// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using Microsoft.Contracts; namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; /// /// Represents an object that can be copied deeply, as opposed to the shallow ICloneable. /// public interface ICopyable { object! Copy(); } public interface ISet : ICollection, ICopyable { /// /// Checks whether a given element is part of this set. /// /// element searched into the set /// true if elem is in the set, false otherwise bool Contains(Object! o); } /// /// Interface for the set abstraction: collection of distinct elements. /// public interface IMutableSet: ISet, ICloneable { /// /// Adds an element to this set. /// /// element to add /// true if this set was modified as a result of this operation /// bool Add(Object! o); /// /// Removes an element from this set. /// /// /// true if this set was modified as a result of this operation bool Remove(Object! o); /// /// Adds several elements from this set. /// /// IEnumerable that contains the elements to be added /// true if this set was modified as a result of this operation bool AddAll(IEnumerable! eable); /// /// Removes several elements from this set. /// /// IEnumerable containing the elements to be removed /// true if this set was modified as a result of this operation bool RemoveAll(IEnumerable! eable); /// /// Deletes all the elements of this set. As a result the Count property will be 0. /// /// true if this set was modified as a result of this operation bool Clear(); } public delegate IMutableSet! DSetFactory(); public delegate IDictionary! DDictionaryFactory(); /// /// Summary description for DataStructsUtil. /// public abstract class DataStructUtil { public static readonly DSetFactory! DefaultSetFactory = new DSetFactory(default_set_factory); private static IMutableSet! default_set_factory() { return new HashSet(1); } public static readonly DSetFactory! SmallSetFactory = new DSetFactory(small_set_factory); private static IMutableSet! small_set_factory() { return new ArraySet(1); } public static readonly DDictionaryFactory! DefaultDictionaryFactory = new DDictionaryFactory(default_dict_factory); private static IDictionary! default_dict_factory() { return new Hashtable(1); } public static readonly DDictionaryFactory! SmallDictionaryFactory = new DDictionaryFactory(small_dict_factory); private static IDictionary! small_dict_factory() { return new ListDictionary(); } public static ISet! EMPTY_SET = new ImmutableSetWrapper(new HashSet()); public static ISet singleton(object! elem) { return new SingletonSet(elem); } public static IList SortedCollection(ICollection! coll) { return SortedCollection(coll, null); } public static IList SortedCollection(ICollection! coll, IComparer comp) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(coll); if (comp == null) al.Sort(); else al.Sort(comp); return al; } /// /// Produces a string representation of an IEnumerable object, /// using o2s to produce the string representation of each /// element. /// /// /// /// /// public static string! IEnum2String(IEnumerable! eable, DObj2String o2s) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.Append("["); bool first = true; foreach (object o in eable) { if (first) first = false; else buff.Append(","); if (o2s != null) buff.Append(o2s(o)); else buff.Append(o); } buff.Append("]"); return buff.ToString(); } } /// /// Conversion object -> string. Useful for classes for which we cannot /// modify / override the ToString method. A null value /// should be interpreted as the classic ToString method. /// public delegate string DObj2String(object obj); internal class SingletonSet: ISet { private object! elem; public SingletonSet(object! elem) { this.elem = elem; } public bool Contains(object! elem) { return this.elem.Equals(elem); } public int Count { [Pure] get { return 1; } } public override int GetHashCode() { return elem.GetHashCode(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new SingletonEnumerator(elem); } private class SingletonEnumerator: IEnumerator { private object elem; private int index = -1; [NotDelayed] public SingletonEnumerator(object elem) { this.elem = elem; Reset(); } public virtual object Current { get { if (index == 0) return elem; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public virtual bool MoveNext() { switch (index) { case -1: index++; return true; case 0: index++; return false; case 1: default: return false; } } public virtual void Reset() { index = -1; } } public object! Copy() { SingletonSet copy = (SingletonSet) this.MemberwiseClone(); assert(copy != null); copy.elem = (this.elem is ICopyable) ? ((ICopyable) this.elem).Copy() : this.elem; return copy; } void ICollection.CopyTo (Array! target, int index) { assume(target != null); target.SetValue(this.elem, index); } object! ICollection.SyncRoot { [Pure] get { return this; } } bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { [Pure] get { return false; } } } public class OneToManyMap/**/ : Hashtable//> { public override void Add (Object! key, Object newItem) { ArrayList items = base[key] as ArrayList; if (items == null) { items = new ArrayList(); base[key] = items; } items.Add(newItem); } public virtual bool Contains (Object! key, Object item) { ArrayList items = base[key] as ArrayList; if (items == null) return false; return items.Contains(item); } public new ArrayList/**/ this [Object! key] { get { return base[key] as ArrayList; } set { base[key] = value; } } } public class DoubleTable/**/ : Hashtable//> { public DoubleTable () : base() { } private DoubleTable (Hashtable table) : base(table) { } public new Hashtable this [object! key] { get { return base[key] as Hashtable; // // if (table == null) { // table = new Hashtable(); // base[key] = table; // } // return table; // } set { base[key] = value; } } public void Insert (object! key1, object! key2, object element) { Hashtable table = this[key1]; if (table == null) { table = new Hashtable(); this[key1] = table; } table[key2] = element; } public object Lookup (object! key1, object! key2) { Hashtable range = this[key1]; if (range != null) { return range[key2]; } else { return null; } } public override object! Clone () { // careful. We have to deep clone the targets of the underlying hashtable. DoubleTable copy = new DoubleTable(); foreach (object key in (IEnumerable!)this.Keys) { Hashtable x = this[key]; assert(x != null); copy.Add(key, x.Clone()); } return copy; } public DoubleTable Copy() { return (DoubleTable)this.Clone(); } } /// /// An attempt to make coding with datatypes more pleasant in C# /// /// /// Use Datatype as a base class on each of your abstract data type base classes. When doing /// case analysis on such a value, use the method Tag to get a String representation of the /// dynamic class name. This can be matched in the case branches of a switch. ///

/// For pairwise matching, use x.Tag + y.Tag and case "Foo"+"Bar".


/// Can be extended to compute the set of tags of each abstract datatype instance and utility methods.

