using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using ElementTypes = Bartok.MSIL.ElementTypes; using Bartok.MSIL; public class ilgen: ITrackable { public static compilation visit(compilation ast, TextWriter w, string[] args, MessageWriter msg) { if (msg.Count == 0) new ilgen(w, msg).compilation(ast); return ast; } public Stack asts = new Stack(); // top element is current ast node public string mainTypeName = null; public StringDictionary moduleMap = new StringDictionary(); public MessageWriter msg; public TextWriter wr; public BuiltinTypes T; public ilgen(TextWriter wr, compilation_unit ast) : this(wr, new MessageWriter()) { T = ((compilation)ast.parent).global.Types; } public ilgen(TextWriter wr, MessageWriter msg) { this.wr = wr; this.msg = msg; } // ITrackable public object subject { get { return asts.Count > 0 ? asts.Peek() : null; } } public virtual ILState NewILState(ilgen parent) { return new ILState(parent); } public class ILState: gen { protected ilgen parent; protected int depth = 0; public int maxstack = 0; protected int offset = 0; protected TextWriter w; public ILState(ilgen parent) : base(parent.T, parent.msg, parent.asts) { this.parent = parent; this.w = parent.wr; } override public object BeginTry() { Emit(".try {{"); return base.BeginTry(); } override public object BeginFinally(object handle) { base.BeginFinally(handle); Emit("}}"); Emit("finally {{"); return -(int)handle; } override public void boolean_value(binary_expression ast) { base.boolean_value(ast); if (!(ast.method != null && ast.method.Type == parent.T.Bool && ast.method.declSpace != null)) Depth -= 1; // account for two loads in boolean_value } override public void catch_clause(Type ty, Local sym, statement block, object handle) { gotoLabel(OpCodes.Leave, (int)handle); Emit("}}"); Emit("catch {0} {{", ClassRef(ty)); Depth += 1; base.catch_clause(ty, sym, block, handle); } string ClassRef(Type t) { return parent.ClassRef(t); } override public void defLabel(int lab) { Emit("{0}:", getLabel(lab)); } public int Depth { get { return depth; } set { //w.WriteLine("//depth={0}", value); depth = value; if (depth < 0) { Debug.Assert(depth >= 0); depth = 0; } maxstack = Math.Max(depth, maxstack); } } public void Emit(string fmt, params object[] operands) { w.WriteLine(fmt, operands); } public void Emit(OpCode op, params string[] operands) { w.Write(op); foreach (string s in operands) w.Write(" {0}", s); w.WriteLine(); switch (op.StackBehaviourPop) { case StackBehaviour.Pop0: break; case StackBehaviour.Varpop: break; case StackBehaviour.Popref: case StackBehaviour.Popi: case StackBehaviour.Pop1: Depth -= 1; break; case StackBehaviour.Pop1_pop1: case StackBehaviour.Popi_pop1: case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi: case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi8: case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr4: case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr8: case StackBehaviour.Popref_pop1: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi: Depth -= 2; break; case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi_popi: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi8: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr4: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr8: case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popref: Depth -= 3; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown opcode " + op.ToString()); } switch (op.StackBehaviourPush) { case StackBehaviour.Varpush: break; case StackBehaviour.Push0: break; case StackBehaviour.Pushi: case StackBehaviour.Pushi8: case StackBehaviour.Pushr4: case StackBehaviour.Pushr8: case StackBehaviour.Pushref: case StackBehaviour.Push1: Depth += 1; break; case StackBehaviour.Push1_push1: Depth += 2; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown opcode " + op.ToString()); } } override public void Emit(OpCode op) { Emit(op, new string[0]); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Constructor x) { Emit(op, (Method)x); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, float x) { Emit(op, x.ToString()); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, double x) { Emit(op, x.ToString()); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Field x) { Emit(op, Name(x.Type), FieldRef(x)); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Formal x) { Emit(op, (Local)x); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, int x) { Emit(op, x.ToString()); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Local x) { Emit(op, String.Format("{0} // {1}", x.ordinal, x.Name)); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Method x) { Emit(op, x.IsInstance ? "instance" : "", Name(x.Type), MethodRef(x)); if (op.Name == "newobj") Depth -= x.ArgCount; else if (op.Name.StartsWith("call")) { Depth -= x.ArgCount + (x.IsInstance ? 