// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class: CultureInfo // // Purpose: This class represents the software preferences of a particular // culture or community. It includes information such as the // language, writing system, and a calendar used by the culture // as well as methods for common operations such as printing // dates and sorting strings. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace System.Globalization { using System; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Singularity; //| public class CultureInfo { // singleton to simplify porting of parsing code private static CultureInfo currentCulture; static CultureInfo() { currentCulture = new CultureInfo(); } private CultureInfo() {} // Prevent from being created public static String Name { get { return sName; } } public static String DisplayName { get { return sName; } } public static String NativeName { get { return sNativeDisplayName; } } public static String EnglishName { get { return sEngDisplayName; } } public static String TwoLetterISOLanguageName { get { return sIso639LangName; } } public static String ThreeLetterISOLanguageName { get { return sIso639LangName2; } } public static String ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName { get { return sAbbrevLangName; } } internal static ushort iDigits = 2; // iDigits internal static ushort iNegNumber = 1; // iNegNumber internal static ushort iCalendarType = 1; // iCalendarType internal static ushort iFirstDayOfWeek = 0; // iFirstDayOfWeek internal static ushort iFirstWeekOfYear = 0; // iFirstWeekOfYear internal static ushort iLanguage = 127; // iLanguage internal static ushort NativeLangId = 127; // NativeLangId internal static ushort iNegativePercent = 0; // iNegativePercent internal static ushort iPositivePercent = 0; // iPositivePercent internal static string sList = ","; internal static string sDecimal = "."; internal static string sThousand = ","; internal static int[] nGrouping = new int[] {3}; internal static string sMonDecimalSep = "."; internal static string sMonThousandSep = ","; internal static int[] nMonGrouping = new int[] {3}; internal static string sPositiveSign = "+"; internal static string sNegativeSign = "-"; internal static string[] sTimeFormat = new string[] { "HH:mm:ss" }; internal static string sTime = ":"; internal static string s1159 = "AM"; internal static string s2359 = "PM"; internal static string[] sShortDate = new string[] { "MM/dd/yyyy" }; internal static string sDate = "/"; internal static string[] sLongDate = new string[] { "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy", }; internal static string sName = ""; internal static string sEngDisplayName = "Invariant Language (Invariant Country)"; internal static string sAbbrevLangName = "IVL"; internal static string sIso639LangName = "iv"; internal static string sIso639LangName2 = "IVL"; internal static string sNativeDisplayName = "Invariant Language (Invariant Country)"; internal static string sPercent = "%"; internal static string sNan = "NaN"; internal static string sPosInfinity = "Infinity"; internal static string sNegInfinity = "-Infinity"; internal static string[] sShortTime = new string[] { "HH:mm", "hh:mm tt", "H:mm", "h:mm tt", }; internal static string sYearMonth = "yyyy MMMM"; internal static string sMonthDay = "MMMM dd"; internal static string[] sDayNames = new string[7] { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; internal static string[] sAbbrevDayName = new string[7] { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; internal static string[] sMonthNames = new string[13] { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "" }; internal static string[] sAbbrevMonthNames = new string[13] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "" }; internal static string sADEra = "A.D."; internal static string[] sDateWords = new string[] {}; internal static string sAbbevADEra = "AD"; internal static string[] sMonthGenitiveName = new string[] {}; internal static string[] sAbbrevMonthGenitiveName = new string[] {}; // E.g. "1;6" // 0:sTimeFormat // 1:sShortDate // 2:sLongDate // 3:sShortTime // 4:sDateWords // added to support System.Text.RegularExpressions public static CultureInfo CurrentCulture { get { return currentCulture; } } public static CultureInfo InvariantCulture { get { return currentCulture; } } } }