public abstract class Datatype { private int tag; private static Hashtable!/**/ typeTable = new Hashtable(); private class DatatypeInfo { IList!/**/ members; Type abstractBaseType; public DatatypeInfo(Type abstractBaseType) { members = new ArrayList(); this.abstractBaseType = abstractBaseType; } public void Add(Type variant) { members.Add(variant); } public ICollection! Members { get { return members; } } } private void AddToTable (Type! variant) { DatatypeInfo info = GetBaseInfo(variant); info.Add(variant); typeTable[variant] = info; } private DatatypeInfo! GetBaseInfo (Type! variant) { Type abase = FindBase(variant); DatatypeInfo info = (DatatypeInfo)Datatype.typeTable[abase]; if (info == null) { // first time we see anything in this class tree. info = new DatatypeInfo(abase); Datatype.typeTable[abase] = info; } return info; } private Type! FindBase(Type! variant) { Type abase = variant.BaseType; assume(abase != null); if (abase.IsAbstract) { // check that it is not datatype if (abase == typeof(Datatype)) { Debug.Assert(false, "Every datatype should have an abstract base class that is a subtype of Datatype: " + variant.Name + " does not."); } // check if its base is Datatype if (abase.BaseType == typeof(Datatype)) { return abase; } else { // intermediate abstract base return FindBase(abase); } } // recurse until we find abstract base return FindBase(abase); } [NotDelayed] protected Datatype (int tag) { Type realType = this.GetType(); assume(realType != null); this.tag = tag; //realType.Name; if (typeTable[realType] == null) { // add this first instance to the type table this.AddToTable(realType); } } public virtual int Tag { get { return tag; } } public void IncompleteMatch() { Type realType = this.GetType(); assume(realType != null); DatatypeInfo info = (DatatypeInfo)Datatype.typeTable[realType]; assert(info != null); System.Text.StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); foreach (object member in info.Members) { Type m = member as Type; assert(m != null); buffer.Append(" "); buffer.Append(m.Name); } Console.Write("Incomplete match: {0} was not matched.\nDatatype contains the following variants {1}\n", this.Tag, buffer.ToString()); Debug.Assert(false, "incomplete match"); } } public class ConvertingEnumerable : IEnumerator, IEnumerable { public delegate object ObjectConverter(object o); private IEnumerator! underlying; private ObjectConverter! objConverter; [NotDelayed] public ConvertingEnumerable(IEnumerable! underlying, ObjectConverter! objConverter) { this.underlying = underlying.GetEnumerator(); this.objConverter = objConverter; base(); Reset(); } public object Current { get { return objConverter(underlying.Current); } } public bool MoveNext() { return underlying.MoveNext(); } public void Reset() { underlying.Reset(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return this; } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; public abstract class Set { public static ISet Difference(IEnumerable! a, ISet! b) { IMutableSet diff = new HashSet(); foreach (object elem in a) if(!b.Contains(elem)) diff.Add(elem); return diff; } public static ISet Union(ISet! a, ISet! b) { IMutableSet union = new HashSet(a); union.AddAll(b); return union; } public static ISet Intersect(ISet! a, ISet! b) { IMutableSet inter = new HashSet(); if (a.Count < b.Count) { ISet c = a; a = b; b = c; } foreach (object elem in a) { if (b.Contains(elem)) { inter.Add(elem); } } return inter; } /// /// Returns null if A included in B. Otherwise, returns an element in /// A that is not in B. /// public static object NonSubsetWitness(ISet! a, ISet! b) { foreach (object elem in a) { if (!b.Contains(elem)) { return elem; } } return null; } public delegate bool SetFilter(object! obj); public static ISet Filter(ISet! a, SetFilter! filter) { IMutableSet inter = new HashSet(); foreach (object elem in a) { if (filter(elem)) { inter.Add(elem); } } return inter; } public static readonly ISet Empty = new ArraySet(0); } public abstract class AbstrSet: IMutableSet { public abstract bool Add(object! elem); public virtual bool AddAll(IEnumerable! eable) { bool modified = false; foreach (object elem in eable) if(Add(elem)) modified = true; return modified; } public abstract bool Remove(object! elem); public virtual bool RemoveAll(IEnumerable! eable) { ISet iset = eable as ISet; if ((iset != null) && (iset.Count > 2 * this.Count)) { // optimized code for the special case when eable is a large ISet ArrayList to_remove = new ArrayList(); foreach (object elem in this) if(iset.Contains(elem)) to_remove.Add(elem); if (to_remove.Count != 0) { foreach (object elem in to_remove) this.Remove(elem); return true; } return false; } bool modified = false; foreach (object elem in eable) if(Remove(elem)) modified = true; return modified; } public abstract bool Contains(object! elem); public abstract bool Clear(); public abstract int Count { get; } public abstract IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); public virtual void CopyTo(Array! array, int index) { foreach (object o in this) array.SetValue(o, index++); } void ICollection.CopyTo(Array! a, int index) { Array! b = a; this.CopyTo(b, index); } [Confined] public override string! ToString() { return DataStructUtil.IEnum2String(this, null); } public override int GetHashCode() { throw new InvalidOperationException("GetHashCode is unimplemented"); } [Confined] public override bool Equals(object o) { ISet iset2 = o as ISet; // if o is not an ISet, is a set with a different number of // elements, obviously o != this if ((iset2 == null) || (iset2.Count != this.Count)) return false; foreach (object elem in this) if(!iset2.Contains(elem)) return false; return true; } public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } } public virtual object! SyncRoot { [Pure] get { return this; } } public abstract object! Clone(); object ICloneable.Clone() { return this.Clone(); } public abstract object! Copy(); } public class ArraySet : AbstrSet { public ArraySet(int initial_size) { array = new object[initial_size]; } public ArraySet(object singleton) { array = new object[] {singleton}; count = 1; } public ArraySet() : this(5) { } private object[]! array; private int count = 0; public override bool Add(object! elem) { assert(elem != null); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if(elem.Equals(array[i])) return false; if (count == array.Length) { object[] array2 = new object[count*2]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) array2[i] = array[i]; array = array2; } array[count++] = elem; return true; } public override bool Remove(object! elem) { assert(elem != null); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if(elem.Equals(array[i])) { if (i < count - 1) array[i] = array[count-1]; // no memory leaks array[count-1] = null; count--; return true; } return false; } public override bool Contains(object! elem) { assert(elem != null); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if(elem.Equals(array[i])) return true; return false; } public override bool Clear() { bool result = count > 0; count = 0; return result; } public override int Count { get { return count; } } public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new ArrayEnumerator(array, count); } public override object! Clone() { ArraySet set2 = (ArraySet) this.MemberwiseClone(); assume(set2 != null); set2.array = (object[]) this.array.Clone(); return set2; } public override object! Copy() { ArraySet set2 = (ArraySet) this.MemberwiseClone(); assume(set2 != null); set2.array = (object[]) this.array.