1 : 0); if (x.Name == "set_Item") Depth -= 1; // value argument if (x.Type != parent.T.Void) Depth += 1; } } override public void Emit(OpCode op, string x) { Emit(op, quote(x)); } override public void Emit(OpCode op, Type x) { Emit(op, Name(x)); } override public void EmitCreateArray(ArrayType ty, Type ety, int rank) { Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, "instance void", String.Format("{0}::.ctor({1})", Name(ty), repl(",int32", rank).Substring(1))); Depth -= rank; } override public void EmitLoad(int index) { Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, String.Format("{0} // t{0}", index)); } override public void EmitLoadAddress(int index) { Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, String.Format("{0} // t{0}", index)); } override public void EmitLoadElement(ArrayType ty, Type ety, int rank) { Emit(OpCodes.Call, "instance", Name(ety), String.Format("{0}::Get({1})", Name(ty), repl(",int32", rank).Substring(1))); Depth -= rank + 1; Depth += 1; } override public void EmitLoadElementAddress(ArrayType ty, Type ety, int rank) { Emit(OpCodes.Call, "instance", Name(ety), "&", String.Format("{0}::Address({1})", Name(ty), repl(",int32", rank).Substring(1))); Depth -= rank + 1; Depth += 1; } override public void EmitStore(int index) { Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, String.Format("{0} // t{0}", index)); } override public void EmitStoreElement(ArrayType ty, Type ety, int rank) { Emit(OpCodes.Call, "instance void", String.Format("{0}::Set({1}{2})", Name(ty), repl("int32,", rank), Name(ety))); Depth -= rank + 2; } override public void EmitSwitch(int[] caselabels) { Emit(OpCodes.Switch, "("); for (int i = 0; i < caselabels.Length; i++) Emit("{0},", getLabel(caselabels[i])); Emit(")"); } override public void EndTry(object handle) { if ((int)handle < 0) { Emit("endfinally"); handle = -(int)handle; } else gotoLabel(OpCodes.Leave, (int)handle); Emit("}} // end .try"); base.EndTry(handle); } string FieldRef(Field f) { return parent.FieldRef(f); } public string getLabel(int lab) { return String.Format("${0}", lab); } override public void gotoLabel(OpCode inst, int lab) { Emit(inst, getLabel(lab)); } string MethodRef(Method m) { return parent.MethodRef(m); } string Name(Type ty) { return parent.Name(ty); } override public int newLocal(Type ty) { return newLocal(ty, String.Format("t{0}", offset)); } override public int newLocal(Type ty, string name) { int var = offset++; Emit(".locals init ([{0}]{1} '{2}')", var, Name(ty), name); return var; } public static string quote(string str) { return '"' + str.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + '"'; } public static string repl(string str, int n) { string s = ""; while (n-- > 0) s += str; return s; } override public void statement(statement ast, Method m) { base.statement(ast, m); if (m.Type != parent.T.Void) Depth -= 1; } override public void string_literal(string_literal ast) { Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, ast.token.str); } } public virtual void Assemble(stringList argv, string input, string output, bool verbose, bool debug) { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; string ilasm = "ilasm"; foreach (string arg in argv) { if (arg.StartsWith("/ilasm:") || arg.StartsWith("-ilasm:")) { ilasm = arg.Substring("/ilasm:".Length); } } p.StartInfo.FileName = ilasm; p.