/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Research Singularity // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Note: // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Bartok.Runtime; using Microsoft.SingSharp; using Microsoft.Singularity.Channels; using Microsoft.Singularity.Directory; using Microsoft.Singularity.Drivers; using Microsoft.Singularity.Eventing; using Microsoft.Singularity.Hal; using Microsoft.Singularity.Io; using Microsoft.Singularity.Loader; using Microsoft.Singularity.Memory; using Microsoft.Singularity.Scheduling; using Microsoft.Singularity.Security; using Microsoft.Singularity.V1.Services; using Microsoft.Singularity.Xml; [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Microsoft.Singularity")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Microsoft Research Singularity Operating System")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft Corporation")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("public.snk")] [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)] namespace Microsoft.Singularity { [NoCCtor] [CLSCompliant(false)] [AccessedByRuntime("referenced from hal.cpp/hal.cpp")] public class Kernel { private static string[] args; private static ManualResetEvent mpEndEvent; private static int bootReturnCode; // sample profiler kernel data public static uint ProfilerBufferSize; #region Waypoints public static long[] Waypoints; public static int[] WaypointSeq; public static int[] WaypointThd; public static int WaypointNumber;// = 0; public static long WaypointSamples;// = 0; public static bool WaypointSuspicious; public static uint WaypointInterrupt; public const int NWP = 2048; // XXX PBAR if this is readonly then it seems to read as 0! // This is temporary, until we get a HAL-based plug-and-play system going. public const byte HalIpiInterrupt = 249; /// Flag indicating if kernel has succesfully booted private static bool hasBooted; private static Scheduler scheduler; /// /// /// Property to find out if kernel finished booting /// /// public static bool HasBooted { [NoHeapAllocation] get { return hasBooted; } } /// /// Get a default kernel scheduler /// internal static Scheduler TheScheduler { [Inline] [NoHeapAllocation] get { return scheduler; } } [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] [NoHeapAllocation] public static void Waypoint0() { WaypointSamples++; Waypoints[0] = (long)Processor.CycleCount; WaypointNumber = 1; WaypointSuspicious = false; WaypointInterrupt = Processor.CurrentProcessor.NumInterrupts; } [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] [NoHeapAllocation] public static void Waypoint(int num) { if (Waypoints == null || Waypoints[0] == 0 || WaypointNumber > NWP - 1) { return; } long delta = (long)Processor.CycleCount - Waypoints[0]; if (delta > 7000000) { WaypointSuspicious = true; } WaypointSeq[WaypointNumber] = num; WaypointThd[WaypointNumber] = Thread.GetCurrentThreadIndex(); Waypoints[WaypointNumber++] = delta; } [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] [NoHeapAllocation] public static void WaypointDone() { Waypoints[0] = 0; } #if false [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] [NoHeapAllocation] public static void WaypointDump() { WaypointDump(NWP); } #endif [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] public static void WaypointDump() { bool iflag = Processor.DisableInterrupts(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Interrupts: {0}", __arglist(Processor.CurrentProcessor.NumInterrupts - WaypointInterrupt)); DebugStub.WriteLine("WPT Waypoint Sequence THD Diff"); for (int i = 1; i < WaypointNumber; i++) { DebugStub.WriteLine("{0,3:d} {1,10:d} {2,10:d} {3,3:d} {4,10:d}", __arglist( i, Waypoints[i], WaypointSeq[i], WaypointThd[i].GetHashCode(), Waypoints[i] - Kernel.Waypoints[i-1])); } Processor.RestoreInterrupts(iflag); } [Conditional("WAYPOINTS")] [NoHeapAllocation] public static void WaypointReset() { for (int i = 0; i < NWP; i++) { Waypoints[i] = 0; } WaypointSamples = 0; } #endregion // Waypoints internal static DateTime BootTime; // [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("ISA_ARM")] private static void ARM_PROGRESS(string msg) { DebugStub.WriteLine(msg); } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("ISA_ARM")] private static void ARM_SPIN_FOREVER(string msg) { DebugStub.Assert(!Processor.InterruptsDisabled()); Processor p = Processor.CurrentProcessor; DebugStub.WriteLine(msg); DateTime last = DateTime.Now; uint n = 0; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } // Note: This function is called by Hal.cpp. [AccessedByRuntime("referenced from hal.cpp")] internal static int Main() { bootReturnCode = Platform.EXIT_AND_RESTART; InitPreMonitoring(); try { InitServices(); // Consider boot successful at this stage. bootReturnCode = Platform.EXIT_AND_SHUTDOWN; ARM_SPIN_FOREVER("kernel.arm Spinning forever"); bootReturnCode = SpawnAndWaitForShell(); // The shell has exited when we get here FinalizeServices(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION:: " + e.Message); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Fatal, "Caught exception {0}", e.Message); DebugStub.WriteLine("Caught {0}", __arglist(e.Message)); bootReturnCode = -1; DebugStub.Break(); } DebugStub.WriteLine("Kernel exiting with 0x{0:x4}", __arglist(bootReturnCode)); FinalizePreMonitoring(); if (bootReturnCode != Platform.EXIT_AND_WARMBOOT) { Kill(bootReturnCode); } return bootReturnCode; } private static void InitPreMonitoring() { Tracing.Log(0); Tracing.Log(1); Tracing.Log(2); Tracing.Log(3); DebugStub.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!001"); // Indicate that we are not booted yet hasBooted = false; // Rather than mark all bootstrap code with [NoBarriers], perform a mini- // initialization that gives us a working WriteBarrier. System.GCs.Barrier.PreInitialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!002"); // Initialize the memory subsystem. If enabled this turns on paging MemoryManager.Initialize(); // Note for Monitoring early boot process: // if you ever want to monitor stuff before this point, you should // allocate a static memory area in BootInit.cs, init the // monitoring system earlier, hold the system at this point here, // copy over all the collected data up to now to the new // dynamically created buffer and continue Monitoring.Initialize(); // uses page memory ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!003"); HandleTable.Initialize(); } private static void InitGCSupport() { ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!004"); // Initialize the rest of the primitive runtime. VTable.Initialize((RuntimeType)typeof(Kernel)); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!005"); // Must occur before MemoryManager.PostGCInitialize() ProtectionDomain.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!006"); // Must occur before SharedHeap.Initialize() MemoryManager.PostGCInitialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!007"); // Allocates callback objects for stack growth Stacks.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!008"); // Initialize the HAL parts which require GC allocation Platform.ThePlatform.InitializeServices(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!009"); SharedHeap.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!010"); // Must occur after SharedHeap.Initialize(); ProtectionDomain.DefaultDomain.InitHook(); } private static void InitServices() { InitGCSupport(); args = GetCommandLine(); VTable.ParseArgs(args); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!011"); InitSchedulerTypes(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!018"); Controller.InitializeSystem(); Tracing.InitializeSystem(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!019"); // Read the profiler settings. The values are assumed in kbytes // convert them to bytes for direct consumption ProfilerBufferSize = (uint)GetIntegerArgument("profiler", 0); ProfilerBufferSize *= 1024; ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!020"); SpinLock.StaticInitialize(); int cpusLength; int cpuCount = GetCpuCount(out cpusLength); Processor.InitializeProcessorTable(cpusLength); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!021"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "processor"); Processor processor = Processor.EnableProcessor(0); PEImage.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!034"); // Initialize the sample profiling for the processor // after the initial breakpoint in kd in the call // PEImage.Initialize(). This will allow enabling profiling // from kd, by overwriting the ProfilerBufferSize value processor.EnableProfiling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!035"); FlatPages.InitializeMemoryMonitoring(); // initialize endpoints InitType(typeof(Microsoft.Singularity.Channels.EndpointCore)); // TODO Bug 59: Currently broken, need to review paging build. //#if PAGING // Microsoft.Singularity.Channels.EndpointTrusted.StaticInitialize(); //#endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!036"); // get the system manifest IoMemory systemManifest = GetSystemManifest(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!037"); XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(systemManifest); XmlNode xmlData = xmlReader.Parse(); XmlNode manifestRoot = xmlData.GetChild("system"); XmlNode initConfig = manifestRoot.GetChild("initConfig"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!038"); PerfCounters.Initialize(); // need