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < set2.count; i++) { ICopyable elem = set2.array[i] as ICopyable; if (elem != null) set2.array[i] = elem.Copy(); } return set2; } } public class ImmutableSetWrapper: IMutableSet { private ISet! real_set; public ImmutableSetWrapper(ISet! s) { real_set = s; } public bool Add(object! key) { throw new ModifyImmutableCollException(); } public bool AddAll(IEnumerable! keys) { throw new ModifyImmutableCollException(); } public bool Remove(object! key) { throw new ModifyImmutableCollException(); } public bool RemoveAll(IEnumerable! keys) { throw new ModifyImmutableCollException(); } public bool Clear() { throw new ModifyImmutableCollException(); } public object Clone() { // memberwise clone is enough because no destructive operations // are allowed on this kind of objects. return this.MemberwiseClone(); } public bool Contains(object! key) { return real_set.Contains(key); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return real_set.GetEnumerator(); } public override int GetHashCode() { return real_set.GetHashCode(); } public int Count { [Pure] get { return real_set.Count; } } void ICollection.CopyTo(Array! target, int index) { this.real_set.CopyTo(target, index); } bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { [Pure] get { return this.real_set.IsSynchronized; } } object! ICollection.SyncRoot { [Pure] get { return this.real_set.SyncRoot; } } public object! Copy() { ImmutableSetWrapper copy = (ImmutableSetWrapper) this.MemberwiseClone(); assume(copy != null); // ISet implements ICopyable so we always do a deep copy of real_set copy.real_set = (ISet) this.real_set.Copy(); return copy; } } public class ModifyImmutableCollException: SystemException { public ModifyImmutableCollException(): base("Attempt to modify an immutable collection") {} } /// /// Full implementation of the ISet interface, backed by a Hashtable. /// /// /// As each HashSet is backed by a /// Hashtable, all requirements that /// apply for the Hashtable keys apply for the elements of a HashSet /// as well. /// ///

The HashSet class overrides the methods /// GetHashCode and Equals /// (inherited from Object) in order to provide /// structural equality: /// two sets are equal iff they contain the same elements (where the semantics of "same" /// is defined by the Equals method of those objects). You can put HashSets into /// HashSets; however, to avoid infinite loops, you should never insert a HashSet /// into itself. /// The hashcode of a HashSet is defined as the "xor" of the hashcodes of the set /// elements.

/// ///

/// The GetHashCode function of a HashSet executes in O(1) time: /// the hashcode is dynamically updated after each operation that modifies the set. /// If the hashcode functions used for all the other involved objects is good and /// is computed in O(1) time, one element addition and removal execute in /// O(1) time; Equals works in time linear to the number of elements of /// this set. ///

public class HashSet: AbstrSet { // the Hashtable that backs up the implementation of this HashSet // an element is in the set if it's a key in the Hashtable protected Hashtable! hash; private Hashtable! Hash { get { return this.hash; } } // all keys are associated with the bogus value VALUE protected static object VALUE = new object(); /// /// Constructs an empty HashSet. /// public HashSet() : this(0) { } public HashSet(int initialsize) { if (initialsize != 0) { hash = new Hashtable(initialsize); } else { hash = new Hashtable(); } set_hash_code = 0; base(); } /// /// Constructs a HashSet initialized to contain all /// elements from an IEnumerable. /// public HashSet(IEnumerable! eable) : this() { AddAll(eable); } public override bool Contains(object! elem) { return hash.ContainsKey(elem); } public override bool Add(object! elem) { if (elem == null) throw new ApplicationException("null set element"); // element already present in the set if (hash.ContainsKey(elem)) return false; // new element! hash[elem] = VALUE; set_hash_code ^= elem.GetHashCode(); return true; } public override bool Remove(object! elem) { assert(elem != null); if (!hash.ContainsKey(elem)) return false; hash.Remove(elem); // a^b^b = a; we eliminate the influence of "elem" on the // hash code for the entire set set_hash_code ^= elem.GetHashCode(); return true; } public override bool Clear() { set_hash_code = 0; bool result = (this.Count != 0); hash.Clear(); return result; } public override int Count { get { return hash.Count; } } protected class HashSetEnumerator: IEnumerator { HashSet! hash_set; IEnumerator! hash_e; public HashSetEnumerator(HashSet! hash_set) { this.hash_set = hash_set; this.hash_e = hash_set.Hash.GetEnumerator(); base(); } public object Current { get { DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)hash_e.Current; return de.Key; } } public bool MoveNext() { return hash_e.MoveNext(); } public void Reset() { hash_e.Reset(); } } public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new HashSetEnumerator(this); } public override int GetHashCode() { return set_hash_code; } // hash_code of this set; dynamically maintained after each // operation on this set protected int set_hash_code; // Copy constructor private HashSet(HashSet! old, bool deep) : this(old.Count) { foreach (object elem in old) { if (deep) { this.Add(elem); } else { this.Add((elem is ICopyable) ? ((ICopyable) elem).Copy() : elem); } } } public override object! Clone() { return new HashSet(this, false); } public override object! Copy() { return new HashSet(this, true); } } } namespace DataStructs { public interface IRelation { bool ContainsKey(object! key); bool Contains(object! key, object! value); ICollection! GetKeys(); ISet! GetValues(object! key); IRelation! Reverse(); } public