/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Singularity; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; using Smb.Protocol; using Smb.PublicChannels; namespace Smb.Shared { sealed class SmbDebug { private SmbDebug() {} public static void WriteLine(string format, params object[] args) { WriteLine(String.Format(format, args)); } public static void WriteLine(string line) { DebugStub.WriteLine("SMB: " + line); } public static string! GetCommandName(SmbCommand command) { switch (command) { case SmbCommand.Negotiate: return "Negotiate"; case SmbCommand.CloseFile: return "CloseFile"; case SmbCommand.SessionSetupAndX: return "SessionSetupAndX"; case SmbCommand.TreeConnect: return "TreeConnect"; case SmbCommand.TreeConnectAndX: return "TreeConnectAndX"; case SmbCommand.NtCreateAndX: return "CreateAndX"; case SmbCommand.Transaction2: return "Transaction2"; case SmbCommand.DeleteFile: return "DeleteFile"; case SmbCommand.CreateDirectory: return "CreateDirectory"; case SmbCommand.DeleteDirectory: return "DeleteDirectory"; case SmbCommand.CheckDirectory: return "CheckDirectory"; case SmbCommand.ReadAndX: return "ReadAndX"; case SmbCommand.WriteAndX: return "WriteAndX"; default: return String.Format("0x{0:x}", (int)command); } } public static string! GetSmbMessageSummary(byte[]! in ExHeap smb, int offset) { StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder(80); ref SmbHeader header = ref smb[offset]; summary.Append(GetCommandName((SmbCommand)header.Command)); if ((SmbCommand)header.Command == SmbCommand.Transaction2) { if (header.IsRequest) { ref SmbTransaction2Request request = ref smb[offset]; SmbTransaction2Code code = (SmbTransaction2Code)request.Transaction.Setup0; switch (code) { case SmbTransaction2Code.FindFirst: return "Transaction2.FindFirst"; case SmbTransaction2Code.FindNext: return "Transaction2.FindNext"; default: return String.Format("Transaction2.0x{0:x}", (uint)code); } } } summary.Append(" "); if (header.IsResponse && header.IsError) { summary.Append(" ERROR: " + header.GetErrorText()); } return summary.ToString(); } public static void DumpMessage(byte[]! in ExHeap buffer, int offset, int length) { SmbDebug.WriteLine("--------------- SMB MESSAGE ----------------"); Util.DumpBuffer(buffer, 0, length); if (length < SmbHeader.SizeOf) { SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Message is too short to be a valid SMB message!"); return; } ref SmbHeader header = ref buffer[offset]; SmbFlag1 flags1 = (SmbFlag1)header.Flags1; SmbFlag2 flags2 = (SmbFlag2)header.Flags2; bool is_response = (flags1 & SmbFlag1.IsResponse) != 0; int smbLength = ((int)header.FrameLength1 << 16) | ((int)header.FrameLength2 << 8) | ((int)header.FrameLength3); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Total Length: " + length); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" SMB Length: " + smbLength); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Direction: " + (is_response ? "Response":"Request")); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Command: 0x{0:x} {1}", header.Command, SmbDebug.GetCommandName((SmbCommand)header.Command)); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Flags2: " + GetFlags2Text(flags2)); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Flags1: " + GetFlags1Text(flags1)); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Mux tuple: Tid {0:x4} Pid {1:x4} Uid {2:x4} Mid {3:x4}", header.TreeId, header.ProcessId, header.UserId, header.MuxId); // SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Parameters: {0}", header.ParameterCount); SmbDebug.WriteLine(" Error: {0:x2} {1:x2} {2:x2} {3:x2}", header.ErrorClass, header.Error1, header.Error2, header.Error3); SmbDebug.WriteLine(""); } public static string! GetFlags1Text(SmbFlag1 value) { string! text = String.Format("(0x{0:x4}) ", value); #pragma warning disable 0612 // [Obsolete] reference if ((value & SmbFlag1.LockAndReadOk) != 0) text += " LockAndReadOk"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.SendNoAck) != 0) text += " SendNoAck"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.CaseInsensitive) != 0) text += " CaseInsensitive"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.CanonicalizedPaths) != 0) text += " CanonicalizedPaths"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.SupportsOpLocks) != 0) text += " SupportsOpLocks"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.SupportsOpLockNotify) != 0) text += " SupportsOpLockNotify"; if ((value & SmbFlag1.IsResponse) != 0) text += " IsResponse"; return text; } public static string! GetFlags2Text(SmbFlag2 value) { string! text = String.Format("(0x{0:x4}) ", value); if ((value & SmbFlag2.KnowsLongNames) != 0) text += " KnowsLongNames"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.KnowsExtendedAttributes) != 0) text += " KnowsExtendedAttributes"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.SupportsSecuritySignature) != 0) text += " SupportsSecuritySignature"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.SecuritySignatureRequired) != 0) text += " SecuritySignatureRequired"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.AllPathsAreLongNames) != 0) text += " AllPathsAreLongNames"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.ReparsePath) != 0) text += " ReparsePath"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.AwareOfExtendedSecurity) != 0) text += " AwareOfExtendedSecurity"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.DfsNamespace) != 0) text += " DfsNamespace"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.PagingIo) != 0) text += " PagingIo"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.UsingNtStatus) != 0) text += " UsingNtStatus"; if ((value & SmbFlag2.UnicodeStrings) != 0) text += " UnicodeStrings"; return text; } public static string! EnumToString(SmbClientConnectionStatus status) { switch (status) { case SmbClientConnectionStatus.Disconnected: return "Disconnected"; case SmbClientConnectionStatus.Negotiating: return "Negotiating"; case SmbClientConnectionStatus.TransportConnecting: return "Connecting"; case SmbClientConnectionStatus.Authenticating: return "Authenticating"; case SmbClientConnectionStatus.Connected: return "Connected"; default: return "Unknown (" + ((int)status).ToString() + ")"; } } public static string! EnumToString(SmbReasonDisconnected reason) { switch (reason) { case SmbReasonDisconnected.Idle: return "Idle"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.TransportConnectFailed: return "Failed to connect transport"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.NegotiationFailed: return "Negotiation failed"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.ResourceConnectFailed: return "Resource connect rejected"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.AuthenticationFailed: return "Authentication failed"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.AuthorizationFailed: return "Authorization failed"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.NoResponse: return "No response from server"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.ProtocolViolation: return "Protocol violation"; case SmbReasonDisconnected.TransportFailure: return "Transport failure"; default: return "Unknown (" + ((int)reason).ToString() + ")"; } } } }