/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define CHECK #define GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; //using Microsoft.Zap; namespace SharpSAT { /// /// Summary description for Class1. /// public class SharpSATSolver : SATCommon { public SolverStats stats; internal SATHook hook; internal SolverParams parameters; private int unique_id; //the unique id seen so far for the nodes private IntVector active_area; //private Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); internal VarVector variables = new VarVector(4); internal ClsVector clauses = new ClsVector(4); private ObjVector watched_clauses = new ObjVector(4); private IntVector free_clauses = new IntVector(4); internal IntVector original_clauses= new IntVector(4); private NodeHashMap node_hash = new NodeHashMap(); private FreeList free_nodes; private IntVector zero_ref_nodes = new IntVector(4); private int constant_one; private MyHashtable node_to_pi_hash = new MyHashtable(); internal IntVector primary_inputs = new IntVector(4); private ObjVector asgn_stack = new ObjVector(4); private int dlevel = 0; private Queue implication_queue = new Queue(); private IntVector conflict_array = new IntVector(4); private IntVector learned_clause = new IntVector(4); private IntVector conflict_clauses= new IntVector(128); private IntVector ordered_vars = new IntVector(4); private int max_score_pos = 0; private IntVector temporary_clauses= new IntVector(16); private ResolutionTrace rtrace = null; [Microsoft.Contracts.NotDelayed] internal SharpSATSolver() { stats = new SolverStats(true); parameters = new SolverParams(true); rtrace = new ResolutionTrace(this); variables = new VarVector(4); asgn_stack = new ObjVector(4); watched_clauses = new ObjVector(4); free_nodes = new FreeList(variables); //create Variable Num. 0: Constant 1 int s = new_node(NodeType.CONSTANT, INVALID, INVALID); sharp_assert (s == 0); asgn_stack.push_back (new IntVector(4)); //for decision level 0 constant_one = s; primary_inputs = new IntVector(4); stats.num_free_branch_vars = 0; //i.e. signal 0 doesn't count; stats.num_free_variables = 0; stats.next_restart = parameters.first_restart; stats.next_gc = parameters.gc_period; stats.next_decay = parameters.decay_period; active_area = new IntVector(128); reasoning_flag = alloc_flag(); marked_flag = alloc_flag(); branchable_flag = alloc_flag(); in_cl_flag = alloc_flag(); in_cl_sign_flag = alloc_flag(); active_flag = alloc_flag(); } int canonical(int s) { bool invert = false; int r; for (r = s; variable(NODE_ID(r)).canonical != INVALID; r = variable(NODE_ID(r)).canonical) if (IS_NEGATED(s)) invert = !invert; if (invert) return NEGATE (r) ; else return r; } internal int var_value (int i) { return variable(i).varValue; } internal void var_set_value (int i, short v) { variable(i).varValue = v; } internal int var_dlevel (int i) { return variable(i).dlevel; } internal Variable variable (int i ) { return /*(Variable)*/ variables[i]; } internal Variable node (int sig) { return variable(VID(sig)); } internal int num_variables() { return variables.size() - 1; } internal int lit_value (int s) { return var_value(VID(s)) ^ SIGN(s);} internal Clause clause(int idx) { return /*(Clause)*/ clauses[idx]; } internal IntVector watched_by(int svar ) { return (IntVector) watched_clauses[svar]; } internal IntVector assignment_stack (int l) { return (IntVector) asgn_stack[l]; } internal ObjVector assignment_stack(){ return asgn_stack; } internal int num_pi() { return primary_inputs.size(); } internal int pi(int n) { return primary_inputs[n]; } internal bool is_pi (int n) { return node(n).is_pi(); } internal bool is_gate (int n) { return node(n).is_gate(); } internal int one() { return constant_one; } internal int zero() { return NEGATE(constant_one); } internal int signal_of(int vid) { return vid + vid; } internal int node_to_pi(int s) { return (int) node_to_pi_hash[NON_NEGATED(s)]; } internal NodeType node_type (int s) { return node(s).type; } internal int pi_var_value(int k) { return variable(pi(k)).varValue; } internal bool is_pure_clause_based() { return num_variables() == stats.num_cls_vars; } internal int d_level() { return dlevel; } internal double session_cpu_time() { return get_cpu_time() - stats.start_cpu_time; } internal double total_cpu_time() { return stats.total_cpu_time; } internal void enable_rtrace(bool e) { rtrace.enable_trace(e); } #region GID_MANAGEMENT private int allocated_gid; internal int volatile_gid() { return 0; } internal int alloc_gid () { for (ushort i=1; i<= WORD_WIDTH; ++i) if (is_gid_allocated(i) == false) { allocated_gid |= (ushort) (1 << (i-1)); return i; } fatal(); return volatile_gid(); } internal void free_gid (int gid) { sharp_assert (gid > 0 && gid <= WORD_WIDTH); if (is_gid_allocated(gid)==false) { fatal(); } allocated_gid &= (~(1<< (gid-1))); } internal bool is_gid_allocated(int gid) { if (gid==volatile_gid()) return true; sharp_assert (gid<= WORD_WIDTH && gid > 0); if ((allocated_gid & (1 << (gid -1))) != 0) return true; return false; } #endregion #region VAR_FLAG_MANAGEMENT private int allocated_flag = 0; internal int alloc_flag() { for (int i=0; i< WORD_WIDTH; ++i) { if ((allocated_flag & (1 << i)) == 0) { allocated_flag |= (1< 1) { int max_idx = -1, max2_idx = -1, max_dl = -1, max2_dl = -1; for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) { int dl = var_dlevel(cl.literal(i) >> 1); if (dl < 0 || (lit_value(cl.literal(i)) == 1) ) //non-0 variable, so make it the highest possible dl dl = num_variables() + 1; if (dl > max_dl) { max2_idx = max_idx; max_idx = i; max2_dl = max_dl; max_dl = dl; } else if (dl > max2_dl) { max2_idx = i; max2_dl = dl; } } //the invariance: Literal 0 and 1 are watched int temp = cl.literal(0); cl.literals[0] = cl.literal(max_idx); cl.literals[max_idx] = temp; int svar = cl.literal(0); watched_by(svar).push_back ( cl_id + cl_id ); if (max2_idx == 0) max2_idx = max_idx; temp = cl.literal(1); cl.literals[1] = cl.literal(max2_idx); cl.literals[max2_idx] = temp; svar = cl.literal(1); watched_by(svar).push_back ( cl_id + cl_id + 1); } } void remove_cl_from_reasoning (int cl_id) { Clause cl = clause(cl_id); sharp_assert (cl.num_lits > 1); for (int k=0; k < 2; ++k) { //two watched int lit = cl.literal(k); IntVector watch = watched_by(lit); int i, sz; for (i=0, sz = watch.size(); i < sz; ++i) { if (( watch[i] >> 1) == cl_id) { //found it watch[i] = watch.back; watch.pop_back(); break; } } } } private void incr_lits_count (int lit) { if ((lit & 1) == 1) ++ variable (VID(lit)).lits_count_1; else ++ variable (VID(lit)).lits_count_0; } private void decr_lits_count (int lit) { if ((lit & 1) == 1) -- variable (VID(lit)).lits_count_1; else -- variable (VID(lit)).lits_count_0; } private int get_free_clause_id() { int cl_id; if (!free_clauses.empty()) { cl_id = free_clauses.back; free_clauses.pop_back(); clauses[cl_id] = new Clause(); } else { cl_id = clauses.size(); clauses.push_back (new Clause()); } return cl_id; } private int add_clause_to_db (int [] lits, ClType tp, ushort gflag) { sharp_assert (lits.Length > 0); int cl_id = get_free_clause_id(); Clause cl = clause(cl_id); cl.init( tp, lits, gflag, unique_id ++); // Console.Write("{0} :", cl_id); // for (int i=0; i< lits.Length; ++i) // Console.Write ("{0} ", lits[i]); // Console.WriteLine (""); for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i ) { incr_lits_count (cl.literal(i)); reference (cl.literal(i)); } if (tp == ClType.ORIGINAL) { ++ stats.num_orig_clauses; original_clauses.push_back(cl_id); stats.num_orig_literals += lits.Length; } else if (tp == ClType.CONFLICT) { ++ stats.num_learned_clauses; conflict_clauses.push_back (cl_id); stats.num_learned_literals += lits.Length; } include_cl_in_reasoning (cl_id); return cl_id; } internal int add_new_implication (int [] reasons, int implied_lit) { if (reasons == null) { reasons = new int[dlevel]; for (int i=0; i< reasons.Length; ++i) reasons[i] = (assignment_stack(i+1)[0]^1); } for (int i =0; i< reasons.Length; ++i) sharp_assert (lit_value(reasons[i]) == 0); sharp_assert (var_value(VID(implied_lit)) == UNKNOWN); int cl_id = get_free_clause_id(); Clause cl = clause(cl_id); int [] lits = new int [1 + reasons.Length]; Array.Copy(reasons,lits,reasons.Length); lits[reasons.Length] = implied_lit; cl.init( ClType.TEMP, lits, 0, unique_id ++); temporary_clauses.push_back(cl_id); queue_implication(implied_lit, cl_id, ImpType.CLAUSE); return cl_id; } internal int merge_clause_group(int g2, int g1) { for (int i=0, sz=clauses.size(); i 1) // remove_cl_from_reasoning (cl_id); // // // for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) // -- variable(cl.literal(i)>> 1).lits_count[cl.literal(i) & 1]; // // ++stats.num_deleted_clauses; // stats.num_deleted_literals += cl.num_lits; // if (cl.type == ClType.ORIGINAL) // { // --stats.num_orig_clauses; // stats.num_orig_literals -= cl.num_lits; // // for (int j=0, n = clause(cl_id).num_lits; j < n ; ++j) // // deref (clause(cl_id).literal(j)); // } // else // { // sharp_assert (cl.type == ClType.CONFLICT); // --stats.num_learned_clauses; // stats.num_learned_literals -= cl.num_lits; // } // //cl.type = ClType.DELETED; // clauses[cl_id] = null; // free_clauses.push_back(cl_id); // } void clean_up() { reset(); bool [] remove = new bool [clauses.size()]; for (int i=0; i< clauses.size(); ++i) { Clause cl = clause(i); if (cl != null && cl.type == ClType.CONFLICT) remove[i] = true; //to be deleted else remove[i] = false; } delete_clauses(remove, false); rtrace.reset(); } //convert all variables to primary inputs internal void convert_vars_to_pi () { for (int i=0; i< variables.size(); ++i) { if (variable(i).type == NodeType.VARIABLE) { int id = num_pi(); int s = i + i; node(s).type = NodeType.PI; primary_inputs.push_back(s); node_to_pi_hash[s] = id; } } } void delete_clauses(bool [] removes) { delete_clauses(removes, true); // Console.Write ("Remove : "); // for (int i=0; i< removes.Length; ++i) // if (removes[i]) // Console.Write("{0} ", i); // Console.WriteLine(""); } void delete_clauses(bool[] removes, bool delete_original) { for (int i=1; i< variables.size(); ++i) { //Variable var = variable(i); for (int k=0; k< 2; ++k) { IntVector w = watched_by(i + i + k); for (int j=0; j< w.size(); ++j) if ( removes[(w[j] >> 1)]) { w[j] = w.back; w.pop_back(); --j; } } } for (int i=0; i< temporary_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = temporary_clauses[i]; bool can_delete = true; foreach (int lit in clause(cl_id).literals) { if (variable(VID(lit)).antecedent.type == ImpType.CLAUSE && variable(VID(lit)).antecedent.index == cl_id) { can_delete = false; break; } } if (can_delete) { clauses[cl_id] = null; temporary_clauses[i] = temporary_clauses.back; temporary_clauses.pop_back(); --i; } } for (int i=0; i< removes.Length; ++i) { Clause cl = clause(i); if (cl == null || removes[i] == false) continue; ++ stats.num_deleted_clauses; stats.num_deleted_literals += cl.num_lits; for (int j=0; j< cl.num_lits; ++j) { decr_lits_count(cl.literal(j)); deref ( cl.literal(j)); } if (cl.type == ClType.ORIGINAL) { --stats.num_orig_clauses; stats.num_orig_literals -= cl.num_lits; } else if (cl.type == ClType.CONFLICT) { --stats.num_learned_clauses; stats.num_learned_literals -= cl.num_lits; } //cl.type = ClType.DELETED; clauses[i] = null; free_clauses.push_back(i); } IntVector temp = new IntVector(128); for (int i=0; i< conflict_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = conflict_clauses[i]; if (clause(cl_id) != null) { sharp_assert (clause(cl_id).type == ClType.CONFLICT); temp.push_back (cl_id); } } conflict_clauses = temp; if (delete_original) { stats.active_area_changed = true; IntVector temp1 = new IntVector(16); for (int i=0; i< original_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = original_clauses[i]; if (!removes[cl_id]) temp1.push_back(cl_id); } original_clauses = temp1; } } internal int constraint (int sig) { if (sig == one()) //don't constraint constants return 0; else if (sig == zero()) { stats.constraint_zero ++; return -1; } int gid = alloc_gid(); int[] cls = new int[1]; cls[0] = sig; add_clause(cls, gid, false); return gid; } internal void release_constraint (int gid) { if (gid <= 0) { if (gid < 0) stats.constraint_zero --; return; } sharp_assert (is_gid_allocated(gid)); int orig = stats.num_orig_clauses; delete_clause_group (gid); sharp_assert (orig == stats.num_orig_clauses + 1); } int find_max_dl(int cl_id) { return find_max_dl (clause(cl_id)); } int find_max_dl (Clause cl) { int max_dl = 0; for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) { int lit = cl.literal(i); if (variable(lit>>1).dlevel > max_dl) max_dl = variable(lit>>1).dlevel; } return max_dl; } int find_unit_lit(int cl_id) { return find_unit_lit (clause(cl_id)); } int find_unit_lit (Clause cl) { if (cl == null) throw new Exception ("Null Clause"); if (!is_unit(cl)) return 0; int v1 = var_value(cl.literal(0)>>1); if (v1 == UNKNOWN) return cl.literal(0); else return cl.literal(1); } bool is_conflicting (int cl_id) { return is_conflicting (clause(cl_id)); } bool is_conflicting(Clause cl) { if (lit_value(cl.literal(0)) == 0 && ( cl.num_lits == 1 || lit_value(cl.literal(1)) == 0) ) return true; return false; } bool is_satisfied (int cl_id ) { return is_satisfied (clause(cl_id)); } bool is_satisfied(Clause cl) { for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) if (lit_value(cl.literal(i)) == 1) return true; return false; } bool is_unit (int cl_id) { return is_unit(clause(cl_id)); } bool is_unit(Clause cl) { if (cl.num_lits == 1) { if (var_value(cl.literal(0)>>1) == UNKNOWN) return true; else return false; } else { int v1 = var_value(cl.literal(0)>>1); int l1 = lit_value(cl.literal(0)); int v2 = var_value(cl.literal(1)>>1); int l2 = lit_value(cl.literal(1)); if ((v1 == UNKNOWN && l2 == 0) || (v2 == UNKNOWN && l1 == 0)) return true; else return false; } } int find_free_node_index(int i1, int i2) { //find a free node index that is larger than the index of i1 and i2 int at_least; if (i1 == INVALID || i2 == INVALID) { sharp_assert (i1 == INVALID && i2 == INVALID); at_least = -1; } else at_least = (i1>i2)? (i1>> 1): (i2>> 1); int idx = free_nodes.find_greater_than (at_least); int vid; if (idx < 0) { //can't find it, so enlarge the node array variables.push_back(new Variable()); watched_clauses.push_back (new IntVector(4)); watched_clauses.push_back (new IntVector(4)); vid = variables.size() - 1; } else vid = idx; sharp_assert (vid > at_least); return vid; } internal int add_variable() { ++ stats.num_cls_vars; int sig = new_node (NodeType.VARIABLE, INVALID, INVALID); return VID(sig); } internal void set_num_variables(int k) { while ( num_variables() < k) add_variable(); } void sort_var_score () { int nvar = ordered_vars.size(); int [] scores = new int [nvar]; int [] ordered = new int [nvar]; for (int