
1430 lines
43 KiB

;;; Microsoft Research Singularity
;;; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;;; This file contains ARM-specific assembly code.
; format_d.s
; Copyright (C) Advanced RISC Machines Limited, 1994. All rights reserved.
; RCS Revision: 1
; Checkin Date: 2007/06/29 02:59:16
; Revising Author
GET fpe.asm
CodeArea |FPL$$Format|
IMPORT __fp_nonveneer_error
; Functions for converting
; double <-> internal,
; double <-> int,
; double <-> longlong
; and for fiddling with the double format (frexp)
DNaNInf EQU NaNInfExp_Double - EIExp_bias + DExp_bias
exp RN 2
[ :DEF: dflt_s :LOR: :DEF: dfltu_s
;This code needed for the unsigned float too.
;Now we have the basis of the exponent, we round.
MOVS utmp1, a1, LSR #16
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #16
SUBEQ tmp, tmp, #16<<DExp_pos
MOVS utmp1, a1, LSR #24
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #8
SUBEQ tmp, tmp, #8<<DExp_pos
MOVS utmp1, a1, LSR #28
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #4
SUBEQ tmp, tmp, #4<<DExp_pos
MOVS utmp1, a1, LSR #30
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #2
SUBEQ tmp, tmp, #2<<DExp_pos
MOVS utmp1, a1, LSR #31
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #1
SUBEQ tmp, tmp, #1<<DExp_pos
MOV a1, a1, LSL #1
;Now shift the mantissa into both words
MOV dOPl, a1, LSL #DFhi_len
ORR dOPh, tmp, a1, LSR #32-DFhi_len
[ :DEF: dflt_s
Export __itod
Export __utod
__utod EnterWithLR_16
MOV exp, #(DExp_bias+1) << DExp_pos
B __dflt_normalise
__itod EnterWithLR_16
ANDS exp, a1, #Sign_bit ;Extract sign
RSBNE a1, a1, #0 ;If -ve, undo 2's complement
ORR exp, exp, #(DExp_bias+1) << DExp_pos
; fallthrough
; Normalise a 32 bit number in a1. The high 13 bit of exp contain
; the preset sign+exponent. The decimal point is set at bit 1 (if a1 = 2,
; exponent will be increased by 0).
; No under/overflow checking is done. Returns normalised double in dOPh/l,
; or +0 if the number was zero.
MOVS a2, a1, LSR #16
ADDNE exp, exp, #16 << DExp_pos
MOVEQS a1, a1, LSL #16
ReturnToLR EQ ; a1 was zero - return +0
TST a1, #255 << 24
ADDNE exp, exp, #8 << DExp_pos
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #8
TST a1, #15 << 28
ADDNE exp, exp, #4 << DExp_pos
MOVEQ a1, a1, LSL #4
TST a1, #3 << 30
ADDNE exp, exp, #2 << DExp_pos
MOVEQS a1, a1, LSL #2
; MI if high bit set, PL if not
ADDMI exp, exp, #1 << DExp_pos
MOVPL a1, a1, LSL #1
MOV tmp, a1
MOV dOPl, tmp, LSL #DFhi_len+1 ; put low 12 bits into low word
ADD dOPh, exp, tmp, ASR #32 - (DFhi_len+1) ; combine high 20 bits and exponent ; and subtract one from exponent
[ :DEF: ll_sto_d_s :LOR: :DEF: ll_uto_d_s
;This code needed for the unsigned float too.
;Now we have the basis of the exponent, we round.
MOV utmp1, #0
MOVS utmp2, a2, LSR #16
MOVEQ a2, a2, LSL #16
ADDEQ utmp1, utmp1, #16
MOVS utmp2, a2, LSR #24
MOVEQ a2, a2, LSL #8
ADDEQ utmp1, utmp1, #8
MOVS utmp2, a2, LSR #28
MOVEQ a2, a2, LSL #4
ADDEQ utmp1, utmp1, #4
MOVS utmp2, a2, LSR #30
MOVEQ a2, a2, LSL #2
ADDEQ utmp1, utmp1, #2
MOVS utmp2, a2, LSR #31
MOVEQ a2, a2, LSL #1
ADDEQ utmp1, utmp1, #1
MOV a2, a2, LSL #1
SUB tmp, tmp, utmp1, LSL #DExp_pos
; save off low-word for now
MOV utmp2, a1
; take bits from high word into mhi
ORR dOPh, tmp, a2, LSR #DExp_len+1
; get 32 - (number of bits from other word needed in mhi)
RSB utmp1, utmp1, #64-DFhi_len-1
SUBS tmp, utmp1, #32 ; CMP, save result
ORRLO dOPh, dOPh, utmp2, LSR utmp1
RSBLO utmp1, utmp1, #32
MOVLO dOPl, utmp2, LSL utmp1
ReturnToLR LO
; high word contributes to mlo, and there's a rounding to be
; considered.