to have processed the manifest before we can call Process initialize ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!039"); PrincipalImpl.Initialize(initConfig); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!040"); Process.Initialize(manifestRoot.GetChild("processConfig")); InitIO(processor, initConfig, manifestRoot.GetChild("drivers")); InitBootTime(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!045"); // From here on, we want lazy type initialization to worry about // competing threads. VTable.InitializeForMultipleThread(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!046"); Console.WriteLine("Running C# Kernel of {0}", GetLinkDate()); Console.WriteLine(); // TODO: remove this Console.WriteLine("Current time: {0}", SystemClock.GetUtcTime().ToString("r")); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!047"); InitScheduling(); DirectoryService.StartNotificationThread(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Shared Heap Walker"); ProtectionDomain.InitializeSharedHeapWalker(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!050"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Service Thread"); ServiceThread.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!051"); GC.EnableHeap(); GCProfilerLogger.StartProfiling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!052"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Waypoints init"); Waypoints = new long[2048]; WaypointSeq = new int[2048]; WaypointThd = new int[2048]; Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Interrupts ON."); Processor.RestoreInterrupts(true); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!053"); #if ISA_ARM && TEST_GC for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Iteration {0}", __arglist(i)); ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++) { int size = 1024 * 1024; a.Add(new byte [size]); } } #endif // ISA_ARM ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!054"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Binder"); Binder.Initialize(manifestRoot.GetChild("namingConventions")); #if ISA_ARM DebugStub.WriteLine("Exporting local namespace to BSP\n"); DirectoryService.ExportArmNamespace(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Export complete...redirecting binder\n"); Binder.RedirectRootRef(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Binder redirect complete\n"); #endif #if false Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting Security Service channels"); PrincipalImpl.Export(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055"); #endif Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Creating Root Directory."); //This can be moved below IoSystem.InitializeDirectoryService(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055"); #if false // Start User space namespace manager Console.WriteLine("Starting Directory Service SIP"); DirectoryService.StartUserSpaceDirectoryService(); #endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055.5"); #if !ISA_ARM Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting Security Service channels"); PrincipalImpl.Export(); #endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!056"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing system channels"); // starting channels services DebugStub.Print("Initializing Channel Services\n"); ChannelDeliveryImplService.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!057"); ConsoleOutput.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!058"); // Initialize MP after Binder and ConsoleOutput // are initialized so there are no // initialization races if the additional // threads try to use them. Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting additional processors"); // For ABI to ARM support MpExecution.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!059"); mpEndEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Initializing Volume Manager."); #if !ISA_ARM IoSystem.InitializeVolumeManager(); #endif // ISA_ARM ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!060"); InitDrivers(); if (cpuCount > 1) { unsafe { Console.WriteLine("Enabling {0} cpus out of {1} real cpus\n", cpuCount, Platform.ThePlatform.CpuRealCount); } Processor.EnableMoreProcessors(cpuCount); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!064"); } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Initializing Service Manager."); IoSystem.InitializeServiceManager(manifestRoot.GetChild("serviceConfig")); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!065"); InitDiagnostics(); #if !ISA_ARM // At this point consider kernel finshed booting hasBooted = true; #endif // ISA_ARM