i=0; i< ordered_vars.size(); ++i) { scores[i] = variable(ordered_vars[i]).score(); ordered[i] = ordered_vars[i]; } Array.Sort(scores, ordered); for (int i=0; i< nvar; ++i) //reverse it ordered_vars[i] = ordered[nvar - i - 1]; for (int i=0; i< nvar; ++i) { int vid = ordered_vars[i]; variable(vid).ordered_pos = i; } max_score_pos = 0; for (int i=1; i< ordered_vars.size(); ++i) sharp_assert (variable(ordered_vars[i]).score() <= variable(ordered_vars[i-1]).score()); } void incr_score (int svar) { if (SIGN(svar) == 0) ++ variable(VID(svar)).score_0; else ++ variable(VID(svar)).score_1; } void incr_var_score( int svar) { int vid = VID(svar); //int sign = SIGN(svar); int old_score = variable(vid).score(); incr_score (svar); int new_score = variable(vid).score(); if (old_score == new_score) return; int pos = variable(vid).ordered_pos; int orig_pos = pos; sharp_assert (ordered_vars[pos] == vid); int bubble_step = 0x400; for (pos = orig_pos - bubble_step; pos >= 0; pos -= bubble_step) if (variable(ordered_vars[pos]).score() >= new_score) break; pos += bubble_step; for ( bubble_step = (bubble_step >> 1); bubble_step > 0; bubble_step = (bubble_step >> 1)) { if ( pos - bubble_step >= 0) { if (variable(ordered_vars[pos - bubble_step]).score() < new_score) pos -= bubble_step; } } //now found the position, do a swap ordered_vars[orig_pos] = ordered_vars[pos]; variable(ordered_vars[orig_pos]).ordered_pos = orig_pos; ordered_vars[pos] = vid; variable(ordered_vars[pos]).ordered_pos = pos; #if CHECK for (int i=0; i< ordered_vars.size(); ++i) { sharp_assert (i==0 || variable(ordered_vars[i]).score() <= variable(ordered_vars[i - 1]).score()); sharp_assert (variable(ordered_vars[i]).ordered_pos == i); } #endif } int new_node(NodeType tp, int i1, int i2) { int vid = find_free_node_index(i1, i2); Variable n = variable(vid); n.clear_all_flag(); n.clear_all_gid(); clear_marked(n); n.set_flag(branchable_flag); n.clear_flag(in_cl_flag); n.clear_flag(in_cl_sign_flag); n.clear_flag(reasoning_flag); n.type = tp; n.left = i1; n.right = i2; n.canonical = INVALID; n.ref_count = 0; n.lits_count_0 = 0; n.lits_count_1 = 0; n.uid = unique_id ++; n.score_0 = 0; n.score_1 = 0; n.asgn_pos = -1; n.varValue = UNKNOWN; n.antecedent = -1; n.dlevel = -1; n.outputs.clear(); ++ stats.num_free_variables; ++ stats.num_free_branch_vars; if (tp == NodeType.AND || tp == NodeType.XOR) { set_reasoning(n); make_node_consistent(vid + vid); if (tp == NodeType.AND) { n.score_0 += 1; n.score_1 += 2; ++node(i1).score_0; ++node(i1).score_1; ++node(i2).score_0; ++node(i2).score_1; } else { sharp_assert (tp == NodeType.XOR); n.score_0 += 2; n.score_1 += 2; node(i1).score_0 += 2; node(i1).score_1 += 2; node(i2).score_0 += 2; node(i2).score_1 += 2; } } return vid + vid; } int [] remove_dup_literals(int [] orig_lits) { bool redundant = false; IntVector literals = new IntVector(4); for (int i=0; i< orig_lits.Length; ++i) { int l = orig_lits[i]; if (l == 0) //i.e. constant 1 { redundant = true; break; } else if ( l == 1) //i.e. constant 0 continue; Variable var = variable(l >>1); if (var.flag(in_cl_flag) == false) //never occurred { var.set_flag(in_cl_flag); if (IS_NEGATED(l)) var.set_flag(in_cl_sign_flag); else var.clear_flag(in_cl_sign_flag); literals.push_back(l); } else if (var.flag(in_cl_sign_flag) == IS_NEGATED(l)) //same phase continue; else redundant = true; } //reset back for (int i=0; i< orig_lits.Length; ++i) { variable(VID(orig_lits[i])).clear_flag(in_cl_flag); variable(VID(orig_lits[i])).clear_flag(in_cl_sign_flag); } if (redundant) return null; return literals.ToArray(); } int add_clause_do_implication ( int [] lits, ClType tp, ushort gflag) { int cl_id = add_clause_to_db( lits, tp, gflag); if (stats.been_reset == false) // may cause implication { Clause cl = clause(cl_id); if (is_conflicting(cl)) { int dl = find_max_dl(cl); backtrack(dl-1); } if (dlevel >= 0) { int unit = find_unit_lit(cl); if (unit != 0) { int l = find_max_dl(cl); if (l < dlevel) backtrack(l); queue_implication(unit, cl_id, ImpType.CLAUSE); } } else stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE; } return cl_id; } int add_clause_with_gflag ( int[] orig_lits, ClType tp, ushort gflag, bool do_check ) { sharp_assert (conflict_array.empty()); int[] lits; if (do_check) lits = remove_dup_literals(orig_lits); else lits = orig_lits; if (lits == null) throw new Exception (" A clause contain a literal and its negation"); else if (lits.Length == 0) throw new Exception("An empty clause occurred in the original clauses"); int cl_id = add_clause_do_implication ( lits, tp, gflag); return cl_id; } int add_blocking_clause (int [] lits, int gid) { ushort gflag = 0; if (gid > 0) gflag = (ushort)(1<<(gid-1)); foreach(int lit in lits) sharp_assert (is_active(node(lit))); return add_clause_with_gflag (lits, ClType.BLOCKING, gflag, true); } internal int add_clause (int [] lits) { return add_clause (lits, 0, true); } internal int add_clause (int [] lits, int gid) { return add_clause (lits, gid, true) ; } internal int add_clause (int [] lits, int gid, bool do_check) { ushort gflag = 0; if (gid > 0) gflag = (ushort)(1<<(gid-1)); foreach(int lit in lits) { if (!is_active(node(lit))) { stats.active_area_changed = true; break; } } return add_clause_with_gflag (lits, ClType.ORIGINAL, gflag, do_check); } int add_learned_clause(int[] lits, ushort gflag) { int cl_id = add_clause_to_db( lits, ClType.CONFLICT, gflag); rtrace_record_resolve_process (clause(cl_id).uid); return cl_id; } internal void set_branchable(int vid, bool br) { sharp_assert ( !stats.is_solving ); Variable var = variable(vid); if (br && !is_branchable(var)) { set_branchable(var); if (var_value(vid) == UNKNOWN) ++ stats.num_free_branch_vars; } else if ( !br && is_branchable(var)) { clear_branchable(var); if (var_value(vid) == UNKNOWN) -- stats.num_free_branch_vars; } } internal void restart() { conflict_array.clear(); implication_queue.Clear(); if (dlevel > 0) backtrack(0); ++stats.num_restarts; } void run_garbage_collection() { bool[] remove = new bool [clauses.size()]; for (int i=0; i< remove.Length; ++i) remove[i] = false; int headcount = conflict_clauses.size() / parameters.gc_head_tail_ratio; for (int i=0; i< headcount; ++i) { int cl_id = conflict_clauses[i]; Clause cl = clause(cl_id); sharp_assert (cl.type == ClType.CONFLICT); if (cl.activity > parameters.gc_head_threshold) continue; int num_0 = 0; for (int j=0; j< cl.num_lits; ++j) if (lit_value(cl.literal(j)) == 0) ++ num_0; if (cl.num_lits - num_0 < parameters.gc_head_length) continue; remove[cl_id] = true; } for (int i=headcount; i< conflict_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = conflict_clauses[i]; Clause cl = clause(cl_id); sharp_assert (cl.type == ClType.CONFLICT); if (cl.activity > parameters.gc_tail_threshold) continue; int num_0 = 0; for (int j=0; j< cl.num_lits; ++j) if (lit_value(cl.literal(j)) == 0) ++ num_0; if (cl.num_lits - num_0 < parameters.gc_tail_length) continue; remove[cl_id] = true; } delete_clauses(remove, false); ++ stats.num_garbage_collections; } void decay_variable_score() { for(int i=1, sz = variables.size(); i> 1); var.score_1 = (short)(var.score_1 >> 1); } } void run_periodic_functions() { //a. restart if (parameters.enable_restart && stats.num_backtracks > stats.next_restart) { //System.Console.Write ("-"); stats.next_restart = stats.num_backtracks + parameters.restart_period; restart(); } //b. delete clauses if (parameters.enable_gc && stats.num_backtracks > stats.next_gc) { //System.Console.Write ("*"); stats.next_gc = stats.num_backtracks + parameters.gc_period; run_garbage_collection(); } //c. decay variable score if (stats.num_backtracks > stats.next_decay) { stats.next_decay = stats.num_backtracks + parameters.decay_period; decay_variable_score(); } } internal void make_decision (int svar) { sharp_assert(implication_queue.Count == 0); sharp_assert (svar > 0 && var_value(svar>>1) == UNKNOWN); ++ dlevel; sharp_assert (stats.max_dlevel == asgn_stack.size() - 1); if (dlevel > stats.max_dlevel) stats.max_dlevel = dlevel; if (asgn_stack.size() <= dlevel) asgn_stack.push_back (new IntVector(32) ); queue_implication(svar, -1, ImpType.NONE); ++ stats.num_decisions; } bool make_branch_decision() { if (implication_queue.Count != 0) return ((( Implication)(implication_queue.Peek())).lit > 1 ); if (stats.num_free_branch_vars == 0) return false; int svar = 0; for ( ; max_score_pos < ordered_vars.size(); ++ max_score_pos ) { int vid = ordered_vars[max_score_pos]; if (variable(vid).varValue == UNKNOWN && is_branchable(variable(vid))) { if (variable(vid).score_0 > variable(vid).score_1) svar = vid + vid; else svar = vid + vid + 1; break; } } if (svar == 0) //even if still free branch, if all clauses are satisfied, then ok. return false; if (hook != null) hook.OnCaseSplit(svar); sharp_assert (is_active(node(svar))); make_decision(svar); return true; } void real_solve() { stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNDETERMINED; while (true) { if (get_cpu_time() - stats.start_cpu_time > parameters.time_limit) { stats.outcome = SATStatus.TIME_OUT; return; } if (stats.is_mem_out) { stats.outcome = SATStatus.MEM_OUT; return; } run_periodic_functions(); bool can_branch = make_branch_decision(); if (!can_branch) { stats.outcome = SATStatus.SATISFIABLE; return; } while(deduce() == false) resolve_conflicts(); //after above loop, the solver will stabilize in a decision level //with no conflict and implication. If this level is -1 then unsat if (dlevel < 0) { stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE; return; } if (hook != null) hook.OnBCP (); } } internal void reset () { if ( stats.been_reset == false) { if (dlevel >= 0) backtrack( -1 ); dlevel = 0; stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNDETERMINED; stats.been_reset = true; } } double get_cpu_time () { /* currentProcess.Refresh(); TimeSpan cputime = currentProcess.TotalProcessorTime; return cputime.Hours * 3600 + cputime.Seconds + cputime.Milliseconds / 1000.0; */ return DateTime.Now.Ticks / 1e7; } void init () { if (!stats.active_area_changed) return; //so, we need to figure out new active area for (int i=0; i< active_area.size(); ++i) { Variable var = node(active_area[i]); var.clear_flag(reasoning_flag); clear_active(var); } active_area.clear(); for (int i=0; i< original_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = original_clauses[i]; Clause cl = clause(cl_id); foreach (int lit in cl.literals) { if (!node(lit).flag(active_flag)) { active_area.push_back(NON_NEGATED(lit)); set_active(node(lit)); } } } mark_transitive_fanins(active_area, active_flag); ordered_vars.clear(); for (int i=0; i< active_area.size(); ++i) { int vid = VID(active_area[i]); Variable var = variable(vid); sharp_assert (var.flag(active_flag)); if (is_branchable(var)) //add it into vars for branching { var.score_0 = variable(i).lits_count_0; var.score_1 = variable(i).lits_count_1; var.ordered_pos = ordered_vars.size(); ordered_vars.push_back(vid); } if (var.is_gate()) var.set_flag(reasoning_flag); else var.clear_flag(reasoning_flag); } } internal SATStatus solve() { if (stats.constraint_zero > 0) { stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE; return stats.outcome; } stats.start_cpu_time = get_cpu_time(); init(); //enable_rtrace(true); sharp_assert (stats.is_solving == false); stats.is_solving = true; if (stats.been_reset == true) preprocess(); stats.been_reset = false; if (dlevel < 0) stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE; else real_solve(); stats.finish_cpu_time = get_cpu_time(); stats.total_cpu_time += stats.finish_cpu_time - stats.start_cpu_time; ++ stats.num_rounds; stats.is_solving = false; //rtrace.dump_trace("trace"); //if (stats.outcome == SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) // dump_unsat_core("core.cnf"); return stats.outcome; } void preprocess() { sharp_assert (dlevel == 0); for (int i=0; i< clauses.size(); ++i) { Clause cl = clause(i); if (cl == null) continue; if (is_conflicting(cl)) queue_conflict(i, ImpType.CLAUSE); else { int unit = find_unit_lit(cl); if (unit != 0) queue_implication(unit, i, ImpType.CLAUSE); } } if (deduce() == false) { resolve_conflicts(); sharp_assert ( dlevel < 0); stats.outcome = SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE; } } void mark_involved_var(int vid) { Variable var = variable(vid); if (is_marked(var) == false) { set_marked(var); if (var.dlevel == dlevel) ++ stats.marked_current_dl; else learned_clause.push_back(vid + vid + var_value(vid)); } } void rtrace_add_resolvent(int uid) { #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE rtrace.add_reason(uid); #endif } void rtrace_add_resolvent(int uid, int r) { #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE rtrace.add_reason(uid + (r << UIDSHIFT)); #endif } void rtrace_record_resolve_process (int uid) { #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE rtrace.set_resolvent (uid); #endif } void rtrace_gen_empty_clause(Antecedent conf) { #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE sharp_assert ( stats.marked_current_dl == 0); sharp_assert (dlevel == 0); mark_conflict(conf) ; IntVector assignments = assignment_stack(dlevel); for (int i = assignments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { int lit = assignments[i]; int vid = (lit >> 1); Variable var = variable(vid); if (is_marked(var)) { mark_reason (vid); clear_marked(var); -- stats.marked_current_dl; } } sharp_assert ( stats.marked_current_dl == 0); sharp_assert ( learned_clause.size() == 0); //now record the generation process rtrace.set_empty_resolvents(); #endif } ushort mark_conflict(Antecedent conf) { // return the group flag of id of type switch(conf.type) { case ImpType.CLAUSE: //implied by a clause { Clause cl = clause(conf.index); for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) mark_involved_var(VID(cl.literal(i))); rtrace_add_resolvent (cl.uid); ++cl.activity; return cl.gflag; } case ImpType.PB: //implied by a pseudo boolean constraint { fatal(); break; } case ImpType.NODE: //implied by a combinational gate { int r = node_mark_conflict(conf.index); Variable nd = variable(conf.index); rtrace_add_resolvent (nd.uid, r); return nd.gflag; } default: sharp_assert(false); break; } return 0; } ushort mark_reason(int vid) { Variable var = variable(vid); Antecedent ante = var.antecedent; switch(ante.type) { case ImpType.CLAUSE: //implied by a clause { Clause cl = clause(ante.index); for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) if ((cl.literal(i)>>1) != vid) mark_involved_var(cl.literal(i) >> 1); rtrace_add_resolvent (cl.uid); ++cl.activity; return cl.gflag; } case ImpType.PB: //implied by a pseudo boolean constraint { fatal(); break; } case ImpType.NODE: //implied by a combinational gate { int r = node_mark_reason(vid); Variable nd = variable(ante.index); rtrace_add_resolvent (nd.uid, r); return nd.gflag; } default: sharp_assert(false); break; } fatal(); return 