//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Microsoft.Singularity.WebServer { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Web; // SingSharp, Singularity using Microsoft.SingSharp; using Microsoft.SingSharp.Runtime; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; // Event types local to this provider internal enum WebServerEvent : ushort { ProcessRequest = 1 } internal sealed class Request { // Statistics private static ulong totalServed = 0; private static ulong totalTime = 0; private const ulong ReportRatio = 1ul; private const int MaxChunkLength = 64 * 1024; private Connection! connection; private Application application; // raw request data private const int maxHeaderBytes = 32*1024; private byte[] headerBytes; private int startHeadersOffset; private int endHeadersOffset; private ArrayList headerBytesStrings; // parsed request data private string verb; private string url; private string protocol; private string path; private string filePath; private string pathInfo; private string queryString; private byte[] queryStringBytes; private int contentLength; private int preloadedContentLength; private byte[] preloadedContent; private string allRawHeaders; private string[][] unknownRequestHeaders; private string[] knownRequestHeaders; private bool specialCaseStaticFileHeaders; // cached response private bool headersSent; private int responseStatus; private StringBuilder responseHeadersBuilder; private ArrayList responseBodyBytes; // Contains byte[] or VContainer elements. private bool silentMode, debugMode; internal Request(Connection! connection, bool doSilent, bool doDebug) { this.connection = connection; this.silentMode = doSilent; this.debugMode = doDebug; base(); } internal void Process() { ReadAllHeaders(); // Limit to local requests only if (!connection.IsLocal) { connection.WriteErrorAndClose(403); return; } if (headerBytes == null || endHeadersOffset < 0 || headerBytesStrings == null || headerBytesStrings.Count == 0) { connection.WriteErrorAndClose(400); return; } if (!ParseRequestLine()) { return; // ParseRequestLine() has closed the connection } Monitoring.Log(Monitoring.Provider.WebServer, (ushort)WebServerEvent.ProcessRequest, this.GetUriPath()); ParseHeaders(); ParsePostedContent(); if (verb == "POST" && contentLength > 0 && preloadedContentLength < contentLength) { connection.Write100Continue(); } PrepareResponse(); // Time the following block and report it as the request processing time { ulong startTime = Processor.CycleCount; // Find or create an application that can service this request. application = Application.FindOrCreateApplication(this); if (application == null) { connection.WriteErrorAndClose(404); } else { application.Process(this); } // Calculate Elapsed Time, but Keep Positive ulong elapsed = Processor.CycleCount - startTime; if (elapsed > (ulong.MaxValue / 2)) { elapsed = 1; } // Log a fraction of the Requests as 'xml' elements. if (!silentMode && ((totalServed % Request.ReportRatio) == 0ul)) { Console.Write("{3}", totalServed, elapsed, GetFilePath(), Environment.NewLine); } if (debugMode) { DebugStub.WriteLine("{3}", __arglist(totalServed, elapsed, GetFilePath(), Environment.NewLine)); } totalServed++; totalTime += elapsed; } } private bool TryReadAllHeaders() { // read the first packet (up to 32K) byte[] headerBytesRead = connection.ReadRequestBytes(maxHeaderBytes); if (headerBytesRead == null || headerBytesRead.Length == 0) return false; if (headerBytes != null) { // previous partial read int len = headerBytesRead.Length + headerBytes.Length; if (len > maxHeaderBytes) return false; byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBytes, 0, bytes, 0, headerBytes.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBytesRead, 0, bytes, headerBytes.Length, headerBytesRead.Length); headerBytes = bytes; } else { headerBytes = headerBytesRead; } // start parsing startHeadersOffset = -1; endHeadersOffset = -1; headerBytesStrings = new ArrayList(); // find the end of headers ByteParser parser = new ByteParser(headerBytes); for (;;) { ByteString line = parser.