/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity / Netstack // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: TestIPv6.cs // using System; #if !SINGULARITY using System.Net; #endif // !SINGULARITY namespace System.Net.IP { internal class TestFailedException : Exception { internal TestFailedException(string msg) : base(String.Format("TestFailedException \"{0}\"", msg)) { } } public class TestIPv6 { private static void TestBasics() { // Create an IPv6 address from a set of uints IPv6 a = new IPv6(0xf0e1d2c3, 0xb4a59687, 0x78695a4b, 0x3c2d1e0f); // Then check it against equivalent array of Bytes byte[] xBytes = { 0xf0, 0xe1, 0xd2, 0xc3, 0xb4, 0xa5, 0x96, 0x87, 0x78, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x4b, 0x3c, 0x2d, 0x1e, 0x0f }; byte[] aBytes = a.GetAddressBytes(); if (aBytes.Length != 16) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Length"); for (int i = 0; i < aBytes.Length; i++) { if (aBytes[i] != xBytes[i]) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Values"); } // Instantiate from array of bytes and then check a = IPv6.ParseBytes(xBytes); aBytes = a.GetAddressBytes(); if (aBytes.Length != 16) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Length"); for (int i = 0; i < aBytes.Length; i++) { if (aBytes[i] != xBytes[i]) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Values"); } // Test System.Net.IPAddress Constructor IPAddress ipa = new IPAddress(aBytes); if (new IPv6(ipa) != a) { throw new TestFailedException("IPv6(IPAddress) Constructor"); } // Test basic string parsing a = IPv6.Parse("f0e1:d2c3:b4a5:9687:7869:5a4b:3c2d:1e0f"); aBytes = a.GetAddressBytes(); if (aBytes.Length != 16) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Length"); for (int i = 0; i < aBytes.Length; i++) { if (aBytes[i] != xBytes[i]) throw new TestFailedException("GetAddressBytes Values"); } } private static void TestCompare() { IPv6 a = new IPv6(0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444); IPv6 b = new IPv6(0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444443); if ((a == a) == false) { throw new TestFailedException("a == a"); } if ((a != b) == false) { throw new TestFailedException("a == b"); } if ((a > b) == false) { throw new TestFailedException("a > b"); } if ((a >= b) == false) { throw new TestFailedException("a >= b"); } if ((a >= a) == false) { throw new TestFailedException("a >= a"); } if ((a > a) == true) { throw new TestFailedException("a > a"); } if ((a < b) == true) { throw new TestFailedException("a < b"); } if ((a <= b) == true) { throw new TestFailedException("a <= b"); } if ((a <= a) != true) { throw new TestFailedException("a <= a"); } if ((a < a) == true) { throw new TestFailedException("a < a"); } } private static void TestRoll() { IPv6 a = new IPv6(0x01234567, 0x89abcdef, 0x02461357, 0x8ace9bdf); if ((a << 4) != new IPv6(0x12345678, 0x9abcdef0, 0x24613578, 0xace9bdf0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a << 4"); } if ((a << 36) != new IPv6(0x9abcdef0, 0x24613578, 0xace9bdf0, 0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a << 36"); } if ((a << 68) != new IPv6(0x24613578, 0xace9bdf0, 0, 0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a << 68"); } if ((a << 100) != new IPv6(0xace9bdf0, 0, 0, 0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a << 100"); } if ((a << 128) != new IPv6(0, 0, 0, 0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a << 128"); } if ((a >> 4) != new IPv6(0x00123456, 0x789abcde, 0xf0246135, 0x78ace9bd)) { throw new TestFailedException("a >> 4"); } if ((a >> 36) != new IPv6(0, 0x00123456, 0x789abcde, 0xf0246135)) { throw new TestFailedException("a >> 36"); } if ((a >> 68) != new IPv6(0, 0, 0x00123456, 0x789abcde)) { throw new TestFailedException("a >> 68"); } if ((a >> 100) != new IPv6(0, 0, 0, 0x00123456)) { throw new TestFailedException("a >> 100"); } if ((a >> 128) != new IPv6(0, 0, 0, 0)) { throw new TestFailedException("a >> 128"); } } private static void TestBits() { IPv6 a = new IPv6(0x7f7f7f7f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x7f7f7f7f); IPv6 b = new IPv6(0xc1c1c1c1, 0xc1c1c1c1, 0xc1c1c1c1, 0xc1c1c1c1); IPv6 goal; goal = new IPv6(~0U, ~0U, ~0U, ~0U); if ((a | b) != goal) { throw new TestFailedException("OR"); } goal = new IPv6(0x41414141, 0x41414141, 0x41414141, 0x41414141); if ((a & b) != goal) { throw new TestFailedException("AND"); } goal = new IPv6(0xbebebebe, 