0; } /* * return value: which clause is responsible * a == i0, b == i1, c == out * for AND * 1: (a + c') * 2: (b + c') * 3: (a' + b' + c) * for XOR * 4: (a' + b + c) * 5: (a + b' + c) * 6: (a + b + c') * 7: (a' + b' + c') */ int node_mark_conflict(int vid) { Variable n = variable(vid); sharp_assert (var_value(vid) != UNKNOWN); mark_involved_var( vid ); int r = 0; int i0 = n.left; int vid0 = NODE_ID(i0); int i1 = n.right; int vid1 = NODE_ID(i1); if (n.type == NodeType.AND) { if (var_value(vid) == 0) { sharp_assert (lit_value(i0) == 1); sharp_assert (lit_value(i1) == 1); mark_involved_var( vid0 ); mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 3; } else { //var value == 1 sharp_assert (lit_value(i0) == 0 || lit_value(i1) == 0); if (lit_value(i0) != 0) { mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 2; } else if (lit_value(i1) != 0) { mark_involved_var( vid0 ); r = 1; } else { sharp_assert (variable(vid0).dlevel == variable(vid1).dlevel); if (variable(vid0).asgn_pos < variable(vid1).asgn_pos) { mark_involved_var( vid0 ); r = 1; } else { mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 2; } } } } else { sharp_assert (n.type == NodeType.XOR); sharp_assert (lit_value(i0) == 0 || lit_value(i0) == 1); sharp_assert (lit_value(i1) == 0 || lit_value(i1) == 1); sharp_assert ((lit_value(i0) ^ lit_value(i1)) != var_value(vid)); mark_involved_var( vid0 ); mark_involved_var( vid1 ); #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE int va = lit_value(i0); int vb = lit_value(i1); int vc = var_value(vid); if (va == 1 && vb == 0 && vc == 0) r = 4; else if (va == 0 && vb == 1 && vc == 0) r = 5; else if (va == 0 && vb == 0 && vc == 1) r = 6; else { sharp_assert (va == 1 && vb == 1 && vc == 1); r = 7; } #endif } return r; } int node_mark_reason(int vid) { sharp_assert (variable(vid).antecedent.type == ImpType.NODE); int ante = variable(vid).antecedent.index; int r = 0; Variable n = variable(ante); int i0 = n.input(0); int vid0 = NODE_ID(i0); int i1 = n.input(1); int vid1 = NODE_ID(i1); if (n.type == NodeType.AND) { if (vid == ante) { //by itself, so it's propagation, the reason is it's input if (var_value(vid) == 1) { sharp_assert (lit_value(i0) == 1); sharp_assert (lit_value(i1) == 1); mark_involved_var( vid0 ); mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 3; } else { sharp_assert (lit_value(i0) == 0 || lit_value(i1) == 0); if (lit_value(i0) != 0) { mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 2; } else if (lit_value(i1) != 0) { mark_involved_var( vid0 ); r = 1; } else { sharp_assert (var_dlevel(vid0) == var_dlevel(vid1)); if (variable(vid0).asgn_pos < variable(vid1).asgn_pos) { mark_involved_var( vid0 ); r = 1; } else { mark_involved_var( vid1 ); r = 2; } } } } else { //it's justification, the reason is it's output (ante), and maybe the other input of ante int other_vid; int other_input; int self_input; sharp_assert (vid0 == vid || vid1 == vid); if (vid0 == vid) { other_vid = vid1; other_input = i1; self_input = i0; r = 1; } else { other_vid = vid0; other_input = i0; self_input = i1; r = 2; } if (lit_value(self_input) == 1) { sharp_assert (var_value(ante) == 1); mark_involved_var( ante ); } else { sharp_assert (var_value(ante) == 0); sharp_assert (lit_value(other_input) == 1); mark_involved_var( ante ); mark_involved_var( other_vid ); r = 3; } } } else { sharp_assert (n.type == NodeType.XOR); if (ante == vid) { mark_involved_var( vid0 ); mark_involved_var( vid1 ); #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE int va = lit_value(i0); int vb = lit_value(i1); int vc = var_value(ante); if (vc == 1) { if (va == 1 && vb == 0) r = 4; else { sharp_assert (va == 0 && vb == 1); r = 5; } } else { if (va == 0 && vb == 0) r = 6; else { sharp_assert (va == 1 && vb == 1); r = 7; } } #endif } else { mark_involved_var( ante ); sharp_assert (vid0 == vid || vid1 == vid); if (vid0 == vid) mark_involved_var( vid1 ); else mark_involved_var( vid0 ); #if GEN_RESOLVE_TRACE int va = lit_value(i0); //int vb = lit_value(i1); int vc = var_value(ante); if (vc == 0) { if (va == 0) r = 4; else r = 5; } else { if (va == 0) r = 6; else r = 7; } #endif } } return r; } void resolve_conflicts() { sharp_assert (!conflict_array.empty()); sharp_assert (implication_queue.Count == 0); sharp_assert ( stats.marked_current_dl == 0 ); sharp_assert ( learned_clause.empty() ); ++ stats.num_conflicts; if (dlevel == 0) { rtrace_gen_empty_clause(conflict_array[0]); backtrack(-1); conflict_array.clear(); return; } ushort gflag = 0; Antecedent conf = (Antecedent) conflict_array[0]; for (int i=1, sz = conflict_array.size(); i< sz; ++i) { if ( ((Antecedent)conflict_array[i]).type == ImpType.NODE) { conf = (Antecedent) conflict_array[i]; break; } } gflag |= mark_conflict(conf); sharp_assert (stats.marked_current_dl > 1); IntVector assignments = assignment_stack(dlevel); for (int i = assignments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { int lit = assignments[i]; int vid = (lit >> 1); Variable var = variable(vid); if (!is_marked(var)) continue; if (stats.marked_current_dl == 1) { learned_clause.push_back(lit^1); break; } else { gflag |= mark_reason (vid); clear_marked(var); -- stats.marked_current_dl; } } sharp_assert ( stats.marked_current_dl == 1); int sharp_assert_level = 0; int sharp_assert_lit = learned_clause.back; sharp_assert (lit_value(sharp_assert_lit) == 0); clear_marked(node(sharp_assert_lit)); -- stats.marked_current_dl; for (int i = 0; i < learned_clause.size() - 1; ++i) { int lit = learned_clause[i]; incr_var_score (lit); sharp_assert (lit_value(lit) == 0); Variable var = variable(lit>>1); sharp_assert (is_marked(var)); clear_marked(var); if (var.dlevel > sharp_assert_level) sharp_assert_level = var.dlevel; } backtrack(sharp_assert_level); int cl_id = add_learned_clause(learned_clause.ToArray(), gflag); learned_clause.clear(); sharp_assert (is_unit(cl_id)); queue_implication(sharp_assert_lit, cl_id, ImpType.CLAUSE); conflict_array.clear(); } void queue_conflict (int ante, ImpType type) { Antecedent antecedent = new Antecedent(type, ante); conflict_array.push_back ((int) antecedent); } void queue_implication(int lit, int ante, ImpType type) { if (is_active(node(lit))) //it is in the active area { Implication imp = new Implication(); imp.lit = lit; imp.ante.type = type; imp.ante.index = ante; implication_queue.Enqueue (imp); } } bool deduce() { while (implication_queue.Count != 0 && conflict_array.empty()) { Implication imp = (Implication) implication_queue.Dequeue(); int lit = imp.lit; int vid = lit>> 1; if(var_value(vid) == UNKNOWN) { propagate_implication ( imp ); variable(vid).asgn_pos = assignment_stack(dlevel).size(); assignment_stack(dlevel).push_back(lit); } else { if (lit_value(lit) == 0) //conflict queue_conflict(imp.ante.index, imp.ante.type); } #if CHECK for (int i=0; i< clauses.size(); ++i) { Clause cl = clause(i); if (cl != null && is_conflicting(i)) sharp_assert (!conflict_array.empty()); } #endif } if (!conflict_array.empty()) { implication_queue.Clear(); return false; } return true; } void propagate_implication (Implication imp) { int vid = imp.lit>> 1; Variable var = variable(vid); sharp_assert (var_value(vid) == UNKNOWN); var.dlevel = dlevel; var.antecedent = imp.ante; var_set_value (vid, (short) (1 - (imp.lit&1))); set_svar_value(imp.lit); ++ stats.num_implications ; -- stats.num_free_variables; if (is_branchable(var)) -- stats.num_free_branch_vars; } void unset_variable(int v) { if (v == 0) return; Variable var = variable(v); var.dlevel = -1; var.antecedent = -1; var.asgn_pos = -1; var_set_value (v, UNKNOWN); ++ stats.num_free_variables; if (is_branchable(var)) { ++ stats.num_free_branch_vars; if (var.ordered_pos < max_score_pos) max_score_pos = var.ordered_pos; } } void backtrack(int blevel) { sharp_assert(blevel < dlevel); implication_queue.Clear(); for (int i= dlevel; i> blevel; --i) { IntVector assignments = assignment_stack(i); for (int j=assignments.size()-1 ; j>=0; --j) unset_variable (assignments[j]>>1); assignment_stack(i).clear(); } dlevel = blevel; ++ stats.num_backtracks; if (hook != null) hook.OnBacktrack(blevel); } void set_svar_value(int s) { //Implication On the Network Variable var = variable(VID(s)); //propagate forward for (int i=0; i< var.outputs.size(); ++i) make_node_consistent(var.output(i)); //justify backward make_node_consistent(s); //Implication On the clauses IntVector watched = watched_by (s ^ 1); //the neg watched for (int i=0; i< watched.size(); ++i) { int cl_idx = (watched[i] >> 1); int w_idx = (watched[i] & 1); Clause cl = clause(cl_idx); int[] lits = cl.literals; sharp_assert (lits[w_idx] == (s ^ 1)); int other_watch_lit = lits[1 - w_idx]; int other_value = lit_value(other_watch_lit); if (other_value == 0) { sharp_assert (variable(other_watch_lit>> 1).dlevel == dlevel); queue_conflict(cl_idx, ImpType.CLAUSE); } else if (other_value != 1) { int j; for (j=2; j< cl.num_lits; ++j) if (lit_value(lits[j]) != 0) break; if (j < cl.num_lits) { //found another non-0 lit int temp = lits[j]; lits[j] = lits[w_idx]; lits[w_idx] = temp; watched_by(temp).push_back(cl_idx + cl_idx + w_idx); watched[i] = watched.back; watched.pop_back(); -- i; } else queue_implication(other_watch_lit, cl_idx, ImpType.CLAUSE); } } } internal int new_pi() { int s = new_node( NodeType.PI, INVALID, INVALID); primary_inputs.push_back(s); node_to_pi_hash[s] = primary_inputs.size() - 1; return s; } internal int nth_pi(int n) { while (num_pi() <= n) new_pi(); return pi(n); } internal int left_child (int s) { return node(s).left; } internal int right_child (int s){ return node(s).right; } internal int band (int i1, int i2) { int l = canonical (i1); int r = canonical (i2); int result = create( NodeType.AND, l, r ); // dump_file.WriteLine ("{0} = AND {1} {2}", result, i1, i2); return result; } internal int bxor (int i1, int i2) { int l = canonical (i1); int r = canonical (i2); int result = create( NodeType.XOR, l, r ); // dump_file.WriteLine ("{0} = XOR {1} {2}", result, i1, i2); return result; } internal int bor (int i1, int i2) { return NEGATE( band( NEGATE(i1), NEGATE(i2)) );} internal int bequ (int i1, int i2) { return NEGATE( bxor( i1, i2 ));} internal int bimp (int i1, int i2) { return bor (NEGATE(i1), i2);} internal int bnot (int i) { return NEGATE(i); } /* Create a node. Don't do recursive optimization. But do lookup and simplification if possible. */ int create_op_node(NodeType op, int i1, int i2) { if (op == NodeType.AND) { if (i1 == zero() || i2 == zero() || i1 == NEGATE(i2)) return zero(); if (i1 == one()) return i2; if (i2 == one()) return i1; if (i1 == i2) return i1; } else { sharp_assert (op == NodeType.XOR); if (i1 == zero()) return i2; if (i1 == one()) return NEGATE(i2); if (i2 == zero()) return i1; if (i2 == one()) return NEGATE(i1); if (i1 == i2) return zero(); if (i1 == NEGATE(i2)) return one(); } int r = node_hash.lookup(op, i1, i2); if (r != INVALID) return r; r = create_op_node2(op, i1, i2); return r; } /* create an op node, Do recursive optimization and other possible optimizations */ int create (NodeType op, int i1, int i2) { if (op == NodeType.AND) { if (i1 == zero() || i2 == zero() || i1 == NEGATE(i2)) return zero(); if (i1 == one()) return i2; if (i2 == one()) return i1; if (i1 == i2) return i1; } else { sharp_assert (op == NodeType.XOR); if (i1 == zero()) return i2; if (i1 == one()) return NEGATE(i2); if (i2 == zero()) return i1; if (i2 == one()) return NEGATE(i1); if (i1 == i2) return zero(); if (i1 == NEGATE(i2)) return one(); } int r = node_hash.lookup(op, i1, i2); if (r != INVALID) return r; // r = create_op_node2(op, i1, i2); if ( is_pi(i1) && is_pi(i2)) r = create_op_node2(op, i1, i2); else if (is_pi(i1) || is_pi(i2)) r = create_op_node3(op, i1, i2); else r = create_op_node4(op, i1, i2); return r; } int get_signature4(NodeType op, int l, int r) { int sig = 0; int ll = node(l).left; int lr = node(l).right; int rl = node(r).left; int rr = node(r).right; sharp_assert ( ll < lr ); sharp_assert ( rl < rr ); sharp_assert ( ll < rl || ll == rl ); // to reduce lookup table size if (IS_NEGATED(ll)) sig |= (1<<0); if (IS_NEGATED(lr)) sig |= (1<<1); if (IS_NEGATED(rl)) sig |= (1<<2); if (IS_NEGATED(rr)) sig |= (1<<3); if (IS_NEGATED(l)) sig |= (1<<4); if (IS_NEGATED(r)) sig |= (1<<5); if (node(l).type == NodeType.XOR) sig |= (1<<6); if (node(r).type == NodeType.XOR) sig |= (1<<7); if (op == NodeType.XOR) sig |= (1<<8); int v_ll = NODE_ID( ll ); int v_lr = NODE_ID( lr ); int v_rl = NODE_ID( rl ); int v_rr = NODE_ID( rr ); if (v_lr < v_rl) sig |= (0 << 9); //a < b < c < d else if (v_lr == v_rl) sig |= (1 << 9); //a < b = c < d else if (v_lr < v_rr) { if (v_ll < v_rl ) sig |= (2 << 9); //a < c < b < d else sig |= (3 << 9); //a = c < b < d } else if (v_lr == v_rr) { if (v_ll < v_rl ) sig |= (4 << 9); //a < c < b = d else sig |= (5 << 9); //a = c < b = d } else { // v_lr > v_rr if (v_ll < v_rl ) sig |= (6 << 9); //a < c < d < b else sig |= (7 << 9); //a = c < d < b } return sig; } int get_signature3(NodeType op, int l, int r) { //Functions that contains 3 operands: //it is assumed that the structure is like this: // o // l (op) r // ll (op1) lr int sig = 0; sharp_assert (!is_pi(l)); sharp_assert (is_pi(r)); int ll = node(l).left; int lr = node(l).right; sharp_assert (ll < lr); if (IS_NEGATED(ll)) sig |= (1<<0); if (IS_NEGATED(lr)) sig |= (1<<1); if (IS_NEGATED(l)) sig |= (1<<2); if (IS_NEGATED(r)) sig |= (1<<3); if (node(l).type == NodeType.XOR) sig |= (1<<4); if (op == NodeType.XOR) sig |= (1<<5); int v_r = NODE_ID(r); int v_ll = NODE_ID(ll); int v_lr = NODE_ID(lr); if (v_r > v_lr ) sig |= (0 << 6); //a < b < c else if (v_r == v_lr ) sig |= (1 << 6); //a < b = c else if (v_ll < v_r ) sig |= (2 << 6); //a < c < b else if (v_ll == v_r ) sig |= (3 << 6); //a = c < b else sig |= (4 << 6); //c < a < b return sig; } /* Create an op node and add it to hash table. Just do it, don't do lookup or simplification */ int create_op_node2(NodeType op, int i1, int i2) { sharp_assert (op == NodeType.AND || op == NodeType.XOR); // do need to make it canonical //1. left input always has smaller index than right if (i1 > i2) { int temp = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = temp; } //2. For XOR gate, both of its input must be in positive phase bool do_NEGATE = false; if (op == NodeType.XOR) { if (IS_NEGATED(i1)) { i1 = NEGATE(i1); do_NEGATE = !do_NEGATE; } if (IS_NEGATED(i2)) { i2 = NEGATE(i2); do_NEGATE = !do_NEGATE; } } int o = new_node(op, i1, i2); sharp_assert (o > i1 && o > i2); node(i1).outputs.push_back(o); //i.e. the sign is 0: Left child node(i2).outputs.push_back(NEGATE(o)); //i.e. the sign is 1: Right child reference (i1); reference (i2); //add it to the hash node_hash.insert( o, op, i1, i2); //return the actual result if (do_NEGATE) o = NEGATE(o); return o; } /* Create a node, one of its inputs is a PI */ int create_op_node3(NodeType op, int