Processor.StartSampling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!069"); Microsoft.Singularity.KernelDebugger.KdFilesNamespace.StartNamespaceThread(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!070"); } private static void InitSchedulerTypes() { InitType(typeof(Processor)); InitType(typeof(Scheduler)); InitType(typeof(ProcessorDispatcher)); // InitType(typeof(AffinityScheduler)); InitType(typeof(MinScheduler)); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!013"); // Create scheduler before initializing processes scheduler = new MinScheduler(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!017"); // Initialize processor dispatcher ProcessorDispatcher.StaticInitialize(scheduler); } private static void InitScheduling() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Scheduler"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!047"); // Finish scheduler initialization: scheduler.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!048"); // Initialize initial dispatcher Processor.InitializeDispatcher(0); Processor.ActivateTimer(0); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!049"); } private static void InitIO(Processor p, XmlNode initConfig, XmlNode driverConfig) { // obtain the configuration for the namespace service // and initialize the namespace service ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!041"); DirectoryService.Initialize(initConfig); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "IoSystem"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!042"); IoSystem.Initialize(driverConfig); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Registering HAL Drivers."); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!043"); Devices.RegisterPnpResources(); // add the root devices ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!044"); Platform.InitializeHal(p); } private static int SpawnAndWaitForShell() { #if ISA_ARM // spin here for now while (true) { Thread.Yield(); } #else Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Creating Shell Process"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!071"); int exit = -10000; Manifest manifest; #if KERNEL_USE_LOGIN IoMemory memory; if (args[0] == "bvt") { memory = Binder.LoadImage(Thread.CurrentProcess, "tty", out manifest); } else{ // TODO: The login app needs to be fixed to setup stdin and stdout pipes for // the shell and pump the data back and forth. memory = Binder.LoadImage(Thread.CurrentProcess, "login", out manifest); } #else IoMemory memory = Binder.LoadImage(Thread.CurrentProcess, "tty", out manifest); #endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!073"); if (memory == null || memory.Length > 0) { String[] shellArgs = new String[args.Length + 2]; shellArgs[0] = "tty"; shellArgs[1] = "shell"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { shellArgs[i + 2] = args[i]; } Process process = new Process(Thread.CurrentProcess, memory, null, shellArgs, manifest); if (process != null) { PrintBootTime(); process.Start(); process.Join(); exit = process.ExitCode; } ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!074"); } return DetermineShutdown(exit); #endif } private static int DetermineShutdown(int exit) { switch (exit) { case -10000: Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Failed to start shell process."); return Platform.EXIT_AND_RESTART; case Platform.EXIT_AND_WARMBOOT: case Platform.EXIT_AND_RESTART: case Platform.EXIT_AND_SHUTDOWN: return exit; default: DebugStub.WriteLine("Shell process terminated improperly (0x{0:x4})", __arglist(exit)); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Shell process terminated improperly"); DebugStub.Break(); return Platform.EXIT_AND_SHUTDOWN; } } private static void InitBootTime() { if (Platform.ThePlatform.BootYear != 0) { BootTime = new DateTime((int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootYear, (int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootMonth, (int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootDay, (int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootHour, (int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootMinute, (int)Platform.ThePlatform.BootSecond, 0); // There is no time zone support in Singularity, the clock assumes GMT // but the CMOS reports it in local time. Hardcode the correction here for now BootTime = BootTime.AddHours(8); } else { // Other HALs do not capture the load time. Make the best effort to // capture now, after the devices are initialized. BootTime = DateTime.Now; } } private static void InitDrivers() { // Register drivers who depend on scheduling and resource management. DebugStub.WriteLine("--- Registering Drivers ---------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Registering Non-HAL