExHeap ReadSector(DiskDeviceContract.Imp:Ready! imp, ulong sectorNumber) { byte[]! in ExHeap outBuffer = new [ExHeap] byte[BytesPerSector]; imp.SendRead(outBuffer, 0, BytesPerSector, sectorNumber); switch receive { case imp.RecvAckRead(inBuffer): return inBuffer; case imp.RecvNakRead(): return null; case imp.ChannelClosed(): DebugStub.WriteLine("Disk closed channel on volume manager."); return null; } } public bool Initialize(string! diskName) { this.diskName = diskName; DiskDeviceContract.Imp imp; // Open a connection to the disk imp = OpenDisk(diskName); if (imp == null) { return false; } byte[] in ExHeap mbrBuffer = ReadSector(imp, 0); try { if (mbrBuffer != null) { try { partitions = ParseMasterBootRecord(imp, mbrBuffer); } finally { delete mbrBuffer; } } else { throw new Exception("Didn't get AckRead on MBR"); } } finally { delete imp; } return true; } public static ArrayList ParseMasterBootRecord(DiskDeviceContract.Imp:Ready! imp, byte[]! in ExHeap mbrRecord) { // validate signature Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug,"Signature = {0:x2}{1:x2}\n", (UIntPtr)mbrRecord[510], (UIntPtr)mbrRecord[511]); if (mbrRecord[510] != Byte510Signature || mbrRecord[511] != Byte511Signature) { DebugStub.Print("Bad MBR signature ({0:x2}{1:x2})\n", __arglist(mbrRecord[510], mbrRecord[511])); return null; //not found } DebugStub.Print("MBR signature ({0:x2}{1:x2})\n", __arglist(mbrRecord[510], mbrRecord[511])); ArrayList partitions = new ArrayList(4); for (int i = 0; i < DescriptorMax; i++) { ref PartitionDescriptor r = ref mbrRecord[Descriptor0Offset + i * DescriptorSize]; Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Partition: boot={0:x2}, StartSector={1}, Total={2}\n", r.BootIndicator, r.StartSector, r.TotalSector); DebugStub.Print(" Partition: boot={0:x2}, StartSector={1}, Total={2} (CHS {3}.{4}.{5}--{6}.{7}.{8})\n", __arglist(r.BootIndicator, r.StartSector, r.TotalSector, r.ChsStartCylinder, r.ChsStartHead, r.ChsStartSector, r.ChsEndCylinder, r.ChsEndHead, r.ChsEndSector )); if (r.SystemId == SystemIdFat16Extended || r.SystemId == SystemIdFat32ExtendedLba) { FetchAndParseExtendedPartition(imp, ref r, partitions); } else if (r.TotalSector != 0) { partitions.Add(r); } } int count = 0; foreach (Object o in partitions) { PartitionDescriptor pd = (PartitionDescriptor) (!)o; // The next non-null cast should be redundant because of // assertion, but is required to silence compiler. DebugStub.WriteLine(" Partition {0}, system={1}, start={2}, count = {3}", __arglist( count++, pd.SystemId, pd.StartSector, pd.TotalSector)); } return partitions; } private static void FetchAndParseExtendedPartition(DiskDeviceContract.Imp:Ready! imp, ref PartitionDescriptor parent, ArrayList! partitions) { DebugStub.Write(" Extended Partition system={0}, start={1}, count = {2}\n", __arglist(parent.SystemId, parent.StartSector, parent.TotalSector)); byte [] in ExHeap buffer = ReadSector(imp, (ulong)parent.StartSector); if (buffer != null) { try { ParseExtendedPartition(imp, ref parent, buffer, partitions); } finally { delete buffer; } } } private static void ParseExtendedPartition(DiskDeviceContract.Imp:Ready! imp, ref PartitionDescriptor parent, byte []! in ExHeap sector, ArrayList! partitions) { // Check signature if (sector[510] != Byte510Signature || sector[511] != Byte511Signature) { DebugStub.Print("Bad Extended Partition signature {0:x2}{1:x2}\n", __arglist(sector[510], sector[511])); return; } // Check first descriptor matches parent ref PartitionDescriptor self = ref sector[Descriptor0Offset]; if (self.TotalSector == 0) { DebugStub.Print("Zero sectors for extended partitions"); return; } self.StartSector += parent.StartSector; partitions.Add(self); // Check if second descriptor is also an extended partition ref PartitionDescriptor child = ref sector[Descriptor0Offset + DescriptorSize]; if ((child.SystemId == SystemIdFat32ExtendedLba || child.SystemId == SystemIdFat16Extended) && child.TotalSector != 0) { child.StartSector += parent.StartSector; FetchAndParseExtendedPartition(imp, ref child, partitions); } } private DiskDeviceContract.Imp:Ready OpenDisk(string! devName) { DiskDeviceContract.Exp! exp; DiskDeviceContract.Imp! imp; DiskDeviceContract.NewChannel(out imp, out exp); // get NS endpoint DirectoryServiceContract.Imp ns = DirectoryService.NewClientEndpoint(); DebugStub.Print("Attempting to bind to {0}\n", __arglist(devName)); bool success = false; ns.SendBind(Bitter.FromString2(devName),exp); switch receive { case ns.AckBind(): DebugStub.Print("VolMgr: Bound to {0}.\n", __arglist(devName)); success = true; break; case ns.NakBind(rejected, error): DebugStub.Print("VolMgr: Failed to bind to {0}.\n", __arglist(devName)); delete rejected; break; case unsatisfiable: throw new Exception("Didn't Disk.RecvAckBind or Disk.RecvNakBind"); break; } if (!success) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug,"OpenDisk lookup of {0} failed\n",devName); delete imp; delete ns; return null; } switch receive { case imp.Success(): break; case unsatisfiable: throw new Exception("Didn't Disk.RecvSuccess"); break; } delete ns; return imp; } //OpenDisk } // } //namespace class