//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Note: tty Terminal Emulation program // using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.SingSharp; using Microsoft.Singularity; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; using Microsoft.Singularity.Directory; using Microsoft.Singularity.Io; using Keyboard = Microsoft.Singularity.Io.Keyboard; using Pipe = Microsoft.Singularity.Io.Tty; namespace Microsoft.Singularity.Applications { // See WaitForChildThread below internal contract WaitForChildContract { out message Finish(); state Start: one {Finish! -> Done;} state Done: one {} } public class Tty { private static TRef keyboardRef; private static TRef consoleRef; private static TRef inputEp; private static TRef outputEp; private static char[] modTable; private static Process process; private static Terminal terminal; private static void InitModTable() { modTable = new char[8]; modTable[1] = '1'; modTable[2] = '2'; modTable[3] = '3'; modTable[4] = '4'; modTable[5] = '5'; modTable[6] = '6'; modTable[7] = '7'; } public static KeyboardDeviceContract.Imp OpenKeyboard(string! devName, DirectoryServiceContract.Imp! ns) { // get NS endpoint KeyboardDeviceContract.Exp! exp; KeyboardDeviceContract.Imp! imp; KeyboardDeviceContract.NewChannel(out imp, out exp); ErrorCode errorOut; bool ok = SdsUtils.Bind(devName, ns, exp, out errorOut ); if (!ok) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Console Input: OpenKeyboard lookup of {0} failed.", __arglist(devName)); if (imp != null) delete imp; return null; } assert imp != null; switch receive { case imp.Success(): break; case imp.ContractNotSupported(): throw new Exception("ConsoleInput: Contract not supported"); break; case imp.ChannelClosed(): throw new Exception("ConsoleInput: Didn't imp.RecvActConnect"); break; } return imp; } private static ConsoleDeviceContract.Imp OpenConsole(string! devName, DirectoryServiceContract.Imp! ns) { ConsoleDeviceContract.Exp! exp; ConsoleDeviceContract.Imp! imp; ConsoleDeviceContract.NewChannel(out imp, out exp); ErrorCode errorOut; bool ok = SdsUtils.Bind(devName, ns, exp, out errorOut); if (!ok) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Console Input: OpenConsole lookup of {0} failed.", __arglist(devName)); if (imp != null) delete imp; return null; } if (imp != null) { switch receive { case imp.Success(): break; case imp.ContractNotSupported(): throw new Exception("ConsoleOutput: ContractNotSupported"); break; case imp.ChannelClosed(): throw new Exception("ConsoleOutput: ChannelClosed"); break; } } return imp; } private static char[]! in ExHeap ProcessKey(uint key, [Claims] char[] in ExHeap buffer, out int len) { len = 0; if (buffer == null) { buffer = new [ExHeap] char [10]; } assert buffer.Length != 0; //Console.WriteLine("processKey:{0:x}",key); char c = (char)(key & (uint)Keyboard.Qualifiers.KEY_BASE_CODE); if ((key & (uint)Keyboard.Qualifiers.KEY_CTRL) != 0 && (c == 'c')) { len = 1; buffer[0] = (char) Pipe.ControlCodes.CTRL_C; // ctrl-X DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: CTRL_C detected"); } else if ((key & (uint)Keyboard.Qualifiers.KEY_CTRL) != 0 && c == 'z') { len = 1; buffer[0] = (char) Pipe.ControlCodes.CTRL_Z; // ctrl-X DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: CTRL_Z detected"); } else if (c == '\b') { len = 1; buffer[0] = c; } else if (c == '\n') { len = 1; buffer[0] = c; // echo // Console.WriteLine(); } else { // Only use the character if it's in the printable ASCII range if ((c >= 32) && (c <= 126)) // SPACE to "~" { //Console.WriteLine("char={0}:{1:x}",c,key); len = 1; buffer[0] = c; // echo // Console.Write(c); } else if ((c >= Keyboard.Keys.PAGE_UP) && (c <= Keyboard.Keys.DELETE)) { //Console.WriteLine("tty: generating esc sequence for:{0:x}",key); buffer[0] = (char) 0x1b; buffer[1] = '['; int pos = 2; switch ((int) c) { case Keyboard.Keys.PAGE_UP: buffer[pos++] = '5'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.PAGE_DOWN: buffer[pos++] = '6'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.UP_ARROW: buffer[pos++] = 'A'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.DOWN_ARROW: buffer[pos++] = 'B'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.LEFT_ARROW: buffer[pos++] = 'D'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.RIGHT_ARROW: buffer[pos++] = 'C'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.HOME: buffer[pos++] = '1'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.END: buffer[pos++] = '4'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.INSERT: buffer[pos++] = '2'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; case Keyboard.Keys.DELETE: buffer[pos++] = '3'; buffer[pos++] = '~'; break; } len = pos; #if false DebugStub.Write("tty: esc seq ="); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DebugStub.Write(" {0}",__arglist(buffer[i])); } DebugStub.WriteLine(""); #endif } } return buffer; } private static void InputWorkerThread() { UnicodePipeContract.Imp! stdinImp = inputEp.Acquire(); KeyboardDeviceContract.Imp:Ready! keyboard = keyboardRef.Acquire(); char[] in ExHeap buffer = new [ExHeap] char [10]; WaitForChildContract.Imp! imp; WaitForChildContract.Exp! exp; WaitForChildContract.NewChannel(out imp, out exp); new Thread(new ThreadStart(new WaitForChildThread( process, new TRef(exp)) .Wait)).Start(); uint key = 0; while (true) { keyboard.SendGetKey(); switch receive { case imp.Finish(): delete buffer; goto done; case keyboard.AckKey(ikey): key = ikey; break; case keyboard.NakKey(): break; case keyboard.ChannelClosed(): Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Keyboard channel closed"); delete buffer; goto done; } //DebugStub.WriteLine("input:{0:x}",__arglist(key)); // process key if ((key & (uint)Keyboard.Qualifiers.KEY_DOWN) == 0) { continue; } if ((key & (uint)Keyboard.Qualifiers.KEY_MOUSE) != 0) { continue; } int len; buffer = ProcessKey(key, buffer, out len); if (len > 0) { stdinImp.SendWrite(buffer,0,len); switch receive { case stdinImp.AckWrite(i_buffer): buffer = i_buffer; break; case stdinImp.ChannelClosed(): DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: stdin closed"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "stdin channel closed"); DebugStub.Break(); //this should not happen! goto done; } } } done: delete stdinImp; delete keyboard; delete imp; } /////////////////// // process escape sequence embedded in output buffer // pos is the index of the escape character in the buffer private static char[] escBuf; private static int HandleEscape(ConsoleDeviceContract.Imp! console, char[]! in ExHeap buffer, int pos, int len) { Pipe.EscapeCodes code; int column, row, repeat; int i; terminal.Reset(); repeat = 0; code = Pipe.EscapeCodes.NOCODE; int limit; if (pos + len < buffer.Length) limit = pos + len; else limit = buffer.Length; for (i = pos; i < limit; i++) { bool more = terminal.ProcessEscape(buffer[i], out code, out repeat); if (!more) break; } switch (code) { case Pipe.EscapeCodes.UP: console.SendGetCursorPosition(); console.RecvCursorPosition(out column, out row); if (row > 0) { console.SendSetCursorPosition(column, row-1); console.RecvAckSetCursorPosition(); //DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: up received. shifting from row {0}, col {1}",__arglist(row, column)); } else { DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: cannot move up; already at top"); } break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.LEFT: console.SendGetCursorPosition(); console.RecvCursorPosition(out column, out row); if (column > 0) { console.SendSetCursorPosition(column-1, row); console.RecvAckSetCursorPosition(); //DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: left received. shifting from row {0}, col {1}",__arglist(row, column)); } else if (row > 0) { // Move up one row and to the end. console.SendSetCursorPosition(_console_columns - 1, row - 1); console.RecvAckSetCursorPosition(); } else { DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: already at origin, cannot move left"); } break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.RIGHT: //DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: right received"); console.SendGetCursorPosition(); console.RecvCursorPosition(out column, out row); if (column + 1 < _console_columns) { console.SendSetCursorPosition(column+1, row); console.RecvAckSetCursorPosition(); } else if (row + 1 < _console_rows) { console.SendSetCursorPosition(0, row+1); console.RecvAckSetCursorPosition(); } else { DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: already at end of screen!"); } break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.ERASE_FROM_CURSOR: //DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: ERASE FROM CURSOR received"); console.SendClearCursorToEndOfLine(); console.RecvAckClearCursorToEndOfLine(); break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.CLEAR_SCREEN: console.SendClear(); console.RecvAckClear(); break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.SET_CURSOR_SIZE: //DebugStub.WriteLine("tty: ERASE FROM CURSOR received"); bool ignore = false; Microsoft.Singularity.Io.CursorSize size = Microsoft.Singularity.Io.CursorSize.Small; switch (repeat) { case 1: size = Microsoft.Singularity.Io.CursorSize.Small; break; case 2: size = Microsoft.Singularity.Io.CursorSize.Large; break; default: break; ignore = true; } if (!ignore) { console.SendSetCursorSize(size); switch receive { case console.AckSetCursorSize(): break; case console.NotSupported(): break; } } break; case Pipe.EscapeCodes.NOCODE: break; } return i; } private static void OutputWorkerThread() { UnicodePipeContract.Exp! stdoutExp = outputEp.Acquire(); ConsoleDeviceContract.Imp! console = consoleRef.Acquire(); bool pipeActive = true; int pos; int newPos = 0; try { while (pipeActive) { switch receive { case stdoutExp.Write(buffer, index, count): // inspect each key looking for escape sequences // if any are found split up the buffer logically into // 3 parts (pre, escape, and post). All three will need to be // sent separately. // Need to ensure the correct buffer gets back to the caller assert buffer.Length >= (index + count); for (pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { if (buffer[pos + index] == (char) 0x1b) break; } int pre; int post; if (pos != count) { if (pos == 0 && count == 1) { // ignore single escape char -- should never be sent pre = 0; post = 0; } else { newPos = HandleEscape(console,buffer,pos+1, count); pre = pos - index; post = (pos+count-1) - newPos; } if (pre != 0) { char [] in ExHeap preBuf = new [ExHeap] char [pre]; for (int i = 0; i < pre; i++) { preBuf[i] = buffer[index+i]; } // write all chars before console.SendWrite(preBuf, 0, pre); switch receive { case console.AckWrite(localside): // performing a partial write need to save the buffer delete localside; break; case console.NakWrite(localside): // Unicode contract has no negative ack stdoutExp.SendAckWrite(localside); break; case console.ChannelClosed(): pipeActive = false; break; } } if (post != 0) { char [] in ExHeap postBuf = new [ExHeap] char [post]; for (int i = 0; i < post; i++) { postBuf[i] = buffer[newPos+i]; } console.SendWrite(postBuf, 0, newPos); switch receive { case console.AckWrite(localside): delete localside; break; case console.NakWrite(localside): // Unicode contract has no negative ack stdoutExp.SendAckWrite(localside); break; case console.ChannelClosed(): pipeActive = false; break; } } stdoutExp.SendAckWrite(buffer); } // escape sequence else { console.SendWrite(buffer, index, count); switch receive { case console.AckWrite(localside): stdoutExp.SendAckWrite(localside); break; case console.NakWrite(localside): // Unicode contract has no negative ack stdoutExp.SendAckWrite(localside); break; case console.ChannelClosed(): pipeActive = false; break; } } break; case stdoutExp.ChannelClosed(): pipeActive = false; break; } } } finally { delete stdoutExp; delete console; } } private static int RunShellProcess(String[] args) { assert args != null; assert args[0] != null; DebugStub.WriteLine("Starting {0}, argcount={1}", __arglist( args[0], args.Length)); Console.WriteLine("Starting {0}, argcount={1}", args[0], args.Length); // create shell process with stdin/out bound to us //process = new Process(args, null, 2); process = new Process((!)args[0], null, null); UnicodePipeContract.Imp! stdinImp; UnicodePipeContract.Exp! stdinExp; UnicodePipeContract.NewChannel(out stdinImp, out stdinExp); UnicodePipeContract.Imp! stdoutImp; UnicodePipeContract.Exp! stdoutExp; UnicodePipeContract.NewChannel(out stdoutImp, out stdoutExp); process.SetStartupEndpoint(0, (Endpoint * in ExHeap) stdinExp); // hack process.SetStartupEndpoint(1, (Endpoint * in ExHeap) stdoutImp); // new style pass in args via StringArrayParameter if (args.Length > 1) { String[]! shellArgs = new String[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, shellArgs, 0, shellArgs.Length); process.SetStartupStringArrayArg(0, shellArgs); } process.Start(); // start our output thread // We need a multiplexer, if we want to echo input characters in tty. UnicodePipeContract.Imp! localStdoutImp; UnicodePipeContract.Exp! localStdoutExp; UnicodePipeContract.NewChannel(out localStdoutImp, out localStdoutExp); PipeMultiplexer! pm = PipeMultiplexer.Start(localStdoutImp, stdoutExp); inputEp = new TRef (stdinImp); outputEp = new TRef (localStdoutExp); // Connect our own console output to the output multiplexer UnicodePipeContract.Imp ttyStdout = pm.FreshClient(); UnicodePipeContract.Imp oldStdout = ConsoleOutput.Swap(ttyStdout); // oldStdout is likely null, because the tty does not get a stdout on startup delete oldStdout; // start up output thread to handle input and output ThreadStart output = new ThreadStart(OutputWorkerThread); Thread outThread = new Thread(output); outThread.Start(); // run input copier on this thread InputWorkerThread(); // dispose the pipe multiplexer. This should shut down the output thread pm.Dispose(); outThread.Join(); return process.ExitCode; } // TODO: better ways to wait on a child process private class WaitForChildThread { private Process! process; private TRef! expRef; internal WaitForChildThread(Process! process, TRef! expRef) { this.process = process; this.expRef = expRef; base(); } internal void Wait() { process.Join(); WaitForChildContract.Exp exp = expRef.Acquire(); exp.SendFinish(); delete exp; } } public static int Main(String[] args) { // TODO: get ns from startup endpoints DirectoryServiceContract.Imp ns = DirectoryService.NewClientEndpoint(); // get access to the real keyboard KeyboardDeviceContract.Imp keyboard = OpenKeyboard("/dev/keyboard", ns); if (keyboard == null) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Console Input: Couldn't open keyboard."); DebugStub.Break(); delete ns; return -1; } ConsoleDeviceContract.Imp console; console = OpenConsole("/dev/video-text", ns); if (console == null) { console = OpenConsole("/dev/conout", ns); if (console == null) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Couldn't open console.\n"); DebugStub.Break(); delete keyboard; delete ns; return -1; } } delete ns; // Query the size of the display. // This is useful later on. console.SendGetDisplayDimensions(); int columns; int rows; console.RecvDisplayDimensions(out columns, out rows); _console_columns = columns; _console_rows = rows; terminal = new Terminal(); InitModTable(); keyboardRef = new TRef(keyboard); consoleRef = new TRef(console); string [] shellArgs; if (args == null || args.Length < 2) { shellArgs = new string[1]; shellArgs[0] = "shell"; } else { shellArgs = new string[args.Length -1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, shellArgs, 0, shellArgs.Length); } int code = RunShellProcess(shellArgs); return code; } static int _console_columns; static int _console_rows; } //Tty }//namespace