MOV dOPl, a2, LSL #DFhi_len ; this many bits left from top-word
ORR dOPl, dOPl, utmp2, LSR tmp ; plus these bits
; now deal with the rounding
RSB tmp, tmp, #33
MOVS utmp2, utmp2, LSL tmp ; C<-round Z<-sticky
; Now we need to round - the rounding bits are in the flags
ReturnToLR CC
TSTEQ dOPl, #1 ; combine "even" bit with sticky
ReturnToLR EQ
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1 ; round up
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1 ; and carry
[ :DEF: ll_sto_d_s
Export _ll_sto_d
ImportCodeSize _ll_to_d_shared
_ll_sto_d EnterWithLR_16
IMPORT _dfltu
TEQ a2, #0
BEQ _dfltu ; a 'normal' long
ANDS tmp, a2, #Sign_bit ; Extract sign
; sign is in tmp, and the denormalised mantissa is in a1/a2.
[ CodeSize = 2
BEQ _ll_to_d_shared
ORR tmp, tmp, #((DExp_bias + 63) :AND: 0xff00) << DExp_pos
[ CodeSize = 1
BEQ _ll_to_d_shared
ORR tmp, tmp, #((DExp_bias + 63) :AND: 0x00ff) << DExp_pos
RSBS a1, a1, #0
RSCS a2, a2, #0 ; undo 2's complement
[ CodeSize <> 0
BNE _ll_to_d_shared
BL _dfltu
ORR dOPh, dOPh, #Sign_bit
[ :DEF: ll_uto_d_s
Export _ll_uto_d
ExportCodeSize _ll_to_d_shared
_ll_uto_d EnterWithLR_16
IMPORT _dfltu
TEQ a2, #0
BEQ _dfltu
[ CodeSize = 2
MOV tmp, #0
ORR tmp, tmp, #((DExp_bias + 63) :AND: 0xff00) << DExp_pos
MOV tmp, #((DExp_bias + 63) :AND: 0xff00) << DExp_pos
[ CodeSize = 1
ORR tmp, tmp, #((DExp_bias + 63) :AND: 0x00ff) << DExp_pos
[ :DEF: dfix_s
Export _dfix
_dfix EnterWithLR_16
MOVS a3, dOPh, LSL #1 ; C<--sign
MOV a3, a3, LSR #DFhi_len+1
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len
ORR a1, dOPh, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len+1
ORR a1, a1, #1<<31
SUB a3, a3, #(DExp_bias:AND:0xff00)
BCS _dfix_neg
SUBS a3, a3, #(DExp_bias:AND:0x00ff)
BMI _dfix_zero
RSBS a3, a3, #31
; if resulting shift is -ve, or zero, then the result would
; overflow (zero because it would leave the units bit
; unchanged, and this path is for +ve arguments)
MOVGT a1, a1, LSR a3
; Don't return -ve results for +ve arguments - will only happen
; if the shift amount is zero
ReturnToLR GT
; a1 contains the mantissa, with units bit at bit 31 (shift
; did not happen, or was zero)
; a2 contains the other bits of the mantissa
BIC a1, a1, #Sign_bit ; ensure any untrapped result is +ve
B _dfix_ivo
MOV a1, #0
SUBS a3, a3, #(DExp_bias:AND:0x00ff)
BMI _dfix_zero
RSBS a3, a3, #31
MOVGT a1, a1, LSR a3
RSBGT a1, a1, #0 ; don't return +ve for -ve arguments
ReturnToLR GT
; Special case - INT_MIN will leave a shift of zero (Z set), and
; r0=0x80000000 r1=0x00000000
ORREQS ip, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1 ; Z<-special case
ReturnToLR EQ
; ORR a1, a1, #Sign_bit ; ensure untrapped result is -ve
MOV a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixFn
[ {TRUE}
; On some systems, casting NaN returns zero
; check for maximum exponent
ADD a3, a3, #:NOT:(31-((DExp_mask:SHR:DExp_pos)-DExp_bias))
CMN a3, #1
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS ip, dOPl, a1, LSL #1 ; ignore prospective sign
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn
B __fp_nonveneer_error
[ :DEF: dfixu_s
Export _dfixu
_dfixu EnterWithLR_16
MOVS a3, dOPh, LSL #1 ; C<-sign
BCS _dfixu_neg
[ CodeSize <> 0
;; This doesn't work at the moment, because dfixu will return UINT_MAX on
;; overflow, whereas for dfix it should return INT_MAX. The same applies
;; to longlong and float versions
MOV a3, a3, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; get exponent into a3
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len
ORR a1, dOPh, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; get mantissa into a1
ORR a1, a1, #1<<31 ; and add units bit
SUB a3, a3, #(DExp_bias:AND:0xff00)
SUBS a3, a3, #(DExp_bias:AND:0x00ff)