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (startHeadersOffset < 0) { startHeadersOffset = parser.CurrentOffset; } if (line.IsEmpty) { endHeadersOffset = parser.CurrentOffset; break; } headerBytesStrings.Add(line); } return true; } private void ReadAllHeaders() { headerBytes = null; do { if (!TryReadAllHeaders()) { // something bad happened break; } } while (endHeadersOffset < 0); // found \r\n\r\n } private bool ParseRequestLine() { ByteString requestLine = (ByteString)headerBytesStrings[0]; ByteString[] elems = requestLine.Split(' '); if (elems == null || elems.Length < 2 || elems.Length > 3) { connection.WriteErrorAndClose(400); return false; } verb = elems[0].GetString(); ByteString urlBytes = elems[1]; url = urlBytes.GetString(); if (elems.Length == 3) { protocol = elems[2].GetString(); } else { protocol = "HTTP/1.0"; } // query string int iqs = urlBytes.IndexOf('?'); if (iqs > 0) { queryStringBytes = urlBytes.Substring(iqs+1).GetBytes(); } else { queryStringBytes = new byte[0]; } iqs = url.IndexOf('?'); if (iqs > 0) { path = url.Substring(0, iqs); queryString = url.Substring(iqs+1); } else { path = url; queryStringBytes = new byte[0]; } // url-decode path if (path.IndexOf('%') >= 0) { path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path, Encoding.UTF8); } // path info int lastDot = path.LastIndexOf('.'); int lastSlh = path.LastIndexOf('/'); if (lastDot >= 0 && lastSlh >= 0 && lastDot < lastSlh && lastSlh < path.Length - 1) { int ipi = path.IndexOf('/', lastDot); filePath = path.Substring(0, ipi); pathInfo = path.Substring(ipi); } else { filePath = path; pathInfo = String.Empty; } return true; } private void ParseHeaders() { knownRequestHeaders = new string[HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum]; // construct unknown headers as array list of name1,value1,... ArrayList headers = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < headerBytesStrings.Count; i++) { string s = ((ByteString)headerBytesStrings[i]).GetString(); int c = s.IndexOf(':'); if (c >= 0) { string name = s.Substring(0, c).Trim(); string value = s.Substring(c + 1).Trim(); // remember int knownIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderIndex(name); if (knownIndex >= 0) { knownRequestHeaders[knownIndex] = value; } else { headers.Add(name); headers.Add(value); } } } // copy to array unknown headers int n = headers.Count / 2; unknownRequestHeaders = new string[n][]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { unknownRequestHeaders[i] = new string[2]; unknownRequestHeaders[i][0] = (string)headers[j++]; unknownRequestHeaders[i][1] = (string)headers[j++]; } // remember all raw headers as one string if (headerBytesStrings.Count > 1) { allRawHeaders = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(headerBytes, startHeadersOffset, endHeadersOffset-startHeadersOffset); } else { allRawHeaders = String.Empty; } } private void ParsePostedContent() { contentLength = 0; preloadedContentLength = 0; string contentLengthValue = knownRequestHeaders[HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength]; if (contentLengthValue != null) { try { contentLength = Int32.Parse(contentLengthValue); } catch { } } if (headerBytes.Length > endHeadersOffset) { preloadedContentLength = headerBytes.Length - endHeadersOffset; if (preloadedContentLength > contentLength && contentLength > 0) preloadedContentLength = contentLength; // don't read more than the content-length preloadedContent = new byte[preloadedContentLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBytes, endHeadersOffset, preloadedContent, 0, preloadedContentLength); } } private void PrepareResponse() { headersSent = false; responseStatus = 200; responseHeadersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); responseBodyBytes = new ArrayList(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of HttpWorkerRequest internal string! GetUriPath() { return path; } internal string GetQueryString() { return queryString; } internal byte[] GetQueryStringRawBytes() { return queryStringBytes; } internal string GetRawUrl() { return url; } internal string GetHttpVerbName() { return verb; } internal string GetHttpVersion() { return protocol; } internal string GetRemoteAddress() { return connection.RemoteIP; } internal int GetRemotePort() { return 0; } internal string GetLocalAddress() { return connection.LocalIP; } internal string GetServerName() { string localAddress = GetLocalAddress(); if (localAddress.Equals("")) { return "localhost"; } return localAddress; } internal int GetLocalPort() { return connection.ListenerPort; } internal string GetFilePath() { return filePath; } internal string GetPathInfo() { return pathInfo; } internal byte[] GetPreloadedEntityBody() { return preloadedContent; } [ Microsoft.Contracts.Pure ] internal bool IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded() { return (contentLength == preloadedContentLength); } internal int ReadEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int