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("/nologo /quiet {0} /{1} /noautoinherit /output=\"{2}\" \"{3}\"", debug ? "/pdb" : "", output.ToLower().EndsWith(".exe") ? "exe" : "dll", output, input); if (verbose) Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} {1}", p.StartInfo.FileName, p.StartInfo.Arguments); p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); if (p.ExitCode != 0) { msg.Error("ilasm failed, command line: \"{0}\" {1}", p.StartInfo.FileName, p.StartInfo.Arguments); } } public virtual void class_declaration(class_declaration ast) { EmitClassHead(ast.sym); WriteLine("{{"); EmitClassBody(ast.attrs, ast.body); WriteLine("}} // end of class {0}", ast.sym.FullName); } public string ClassRef(Type ty) { string module = ""; if (ty.module != null) module = String.Format("[{0}]", ModuleName(ty.module)); string name = ""; if (ty.RealName.StartsWith("System.") && ty.enclosingType == null) name = ty.RealName; else { // quoting syntax for nested types has changed // correct 2.0 syntax is 'namespace-name'.'outer-class-name'/'inner-class-name' // incorrect 1.0 syntax is 'namespace-name.outer-class-name/inner-class-name' for ( ; ty.enclosingType != null; ty = ty.enclosingType) name = "/'" + ty.Name + "'" + name; name = "'" + ty.FullName + "'" + name; } return module + name; } public virtual void comment(AST ast) { if (ast != null) { Write("// {0}: ", ast.begin.ToString()); source.visit((compilation)ast, wr, null, msg); WriteLine(); } } public virtual void comment(AST ast, string fmt, params string[] args) { if (ast != null) { Write("// {0}: ", ast.begin.ToString()); WriteLine(fmt, args); } } public virtual void compilation(compilation ast) { T =; string target = ".exe", outdir = "", oname = null, iname = null; foreach (string s in ast.args) if (s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '-') { string arg = s.Substring(1); if (arg.StartsWith("out:")) { oname = arg.Substring(4); iname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oname) + ".il"; } else if (arg.StartsWith("outdir:")) outdir = arg.Substring(7).TrimEnd('/', '\\') + "\\"; else if (arg.StartsWith("main:") || arg.StartsWith("m:")) mainTypeName = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf(':')+1); else if (arg.StartsWith("target:") || arg.StartsWith("t:")) switch (arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf(':')+1).ToLower()) { case "winexe": case "exe": target = ".exe"; break; case "library": target = ".dll"; break; } else if (arg.StartsWith("r:") || arg.StartsWith("reference:")) { foreach (string f in arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf(':')+1).Split(',')) if (f.IndexOf('=') >= 0) { string[] map = f.Split('='); map[0] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(map[0]); moduleMap[map[0]] = map[1]; } } } else if ((s.EndsWith(".cs") || s.EndsWith(".csi")) && iname == null) iname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s) + ".il"; if (oname == null && iname == null) oname = "a" + target; else { if (oname == null) oname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iname) + target; iname = outdir + iname; } try { wr.Close(); wr = new StreamWriter(iname); } catch (Exception e) { msg.Error("can't write \"{0}\": {1}", iname, e.Message); iname = null; } try { SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); foreach (string path in ast.assemblyRefs) { PELoader pe = new PELoader(path); MetaData md = MetaData.loadMetaData(path, pe, false, false); MetaDataAssembly mda = (MetaDataAssembly)md.Assemblies[0]; WriteLine(".assembly extern '{0}' {{", ModuleName(path)); WriteLine(".ver {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", mda.MajorVersion, mda.MinorVersion, mda.BuildNumber, mda.RevisionNumber); byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(mda.PublicKey); Write(".publickeytoken = ("); int len = hash.Length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) Emitint(1, (ulong)hash[len - i]); WriteLine(" )"); #if VERIFY_HASH_USING_REFLECTION try { Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); AssemblyName name = asm.GetName(); WriteLine("// .assembly extern '{0}' {{", ModuleName(asm.Location)); WriteLine("// .ver {0}", name.Version.ToString().Replace('.',':')); byte[] bytes = name.GetPublicKeyToken(); if (bytes != null) { Write("// .publickeytoken = ("); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) Emitint(1, (ulong)bytes[i]); WriteLine(" )"); } } catch { } #endif #if false foreach (MetaData md in resolver.MetaDataList) { MetaDataAssembly mda = (MetaDataAssembly)md.Assemblies[0]; } XmlNode asm = manifest.