interface IMutableRelation : IRelation, ICloneable, ICopyable { bool Add(object! key, object! value); bool AddAll(object! key, IEnumerable! values); /// /// Adds an entire relation to this relation. /// /// Relation that is unioned with this relation. /// true iff this relation changed. bool AddRelation(IRelation! relation); bool Remove(object! key, object! value); bool RemoveAll(object! key, IEnumerable! values); bool RemoveKey(object! key); bool RemoveSeveralKeys(IEnumerable! keys); bool RemoveSeveralValues(IEnumerable! values); new IMutableRelation! Reverse(); } /// /// Full IMutableRelation implementation. /// public class Relation: IMutableRelation { /// /// Full power relation constructor that allows you to finely tune the memory consumption. /// Internally, a relation is a dictionary that assigns to each key the set of values that are /// in relation with it. This constructor allows you to specify the dictionary and the set /// factory. /// /// Dictionary factory used to construct the underlying dictionary. /// Set factory used to construct the set that will store the values /// assoctiated with each key. public Relation(DDictionaryFactory! dict_fact, DSetFactory! set_fact) { this.dict_fact = dict_fact; this.set_fact = set_fact; this.hash = dict_fact(); base(); } /// /// Default constructor. Uses the default factory for dictionaries (i.e., equiv. to new Hashtable()) /// and sets (i.e., equiv. to new HashSet()). /// public Relation() : this(DataStructUtil.DefaultDictionaryFactory, DataStructUtil.DefaultSetFactory) {} private readonly DDictionaryFactory! dict_fact; private readonly DSetFactory! set_fact; // underlying structure that stores the information attached with this relation private IDictionary! hash/*>*/; public virtual bool Add(object! key, object! value) { return get_set_for_add(key).Add(value); } public virtual bool AddAll(object! key, IEnumerable! values) { return get_set_for_add(key).AddAll(values); } public virtual bool AddRelation(IRelation! relation) { if (relation == null) return false; bool changed = false; foreach (object key in relation.GetKeys()) if(this.AddAll(key, relation.GetValues(key))) changed = true; return changed; } private IMutableSet! get_set_for_add(object! key) { IMutableSet s = (IMutableSet) hash[key]; if (s == null) { s = set_fact(); hash[key] = s; } return s; } public virtual ISet! GetValues(object! key) { ISet s = (ISet) hash[key]; if (s == null) s = DataStructUtil.EMPTY_SET; else s = new ImmutableSetWrapper(s); return s; } public virtual bool ContainsKey(object! key) { return hash.Contains(key); } public virtual bool Contains(object! key, object! value) { return ((ISet) GetValues(key)).Contains(value); } public virtual bool Remove(object! key, object! value) { IMutableSet s = (IMutableSet) hash[key]; if (s == null) return false; bool result = s.Remove(value); if (s.Count == 0) hash.Remove(key); return result; } public virtual bool RemoveAll(object! key, IEnumerable! values) { IMutableSet s = (IMutableSet) hash[key]; if (s == null) return false; bool result = s.RemoveAll(values); if (s.Count == 0) hash.Remove(key); return result; } public virtual bool RemoveKey(object! key) { if (hash.Contains(key)) { hash.Remove(key); return true; } return false; } public virtual bool RemoveSeveralKeys(IEnumerable! keys) { ISet iset_keys = keys as ISet; if (iset_keys != null) { ICollection keys_of_this = this.GetKeys(); if (iset_keys.Count > 2 * keys_of_this.Count) { // optimized code for the special case when "keys" is a large ISet // UGLY code! comodif. + IEnumerator has no remove method ArrayList to_remove = new ArrayList(); foreach (object key in keys_of_this) // set membership is O(1) :) if (iset_keys.Contains(key)) to_remove.Add(key); if (to_remove.Count > 0) { foreach (object key in to_remove) hash.Remove(key); return true; } return false; } } bool modified = false; foreach (object key in keys) if(hash.Contains(key)) { hash.Remove(key); modified = true; } return modified; } public virtual bool RemoveSeveralValues(IEnumerable! values) { bool modified = false; // the following code is inneficient ... this is due to: // 1. the need to avoid Comodification exceptions // 2. the lack of a remove method in IEnumerator() ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(GetKeys()); foreach (object key in keys) { IMutableSet s = (IMutableSet) hash[key]; assert(s != null); if (s.RemoveAll(values)) { modified = true; if (s.Count == 0) hash.Remove(key); } } return modified; } public virtual ICollection! GetKeys() { return (ICollection!)hash.Keys; } public virtual IMutableRelation! Reverse() { IMutableRelation reverse = new Relation(); foreach (object key in GetKeys()) foreach(object value in GetValues(key)) reverse.Add(value, key); return reverse; } IRelation! IRelation.Reverse() { return this.Reverse(); } /// Copy constructor private Relation(Relation! old, bool deep) : this(old.dict_fact, old.set_fact) { foreach (object key in old.GetKeys()) { // deep copy of the key, if requested && possible object key2 = (deep && key is ICopyable) ? ((ICopyable) key).Copy() : key; foreach (object val in old.GetValues(key)) { // deep copy of the value, if requested && possible object val2 = (deep && val is ICopyable) ? ((ICopyable) val).Copy() : val; this.Add(key2, val2); } } } /// /// "Shallow" copy of a relation. Produces an independent copy of this Relation. /// The keys and values are not duplicated. Operations on the /// resulting Relation and on this Relation don't interact. /// /// An independent copy of this Relation. public virtual object Clone() { return new Relation(this, false); } /// /// Deep copy of a relation. Produces an independent copy of this Relation, /// in which even the keys and values are duplicated (using deep copy) if they implement /// the ICopyable interface. Operations on the resulting Relation and on this /// Relation don't interact. /// /// A really deep copy of this Relation. public virtual object! Copy() { return new Relation(this, true); } [Confined] public override string! ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); foreach (object key in this.GetKeys()) { sb.Append("\n "); sb.Append(key); sb.Append(" -> " ); sb.Append(this.GetValues(key)); } sb.Append("]"); return sb.ToString(); } public static Hashtable/**/ Compact(IRelation!