size) { int bytesRead = 0; byte[] bytes = connection.ReadRequestBytes(size); if (bytes != null && bytes.Length > 0) { bytesRead = bytes.Length; Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, buffer, 0, bytesRead); } return bytesRead; } internal string GetKnownRequestHeader(int index) { return knownRequestHeaders[index]; } internal string GetUnknownRequestHeader(string name) { int n = unknownRequestHeaders.Length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (string.Compare(name, unknownRequestHeaders[i][0], true) == 0) { return unknownRequestHeaders[i][1]; } } return null; } internal string[][] GetUnknownRequestHeaders() { return unknownRequestHeaders; } // TODO: No support for user-based security yet. internal IntPtr GetUserToken() { // impersonation token return IntPtr.Zero; } internal string GetServerVariable(string name) { string s = String.Empty; switch (name) { case "ALL_RAW": s = allRawHeaders; break; case "SERVER_PROTOCOL": s = protocol; break; case "AUTH_TYPE": if (GetUserToken() != IntPtr.Zero) s = "NTLM"; break; } return s; } internal void SendStatus(int statusCode, string statusDescription) { responseStatus = statusCode; } internal void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, string value) { if (headersSent) { return; } switch (index) { case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderDate: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderConnection: // ignore these return; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptRanges: if (value == "bytes") { // use this header to detect when we're processing a static file specialCaseStaticFileHeaders = true; return; } break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderExpires: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLastModified: if (specialCaseStaticFileHeaders) { // NOTE: Ignore these for static files. These are generated // by the StaticFileHandler, but they shouldn't be. return; } break; } responseHeadersBuilder.Append(HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderName(index)); responseHeadersBuilder.Append(": "); responseHeadersBuilder.Append(value); responseHeadersBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } internal void SendUnknownResponseHeader(string name, string value) { if (headersSent) return; responseHeadersBuilder.Append(name); responseHeadersBuilder.Append(": "); responseHeadersBuilder.Append(value); responseHeadersBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } internal void SendCalculatedContentLength(int contentLength) { if (!headersSent) { responseHeadersBuilder.Append("Content-Length: "); responseHeadersBuilder.Append(contentLength); responseHeadersBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } } internal bool HeadersSent() { return headersSent; } internal bool IsClientConnected() { return connection.Connected; } internal void CloseConnection() { connection.Close(); } internal void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length) { if (length > 0) { byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, bytes, 0, length); responseBodyBytes.Add(bytes); } } internal void SendResponseFromMemory([Claims] byte[]! in ExHeap data) { VContainer container = new VContainer(data); responseBodyBytes.Add(container); } internal void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush) { try { if (!headersSent) { connection.WriteHeaders(responseStatus, responseHeadersBuilder.ToString()); headersSent = true; } for (int i = 0; i < responseBodyBytes.Count; i++) { byte[] bytes = responseBodyBytes[i] as byte[]; VContainer container = responseBodyBytes[i] as VContainer; if (bytes != null) { connection.WriteBody(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } else if (container != null) { byte[]! in ExHeap exBytes = container.Acquire(); responseBodyBytes[i] = null; connection.WriteBody(exBytes); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } } catch (SocketException) { // If the socket throws an exception, abort trying to write the // rest of the body. } finally { // Clean up in case an exception caused us to abort partway through headersSent = true; for (int i = 0; i < responseBodyBytes.Count; i++) { VContainer container = responseBodyBytes[i] as VContainer; if (container != null) { byte[]! in ExHeap exBytes = container.Acquire(); delete exBytes; responseBodyBytes[i] = null; } } } responseBodyBytes = new ArrayList(); if (finalFlush) { connection.Close(); } } internal void EndOfRequest() { FlushResponse(true); } } }