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "assembly", ""); AddAttribute(asm, "filename", assemblyname); if (mda.MajorVersion != 0 || mda.MinorVersion != 0 || mda.BuildNumber != 0 || mda.RevisionNumber != 0) { AddAttribute(asm, "version", String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", mda.MajorVersion, mda.MinorVersion, mda.BuildNumber, mda.RevisionNumber)); } if (mda.PublicKey != null & mda.PublicKey.Length > 0) { AddAttribute(asm, "publickey", String.Format("{0}", KeyToString(mda.PublicKey))); } if (mda.Locale != null && mda.Locale != "") { AddAttribute(asm, "locale", mda.Locale); } AddAttribute(asm, "cache", StripCacheFromPath(file)); assembliesNode.AppendChild(asm); #endif WriteLine("}}"); } WriteLine(".assembly '{0}' {{", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oname)); object o; o = Evalattribute(ast.inputs, "System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute"); if (o != null && o is String) { WriteLine(".ver {0}", ((string)o).Replace('.',':')); } else { WriteLine(".ver 0:0:0:0"); } o = Evalattribute(ast.inputs, "System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute"); if (o != null && o is String) { string file = outdir + (string)o; WriteLine("//publickey({0})", file); try { FileStream fs = new FileStream(outdir + (string)o, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] values = r.ReadBytes(0x10000); if (values != null) { Write(".publickey = (", file); int len = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Write(" {0:x2}", values[i]); if (i % 16 == 15) { WriteLine(); Write(" "); } } WriteLine(" )"); } r.Close(); if (values.Length >= 8) { WriteLine(".hash algorithm 0x{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}", values[7], values[6], values[5], values[4]); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't access public key {0}", file); Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e); } } foreach (compilation_unit x in ast.inputs) compilation_unit_attr(x); WriteLine("}}"); foreach (compilation_unit x in ast.inputs) compilation_unit(x); } finally { if (wr != Console.Out) wr.Close(); } if (iname != null && msg.Count == 0) Assemble(ast.args, iname, oname, false, true); } public virtual object Evalattribute(compilation_unitList units, string name) { if (units != null) { foreach (compilation_unit x in units) { if (x.attributes != null) { foreach (attribute_section s in x.attributes) { foreach (attribute a in s.attributes) { if (a.sym.RealName == name) { foreach (argument n in a.arguments.args) { return n.expr.value; } return "false"; } } } } } } return null; } public virtual void compilation_unit_attr(compilation_unit ast) { EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attributes); } public virtual void compilation_unit(compilation_unit ast) { foreach (declaration d in ast.declarations) declaration(d); } public virtual void constant_declaration(constant_declaration ast) { foreach (const_declarator x in ast.decls) { Constant f = x.sym; Write(".field "); EmitModifiers(f); Write("static literal "); Write("{0} '{1}' = ", Name(f.Type), f.Name); if (f.value is string) WriteLine("{0}", ILState.quote((string)f.value)); else if (f.Type is EnumType) EmitDataItem(((EnumType)f.Type).baseType, f.value); else EmitDataItem(f.Type, f.value); } } public virtual void constructor_declaration(constructor_declaration ast) { Method m = ast.sym; Write(".method hidebysig specialname rtspecialname "); EmitModifiers(m); WriteLine("{0} {1}({2}) {3}{{", Name(m.Type), Name(m), Signature(m), ast.block == null && m.declSpace.Owner is DelegateType ? "runtime managed " : ""); EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); declarationList body; if (ast.parent is class_declaration) body = ((class_declaration)ast.parent).body; else body = ((struct_declaration)ast.parent).body; ILState g = NewILState(this); if (ast.decl.init != null) constructor_initializer(ast.decl.init, body, g); if (m.IsStatic) foreach (declaration d in body) if (d is field_declaration) { foreach (field_declarator f in ((field_declaration)d).decls) if (f.sym.IsStatic) variable_initializer(f.init, f.sym, g); } else if (d is event_declaration1) foreach (event_declarator e in ((event_declaration1)d).decls) if (e.sym.IsStatic) variable_initializer(e.init, e.sym, g); int i; for (i = 0; i < m.ArgCount; i++) m[i].ordinal = m.IsInstance ? i + 1 : i; if (ast.block != null) EmitMethodBody(m, ast.block, g); WriteLine("}} // end of constructor {0}", m.FullName); } public virtual void constructor_initializer(constructor_initializer ast, declarationList body, ILState g) { if (ast is base_initializer) { foreach (declaration d in body) if (d