i1, int i2) { if (is_pi(i1)) { sharp_assert (!is_pi(i2)); int temp = i2; i2 = i1; i1 = temp; } int sig = get_signature3(op, i1, i2); int r = look_up_3_input_node ( op, i1, i2, sig); return r; } /* Create a node, none of its inputs is PI */ int create_op_node4(NodeType op, int i1, int i2) { if (node(i1).left > node(i2).left) { int temp = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = temp; } int sig = get_signature4(op, i1, i2); int r = look_up_4_input_node ( op, i1, i2, sig); return r; } /* Merge two ints, always keep the one() with smaller index */ int merge (int i1, int i2) { return real_merge(canonical(i1), canonical(i2)); } int real_merge(int i1, int i2) { if (i1 == i2) return i1; else if (i1 == NEGATE(i2)) return INVALID; if (i1 > i2) { int temp = i2; i2 = i1; i1 = temp; } for (int i=0; i< node(i2).outputs.size(); ++i) { int o = node(i2).output(i); int output = NON_NEGATED (o); int l_r = SIGN(o); //the left or the right input int other_input = node(output).input(1 - l_r); if (node(output).input(l_r) == i2) { int r_node = create (node(output).type, i1, other_input); real_merge(r_node, output); } else { sharp_assert (node(output).input(l_r) == NEGATE(i2)); int r_node = create (node(output).type, NEGATE(i1), other_input); real_merge(r_node, output); } } node(i2).outputs.clear(); if (IS_NEGATED(i2)) node(i2).canonical = NEGATE(i1); else node(i2).canonical = i1; return i1; } internal void reference(int lit) { variable(lit>>1).ref_count ++; } internal void deref (int lit) { // if (--variable(VID (lit)).ref_count != 0) // return; // // IntVector to_be_processed = new IntVector(16); // to_be_processed.push_back(VID (lit)); // for (int i=0; i< to_be_processed.size(); ++i) // { // int vid = to_be_processed[i]; // Variable var = variable(vid); // if (var.is_gate()) // { // for (int j=0; j< 2; ++j) // { // int vin = (j==0)? VID(var.left): VID(var.right); // Variable var_in = variable(vin); // int size = var_in.outputs.size(); // for (int k=0; k< size; ++k) // { // if (VID(var_in.output(k)) == vid) // { // var_in.outputs[k] = var_in.outputs.back; // var_in.outputs.pop_back(); // break; // } // } // sharp_assert (size > var_in.outputs.size()); // if ( --var_in.ref_count == 0) // to_be_processed.push_back(vin); // } // } // } // free_nodes.add (to_be_processed); } /* Compose: i.e. replace some ints with other ints input : the output node and the replacement correspondence output: the result of the composition */ internal int compose ( int output, int [] orig, int [] replace) { sharp_assert (orig.Length == replace.Length); if (node(output).type == NodeType.CONSTANT) return output; MyHashtable sig_map = new MyHashtable(); for (int i=0; i< orig.Length; ++i) { int s_orig = orig[i]; int s_new = replace[i]; if (IS_NEGATED(s_orig)) { s_orig = NEGATE(s_orig); s_new = NEGATE(s_new); } sig_map[s_orig] = s_new; } return real_compose(canonical(output), sig_map); } int real_compose(int old, MyHashtable sig_map ) { int result; bool invert = false; if (IS_NEGATED(old)) { old = NEGATE(old); invert = true; } object item = sig_map[old]; if (item != null) result = (int) item; else { if (is_pi(old)) //so, if a pi is not replaced, use it as is result = old; else { int left = real_compose(node(old).left, sig_map); int right = real_compose(node(old).right, sig_map); result = create(node(old).type, left, right); sig_map[old] = result; } } return (invert ? NEGATE(result): result); } internal int gen_interpolant_from_clauses(int gid1, int gid2) { clean_up(); rtrace.enable_trace(true); SATStatus status = solve(); rtrace.enable_trace(false); reset(); if (status != SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) return -1; return rtrace.gen_interpolant_from_clauses (gid1, gid2); } internal int gen_interpolant_from_signals(int s1, int s2) { clean_up(); int gid = alloc_gid(); int [] cl1 = new int [] {s1}; int c_1 = add_clause(cl1, gid); int [] cl2 = new int [] {s2}; int c_2 = add_clause(cl2, gid); rtrace.enable_trace(true); SATStatus status = solve(); rtrace.enable_trace(false); reset(); int r; if (status != SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) r = -1; else r = rtrace.gen_interpolant_from_signals (s1, c_1, s2, c_2); delete_clause_group(gid); return r; } // gretay - change start internal int gen_interpolant_from_signals_ex(int s1, int s2) { // don't cleanup because conflict clauses //clean_up(); int gid = alloc_gid(); int [] cl1 = new int [] {s1}; int c_1 = add_clause(cl1, gid, false); int [] cl2 = new int [] {s2}; int c_2 = add_clause(cl2, gid, false); rtrace.enable_trace(true); SATStatus status = solve(); rtrace.enable_trace(false); reset(); int r; if (status != SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) r = -1; else r = rtrace.gen_interpolant_from_signals_ex (s1, c_1, s2, c_2, c_cls_id.ToArray(), c_interp.ToArray()); return r; } Hashtable interpolants = new Hashtable(); // maps clause_uid to signal that describes the interpolant provided for that clause IntVector c_cls_id = new IntVector(4); IntVector c_interp = new IntVector(4); public bool has_interpolant(int cl_uid) { return interpolants.Contains(cl_uid); } public void set_interpolant(int cl_uid, int interp) { Debug.Assert(!has_interpolant(cl_uid)); interpolants[cl_uid] = interp; c_cls_id.push_back(cl_uid); c_interp.push_back(interp); } public int get_interpolant_by_clause_uid(int cl_uid) { Debug.Assert(has_interpolant(cl_uid)); return (int) interpolants[cl_uid]; } // end gretay - change end internal UnsatCore gen_unsat_core () { clean_up(); rtrace.enable_trace(true); SATStatus status = solve(); rtrace.enable_trace(false); if (status != SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) return null; MyHashtable hash = rtrace.generate_unsat_core(); UnsatCore core = new UnsatCore(); IntVector core_cls = new IntVector(4); IntVector core_nodes = new IntVector(4); for (int i=0; i< clauses.size(); ++i) { Clause cl = clause(i); if (cl == null) continue; if (hash.Contains(cl.uid)) { sharp_assert (cl.type == ClType.ORIGINAL); core_cls.push_back (i); } } for (int i=1; i < variables.size(); ++i) { Variable v = variable(i); if (hash.Contains(v.uid)) { sharp_assert (v.type == NodeType.AND || v.type == NodeType.XOR); core_nodes.push_back ( i + i); } } core.core_clauses = core_cls.ToArray(); core.core_nodes = core_nodes.ToArray(); return core; } void dump_unsat_core( string filename) { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); UnsatCore core = gen_unsat_core(); writer.WriteLine ("p cnf {0} {1} ", num_variables() , core.core_clauses.Length); foreach (int cl_id in core.core_clauses) { foreach (int lit in clause(cl_id).literals) { if ((lit & 1) == 1) writer.Write("-"); writer.Write ("{0} ", lit>>1); } writer.WriteLine ("0"); } writer.Close(); if (core.core_nodes.Length != 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Warning: Contains Nodes in the UNSAT core " ); foreach (int s in core.core_nodes) { Console.Write ("{0} ", s); } Console.WriteLine(""); } } internal void dump_node (StreamWriter wt, int s) { int flag = alloc_flag(); mark_transitive_fanins(s, flag); for (int i=1; i< variables.size(); ++i) { Variable var = variable(i); if (var.flag(flag)) { switch (var.type) { case NodeType.PI: wt.WriteLine("{0} = PI", i + i); break; case NodeType.AND: wt.WriteLine("{0} = AND {1} {2}", i + i, var.left, var.right); break; case NodeType.XOR: wt.WriteLine("{0} = XOR {1} {2}", i + i, var.left, var.right); break; } } } free_flag(flag); } internal int get_structure (SharpSATSolver solver, int output) { int f = solver.alloc_flag(); solver.mark_transitive_fanins(output,f); int [] lookup = new int [solver.variables.size() * 2]; for (int i=0; i< lookup.Length; ++i) lookup[i] = -1; for (int i=1; i< solver.variables.size(); ++i) { Variable var = solver.variable(i); if (!var.flag(f)) continue; int l = var.left; int r = var.right; int s ; switch(var.type) { case NodeType.AND: sharp_assert (solver.node(l).flag(f)); sharp_assert (solver.node(r).flag(f)); sharp_assert (lookup[l] != -1); sharp_assert (lookup[r] != -1); s = band(lookup[l], lookup[r]); // sharp_assert (node(s).left == lookup[l]); // sharp_assert (node(s).right == lookup[r]); lookup[i + i] = s; lookup[i + i + 1] = s ^ 1; break; case NodeType.XOR: sharp_assert (solver.node(l).flag(f)); sharp_assert (solver.node(r).flag(f)); sharp_assert (lookup[l] != -1); sharp_assert (lookup[r] != -1); s = bxor(lookup[l], lookup[r]); // sharp_assert (node(s).left == lookup[l]); // sharp_assert (node(s).right == lookup[r]); lookup[i + i] = s; lookup[i + i + 1] = s ^ 1; break; case NodeType.PI: s = new_pi(); lookup[i + i] = s; lookup[i + i + 1] = s ^ 1; break; default: sharp_assert(false); break; } } return lookup[output]; } internal void dump_original_clauses ( StreamWriter wt ) { // IntVector originals = new IntVector(128); // foreach (object k in original_clauses.Keys) // originals.push_back((int)k); // originals.sort(); for (int i=0; i< original_clauses.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = original_clauses[i]; sharp_assert (clause(cl_id).type == ClType.ORIGINAL); wt.Write ("{0} = CL", i); foreach (int lit in clause(cl_id).literals) wt.Write(" {0}", lit); wt.Write("\n"); } } /* ========================================================================= Simulation Etc. on the Boolean Network ========================================================================= */ internal IntVector mark_transitive_fanouts(int s, int flag_id) { IntVector to_be_processed = new IntVector(64); to_be_processed.push_back(s); node(s).set_flag(flag_id); for (int i = 0; i< to_be_processed.size(); ++i) { Variable nd = node (to_be_processed[i]); for (int j=0, sz = nd.outputs.size(); j < sz; ++j) if (node(nd.output(j)).flag(flag_id) == false) { node(nd.output(j)).set_flag(flag_id); to_be_processed.push_back(nd.output(j)); } } return to_be_processed; } internal IntVector find_transitive_fanins (int s) { int flag = alloc_flag(); IntVector result = mark_transitive_fanins(s, flag); free_flag(flag); return result; } internal IntVector mark_transitive_fanins(IntVector to_be_processed, int flag_id) { for (int i = 0, sz = to_be_processed.size(); i < sz; ++i) { Variable nd = node (to_be_processed[i]); nd.set_flag(flag_id); } for (int i = 0; i< to_be_processed.size(); ++i) { Variable nd = node (to_be_processed[i]); if (nd.left == INVALID || nd.right == INVALID) { sharp_assert (nd.left == INVALID && nd.right == INVALID); continue; } if (node(nd.left).flag(flag_id) == false) { node(nd.left).set_flag(flag_id); to_be_processed.push_back(nd.left); } if (node(nd.right).flag(flag_id) == false) { node(nd.right).set_flag(flag_id); to_be_processed.push_back(nd.right); } } return to_be_processed; } internal IntVector mark_transitive_fanins(int s, int flag_id) { sharp_assert (s != INVALID); if (node(s).type == NodeType.CONSTANT) return null; IntVector to_be_processed = new IntVector(4); to_be_processed.push_back(s); node(s).set_flag(flag_id); for (int i = 0; i< to_be_processed.size(); ++i) { Variable nd = node (to_be_processed[i]); if (nd.left == INVALID || nd.right == INVALID) { sharp_assert (nd.left == INVALID && nd.right == INVALID); continue; } if (node(nd.left).flag(flag_id) == false) { node(nd.left).set_flag(flag_id); to_be_processed.push_back(nd.left); } if (node(nd.right).flag(flag_id) == false) { node(nd.right).set_flag(flag_id); to_be_processed.push_back(nd.right); } } return to_be_processed; } public int [] find_small_model() { return find_small_model_greed(); } private int [] find_small_model_greed () { sharp_assert ( stats.outcome == SATStatus.SATISFIABLE); sharp_assert ( stats.num_free_branch_vars == 0); int f = alloc_flag(); //1. collect all the lits that needs to be true for clauses for (int i=0; i< clauses.size(); ++i) { if (clauses[i] == null || clauses[i].type == ClType.CONFLICT) //??? is this correct, do we need to satisfy the temp clauses? continue; bool cls_sat = false; foreach (int lit in clause(i).literals) { if (lit_value(lit) == 1) { variable(VID(lit)).set_flag(f); cls_sat = true; break; } } if (cls_sat == false) { fatal ("A clause does not contain true lit even though formula is SAT"); } } //now traverse the tree in reverse topological order for (int i=variables.size()-1; i > 0 ; --i) { Variable var = variable(i); if (!var.flag(f)) continue; sharp_assert (var_value(i) != UNKNOWN); switch (var.type) { case NodeType.AND: if (var_value(i) == 1) //both inputs must be true { sharp_assert (lit_value(var.left) == 1); sharp_assert (lit_value(var.right) == 1); variable(VID(var.left)).set_flag(f); variable(VID(var.right)).set_flag(f); } else { sharp_assert (var_value(i) == 0); if (lit_value(var.left) == 0) variable(VID(var.left)).set_flag(f); else if (lit_value(var.right) == 0) variable(VID(var.right)).set_flag(f); else fatal ("Variable unjustifiable"); } break; case NodeType.XOR: variable(VID(var.left)).set_flag(f); variable(VID(var.right)).set_flag(f); break; default: break; } } IntVector cube = new IntVector(16); for (int i=0; i< variables.size(); ++i) { if (variable(i).flag(f)) { sharp_assert (var_value(i) != UNKNOWN); cube.push_back (i + i + 1 - var_value(i)); } } free_flag(f); return cube.ToArray(); } private class EnumQuantification { SharpSATSolver solver; IntVector visiting_queue; IntVector blocking_lits; int bound_flag; int visited_flag; int occ_flag ; int sign_flag ; IntVector involved_signals; Hashtable blocking_clauses; ObjVector cls_occurrence; Variable variable(int vid) { return solver.variable(vid); } Variable node(int lit) { return solver.node(lit); } Clause clause (int id) { return solver.clause(id); } int band (int a, int b) { return solver.band(a, b); } int bor (int a, int b) { return solver.bor(a, b); } int alloc_flag () { return solver.alloc_flag(); } [Microsoft.Contracts.NotDelayed] public EnumQuantification(SharpSATSolver sol) { solver = sol; visiting_queue = new IntVector(128); blocking_lits = new IntVector(64); involved_signals= new IntVector(128); cls_occurrence = new ObjVector(128); blocking_clauses= new Hashtable(); bound_flag = solver.alloc_flag(); visited_flag = solver.alloc_flag(); occ_flag = solver.alloc_flag(); sign_flag = solver.alloc_flag(); } void finalize_quantification () { solver.free_flag (visited_flag); solver.free_flag(bound_flag); solver.free_flag(occ_flag); solver.free_flag(sign_flag); } void init_quantification (int s, int [] bounded, bool block_with_pi_only) { involved_signals = solver.find_transitive_fanins(s); if (block_with_pi_only) { foreach (int sig in bounded) { sharp_assert (node(sig).is_pi()); node(sig).set_flag(bound_flag); } for (int i=0; i< involved_signals.size(); ++i) { Variable var = node(involved_signals[i]); if (!var.is_pi()) var.set_flag(bound_flag); } } else { foreach (int sig in bounded) { sharp_assert (node(sig).is_pi()); solver.mark_transitive_fanouts(sig,bound_flag); } } cls_occurrence = new ObjVector(solver.variables.size()); for (int i = 