Drivers."); // register the metadata-based drivers IoSystem.RegisterDrivers(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!061"); // register the internal kernel drivers Devices.RegisterInternalDrivers(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!062"); #if DEBUG // and output the results IoSystem.Dump(false); #endif DebugStub.WriteLine("--- Activating Devices ----------------------------"); // now do device initialization IoSystem.ActivateDrivers(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!063"); #if DEBUG // and output the results // IoSystem.Dump(true); #endif } private static void InitDiagnostics() { // Start up the kernel's diagnostics module Console.WriteLine("Starting diagnostics module..."); Diagnostics.DiagnosticsModule.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!066"); // Start up the kernel's stress test module Console.WriteLine("Initializing stress module..."); Stress.StressService.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!067"); } private static IoMemory GetSystemManifest() { IoMemory res = Binder.GetSystemManifest(); if (res == null) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Failed to load system manifest."); DebugStub.Break(); throw new Exception("The system manifest could not be loaded."); } return res; } private static void FinalizeServices() { ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!075"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Shutting down AP processors"); Processor.StopApProcessors(); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Shutting down I/O system"); Console.WriteLine("Shutting down I/O system"); IoSystem.Finalize(); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Interrupts OFF."); Processor.DisableInterrupts(); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Shutting down scheduler"); Console.WriteLine("Shutting down scheduler"); for (int i = 0; i < Processor.processorTable.Length; i++) { Processor p = Processor.processorTable[i]; if (p != null) { Console.WriteLine(" cpu {0}: {1} context switches, {2} interrupts", i, p.NumContextSwitches, p.NumInterrupts); } } // Finalize the scheduler scheduler.Finalize(); // We should turn off interrupts here! Platform.ReleaseResources(); PEImage.Finalize(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Kernel Exiting [{0}]", __arglist(bootReturnCode)); } private static void FinalizePreMonitoring() { Stacks.Finalize(); HandleTable.Finalize(); SharedHeap.Finalize(); MemoryManager.Finalize(); } private static int GetCpuCount(out int cpusLength) { int cpuReal = Platform.ThePlatform.CpuRealCount; int cpuLimit = Platform.ThePlatform.CpuMaxCount; DebugStub.Assert(cpuReal <= cpuLimit); // See if the command line argument limits our processor count int cpuCount = GetIntegerArgument("mp", cpuReal); cpusLength = cpuReal; #if !SINGULARITY_MP if (cpuCount > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Limiting processors to 1 due to SP build"); cpuCount = 1; } #endif return cpuCount; } // Note: This function is entry point to the managed // kernel for CPU's other than the bootstrap processor. // It is called from the Hal or Hal. [AccessedByRuntime("referenced from hal.cpp")] internal static int MpMain(int cpu) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "processor"); Processor processor = Processor.EnableProcessor(cpu); // Initialize dispatcher Processor.InitializeDispatcher(cpu); // Initialize the HAL processor services // Note that this must occur after EnableProcessor, as the kernel // thread does not get bound until then. (It gets bound much // earlier in the boot processor case -- need to decide if this difference is // really appropriate.) Platform.Cpu(cpu).InitializeServices(); Platform.InitializeHal(processor); Thread.CurrentThread.Affinity = cpu; Processor.ActivateTimer(cpu); #if DEBUG_SYSTEM_LOCKUP // Spin one CPU on debugger. For instance with a quad-proc // box, spin CPU 3. while (cpu == 3) { if (DebugStub.PollForBreak() == true) { DebugStub.Break(); } } #endif // DEBUG_SYSTEM_LOCKUP Processor.RestoreInterrupts(true); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Looping in processor's kernel thread."); //while (cpu > 0) { // Thread.Yield(); //} // This probably won't be the // ultimate way of dissociating kernel entry threads // from the kernel. DebugStub.Print("AP Processor started, about to wait\n"); mpEndEvent.WaitOne(); return 0; } // This function is called by the GC to locate all non-static object // references allocated somewhere other than the stack. internal static void VisitSpecialData(System.GCs.DirectReferenceVisitor visitor) { Platform.ThePlatform.VisitSpecialData(visitor); Process.VisitSpecialData(visitor); visitor.VisitReferenceFields(Processor.processorTable); } // This