is field_declaration) { foreach (field_declarator f in ((field_declaration)d).decls) if (f.sym.IsInstance) variable_initializer(f.init, f.sym, g); } else if (d is event_declaration1) foreach (event_declarator e in ((event_declaration1)d).decls) if (e.sym.IsInstance) variable_initializer(e.init, e.sym, g); g.base_initializer((base_initializer)ast); } else g.this_initializer((this_initializer)ast); } public virtual void declaration(declaration ast) { asts.Push(ast); if (ast is class_declaration) class_declaration((class_declaration)ast); else if (ast is constant_declaration) constant_declaration((constant_declaration)ast); else if (ast is constructor_declaration) constructor_declaration((constructor_declaration)ast); else if (ast is delegate_declaration) delegate_declaration((delegate_declaration)ast); else if (ast is destructor_declaration) destructor_declaration((destructor_declaration)ast); else if (ast is enum_declaration) enum_declaration((enum_declaration)ast); else if (ast is event_declaration1) event_declaration1((event_declaration1)ast); else if (ast is event_declaration2) event_declaration2((event_declaration2)ast); else if (ast is field_declaration) field_declaration((field_declaration)ast); else if (ast is indexer_declaration) indexer_declaration((indexer_declaration)ast); else if (ast is interface_declaration) interface_declaration((interface_declaration)ast); else if (ast is interface_event_declaration) interface_event_declaration((interface_event_declaration)ast); else if (ast is interface_indexer_declaration) interface_indexer_declaration((interface_indexer_declaration)ast); else if (ast is interface_method_declaration) interface_method_declaration((interface_method_declaration)ast); else if (ast is interface_property_declaration) interface_property_declaration((interface_property_declaration)ast); else if (ast is method_declaration) method_declaration((method_declaration)ast); else if (ast is namespace_declaration) namespace_declaration((namespace_declaration)ast); else if (ast is operator_declaration) operator_declaration((operator_declaration)ast); else if (ast is property_declaration) property_declaration((property_declaration)ast); else if (ast is struct_declaration) struct_declaration((struct_declaration)ast); else throw new ArgumentException(); asts.Pop(); } public virtual void delegate_declaration(delegate_declaration ast) { EmitClassHead(ast.sym); WriteLine("{{"); EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); foreach (Symbol s in ast.sym) if (s is Method) EmitMethod((Method)s, null, null, null); WriteLine("}} // end of delegate {0}", ast.sym.FullName); } public virtual void destructor_declaration(destructor_declaration ast) { EmitMethod(ast.sym, ast.attrs, ast.block, "specialname rtspecialname"); } public virtual void Emitattribute(attribute ast) { if (ast.arguments != null) { Write(".custom instance void {0}::.ctor({1}) = (", ClassRef(ast.sym), Signature(ast.method, false)); Emitint(1, 1UL); Emitint(1, 0UL); // prolog 01 00 foreach (argument x in ast.arguments.args) { WriteLine(); EmitFixedArg(x.expr.value); } WriteLine(); Emitint(2, (ulong)ast.arguments.namedargs.Count); foreach (named_argument x in ast.arguments.namedargs) { WriteLine(); EmitNamedArg(x); } } else { Write(".custom instance void {0}::.ctor() = (", ClassRef(ast.sym)); Emitint(1, 1UL); Emitint(1, 0UL); // prolog 01 00 Emitint(2, 0UL); // no named arguments } WriteLine(" )"); } public virtual void EmitattributeSectionList(attribute_sectionList attrs) { if (attrs != null) foreach (attribute_section s in attrs) foreach (attribute a in s.attributes) Emitattribute(a); } public virtual void EmitClassHead(ClassType c) { Write(".class "); if (c.enclosingType != null) Write("nested "); EmitModifiers(c); if (c is InterfaceType) Write("interface abstract "); WriteLine("'{0}'", c.Name); if (c.baseClass != null) WriteLine("\textends {0}", ClassRef(c.baseClass)); if (c.interfaces.Count > 0) { Write("\timplements "); for (int i = 0; i < c.interfaces.