0; i< involved_signals.size(); ++i) cls_occurrence[VID(involved_signals[i])] = new IntVector(4); } int build_balanced_or (int [] signals, int start, int end) { if (signals.Length == 0) return solver.zero(); else if (start == end) return signals[start]; else { int middle = (end - start) /2 + start; int s1 = build_balanced_or(signals, start, middle); int s2 = build_balanced_or(signals, middle + 1, end); return bor (s1, s2); } } int build_balanced_and (int [] signals, int start, int end) { if (signals.Length == 0) return solver.one(); else if (start == end) return signals[start]; else { int middle = (end - start) /2 + start; int s1 = build_balanced_and(signals, start, middle); int s2 = build_balanced_and(signals, middle + 1, end); return band (s1, s2); } } int build_struct_balanced (IntVector cls_ids) { int [] cl_sigs = new int[cls_ids.size()]; for (int i=0; i< cls_ids.size(); ++i) { int [] lits = clause(cls_ids[i]).literals; cl_sigs[i] = build_balanced_or ( lits, 0, lits.Length - 1); } int result = build_balanced_and(cl_sigs, 0, cl_sigs.Length - 1); return result; } int build_struct (IntVector cls) { //return build_struct_simple(cls); return build_struct_balanced (cls); } int build_struct_simple(IntVector cls) { int sig = solver.one(); for (int i=0; i< cls.size(); ++i) { int s = solver.zero(); foreach (int lit in clause(cls[i]).literals) s = bor(s, lit); sig = band(sig, s); } return sig; } static IntVector intersect (IntVector a, IntVector b) { IntVector result = new IntVector(4); for (int i=0, j=0; i< a.size() && j < b.size(); ) { if (a[i] < b[j]) ++ i; else if (a [i] > b[j]) ++ j; else { result.push_back (a[i]); ++i; ++j; } } return result; } IntVector resolve (IntVector a, int [] b) { IntVector result = new IntVector(b.Length - 1); sharp_assert (a.size() == b.Length); foreach (int lit in b) { Variable var = variable (VID(lit)); var.set_flag (occ_flag); if (IS_NEGATED(lit)) var.set_flag (sign_flag); } for (int i=0; i< a.size(); ++i) { int lit = a[i]; Variable var = variable (VID(lit)); sharp_assert (var.flag(occ_flag)); if (var.flag(sign_flag) == IS_NEGATED(lit)) result.push_back(lit); var.clear_flag (occ_flag); var.clear_flag (sign_flag); } if (result.size() == a.size() - 1) return result; else return null; } bool subsume (IntVector a, int [] b) { sharp_assert (a.size() < b.Length); for (int i=0; i< a.size(); ++i) { int lit = a[i]; Variable var = variable (VID(lit)); var.set_flag (occ_flag); if (IS_NEGATED(lit)) var.set_flag (sign_flag); } int same_lit = 0; int same_var = 0; foreach (int lit in b) { Variable var = variable (VID(lit)); if (var.flag(occ_flag)) { same_var ++; if (IS_NEGATED(lit) == var.flag(sign_flag)) same_lit ++; var.clear_flag (occ_flag); var.clear_flag (sign_flag); } } sharp_assert (same_var == a.size()); return (same_lit == same_var); } void remove_blocking (int cl_id) { blocking_clauses.Remove(cl_id); foreach (int lit in solver.clause(cl_id).literals) { int vid = VID(lit); IntVector occur = (IntVector)cls_occurrence[vid]; int i; for (i=0; occur[i] != cl_id; ++i); for ( i = i + 1; i < occur.size(); ++i ) occur[i-1] = occur[i]; occur.pop_back(); } Clause cl = solver.clause(cl_id); if (cl.num_lits> 1) solver.remove_cl_from_reasoning (cl_id); for (int i=0; i< cl.num_lits; ++i) solver.decr_lits_count(cl.literal(i)); ++ solver.stats.num_deleted_clauses; solver.stats.num_deleted_literals += cl.num_lits; solver.clauses[cl_id] = null; solver.free_clauses.push_back(cl_id); } void add_blocking (int gid) { int cl_id = solver.add_blocking_clause(blocking_lits.ToArray(), gid); for (int i=0; i< blocking_lits.size(); ++i) { int lit = blocking_lits[i]; IntVector occ_array = (IntVector) cls_occurrence[VID(lit)]; occ_array.push_back(cl_id); //bubble down for (int j=occ_array.size()-2; j >= 0; --j) { if (occ_array[j] > cl_id) { occ_array[j+1] = occ_array[j]; occ_array[j] = cl_id; } else break; } } blocking_clauses.Add(cl_id, null); } int n_tab = 1; void tab () { for (int i=0; i< n_tab; ++i) Console.Write(" "); } void dump_lits (int [] a) { IntVector cp = new IntVector (4); foreach (int lit in a) cp.push_back(lit); cp.sort(); for (int i=0; i< cp.size(); ++i) Console.Write ("{0}{1}", IS_NEGATED(cp[i])?" -":" +", VID(cp[i])); Console.WriteLine(""); } void dump_lits (IntVector a) { IntVector cp = new IntVector (4); for (int i=0; i< a.size(); ++i) cp.push_back(a[i]); cp.sort(); for (int i=0; i< cp.size(); ++i) Console.Write ("{0}{1}", IS_NEGATED(cp[i])?" -":" +", VID(cp[i])); Console.WriteLine(""); } void try_reduce() { if (blocking_lits.size() == 0) return; // tab(); System.Console.Write ("Try to Reduce ");dump_lits(blocking_lit); ++ n_tab; IntVector common = new IntVector((IntVector) cls_occurrence[VID(blocking_lits[0])]); for (int i=1; i< blocking_lits.size(); ++i) { int vid = VID(blocking_lits[i]); IntVector next = (IntVector) cls_occurrence[vid]; common = intersect (common, next); } bool resolved = false; for (int i=0; i< common.size(); ++i) { int cl_id = common[i]; int [] lits = solver.clause(cl_id).literals; sharp_assert (lits.Length >= blocking_lits.size()); if (lits.Length > blocking_lits.size()) { if (subsume (blocking_lits, lits)) { // tab();Console.Write ("Subsume CL:{0} ->", cl_id); dump_lits(lits); remove_blocking (cl_id); } } else { IntVector r = resolve (blocking_lits, lits); if (r != null) { // tab();Console.Write ("Resolve CL:{0} ->", cl_id); dump_lits(lits); resolved = true; blocking_lits = r; remove_blocking (cl_id); break; } } } if (resolved) try_reduce(); //-- n_tab; } bool find_blocking_cls (int s) { blocking_lits.clear(); visiting_queue.clear(); SATStatus status = solver.solve(); if (status == SATStatus.UNSATISFIABLE) return false; sharp_assert (status == SATStatus.SATISFIABLE); int vid = VID(s); visiting_queue.push_back( vid ); variable(vid).set_flag(visited_flag); for (int i=0; i< visiting_queue.size(); ++i) { vid = visiting_queue[i]; Variable var = variable(vid); if (!var.flag(bound_flag)) //so it doesn't depends on bounded vars. blocking_lits.push_back(vid + vid + solver.var_value(vid)); else { if (var.type == NodeType.PI) continue; if (var.type == NodeType.AND && solver.var_value(vid) == 0) { int l; if (solver.lit_value(var.left) != 0) l = var.right; else if (solver.lit_value(var.right) != 0) l = var.left; else { // both inputs are 0 if (node(var.left).flag(visited_flag)) l = var.left; else if (node(var.right).flag(visited_flag)) l = var.right; else //neither has been visited l = var.left; } if (!node(l).flag(visited_flag)) { node(l).set_flag(visited_flag); visiting_queue.push_back(VID(l)); } } else { sharp_assert (var.type == NodeType.XOR || var.type == NodeType.AND); int l = var.left; if (!node(l).flag(visited_flag)) { node(l).set_flag(visited_flag); visiting_queue.push_back(VID(l)); } l = var.right; if (!node(l).flag(visited_flag)) { node(l).set_flag(visited_flag); visiting_queue.push_back(VID(l)); } } } } for (int i=0; i< visiting_queue.size(); ++i) variable(visiting_queue[i]).clear_flag(visited_flag); return true; } public int enum_exist_quantify (int s, int [] bounded, bool block_with_pi_only) { int c = solver.constraint(s); int block_gid = solver.alloc_gid(); init_quantification(s, bounded, block_with_pi_only); bool empty_cl = false; int total_solution = 0; //int total_clauses; while (find_blocking_cls(s)) { //solver.restart(); ++ total_solution; try_reduce(); if (blocking_lits.size() == 0) { //blocking clause size 0, i.e. no literal empty_cl = true; break; } else add_blocking(block_gid); } solver.release_constraint(c); int r; if (empty_cl) r = solver.zero(); else if (blocking_clauses.Count == 0) r = solver.one(); else { IntVector blocking = new IntVector(4); foreach (object k in blocking_clauses.Keys) blocking.push_back((int)k); //total_clauses = blocking.size(); r = build_struct (blocking); } solver.delete_clause_group(block_gid); finalize_quantification(); // Console.WriteLine ("Enum {0} solutions, total blocking clauses {1}", total_solution, total_clauses); return solver.bnot(r); } public int enum_exist_quantify_dumb (int s, int [] bounded, bool with_pi_only) { if (node(s).type == NodeType.CONSTANT) return s; int c = solver.constraint(s); int block_gid = solver.alloc_gid(); init_quantification(s, bounded, with_pi_only); bool empty_cl = false; IntVector blocking = new IntVector(16); while (find_blocking_cls(s)) { if (blocking_lits.size() == 0) { //blocking clause size 0, i.e. no literal empty_cl = true; break; } else { int cl_id = solver.add_blocking_clause(blocking_lits.ToArray(), block_gid); blocking.push_back(cl_id); } } solver.release_constraint(c); int r; if (empty_cl) r = solver.zero(); else if (blocking.size() == 0) r = solver.one(); else r = build_struct (blocking); solver.delete_clause_group(block_gid); finalize_quantification(); return solver.bnot(r); } } public int enum_exist_quantify_smart (int s, int [] bounded) { if (node(s).type == NodeType.CONSTANT) return s; EnumQuantification quant = new EnumQuantification(this); int r = quant.enum_exist_quantify (s, bounded, false); return r; } public int enum_exist_quantify_dumb (int s, int [] bounded) { EnumQuantification quant = new EnumQuantification(this); int r = quant.enum_exist_quantify_dumb (s, bounded, false); return r; } public int expand_exist_quantify (int s, int [] bounded) { int flag = alloc_flag(); mark_transitive_fanins(s, flag); int result = s; foreach (int input in bounded) { sharp_assert (node(input).is_pi()); int [] orig = { input }; int [] replace = { zero() }; int cofactor_i = compose(result, orig, replace); replace = new int [] { one () }; int cofactor_ip = compose(result, orig, replace); result = bor (cofactor_i, cofactor_ip); } free_flag(flag); return result; } #region NODE_CONSISTENCY_LOOKUP void make_node_consistent (int s) { Variable n = node(s); if (!is_reasoning(n)) return; int output = NON_NEGATED(s); int input0 = n.left; int input1 = n.right; int signature; signature = lit_value(output); signature = (signature << 2); signature |= lit_value(input0); signature = (signature << 2); signature |= lit_value(input1); if (n.type == NodeType.AND) { switch(signature) { case 34: //100010 : x0x case 35: //100011 : x0x case 50: //110010 : x0x case 51: //110011 : x0x case 40: //101000 : xx0 case 44: //101100 : xx0 case 56: //111000 : xx0 case 60: //111100 : xx0 case 36: //100100 : x10 case 52: //110100 : x10 case 33: //100001 : x01 case 49: //110001 : x01 case 32: //100000 : x00 case 48: //110000 : x00 queue_implication(output^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 37: //100101 : x11 case 53: //110101 : x11 queue_implication(output, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 6: //000110 : 01x case 7: //000111 : 01x queue_implication(input1^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 13: //001101 : 0x1 case 9: //001001 : 0x1 queue_implication(input0^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 22: //010110 : 11x case 23: //010111 : 11x queue_implication(input1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 29: //011101 : 1x1 case 25: //011001 : 1x1 queue_implication(input0, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 30: //011110 : 1xx case 31: //011111 : 1xx case 26: //011010 : 1xx case 27: //011011 : 1xx queue_implication(input0, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); queue_implication(input1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 18: //010010 : 10x case 19: //010011 : 10x case 24: //011000 : 1x0 case 28: //011100 : 1x0 case 17: //010001 : 101 case 20: //010100 : 110 case 16: //010000 : 100 case 5: //000101 : 011 queue_conflict(VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 42: //101010 : xxx case 43: //101011 : xxx case 46: //101110 : xxx case 47: //101111 : xxx case 58: //111010 : xxx case 59: //111011 : xxx case 62: //111110 : xxx case 63: //111111 : xxx break; case 41: //101001 : xx1 case 45: //101101 : xx1 case 57: //111001 : xx1 case 61: //111101 : xx1 case 38: //100110 : x1x case 39: //100111 : x1x case 54: //110110 : x1x case 55: //110111 : x1x case 2: //000010 : 00x case 3: //000011 : 00x case 8: //001000 : 0x0 case 12: //001100 : 0x0 case 10: //001010 : 0xx case 11: //001011 : 0xx case 14: //001110 : 0xx case 15: //001111 : 0xx case 21: //010101 : 111 case 4: //000100 : 010 case 1: //000001 : 001 case 0: //000000 : 000 break; } } else { sharp_assert (n.type == NodeType.XOR); switch(signature) { case 32: //100000 : x00 case 48: //110000 : x00 case 37: //100101 : x11 case 53: //110101 : x11 queue_implication(output^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 33: //100001 : x01 case 49: //110001 : x01 case 36: //100100 : x10 case 52: //110100 : x10 queue_implication(output, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 3: //000011 : 00x case 2: //000010 : 00x case 23: //010111 : 11x case 22: //010110 : 11x queue_implication(input1^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 7: //000111 : 01x case 6: //000110 : 01x case 19: //010011 : 10x case 18: //010010 : 10x queue_implication(input1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 13: //001101 : 0x1 case 9: //001001 : 0x1 case 28: //011100 : 1x0 case 24: //011000 : 1x0 queue_implication(input0, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 12: //001100 : 0x0 case 8: //001000 : 0x0 case 29: //011101 : 1x1 case 25: //011001 : 1x1 queue_implication(input0^1, VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 1: //000001 : 001 case 4: //000100 : 010 case 16: //010000 : 100 case 21: //010101 : 111 queue_conflict(VID (output), ImpType.NODE); break; case 42: //101010 : xxx case 43: //101011 : xxx case 46: //101110 : xxx case 47: //101111 : xxx case 58: //111010 : xxx case 59: //111011 : xxx case 62: //111110 : xxx case 63: //111111 : xxx break; case 41: //101001 : xx1 case 45: //101101 : xx1 case 57: //111001 : xx1 case 61: //111101 : xx1 case 40: //101000 : xx0 case 44: //101100 : xx0 case 56: //111000 : xx0 case 60: //111100 : xx0 case 38: //100110 : x1x case 39: //100111 : x1x case 54: //110110 : x1x case 55: //110111 : x1x case 34: //100010 : x0x case 35: //100011 : x0x case 50: //110010 : x0x case 51: //110011 : x0x case 10: //001010 : 0xx case 11: //001011 : 0xx case 14: //001110 : 0xx case 15: //001111 : 0xx case 26: //011010 : 1xx case 27: //011011 : 1xx case 30: //011110 : 1xx case 31: //011111 : 1xx case 20: //010100 : 110 case 17: //010001 : 101 case 5: //000101 : 011 case 0: //000000 : 000 break; } } } #endregion #region CANONICAL_TABLE_LOOKUP private static readonly int [] lookup_table_3_inputs = new int[320] { /* 0 */ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, /* 10 */ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 16, /* 20 */ 17, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 18, 19, 18, /* 30 */ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, /* 40 */ 24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, /* 50 */ 29, 28, 29, 28, 28, 29, 29, 28, 28, 29, /* 