/**/ irel, Type! value_type) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); foreach (object key in irel.GetKeys()) { ISet vals = irel.GetValues(key); if (vals.Count == 0) continue; System.Array array_vals = System.Array.CreateInstance(value_type, vals.Count); vals.CopyTo(array_vals, 0); hash.Add(key, array_vals); } return hash; } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; /// /// Interface for Strongly Connected Methods. /// public interface IStronglyConnectedComponent { /// /// Returns the nodes contained into this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// IEnumerable! Nodes { get; } bool Contains (object! node); /// /// Returns the number of nodes in this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// /// int Size { get; } /// /// Returns the SCCs that are end points of the arcs that starts in /// this StronglyConnectedComponent, i.e., the successors of this StronglyConnectedComponent in the /// component graph. Does not contain this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// IEnumerable! NextComponents { get; } /// /// Returns the SCCs that are starting points for arcs that end /// in this StronglyConnectedComponent, i.e., the predecessors of this StronglyConnectedComponent /// in the component graph. Does not contain this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// IEnumerable! PreviousComponents { get; } /// /// Checks whether this StronglyConnectedComponent is a cycle, i.e., if it has more than /// one node or it has a single node which points to itself. The only /// StronglyConnectedComponent that does not contain a cycle is a StronglyConnectedComponent composed of a single node /// which doesn't point to itself. /// /// bool ContainsCycle { get; } /// /// Detailed text representation of this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// ToString will return just a unique text id of the StronglyConnectedComponent, /// while the detailed text representation will be produced by /// FullToString /// /// string! FullToString(); } /// /// StronglyConnectedComponent is a full implementation of the interface ISCC. /// It comes with a producer static method that constructs the /// component graph for a given graph. /// public sealed class StronglyConnectedComponent: IStronglyConnectedComponent { // unique numeric id for debug purposes private int id; private IMutableSet! nodes = new HashSet(); private IMutableSet! next_SCCs = new HashSet(); private IMutableSet! prev_SCCs = new HashSet(); private bool contains_cycle = true; // SCCs should be created only by Util.ConstructSCCs private StronglyConnectedComponent () { } private StronglyConnectedComponent (int id) { this.id = id; } public IEnumerable! Nodes { get { return this.nodes; } } public bool Contains (object! node) { return nodes.Contains(node); } public int Size { get { return this.nodes.Count; } } public IEnumerable! NextComponents { get { return this.next_SCCs; } } public IEnumerable! PreviousComponents { get { return this.prev_SCCs; } } public bool ContainsCycle { get { return this.contains_cycle; } } /// /// Detailed text representation of this StronglyConnectedComponent. /// /// public string! FullToString () { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.Append(this); buff.Append(" ("); buff.Append(Size); buff.Append(") {\n"); buff.Append(" Nodes: "); buff.Append(Nodes); buff.Append("\n"); buff.Append(" ContainsCycle: "); buff.Append(ContainsCycle); buff.Append("\n"); if (next_SCCs.Count > 0) { buff.Append(" Next: "); buff.Append(NextComponents); buff.Append("\n"); } if (prev_SCCs.Count > 0) { buff.Append(" Prev: "); buff.Append(PreviousComponents); buff.Append("\n"); } buff.Append("}"); return buff.ToString(); } /// /// Simplified text representation for debug purposes: "StronglyConnectedComponent" + numeric id. /// /// [Confined] public override string! ToString() { return "StronglyConnectedComponent" + id; } /// /// Use the nav navigator to explore the graph rooted in the /// objects from the roots set, decomposes it into strongly /// connected components. Returns the set of strongly connected components. /// public static IEnumerable!/**/ ConstructSCCs(IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator) { return (new SCCFactory(navigator)).ConstructSCCs(roots); } // private class that does the actual job behind ConstructSCCs private sealed class SCCFactory { public SCCFactory (IGraphNavigator! navigator) { this.navigator = navigator; base(); } public IEnumerable!/**/ ConstructSCCs (IEnumerable! roots) { #if DEBUG_GRAPH Console.WriteLine("ConstructSCCs doing 1st dfs..."); #endif GraphUtil.SearchDepthFirst( roots, navigator, null, null, null, new DNodeVisitor(first_dfs_end_visitor) ); #if DEBUG_GRAPH Console.WriteLine("ConstructSCCs doing 2nd dfs..."); #endif GraphUtil.SearchDepthFirst( nodes_desc_order, new BackwardGraphNavigator(navigator), new DNodePredicate(second_dfs_avoid), new DNodeVisitor(create_new_SCC), new DNodeVisitor(second_dfs_begin_visitor), null ); #if DEBUG_GRAPH Console.WriteLine("ConstructSCCs doing put_arcs..."); #endif put_arcs(); return all_SCCs; } // navigator through the graph private IGraphNavigator! navigator; // the nodes in the subgraph rooted in the roots private IMutableSet! nodes_in_graph = new HashSet(); // holds all the nodes in the explored subgraph; the top of the stack // is the node whose dfs traversal finished last private Stack! nodes_desc_order = new Stack(); private StronglyConnectedComponent current_scc = null; private ArrayList! all_SCCs = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable!/**/ node2scc = new Hashtable(); // numeric id used to generate distinct ids for the generated SCCs private int scc_id = 0; private void first_dfs_end_visitor(object! node) { nodes_in_graph.Add(node); nodes_desc_order.Push(node); } // the second dfs will avoid the nodes that are not in the subgraph rooted // in the root nodes; this way, the reversed navigator cannot lead us to // unexplored regions. private bool second_dfs_avoid (object! node) { return ! nodes_in_graph.Contains(node); } private void create_new_SCC (object! node) { current_scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(scc_id++); all_SCCs.Add(current_scc); } private void second_dfs_begin_visitor (object! node) { assert current_scc != null; current_scc.nodes.Add(node); node2scc.Add(node, current_scc); } private void put_arcs() { foreach (object node in nodes_in_graph) { StronglyConnectedComponent scc = (StronglyConnectedComponent) node2scc[node]; assert(scc != null); // add the arcs from scc to successor SCCs foreach (object next_node in navigator.NextNodes(node)) if(nodes_in_graph.Contains(next_node)) { StronglyConnectedComponent next = (StronglyConnectedComponent) node2scc[next_node]; assert(next != null); scc.next_SCCs.Add(next); } // add the arcs from scc to predecessor SCCs foreach (object prev_node in