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) Write(","); Write("{0}", ClassRef(c.interfaces[i])); } WriteLine(); } } public virtual void EmitClassBody(attribute_sectionList attrs, declarationList body) { EmitattributeSectionList(attrs); foreach (declaration d in body) declaration(d); } public virtual void EmitDataItem(Type ty, object value) { string name = Name(ty); if (name.StartsWith("unsigned ")) name = name.Substring(9); WriteLine("{0}({1})", name, value.ToString()); } public virtual void EmitDefaultAccessor(Event e, Method m) { Write(".method hidebysig specialname "); EmitModifiers(m); if (m.IsInstance) { Write("instance "); m[0].ordinal = 1; } else m[0].ordinal = 0; WriteLine("void {0}({1} 'value') cil managed synchronized {{", Name(m), Name(m[0].Type)); if (!m.Is("abstract")) { ILState g = NewILState(this); g.EmitDefaultAccessor(e, m); EmitMethodBody(m, null, g); } WriteLine("}} // end of method {0}", m.FullName); } public virtual void EmitEvent(Event t, event_accessorList accessors) { WriteLine(".event '{0}' '{1}' {{", t.Type.FullName, t.Name); WriteLine(".addon {0}void {1}", t.IsStatic ? "" : "instance ", MethodRef(t.Add)); WriteLine(".removeon {0}void {1}", t.IsStatic ? "" : "instance ", MethodRef(t.Remove)); WriteLine("}} // end of event {0}", t.FullName); if (accessors != null) foreach (event_accessor a in accessors) EmitMethod(a.sym, a.attrs, a.block, "specialname rtspecialname"); } public virtual void EmitFixedArg(object value) { if (value == null) Emitint(1, 0xFFUL); else if (value is string) Emitstring((string)value); else if (value is char) Emitint(2, (ulong)(ushort)(char)value); else if (value is bool) Emitint(1, (bool)value ? 1UL : 0UL); else if (value is sbyte) Emitint(1, (ulong)( sbyte)value); else if (value is byte) Emitint(1, (ulong)( byte)value); else if (value is short) Emitint(2, (ulong)( short)value); else if (value is ushort) Emitint(2, (ulong)(ushort)value); else if (value is int) Emitint(4, (ulong)( int)value); else if (value is uint) Emitint(4, (ulong)( uint)value); else if (value is long) Emitint(8, (ulong)( long)value); else if (value is ulong) Emitint(8, (ulong) value); else msg.Error("attribute type '{0}' not yet supported", value.GetType().FullName); } public virtual void Emitint(int len, ulong value) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Write(" {0:x2}", value&0xff); value >>= 8; } } public virtual void EmitMethod(Method m, attribute_sectionList attrs, statement body, string extraattributes) { Write(".method hidebysig "); if (extraattributes != null) Write("{0} ", extraattributes); EmitModifiers(m); if (m.IsInstance) Write("instance "); WriteLine("{0} {1}({2}) {3}{{", Name(m.Type), Name(m), Signature(m), body == null && m.declSpace.Owner is DelegateType ? "runtime managed " : ""); EmitattributeSectionList(attrs); if ((mainTypeName == null || mainTypeName == m.GetType().Name) && m.Name == "Main" && m.IsStatic) WriteLine(".entrypoint"); if (m.interfaceMethod != null) WriteLine(".override {0}::'{1}'", ClassRef(m.interfaceMethod.GetType()), m.interfaceMethod.Name); int i; for (i = 0; i < m.ArgCount; i++) m[i].ordinal = m.IsInstance ? i + 1 : i; if (m.Name == "set_Item") ((Formal)m.locals["value"]).ordinal = m.IsInstance ? i + 1 : i; if (body != null) EmitMethodBody(m, body, NewILState(this)); WriteLine("}} // end of method {0}", m.FullName); } public virtual void EmitMethodBody(Method m, statement body, ILState g) { if (body != null) g.statement(body, m); WriteLine(".maxstack {0}", g.maxstack); Debug.Assert(g.Depth == 0); } public virtual void EmitModifiers(Symbol t) { string emit = ""; foreach (string mod in t.Modifiers) switch (mod) { case "new": emit += " newslot"; break; case "override": emit += " virtual"; break; case "protected": case "internal": case "readonly": case "unsafe": break; case "sealed": emit += t is Method ? " final" : " sealed"; break; default: emit += " " + mod; break; } if (emit.Length > 1) Write("{0} ", emit.Substring(1)); } public virtual void EmitNamedArg(named_argument ast) { if (ast.sym is Field) Emitint(1, 0x53UL); else if (ast.sym is Property) Emitint(1, 0x54UL); Type ty = ast.sym.Type; if (ty == T.Bool) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.BOOLEAN); else if (ty == T.Byte) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.U1); else if (ty == T.Char) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.CHAR); else if (ty == T.Double) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.R8); else if (ty == T.Short) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.I2); else if (ty == T.Int) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.I4); else if (ty == T.Long) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.I8); else