0xbebebebe, 0xbebebebe, 0xbebebebe); if ((a ^ b) != goal) { throw new TestFailedException("XOR"); } goal = new IPv6(0x80808080, 0x80808080, 0x80808080, 0x80808080); if (~a != goal) { throw new TestFailedException("NOT"); } // Test netmask for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { IPv6 mask = IPv6.NetMask(i); goal = IPv6.AllOnes << (128 - i); if (mask != goal) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i, mask, goal); throw new TestFailedException("NetMask"); } goal = ~(IPv6.AllOnes >> i); if (mask != goal) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i, mask, goal); throw new TestFailedException("NetMask2"); } } try { IPv6 n = IPv6.NetMask(129); throw new TestFailedException("Bad Netmask +"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } try { IPv6 n = IPv6.NetMask(-1); throw new TestFailedException("Bad Netmask -"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } private struct SrepV6Pair { public string srep; public IPv6 v6rep; public SrepV6Pair(string s, IPv6 a) { srep = s; v6rep = a; } }; private static void TestParse() { // // grumble, grumble, no clean struct array initializer syntax !?! // // Okay, these are pairs of Valid IPv6 string representations // and their manually parsed IPv6 representations. // SrepV6Pair [] pairs = new SrepV6Pair[] { new SrepV6Pair ( "FfEe:DdCc:BbAa:9876:5432:1001:2345:6789", new IPv6(0xffeeddcc, 0xbbaa9876, 0x54321001, 0x23456789) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "ffe8:c181::192:101", new IPv6(0xffe8c181U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x01920101U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::", IPv6.Zero ), new SrepV6Pair ( "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", IPv6.Zero ), new SrepV6Pair ( "1::", new IPv6(0x00010000U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "12::", new IPv6(0x00120000U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "123::", new IPv6(0x01230000U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "1234::", new IPv6(0x12340000U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "1234:5678:9abc:def0::", new IPv6(0x12345678U, 0x9abcdef0U, 0x0U, 0x0U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::1", new IPv6(0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x1U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::12", new IPv6(0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x12U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::123", new IPv6(0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x123U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::1234", new IPv6(0x0U, 0x0U, 0x0U, 0x1234U) ), new SrepV6Pair ( "::1234:5678:9abc:def0", new IPv6(0x0U, 0x0U, 0x12345678U, 0x9abcdef0U) ), }; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Length; i++) { IPv6 a = IPv6.Parse(pairs[i].srep); if (a != pairs[i].v6rep) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", a, pairs[i].v6rep); throw new TestFailedException( String.Format("Parse {0}", i) ); } IPv6 dup = IPv6.Parse(a.ToString()); if (dup != a) { throw new TestFailedException( String.Format("ToString {0}", i) ); } } // // Test bogus strings // string [] badSreps = new string [] { "Frank", "00000::", "0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", "", "0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:trailing junk", }; for (int i = 0; i < badSreps.Length; i++) { try { IPv6 bad = IPv6.Parse(badSreps[i]); throw new TestFailedException(badSreps[i]); } catch (FormatException) { } } } private static void TestMath() { IPv6 a = IPv6.Zero; if (--a != IPv6.AllOnes) { throw new TestFailedException("--"); } if (++a != IPv6.Zero) { throw new TestFailedException("++"); } } public static void TestCount() { for (int i = 0; i < IPv6.BitCount; i++) { IPv6 addr = IPv6.NetMask(i); if (IPv6.GetMaskLength(addr) != i) { throw new TestFailedException( String.Format("TestCount {0}", i) ); } IPv6 addrDup = IPv6.Parse(addr.ToString()); if (addrDup != addr) { throw new TestFailedException( String.Format("TestCountDup {0}", i) ); } } } public static int Main() { try { TestBasics(); TestCompare(); TestRoll(); TestBits(); TestParse(); TestMath(); TestCount(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("FAILED\nException {0}\nStack:\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); return 1; } Console.WriteLine("Passed."); return 0; } } } // namespace System.Net.IP