navigator.PreviousNodes(node)) if(nodes_in_graph.Contains(prev_node)) { StronglyConnectedComponent prev = (StronglyConnectedComponent) node2scc[prev_node]; assert(prev != null); scc.prev_SCCs.Add(prev); } } foreach (StronglyConnectedComponent scc in all_SCCs) { scc.contains_cycle = scc.next_SCCs.Contains(scc); scc.next_SCCs.Remove(scc); scc.prev_SCCs.Remove(scc); } } } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Collections; /// /// Interface for navigating into a graph. /// public interface IGraphNavigator { /// /// Returns the nodes that can be reached from node by /// navigating one level along the graph edges. /// IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node); /// /// Returns the nodes that can be reached from node by /// navigating one level AGAINST the graph edges (i.e., from edge /// target to the edge source). /// IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node); } /// /// Navigator for the graph obtained by unioning two graphs. /// public class UnionGraphNavigator: IGraphNavigator { /// /// Constructs a navigator into a graph which is the union of two graphs /// (where the graphs are seen as edge sets). /// /// Navigator for the first graph. /// Navigator for the second graph. public UnionGraphNavigator(IGraphNavigator! nav1, IGraphNavigator! nav2) { this.nav1 = nav1; this.nav2 = nav2; } private IGraphNavigator! nav1; private IGraphNavigator! nav2; /// /// In a union graph, the list of successors of a node includes its successors in /// the first graph followed by its successors in the second graph. /// public virtual IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node) { return new CompoundEnumerable(nav1.NextNodes(node), nav2.NextNodes(node)); } /// /// In a union graph, the list of predecessors of a node includes the its predecessors in /// the first graph followed by its predecessors in the second graph. /// public virtual IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { return new CompoundEnumerable(nav1.PreviousNodes(node), nav2.PreviousNodes(node)); } } public abstract class ForwardOnlyGraphNavigator: IGraphNavigator { public abstract IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node); public virtual IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { throw new InvalidOperationException("should never be called!"); } } /// /// Navigator for an inversed graph. The successors (i.e., NextNodes) /// of a node are the predecessors of the node in the original graph. Analogously /// for the predecessors. /// public class BackwardGraphNavigator: IGraphNavigator { private readonly IGraphNavigator! navigator; /// /// Constructs a BackwardGraphNavigator that reverses an /// IGraphNavigator. /// /// The navigator that is reversed. public BackwardGraphNavigator(IGraphNavigator! navigator) { this.navigator = navigator; base(); } public IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node) { return navigator.PreviousNodes(node); } public IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { return navigator.NextNodes(node); } } public class FilteredGraphNavigator : IGraphNavigator { IGraphNavigator! graph; ISet! nodes; /// /// Only nodes in given set are considered part of the graph. /// public FilteredGraphNavigator(ISet! nodes, IGraphNavigator! graph) { this.graph = graph; this.nodes = nodes; } #region IGraphNavigator Members public IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node) { return new FilterEnumerable(this.nodes, this.graph.NextNodes(node)); } public IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { return new FilterEnumerable(this.nodes, this.graph.PreviousNodes(node)); } private class FilterEnumerable : IEnumerable { ISet! nodes; IEnumerable! edges; public FilterEnumerable(ISet! nodes, IEnumerable! edges) { this.nodes = nodes; this.edges = edges; base(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new FilterEnumerator(this.nodes, this.edges.GetEnumerator()); } private class FilterEnumerator : IEnumerator { ISet! nodes; IEnumerator! edges; public FilterEnumerator(ISet! nodes, IEnumerator! edges) { this.nodes = nodes; this.edges = edges; base(); } #region IEnumerator Members public void Reset() { this.edges.Reset(); } public object Current { get { return this.edges.Current; } } public bool MoveNext() { while (this.edges.MoveNext()) { if (this.nodes.Contains(this.Current)) { return true; } } return false; } #endregion } } #endregion } public class MapBasedNavigator: IGraphNavigator { protected IMutableRelation! n2next; protected IMutableRelation! n2prev; public MapBasedNavigator (IMutableRelation! nextRelation, IMutableRelation! previousRelation) { n2next = nextRelation; n2prev = previousRelation; } public MapBasedNavigator (IMutableRelation! nextRelation) : this(nextRelation, nextRelation.Reverse()) { } public virtual IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node) { return n2next.GetValues(node); } public virtual IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { return n2prev.GetValues(node); } } public class GraphBuilder : MapBasedNavigator { public GraphBuilder () : base (new Relation(), new Relation()) { } public IEnumerable Nodes { get { return new UnionEnumerable(n2next.GetKeys(), n2prev.GetKeys()); } } public void AddEdge(object! from, object! to) { this.n2next.Add(from, to); this.n2prev.Add(to, from); } } /// /// Navigator in a component graph (an acyclic graph of ISCCs). /// public class SccNavigator: IGraphNavigator { public virtual IEnumerable! NextNodes (object! node) { return ((IStronglyConnectedComponent) node).NextComponents; } public virtual IEnumerable! PreviousNodes (object! node) { return ((IStronglyConnectedComponent) node).PreviousComponents; } } public class CyclicGraphException: Exception { } public delegate bool DNodePredicate (Object! node); public delegate void DNodeVisitor (Object! node); public delegate void DEdgeVisitor (Object! from, Object! to); public abstract class GraphUtil { public static ISet! ReachableNodes (IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator, DNodePredicate avoid) { ReachableNodesData data = new ReachableNodesData(); SearchDepthFirst(roots, navigator, avoid, null, new DNodeVisitor(data.reachable_visitor), null); return data.all_nodes; } private class ReachableNodesData { public IMutableSet! all_nodes = new HashSet(); public void reachable_visitor(object! node) { all_nodes.Add(node); } } public static ISet! ReachableNodes (IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator) { return ReachableNodes(roots, navigator, null); } /// /// Topologically sorts the graph rooted in roots and described by /// nav. Throws a CyclicGraphException if the graph contains /// a