if (ty == T.SByte) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.I1); else if (ty == T.Float) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.R4); else if (ty == T.String) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.STRING); else if (ty == T.UShort) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.U2); else if (ty == T.UInt) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.U4); else if (ty == T.ULong) Emitint(1, (ulong)ElementTypes.U8); else Debug.Assert(false); Emitstring(; EmitFixedArg(ast.expr.value); } public virtual void EmitProperty(Property p, attribute_sectionList attrs, accessor_declarationList decls) { Write(".property "); if (p.IsInstance) Write("instance "); WriteLine("{1} {0}() {{", p.Name, Name(p.Type)); EmitattributeSectionList(attrs); foreach (accessor_declaration d in decls) { Write(".{0}",; if (d.sym.IsInstance) Write(" instance"); WriteLine(" {0} {1}", == "get" ? Name(p.Type) : "void", MethodRef(d.sym)); } WriteLine("}} // end of {0} {1}", p.Kind, p.FullName); foreach (accessor_declaration d in decls) EmitMethod(d.sym, d.attrs, d.body, "specialname"); } public virtual void Emitstring(string value) { if (value.Length <= 127) Emitint(1, (ulong)value.Length); else if (value.Length >= 128 && value.Length <= 16383) { uint n = (uint)value.Length; Emitint(1, ((n>>8)&0x7fUL)|0x80UL); Emitint(1, n&0xffUL); } else { uint n = (uint)value.Length; Emitint(1, ((n>>24)&0x1fUL)|0xc0UL); Emitint(1, (n>>16)&0xffUL); Emitint(1, (n>> 8)&0xffUL); Emitint(1, n&0xffUL); } foreach (char c in value) Emitint(1, (ulong)(byte)c); } public virtual void enum_declaration(enum_declaration ast) { EnumType e = ast.sym; Write(".class "); if (e.enclosingType != null) Write("nested "); EmitModifiers(e); WriteLine("auto ansi serializable sealed '{0}' extends {1}", e.Name, ClassRef(T.Enum)); WriteLine("{{"); EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); string name = ""; Type ty; for (ty = e; ty.enclosingType != null; ty = ty.enclosingType) name = "/" + ty.Name + name; name = ty.FullName + name; foreach (enum_member_declaration d in ast.body) { Write(".field public static literal valuetype '{0}' {1} = ", name, d.sym.Name); EmitDataItem(e.baseType, d.sym.value); } WriteLine(".field public rtspecialname specialname {0} value__", Name(e.baseType)); WriteLine("}} // end of enumeration {0}", e.FullName); } public virtual void event_declaration1(event_declaration1 ast) { EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); foreach (event_declarator d in ast.decls) { WriteLine(".field private {2}{0} {1}", Name(d.sym.Type), d.sym.Name, d.sym.IsStatic ? "static " : ""); EmitEvent(d.sym, null); EmitDefaultAccessor(d.sym, d.sym.Add); EmitDefaultAccessor(d.sym, d.sym.Remove); } } public virtual void event_declaration2(event_declaration2 ast) { EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); EmitEvent(ast.sym, ast.accessors); } public virtual void field_declaration(field_declaration ast) { foreach (field_declarator x in ast.decls) { Field f = x.sym; Write(".field "); EmitModifiers(f); WriteLine("{0} {1}", Name(f.Type), Name(f)); EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); } } public string FieldRef(Symbol f) { return String.Format("{0}::'{1}'", ClassRef(f.GetType()), f.Name); } public virtual void indexer_declaration(indexer_declaration ast) { foreach (accessor_declaration d in ast.accessors) if ( == "get") { WriteLine(".property instance {0} Item({1}) {{", Name(d.sym.Type), Signature(d.sym, false)); break; } EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); foreach (accessor_declaration d in ast.accessors) { Write(".{0} instance",; WriteLine(" {0} {1}", Name(d.sym.Type), MethodRef(d.sym)); } WriteLine("}} // end of property Item"); foreach (accessor_declaration d in ast.accessors) EmitMethod(d.sym, d.attrs, d.body, "specialname"); } public virtual void interface_declaration(interface_declaration ast) { EmitClassHead(ast.sym); WriteLine("{{"); EmitClassBody(ast.attrs, ast.body); WriteLine("}} // end of interface {0}", ast.sym.FullName); } public virtual void interface_event_declaration(interface_event_declaration ast) { EmitattributeSectionList(ast.attrs); EmitEvent(ast.sym, null); EmitDefaultAccessor(ast.sym, ast.sym.Add); EmitDefaultAccessor(ast.sym, ast.sym.Remove); } public virtual void interface_indexer_declaration(interface_indexer_declaration