function is called by GCs that move object to update all // object references contained in non-objects (i.e. unsafe structs). internal static void UpdateAfterGC(Thread currentThread) { Processor.UpdateAfterGC(currentThread); } [AccessedByRuntime("defined in HAL.cpp")] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] [StackBound(256)] [NoHeapAllocation] private static unsafe extern char * HalGetLinkDate(); internal static unsafe string GetLinkDate() { return new String(HalGetLinkDate()); } internal static unsafe string[] GetCommandLine() { String[] args = (new String((char *)(Platform.ThePlatform.CommandLine), 0, Platform.ThePlatform.CommandLineCount)).Split(null); int dst = 0; for (int src = 0; src < args.Length; src++) { if (args[src] != null && args[src].Length > 0) { args[dst++] = args[src]; } } if (dst < args.Length) { String[] list = new String[dst]; for (int i = 0; i < dst; i++) { list[i] = args[i]; } return list; } return args; } // kind the argument "key" and extract the string value following a colon. internal static string GetStringArgument(string key, string defaultValue) { key = key + ":"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { string arg = args[i]; if ((arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("/")) && 0 == String.Compare(arg, 1, key, 0, key.Length, true)) { string result = arg.Substring(key.Length+1); string[] newargs = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 0, newargs, 0, i); Array.Copy(args, i + 1, newargs, i, args.Length - i - 1); args = newargs; return result; } } return defaultValue; } internal static int GetIntegerArgument(string key, int defaultValue) { key = key + ":"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { string arg = args[i]; if ((arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("/")) && 0 == String.Compare(arg, 1, key, 0, key.Length, true)) { string result = arg.Substring(key.Length+1); string[] newargs = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 0, newargs, 0, i); Array.Copy(args, i + 1, newargs, i, args.Length - i - 1); args = newargs; // TODO this should be try-parse return Int32.Parse(result); } } return defaultValue; } [NoHeapAllocation] public static void RequestWarmBoot() { bootReturnCode = Platform.EXIT_AND_WARMBOOT; } [NoHeapAllocation] public static void RequestRestart() { bootReturnCode = Platform.EXIT_AND_RESTART; } [NoHeapAllocation] public static void RequestShutdown() { bootReturnCode = Platform.EXIT_AND_SHUTDOWN; } private static void Kill(int exitCode) { Platform.ThePlatform.Kill(exitCode); } internal static void Shutdown(int exitCode) { unchecked { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Kernel.Shutdown({0})", (UIntPtr)(uint)exitCode); } DebugStub.WriteLine("Kernel.Shutdown(0x{0:x4})", __arglist(exitCode)); DebugStub.Break(); VTable.Shutdown(exitCode); } // Rationale for cutting the fact that no stack probes are permitted in this // tree of calls: // // * We are already hosed. // * Without this cut, places that cannot (transitively) tolerate stack link extensions // * cannot call Panic. [NoStackLinkCheckTransCut][IgnoreLockRank] internal static void Panic(string why) { DebugStub.WriteLine("KERNEL PANIC: {0}", __arglist(why)); Shutdown(Platform.EXIT_AND_HALT); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [NoHeapAllocation] public static UIntPtr AddressOf(Object o) { return Magic.addressOf(o); } [NoHeapAllocation] public static UIntPtr SizeOf(Object o) { return System.GCs.ObjectLayout.Sizeof(o); } [NoHeapAllocation] public static UIntPtr AddressOf(ITracked tracked) { return Magic.addressOf(tracked); } [NoHeapAllocation] unsafe public static UIntPtr AddressOf(void * ptr) { return (UIntPtr)ptr; } public static void InitType(Type ty) { VTable.initType((RuntimeType) ty); } [NoHeapAllocation] public static string TypeName(Object o) { if (o == null) { return "null"; } else { Type t = o.GetType(); RuntimeType r = (RuntimeType)t; return r.Name; } } [NoHeapAllocation] public static string TypeNameSpace(Object o) { if (o == null) { return "null"; } else { Type t = o.GetType(); RuntimeType r = (RuntimeType)t; return r.Namespace; } } public static string FullTypeName(Object o) { if (o == null) { return "null"; } else { Type t = o.GetType(); RuntimeType r = (RuntimeType)t; return r.Namespace + "." + r.Name; } } public static void DumpPageTable() { System.GCs.PageTable.Dump("PageTable"); } internal static void PrintBootTime() { // Console.WriteLine("Current time: {0}", SystemClock.GetUtcTime().ToString("r")); // Console.WriteLine("Boot time: {0}", BootTime.ToString("r")); TimeSpan delta = SystemClock.GetUtcTime() - BootTime; DebugStub.WriteLine("Elapsed boot time = {0} msec.", __arglist(delta.TotalMilliseconds)); } } }