cycle. Otherwise, returns a topologically sorted list of the graph nodes. /// The returned list is in ascending order: it starts with the nodes that don't /// have any out-arc (i.e., arcs going out of them) and ends with the nodes /// that don't have any in-arcs (i.e., arcs going into them). If the navigator /// works in constant time, the topological sort works in time linear with the /// number of nodes plus the number of edges. /// /// public static IList TopologicallySortGraph (IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator) { TopSortData data = new TopSortData(); data.all_nodes.AddAll(ReachableNodes(roots, navigator)); if (data.all_nodes.Count == 0) return data.list; // find the real roots: those nodes with no arcs pointing to them data.real_roots.AddAll(roots); foreach (object node in data.all_nodes) foreach(object next_node in navigator.NextNodes(node)) data.real_roots.Remove(next_node); // if there is no real root, we have a cycle if (data.real_roots.Count == 0) throw new CyclicGraphException(); dfs(data.real_roots, navigator, null, null, new DNodeVisitor(data.sort_end_visitor)); #if NEVER // check for cyles IMutableSet seen = new HashSet(); foreach (object node in data.list) { foreach (object next_node in navigator.NextNodes(node)) // all arcs must go behind in the list, to already seen nodes if (!seen.Contains(next_node)) throw new CyclicGraphException(); seen.Add(node); } #endif return data.list; } private class TopSortData { public ArrayList! list = new ArrayList(); public IMutableSet! all_nodes = new HashSet(); public IMutableSet! real_roots = new HashSet(); public void sort_end_visitor(object! node) { list.Add(node); } } /// /// Topologically sorts a component graph: a graph whose nodes are the /// strongly connected components of the original graph (such a graph is /// clearly acyclic). Calls the full-fledged TopSortComponentGraph with /// the standard ISCCNavigator. /// /// /// The set of the root SCCs, only the SCCs reacheable /// from these roots will be considered by the topological sort. /// public static IList// TopologicallySortComponentGraph(IEnumerable!/**/ roots) { return TopologicallySortGraph(roots, iscc_navigator); } // private navigator for TopSortComponentGraph private static SccNavigator! iscc_navigator = new SccNavigator(); /// /// DFS traversal of the (sub)graph rooted in a set of nodes. /// /// Roots of the traversed subgraph. The subgraph /// rooted in the first root will be traversed in dfs order; next, if /// the second root wasn't reached yet, the subgraph rooted in it will /// be traversed in dfs order and so on. The order of /// the roots is given by the corresponding IEnumerator. /// Navigator that describes the graph structure. /// Encountered nodes that satisfy this predicate will be /// ignored by the DFS traversal (together with their attached arcs). null /// corresponds to the predicate that is always false (i.e., no encountered node /// will be ignored). /// Visitor for the root node of each /// new subgraph: the roots (see the roots parameter) /// are explored in order; if a root node has not been already reached /// by the dfs traversal of the previous roots, new_subgraph_visitor /// will be called on it, and next the subgraph rooted in it will be dfs /// traversed. /// Node visitor to be called when a node is reached /// for the first time by the DFS traversal. null corresponds to no /// visitor. /// Node visitor to be called when the exploration of /// a node has finished. null corresponds to no visitor. public static void SearchDepthFirst ( IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator, DNodePredicate avoid, DNodeVisitor new_subgraph_visitor, DNodeVisitor begin_visitor, DNodeVisitor end_visitor ) { // set of already seen nodes IMutableSet seen_nodes = new HashSet(); // DFS Stack: holds the currently explored path; simulates the call // stack of a recursive implementation of dfs. Stack/**/ stack = new Stack(); foreach (object root in roots) { if (((avoid != null) && avoid(root)) || seen_nodes.Contains(root)) continue; call_visitor(new_subgraph_visitor, root); seen_nodes.Add(root); call_visitor(begin_visitor, root); stack.Push(new NodeInfo(root, navigator)); while (stack.Count != 0) { NodeInfo info = (NodeInfo) (object!)stack.Peek(); if (info.enext.MoveNext()) { object next_node = info.enext.Current; // ignore nodes as dictated by "avoid" if ((avoid != null) && avoid(next_node)) continue; if (!seen_nodes.Contains(next_node)) { // new and non-avoidable node! // mark it as seen, seen_nodes.Add(next_node); // call the begin visitor, call_visitor(begin_visitor, next_node); // and put the node on the DFS stack stack.Push(new NodeInfo(next_node, navigator)); } } else { // the visit of info.node has finished // apply end visitor call_visitor(end_visitor, info.node); // remove the top of the stack stack.Pop(); } } } } /// /// Convenient dfs function. Call the full dfs function /// with new_subgraph_visitor set to null. /// public static void dfs ( IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator, DNodePredicate avoid, DNodeVisitor begin_visitor, DNodeVisitor end_visitor) { SearchDepthFirst(roots, navigator, avoid, null, begin_visitor, end_visitor); } private static void call_visitor( DNodeVisitor visitor, object! node) { if (visitor != null) visitor(node); } // private class used internally by the dfs method. private struct NodeInfo { public object! node; public IEnumerator! enext ; public NodeInfo(object! node, IGraphNavigator! navigator) { this.node = node; this.enext = navigator.NextNodes(node).GetEnumerator(); } } /// /// Does a breadth first traversal of the given graph /// /// The roots of the traversal. /// If not null, is a predicate to avoid certain nodes /// If not null, called for each root that is not avoided. /// Called for each edges in the bf traversal, i.e., only for edges going to unvisited nodes. public static void bfs(IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator, DNodePredicate avoid, DNodeVisitor visitRoot, DEdgeVisitor! visitEdge) { Queue queue = new Queue(); IMutableSet seen = new HashSet(); // initialize queue with roots foreach (object o in roots) { if (avoid == null || !avoid(o)) { queue.Enqueue(o); seen.Add(o); if (visitRoot != null) visitRoot(o); } } while (queue.Count > 0) { object node = queue.Dequeue(); assert(node != null); foreach (object succ in navigator.NextNodes(node)) { if ((avoid == null || !avoid(succ)) && !seen.Contains(succ)) { seen.Add(succ); queue.Enqueue(succ); visitEdge(node, succ); } } } } private class BFSpanningBuilder : MapBasedNavigator { public BFSpanningBuilder () : base (new Relation(), new Relation()) { } public void VisitEdge(object! from, object! to) { this.n2next.Add(from, to); this.n2prev.Add(to, from); } } public static IGraphNavigator BFSpanningTree(IEnumerable! roots, IGraphNavigator! navigator, DNodePredicate avoid) { BFSpanningBuilder bfb = new BFSpanningBuilder(); bfs(roots, navigator, avoid, null, new DEdgeVisitor(bfb.VisitEdge)); return bfb; } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Collections; public class ArrayEnumerable : IEnumerable { object[]! array; int size; public ArrayEnumerable(object[]! array, int size) { this.array = array; this.size = size; } #region IEnumerable Members public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new ArrayEnumerator(this.array, this.size); } #endregion } /// /// Enumerator over a prefix of an array (System.Array.GetEnumerator returns /// an enumerator over ALL the elements of the array). /// public class ArrayEnumerator : IEnumerator { /// /// Constructs an enumerator over the first size elements of array. /// NOTE: I couldn't find any way of detecting comodification errors ... /// public ArrayEnumerator(object[]! array, int size) { this.array = array; this.size = size; this.index = -1; } // underlying array private readonly object[]! array; // length of the prefix of array that we enumerate over private readonly int size; // current enumerator position private int index; public virtual object Current { get { if ((index >= 0) && (index < size)) return array[index]; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public virtual bool MoveNext() { if (index == size) return false; index++; // check whether we've passed the limit or not return index != size; } public virtual void Reset() { index = -1; } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Collections; /// /// Union enumerator over two IEnumerable objects. Each key is visited only once /// public class UnionEnumerable: IEnumerable { public UnionEnumerable(IEnumerable! ieable1, IEnumerable! ieable2) : this(new IEnumerable[]{ieable1, ieable2}) { } public UnionEnumerable(IEnumerable!/**/ ienums) { this.ienums = ienums; } private IEnumerable!/**/ ienums; public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new UnionEnumerator(ienums); } } /// /// Union composition of two enumerators. Enumerating with a /// multi-enumerator is equivalent to enumerating over the union of the elements in /// the first and second enumerator. /// public class UnionEnumerator: IEnumerator { /// /// Creates a UnionEnumerator over both given enumerators. /// public UnionEnumerator(IEnumerable!/**/ ienums) { this.ies = ienums; // Duplicate from Reset IEnumerator ienum = this.ienumate = ienums.GetEnumerator(); // go to first enumerator. MoveEnumerator(ienum); } public void Reset() { seen.Clear(); IEnumerator ienum = this.ienumate = ies.GetEnumerator(); // go to first enumerator. MoveEnumerator(ienum); } [Delayed] private void MoveEnumerator(IEnumerator! ienum) { if (ienum.MoveNext()) { this.current_ie = ((IEnumerable)ienum.Current).GetEnumerator(); } else { this.current_ie = null; } } public UnionEnumerator(IEnumerable ie1, IEnumerable ie2) : this(new IEnumerable[]{ie1,ie2}) { } private HashSet! seen = new HashSet(); private IEnumerable!/**/ ies; private IEnumerator!/**/ ienumate; private IEnumerator/*<'a>*/ current_ie; public virtual object Current { get { if (current_ie == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("exhausted enumerator"); return current_ie.Current; } } public virtual bool MoveNext() { while (current_ie != null) { if (current_ie.MoveNext()) { if (this.seen.Add(current_ie.Current)) { return true; } // already seen continue; } // move to next ienumerable MoveEnumerator(this.ienumate); } return false; } } } namespace DataStructs { using System; using System.Collections; /// /// Returns null if object should not be returned, otherwise, returns object. /// Can thus change objects. /// public delegate object EnumeratorFilter(object elem, object context); /// /// "Glues" together two IEnumerable objects in a single view. /// public class CompoundEnumerable: IEnumerable { /// /// Construct an enumerable that enumerators over ieable1, then ieable2. Each element /// is passed to the filter which can decide if the element should be returned by /// the enumerator or not. The filter can also change the element (map). /// /// can be null /// passed to filter public CompoundEnumerable ( IEnumerable! ieable1, IEnumerable! ieable2, EnumeratorFilter filter, object context) { this.ieable1 = ieable1; this.ieable2 = ieable2; this.filter = filter; this.context = context; } public CompoundEnumerable(IEnumerable! ieable1, IEnumerable! ieable2) : this(ieable1, ieable2, null, null) { } private IEnumerable! ieable1; private IEnumerable! ieable2; private EnumeratorFilter filter; private object context; public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new MultiEnumerator(ieable1.GetEnumerator(), ieable2.GetEnumerator(), filter, context); } } /// /// Serial composition of two enumerators. Enumerating with a /// multi-enumerator is equivalent to enumerating with the first enumerator, /// and next with the second one. Implements the full IEnumerable /// interface. Aliases to the enumerators are sequentially composed are /// internally stored and used by the encapsulating multi-enumerator. /// public class MultiEnumerator: IEnumerator { /// /// Creates a MultiEnumerator that serially chains the two /// enumerators passed as arguments. /// [NotDelayed] public MultiEnumerator(IEnumerator! ie1, IEnumerator! ie2, EnumeratorFilter filter, object context) { this.filter = filter; this.context = context; ies = new IEnumerator[]{ie1, ie2}; base(); ((IEnumerator!)ies[0]).Reset(); ((IEnumerator!)ies[1]).Reset(); } private EnumeratorFilter filter; private IEnumerator[]! ies; private int current_ie; private object context; private object currentValue; public virtual object Current { get { if (current_ie >= ies.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("exhausted enumerator"); return this.currentValue; } } public virtual bool MoveNext() { if (current_ie >= ies.Length) return false; while (current_ie < ies.Length) { if (((IEnumerator!)ies[current_ie]).MoveNext()) { object value = ((IEnumerator!)ies[current_ie]).Current; if (this.filter != null) { value = filter(value, this.context); if (value == null) // skip this one { continue; } } this.currentValue = value; return true; } ((IEnumerator!)ies[current_ie]).Reset(); current_ie++; } return false; } public virtual void Reset() { if (current_ie < ies.Length) ((IEnumerator!)ies[current_ie]).Reset(); current_ie = 0; } } }