BMI _dfix_zero
RSBS a3, a3, #31
; in the unsigned case, a shift of zero is perfectly allowable
MOVPL a1, a1, LSR a3
ReturnToLR PL
MOV a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixuFn
[ {TRUE}
; On some systems, casting NaN returns zero
; check for maximum exponent
ADD a3, a3, #:NOT:(31-((DExp_mask:SHR:DExp_pos)-DExp_bias))
CMN a3, #1
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS ip, dOPl, a1, LSL #1 ; ignore units bit
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn
B __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS a4, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
MOV a1, #0
[ :DEF: ll_sfrom_d_s
Export _ll_sfrom_d
_ll_sfrom_d EnterWithLR_16
MOVS a4, dOPh, LSL #1 ; C<-sign
MOV a4, a4, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; exp
MOV tmp, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len ; mhi
ORR tmp, tmp, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; add mlo to mhi
ORR tmp, tmp, #1<<31 ; set units bit -- tmp now has top of mantissa
MOV a1, dOPl, LSL #DExp_len ; a1 <- low of mantissa
; a1 <- lsw of mantissa
; a2 <- original low word of mantissa
; tmp <- msw of mantissa, with units
; a4 <- exponent, still biased
; C <- sign
SUB a4, a4, #(DExp_bias :AND: 0xff00)
BCS ll_from_d_negative
SUBS a4, a4, #(DExp_bias :AND: 0x00ff)
BMI _ll_from_d_zero
RSBS a3, a4, #31 ; N <- large exponent
MOVGT a1, tmp, LSR a3 ; small exponent - 32+a3 shift
MOVGT a2, #0 ; msw is zero
ReturnToLR GT
ADDS a3, a3, #32 ; large exponent, N <- too large
SUB a4, a4, #31
MOVGT a1, a1, LSR a3
ORRGT a1, a1, tmp, LSL a4
MOVGT a2, tmp, LSR a3 ; ensure result is +ve
ReturnToLR GT
; fall through
; tmp/a2 <- mantissa
; a4 <- unbiased exponent
BIC a1, a1, #Sign_bit ; prospective result is +ve
B _ll_from_d_ivo
MOV a1, #0
MOV a2, #0
SUBS a4, a4, #(DExp_bias :AND: 0x00ff)
BMI _ll_from_d_zero
RSBS a3, a4, #31
MOVPL a1, tmp, LSR a3
MOVPL a2, #0
BPL %ft01
ADDS a3, a3, #32
SUB a4, a4, #31
BLE %f02
MOV a1, a1, LSR a3
ORR a1, a1, tmp, LSL a4
MOV a2, tmp, LSR a3
01 RSBS a1, a1, #0
RSC a2, a2, #0
; special case for LLINT_MIN
ORREQS a1, dOPl, ip, LSL #1
MOVEQ a2, #Sign_bit
ReturnToLR EQ
ORR a1, a1, #Sign_bit ; ensure result is -ve
; tmp/a2 <- mantissa
; a3 <- unbiased exponent
MOV a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixFn :OR: LongLong_bit
[ {TRUE}
; On some systems, casting NaN returns zero
; check for maximum exponent
ADD a3, a3, #:NOT:(63-((DExp_mask:SHR:DExp_pos)-DExp_bias))
CMN a3, #1
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS ip, dOPl, tmp, LSL #1 ; ignore units bit
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn :OR: LongLong_bit
B __fp_nonveneer_error
[ :DEF: ll_ufrom_d_s
Export _ll_ufrom_d
_ll_ufrom_d EnterWithLR_16
MOVS a3, dOPh, LSL #1 ; C<-sign
BCS _ll_ufrom_d_neg
MOV a3, a3, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; exp
MOV a4, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len ; mhi
ORR a4, a4, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; add mlo to mhi
ORR a4, a4, #1<<31 ; set units bit -- a4 now has top of mantissa
MOV a1, dOPl, LSL #DExp_len ; a1 <- low of mantissa
MOV a2, a4 ; a2 <- high of mantissa
; a1 <- lsw of mantissa
; a2 <- msw of mantissa, with units
SUB a3, a3, #(DExp_bias :AND: 0xff00)
SUBS a3, a3, #(DExp_bias :AND: 0x00ff)
BMI _ll_ufrom_d_zero
RSBS a4, a3, #31 ; N <- large exponent
MOVPL a1, a2, LSR a4 ; small exponent - 32+a4 shift
MOVPL a2, #0 ; msw is zero
ReturnToLR PL
ADDS a4, a4, #32 ; large exponent, N <- too large
SUB a3, a3, #31
MOVPL a1, a1, LSR a4
ORRPL a1, a1, a2, LSL a3
MOVPL a2, a2, LSR a4
ReturnToLR PL
; fall through
; On some systems, casting NaN returns zero
; check for maximum exponent