60 */ 28, 29, 29, 28, 30, 31, 32, 32, 31, 30, /* 70 */ 33, 33, 32, 32, 34, 35, 36, 36, 35, 34, /* 80 */ 31, 30, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 34, 35, /* 90 */ 35, 34, 35, 34, 34, 35, 31, 30, 37, 38, /* 100 */ 39, 40, 35, 34, 39, 40, 35, 34, 31, 30, /* 110 */ 37, 38, 41, 42, 42, 41, 42, 41, 41, 42, /* 120 */ 42, 41, 41, 42, 41, 42, 42, 41, 43, 44, /* 130 */ 45, 46, 4, 5, 6, 7, 47, 48, 49, 50, /* 140 */ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 16, 17, 16, /* 150 */ 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 18, 19, 18, 18, 19, /* 160 */ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 24, 25, /* 170 */ 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 51, 52, 52, 51, /* 180 */ 52, 51, 51, 52, 52, 51, 51, 52, 51, 52, /* 190 */ 52, 51, 30, 32, 34, 32, 34, 41, 30, 41, /* 200 */ 32, 31, 32, 35, 42, 35, 42, 31, 34, 30, /* 210 */ 30, 34, 30, 34, 34, 30, 31, 35, 35, 31, /* 220 */ 35, 31, 31, 35, 34, 37, 30, 39, 38, 35, /* 230 */ 40, 31, 38, 35, 40, 31, 34, 37, 30, 39, /* 240 */ 33, 36, 36, 33, 36, 33, 33, 36, 36, 33, /* 250 */ 33, 36, 33, 36, 36, 33, 53, 54, 55, 56, /* 260 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 57, 58, 59, 60, 12, 13, /* 270 */ 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 16, 17, 16, 16, 17, /* 280 */ 18, 19, 19, 18, 19, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, /* 290 */ 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 24, 25, 26, 27, /* 300 */ 20, 21, 22, 23, 61, 62, 62, 61, 62, 61, /* 310 */ 61, 62, 62, 61, 61, 62, 61, 62, 62, 61 }; private static readonly int [] lookup_table_4_inputs = new int [4096] { /* 0 */ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, /* 10 */ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, /* 20 */ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, /* 30 */ 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, /* 40 */ 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, /* 50 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, /* 60 */ 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 65, 64, 66, 67, /* 70 */ 67, 66, 68, 69, 69, 68, 70, 71, 71, 70, /* 80 */ 65, 64, 64, 65, 67, 66, 66, 67, 69, 68, /* 90 */ 68, 69, 71, 70, 70, 71, 72, 73, 73, 72, /* 100 */ 74, 75, 75, 74, 76, 77, 77, 76, 78, 79, /* 110 */ 79, 78, 73, 72, 72, 73, 75, 74, 74, 75, /* 120 */ 77, 76, 76, 77, 79, 78, 78, 79, 80, 81, /* 130 */ 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 84, 85, 86, 87, /* 140 */ 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, /* 150 */ 94, 95, 92, 93, 94, 95, 88, 89, 90, 91, /* 160 */ 84, 85, 86, 87, 80, 81, 82, 83, 80, 81, /* 170 */ 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, /* 180 */ 88, 89, 90, 91, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, /* 190 */ 94, 95, 96, 97, 97, 96, 98, 99, 99, 98, /* 200 */ 98, 99, 99, 98, 96, 97, 97, 96, 97, 96, /* 210 */ 96, 97, 99, 98, 98, 99, 99, 98, 98, 99, /* 220 */ 97, 96, 96, 97, 98, 99, 99, 98, 96, 97, /* 230 */ 97, 96, 96, 97, 97, 96, 98, 99, 99, 98, /* 240 */ 99, 98, 98, 99, 97, 96, 96, 97, 97, 96, /* 250 */ 96, 97, 99, 98, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, /* 260 */ 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, /* 270 */ 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, /* 280 */ 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 116, 117, /* 290 */ 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, /* 300 */ 128, 129, 130, 131, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, /* 310 */ 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, /* 320 */ 132, 133, 133, 132, 134, 135, 135, 134, 136, 137, /* 330 */ 137, 136, 138, 139, 139, 138, 133, 132, 132, 133, /* 340 */ 135, 134, 134, 135, 137, 136, 136, 137, 139, 138, /* 350 */ 138, 139, 133, 132, 132, 133, 135, 134, 134, 135, /* 360 */ 137, 136, 136, 137, 139, 138, 138, 139, 132, 133, /* 370 */ 133, 132, 134, 135, 135, 134, 136, 137, 137, 136, /* 380 */ 138, 139, 139, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, /* 390 */ 146, 147, 144, 145, 146, 147, 140, 141, 142, 143, /* 400 */ 144, 145, 146, 147, 140, 141, 142, 143, 140, 141, /* 410 */ 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 144, 145, 146, 147, /* 420 */ 140, 141, 142, 143, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, /* 430 */ 146, 147, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, /* 440 */ 144, 145, 146, 147, 140, 141, 142, 143, 148, 149, /* 450 */ 149, 148, 149, 148, 148, 149, 149, 148, 148, 149, /* 460 */ 148, 149, 149, 148, 149, 148, 148, 149, 148, 149, /* 470 */ 149, 148, 148, 149, 149, 148, 149, 148, 148, 149, /* 480 */ 149, 148, 148, 149, 148, 149, 149, 148, 148, 149, /* 490 */ 149, 148, 149, 148, 148, 149, 148, 149, 149, 148, /* 500 */ 149, 148, 148, 149, 149, 148, 148, 149, 148, 149, /* 510 */ 149, 148, 150, 151, 152, 152, 152, 152, 153, 154, /* 520 */ 155, 156, 152, 152, 152, 152, 157, 158, 151, 150, /* 530 */ 159, 159, 160, 160, 154, 153, 156, 155, 161, 161, /* 540 */ 162, 162, 158, 157, 155, 156, 163, 164, 165, 166, /* 550 */ 157, 158, 150, 151, 163, 164, 165, 166, 153, 154, /* 560 */ 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, /* 570 */ 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 151, 150, 150, 151, /* 580 */ 153, 154, 154, 153, 156, 155, 155, 156, 157, 158, /* 590 */ 158, 157, 150, 151, 151, 150, 154, 153, 153, 154, /* 600 */ 155, 156, 156, 155, 158, 157, 157, 158, 183, 184, /* 610 */ 184, 183, 185, 186, 186, 185, 187, 188, 188, 187, /* 620 */ 189, 190, 190, 189, 184, 183, 183, 184, 186, 185, /* 630 */ 185, 186, 188, 187, 187, 188, 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r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 1: // i1 neg i2 and i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 2: // i1 i2 neg and i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 3: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 4: // i1 i2 and neg i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 5: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 6: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 7: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 8: // i1 i2 and i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 9: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 10: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 11: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 12: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 13: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 14: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 15: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 16: // i1 i2 xor i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 17: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 18: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 19: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 20: // i1 i2 and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 21: // i1 neg i2 and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 22: // i1 i2 neg and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 23: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 24: // i1 i2 and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 25: // i1 neg i2 and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 26: // i1 i2 neg and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 27: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 28: // i1 i2 xor i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 29: // i1 i2 xor i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, r_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 30: // i1 i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 31: // i1 neg i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 32: // neg { result = zero(); break; } case 33: // i2 { result = lr_nn; break; } case 34: // i1 i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 35: // i1 neg i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 36: // i2 neg { result = NEGATE( lr_nn ); break; } case 37: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 38: // i1 i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 39: // i1 neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 40: // i1 i2 and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 41: // i1 { result = ll_nn; break; } case 42: // i1 neg { result = NEGATE( ll_nn ); break; } case 43: // i1 i3 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 44: // i1 neg i3 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 45: // i1 i3 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 46: // i1 neg i3 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 47: // i1 i3 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 48: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 49: // i1 i3 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( r_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 50: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( r_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 51: // i1 i3 xor i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 52: // i1 i3 xor i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, r_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 53: // i3 i1 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, r_nn, ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 54: // i3 i1 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, r_nn, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 55: // i3 i1 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, r_nn, ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 56: // i3 i1 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, r_nn, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 57: // i3 neg i1 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( r_nn ), ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 58: // i3 neg i1 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( r_nn ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 59: // i3 neg i1 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( r_nn ), ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 60: // i3 neg i1 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( r_nn ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 61: // i3 i1 xor i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, r_nn, ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 62: // i3 i1 xor i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, r_nn, ll_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } default: throw new Exception ("Unknown Cases"); } return result; } int look_up_4_input_node (NodeType op, int i1, int i2, int signature) { int ll_nn = NON_NEGATED( node(i1).input(0) ); int lr_nn = NON_NEGATED( node(i1).input(1) ); int rl_nn = NON_NEGATED( node(i2).input(0) ); int rr_nn = NON_NEGATED( node(i2).input(1) ); int result = INVALID; int idx = lookup_table_4_inputs[signature]; switch (idx) { case 0: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 1: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 2: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 3: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 4: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 5: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 6: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 7: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 8: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 9: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 10: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 11: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 12: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 13: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 14: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 15: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 16: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 17: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 18: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 19: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 20: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 21: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 22: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 23: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 24: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 25: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 26: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 27: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 28: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 29: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 30: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 31: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 32: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 33: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 34: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 35: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 36: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 37: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 38: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 39: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 40: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 41: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 42: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 43: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 44: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 45: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 46: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 47: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 48: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 49: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 50: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 51: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 52: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 53: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 54: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 55: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 56: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 57: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 58: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 59: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 60: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 61: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 62: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 63: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 64: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 65: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 66: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 67: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 68: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 