ast) { foreach (accessor_declaration d in ast.accessors) EmitMethod(d.sym, d.attrs, d.body, "specialname"); } public virtual void interface_method_declaration(interface_method_declaration ast) { EmitMethod(ast.sym, ast.attrs, null, null); } public virtual void interface_property_declaration(interface_property_declaration ast) { EmitProperty(ast.sym, ast.attrs, ast.accessors); } public string ModuleName(string path) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToLower(); if (moduleMap.ContainsKey(name)) name = moduleMap[name]; return name; } public virtual void method_declaration(method_declaration ast) { EmitMethod(ast.sym, ast.attrs, ast.body, null); } public string MethodRef(Method m) { ClassType ty = m.GetType(); return String.Format("{0}::{1}({2})", ClassRef(ty), Name(m), Signature(m, false)); } public static string Name(Symbol m) { if (m is Method && ((Method)m).GetType().Name == m.Name) return m.IsStatic ? ".cctor" : ".ctor"; return String.Format("'{0}'", m.Name); } public string Name(Type ty) { if (ty == T.Bool) return "bool"; else if (ty == T.Byte) return "unsigned int8"; else if (ty == T.Char) return "char"; else if (ty == T.Double) return "float64"; //else if (ty == T.Decimal)return "decimal"; else if (ty == T.Short) return "int16"; else if (ty == T.Int) return "int32"; else if (ty == T.Long) return "int64"; else if (ty == T.Object) return "object"; else if (ty == T.SByte) return "int8"; else if (ty == T.Float) return "float32"; else if (ty == T.String) return "string"; else if (ty == T.UShort) return "unsigned int16"; else if (ty == T.UInt) return "unsigned int32"; else if (ty == T.ULong) return "unsigned int64"; else if (ty == T.Void) return "void"; else if (ty == T.IntPtr) return "native int"; else if (ty == T.UIntPtr)return "native unsigned int"; else if (ty is ManagedPointerType) return String.Format("{0}&", Name(((PointerType)ty).elementType)); else if (ty is UnmanagedPointerType) return String.Format("{0}*", Name(((PointerType)ty).elementType)); else if (ty is ArrayType && ((ArrayType)ty).rank == 1) return String.Format("{0}[]", Name(((ArrayType)ty).elementType)); else if (ty is ArrayType) return String.Format("{0}[{1}]", Name(((ArrayType)ty).elementType), ILState.repl(",0...", ((ArrayType)ty).rank).Substring(1)); else if (ty is EnumType || ty is StructType) return String.Format("value class {0}", ClassRef(ty)); else if (ty is ClassType) return String.Format("class {0}", ClassRef(ty)); else throw new ArgumentException(ty.ToString()); } public virtual void namespace_declaration(namespace_declaration ast) { WriteLine(".namespace {0} {{", ast.sym.FullName); foreach (declaration d in ast.nb.declarations) declaration(d); WriteLine("}} // end of namespace {0}", ast.sym.FullName); } public virtual void operator_declaration(operator_declaration ast) { EmitMethod(ast.op.method, ast.attrs, ast.block, "specialname"); } public virtual void property_declaration(property_declaration ast) { EmitProperty(ast.sym, ast.attrs, ast.decls); } public string Signature(Method m, bool showNames) { Signature sig = m.signature; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i; for (i = 0; i < sig.ArgCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(','); Formal f = sig[i]; if (f.modifier != null && f.modifier.str == "out") sb.Append("[out] "); sb.Append(Name(f.Type)); if (f.modifier != null) sb.Append('&'); if (showNames) sb.AppendFormat(" '{0}'", f.Name); } if (m.Name == "set_Item") { Formal f = (Formal)m.locals["value"]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(','); sb.Append(Name(f.Type)); if (showNames) sb.AppendFormat(" '{0}'", f.Name); } return sb.ToString(); } public string Signature(Method m) { return Signature(m, true); } public virtual void struct_declaration(struct_declaration ast) { EmitClassHead(ast.sym); WriteLine("{{"); EmitClassBody(ast.attrs, ast.body); WriteLine("}} // end of struct {0}", ast.sym.FullName); } public virtual void variable_initializer(variable_initializer ast, Symbol sym, ILState g) { if (ast != null) { if (sym.IsInstance) g.this_access(); g.variable_initializer(ast); g.EmitStore(sym); } } public virtual void Write(string fmt, params object[] args) { wr.Write(fmt, args); } public virtual void WriteLine() { wr.WriteLine(); } public virtual void WriteLine(string fmt, params object[] args) { wr.WriteLine(fmt, args); } }