69: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 70: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 71: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 72: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 73: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 74: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 75: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 76: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 77: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 78: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 79: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 80: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 81: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 82: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 83: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 84: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 85: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 86: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 87: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 88: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 89: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 90: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 91: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 92: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 93: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 94: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 95: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 96: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 97: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 98: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 99: // i1 i2 xor neg i3 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 100: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 101: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 102: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 103: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 104: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 105: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 106: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 107: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 108: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 109: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 110: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 111: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 112: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 113: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 114: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 115: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 116: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 117: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 118: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 119: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 120: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 121: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 122: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 123: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 124: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 125: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 126: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 127: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 128: // i1 i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 129: // i1 neg i2 and i3 neg i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 130: // i1 i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 131: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 neg i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 132: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 133: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 134: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 135: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 136: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 137: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 138: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 neg and xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 139: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i4 neg and xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 140: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 141: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 142: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 143: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 144: // i1 i2 and i3 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 145: // i1 neg i2 and i3 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 146: // i1 i2 neg and i3 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 147: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 148: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 149: // i1 i2 xor i3 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 150: // i1 i2 and i4 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 151: // i1 neg i2 and i4 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 152: // neg { result = zero(); break; } case 153: // i1 i2 neg and i4 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 154: // i1 neg i2 neg and i4 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 155: // i1 i2 and i4 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 156: // i1 neg i2 and i4 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 157: // i1 i2 neg and i4 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 158: // i1 neg i2 neg and i4 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 159: // i2 i4 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 160: // i2 neg i4 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 161: // i2 i4 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 162: // i2 neg i4 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 163: // i1 i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 164: // i1 neg i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 165: // i1 i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 166: // i1 neg i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 167: // i1 neg i4 neg and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 168: // i1 i4 neg and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 169: // i1 i2 neg and neg i2 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 170: // i1 i2 neg and neg i2 i4 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 171: // i1 i2 and neg i2 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 172: // i1 i2 and neg i2 neg i4 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 173: // i1 neg i4 neg and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 174: // i1 i4 neg and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 175: // i1 neg i4 and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 176: // i1 i4 and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 177: // i1 i2 neg and neg i2 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 178: // i1 i2 neg and neg i2 i4 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 179: // i1 i2 and neg i2 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 180: // i1 i2 and neg i2 neg i4 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 181: // i1 neg i4 and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 182: // i1 i4 and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 183: // i1 i2 xor i2 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 184: // i1 i2 xor neg i1 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 185: // i1 i2 xor i1 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 186: // i1 i2 xor neg i1 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 187: // i1 i2 xor i2 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 188: // i1 i2 xor neg i1 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 189: // i1 i2 xor i1 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 190: // i1 i2 xor neg i1 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 191: // i1 i2 and neg i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 192: // i1 neg i2 and neg i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 193: // i1 i4 and neg i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 194: // i1 neg i4 and neg i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 195: // i1 i2 and neg i2 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 196: // i1 neg i2 and neg i2 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 197: // i1 i2 neg and neg i2 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 198: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i2 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 199: // i1 i2 xor i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 200: // i1 i4 xor i2 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 201: // i1 i2 xor i1 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 202: // i1 i2 xor neg i1 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 203: // i1 i4 xor i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 204: // i1 i4 xor neg i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 205: // i1 i4 xor i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 206: // i1 i4 xor neg i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 207: // i1 i4 xor i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 208: // i1 i4 xor neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 209: // i1 i4 xor i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 210: // i1 i4 xor neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 211: // i2 i4 neg and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 212: // i2 i4 neg and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 213: // i2 neg i4 neg and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 214: // i2 neg i4 neg and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 215: // i2 i4 and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 216: // i2 i4 and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 217: // i2 neg i4 and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 218: // i2 neg i4 and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 219: // i1 neg i2 and i4 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 220: // i1 i2 and i4 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 221: // i1 neg i2 neg and i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 222: // i1 i2 neg and i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 223: // i1 neg i2 and i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 224: // i1 i2 and i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 225: // i1 neg i2 neg and i4 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 226: // i1 i2 neg and i4 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 227: // i1 i4 xor { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 228: // i1 i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 229: // i1 i3 and i2 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 230: // i1 neg i3 and i2 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 231: // i1 i3 and i2 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 232: // i1 neg i3 and i2 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 233: // i1 i3 neg and i2 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 234: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 235: // i1 i3 neg and i2 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 236: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 neg i4 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 237: // i1 i3 and i2 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 238: // i1 neg i3 and i2 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 239: // i1 i3 and i2 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 240: // i1 neg i3 and i2 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 241: // i1 i3 neg and i2 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 242: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 243: // i1 i3 neg and i2 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 244: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 neg i4 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 245: // i1 i3 xor i2 i4 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 246: // i1 i3 xor i2 i4 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 247: // i1 i4 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 248: // i1 neg i4 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 249: // i1 i4 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 250: // i1 neg i4 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 251: // i2 neg i4 neg and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 252: // i1 neg i2 and neg i1 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 253: // i2 i4 neg and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 254: // i1 neg i2 and neg i1 i4 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 255: // i1 i2 and neg i1 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 256: // i2 neg i4 neg and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 257: // i1 i2 and neg i1 neg i4 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 258: // i2 i4 neg and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 259: // i2 neg i4 and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 260: // i1 neg i2 and neg i1 i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 261: // i2 i4 and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 262: // i1 neg i2 and neg i1 i4 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 263: // i1 i2 and neg i1 neg i4 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 264: // i2 neg i4 and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 265: // i1 i2 and neg i1 neg i4 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 266: // i2 i4 and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 267: // i1 i2 and neg i1 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 268: // i1 i4 xor i2 i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 269: // i1 i2 neg and neg i1 i4 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 270: // i1 i4 xor i2 neg i4 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( lr_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 271: // i1 i2 and neg i1 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 272: // i1 neg i2 and neg i1 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 273: // i1 i2 neg and neg i1 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 274: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg i1 i4 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 275: // i2 i4 xor i1 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 276: // i2 i4 xor neg i1 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 277: // i2 i4 xor i1 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 278: // i2 i4 xor neg i1 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 279: // i2 i4 xor i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 280: // i2 i4 xor neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 281: // i2 i4 xor i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 282: // i2 i4 xor neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 283: // i1 i4 neg and i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 284: // i1 i4 neg and i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 285: // i1 neg i4 neg and i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 286: // i1 neg i4 neg and i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 287: // i1 i4 and i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 288: // i1 i4 and i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 289: // i1 neg i4 and i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 290: // i1 neg i4 and i2 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 291: // i2 i4 xor { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 292: // i2 i4 xor neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, lr_nn, rr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 293: // i1 i3 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 294: // i1 neg i3 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 295: // i1 i3 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 296: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 297: // i1 i3 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 298: // i1 neg i3 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 299: // i1 i3 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 300: // i1 neg i3 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 301: // i3 i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 302: // i3 neg i2 and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 303: // i3 i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 304: // i3 neg i2 neg and { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp0; break; } case 305: // i1 neg i3 neg and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 306: // i1 i3 neg and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 307: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 308: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i2 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 309: // i1 neg i3 and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 310: // i1 i3 and neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 311: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 neg i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 312: // i1 i2 neg and neg i3 i2 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 313: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 314: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i2 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 315: // i1 neg i3 neg and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 316: // i1 i3 neg and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 317: // i1 i2 and neg i3 neg i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 318: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i2 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 319: // i1 neg i3 and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 320: // i1 i3 and neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 321: // i1 i2 xor i3 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 322: // i1 i3 and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 323: // i1 i2 xor i3 neg i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 324: // i1 i3 neg and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 325: // i1 i3 and neg i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 326: // i1 neg i3 and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 327: // i1 i3 neg and neg i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 328: // i1 neg i3 neg and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 329: // i1 i2 and neg i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 330: // i1 neg i2 and neg i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 331: // i1 i3 and neg i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 332: // i1 neg i3 and neg i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 333: // i1 i3 and neg i3 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 334: // i1 neg i3 and neg i3 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 335: // i1 i3 neg and neg i3 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 336: // i1 neg i3 neg and neg i3 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 337: // i1 i2 xor i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 338: // i1 i3 xor i3 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 339: // i1 i3 xor i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 340: // i1 i3 xor neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 341: // i1 i3 xor i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 342: // i1 i3 xor neg i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 343: // i1 i3 xor i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 344: // i1 i3 xor neg i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 345: // i1 i3 xor i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 346: // i1 i3 xor neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 347: // i1 i3 xor i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 348: // i1 i3 xor neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 349: // i3 neg i2 and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 350: // i3 neg i2 and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 351: // i3 i2 and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 352: // i3 i2 and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 353: // i3 neg i2 neg and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 354: // i3 neg i2 neg and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rl_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 355: // i3 i2 neg and i1 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 356: // i3 i2 neg and i1 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rl_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 357: // i1 neg i2 and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 358: // i1 i2 and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 359: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 360: // i1 i2 neg and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 361: // i1 neg i2 and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 362: // i1 i2 and i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 363: // i1 neg i2 neg and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 364: // i1 i2 neg and i3 xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, rl_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 365: // i1 i3 xor { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 366: // i1 i3 xor neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 367: // i1 i2 and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 368: // i2 neg { result = NEGATE( lr_nn ); break; } case 369: // i1 neg { result = NEGATE( ll_nn ); break; } case 370: // i1 i2 xor { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 371: // i1 neg i2 and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 372: // i1 i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 373: // i1 { result = ll_nn; break; } case 374: // i1 i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 375: // i2 { result = lr_nn; break; } case 376: // i1 neg i2 neg and neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } case 377: // { result = one(); break; } case 378: // i1 i3 and i4 i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 379: // i1 neg i3 and i4 i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 380: // i1 i3 and i4 i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 381: // i1 neg i3 and i4 i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 382: // i1 i3 neg and i4 i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 383: // i1 neg i3 neg and i4 i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 384: // i1 i3 neg and i4 i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 385: // i1 neg i3 neg and i4 i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 386: // i1 i3 and i4 neg i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 387: // i1 neg i3 and i4 neg i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 388: // i1 i3 and i4 neg i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 389: // i1 neg i3 and i4 neg i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 390: // i1 i3 neg and i4 neg i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 391: // i1 neg i3 neg and i4 neg i2 and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 392: // i1 i3 neg and i4 neg i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 393: // i1 neg i3 neg and i4 neg i2 neg and and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rl_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 394: // i1 i3 xor i4 i2 xor xor { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 395: // i1 i3 xor i4 i2 xor xor neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rl_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, temp0, temp1 ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 396: // i1 i4 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 397: // i1 i4 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 398: // i1 neg i4 and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 399: // i1 neg i4 and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 400: // i1 i4 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 401: // i1 i4 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 402: // i1 neg i4 neg and i2 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, lr_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 403: // i1 neg i4 neg and i2 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 404: // i4 neg i2 neg and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 405: // i1 i4 and neg i1 neg i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 406: // i4 neg i2 and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 407: // i1 i4 and neg i1 neg i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 408: // i1 neg i4 and neg i1 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 409: // i4 neg i2 neg and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 410: // i1 neg i4 and neg i1 i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 411: // i4 neg i2 and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 412: // i4 i2 neg and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 413: // i1 i4 and neg i1 neg i2 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 414: // i4 i2 and neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 415: // i1 i4 and neg i1 neg i2 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 416: // i1 neg i4 and neg i1 i2 neg and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 417: // i4 i2 neg and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 418: // i1 neg i4 and neg i1 i2 and neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = NEGATE( temp2 ); break; } case 419: // i4 i2 and neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 420: // i1 i4 and neg i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 421: // i1 i4 and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 422: // i1 i2 xor i4 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 423: // i1 neg i4 and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 424: // i1 i4 neg and neg i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 425: // i1 i4 neg and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 426: // i1 i2 xor i4 neg i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( rr_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 427: // i1 neg i4 neg and neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( rr_nn ) ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 428: // i1 i4 xor i1 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 429: // i1 i4 xor i4 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 430: // i1 i4 xor i1 i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 431: // i1 i4 xor i4 i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, rr_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 432: // i1 i4 xor neg i1 i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 433: // i1 i4 xor neg i1 neg i2 and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 434: // i1 i4 xor neg i1 i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, ll_nn, NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 435: // i1 i4 xor neg i1 neg i2 neg and neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( ll_nn ), NEGATE( lr_nn ) ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 436: // i1 i4 xor i1 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 437: // i1 i4 xor i4 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 438: // i1 i2 xor i4 i2 xor and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, temp1 ); result = temp2; break; } case 439: // i1 i4 xor neg i1 i2 xor neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, rr_nn ); int temp1 = create (NodeType.XOR, ll_nn, lr_nn ); int temp2 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( temp1 ) ); result = temp2; break; } case 440: // i4 i2 xor i1 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 441: // i4 i2 xor neg i1 and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = temp1; break; } case 442: // i4 i2 xor i1 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 443: // i4 i2 xor neg i1 neg and { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = temp1; break; } case 444: // i4 i2 xor i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 445: // i4 i2 xor neg i1 and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), ll_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 446: // i4 i2 xor i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, temp0, NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 447: // i4 i2 xor neg i1 neg and neg { int temp0 = create (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); int temp1 = create_op_node (NodeType.AND, NEGATE( temp0 ), NEGATE( ll_nn ) ); result = NEGATE( temp1 ); break; } case 448: // i4 i2 xor { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); result = temp0; break; } case 449: // i4 i2 xor neg { int temp0 = create_op_node (NodeType.XOR, rr_nn, lr_nn ); result = NEGATE( temp0 ); break; } default: throw new Exception ("Unknown Cases"); } return result; } #endregion } }