ADD a3, a4, #:NOT:(63-((DExp_mask:SHR:DExp_pos)-DExp_bias))
CMN a3, #1
MOV a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixuFn :OR: LongLong_bit
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS ip, a1, dOPl, LSL #1 ; ignore units bit
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn :OR: LongLong_bit
B __fp_nonveneer_error
ORRS a4, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1
MOVNE a4, #IVO_bit :OR: FixZeroFn :OR: LongLong_bit
BNE __fp_nonveneer_error
MOV a1, #0
MOV a2, #0
[ :DEF: d2e_s
_d2e EnterWithLR
MOVS tmp,dOPh,LSL #1 ;C=sign; Z=exp & zero
TEQEQ dOPl,#0 ;C unchanged; Z=value is a zero
MOV a4,tmp,LSL #DExp_len-1 ; in bits 30:11 of mhi
MOV dOPh,tmp,LSR #DExp_pos ;Exponent in bits 11:1
MOV OP1mlo,dOPl,LSL #DExp_len ; OP2mhi and 31:11 of OP2mlo
ORR OP1mhi,a4,dOPl,LSR #DFhi_len+1
;Fraction in bits 30:0 of
ADDNE dOPh,dOPh,#(EIExp_bias-DExp_bias):SHL:1
MOV OP1sue,dOPh,RRX ;Recombine sign and exponent
ORRNE OP1mhi,OP1mhi,#EIUnits_bit
; Gets here with the *double precision* exponent in the top 11 bits
; of tmp. (Exponent<<1+DExp_pos.) We use a sign extended shift to
; spot the "maximum exponent case" - leaves us with -1 in tmp.
MOVS tmp,tmp,ASR #1+DExp_pos
BEQ _d2e_norm_op1 ;Returns to caller
CMP tmp,#&ffffffff
ORREQ OP1sue,OP1sue,#Uncommon_bit
; Got to here implies a denormalised number. This needs normalising. The
; units bit is (incorrectly) set. If it *is* unset then this is a zero,
; and we have got here "by accident".
TST OP1mhi, #EIUnits_bit
ReturnToLR EQ
BICS OP1mhi,OP1mhi,#Sign_bit
BEQ _d2e_denorm_low
; The top set bit in the high word, so find out how much to denormalise
; by
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mhi,LSR #16
MOVEQ OP1mhi,OP1mhi,LSL #16
MOVEQ tmp,#16
MOVNE tmp,#0
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mhi,LSR #24
MOVEQ OP1mhi,OP1mhi,LSL #8
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#8
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mhi,LSR #28
MOVEQ OP1mhi,OP1mhi,LSL #4
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#4
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mhi,LSR #30
MOVEQ OP1mhi,OP1mhi,LSL #2
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#2
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mhi,LSR #31
MOVEQ OP1mhi,OP1mhi,LSL #1
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#1
; tmp now contains the amount to shift by.
RSB RNDexp,tmp,#32
ORR OP1mhi,OP1mhi,OP1mlo,LSR RNDexp
MOV OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL tmp
SUB OP1sue,OP1sue,tmp
ADD OP1sue,OP1sue,#1
; The top bit to be set is in OP1mlo
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mlo,LSR #16
MOVEQ OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL #16
MOVEQ tmp,#16
MOVNE tmp,#0
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mlo,LSR #24
MOVEQ OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL #8
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#8
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mlo,LSR #28
MOVEQ OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL #4
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#4
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mlo,LSR #30
MOVEQ OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL #2
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#2
MOVS RNDexp,OP1mlo,LSR #31
MOVEQ OP1mlo,OP1mlo,LSL #1
ADDEQ tmp,tmp,#1
; tmp now contains the amount to shift by.
MOV OP1mhi,OP1mlo
MOV OP1mlo,#0
SUB OP1sue,OP1sue,#31
SUB OP1sue,OP1sue,tmp
[ :DEF: e2d_s
EXPORT __fp_e2d
E2D_Return $cc=AL
MOV$cc a4, r10
LDM$cc.FD sp!, {r10}
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
BX$cc lr
MOV$cc pc, lr
_e2d EnterWithLR
MOV RNDexp, OP1sue, LSL #32-EIExp_len
MOV RNDexp, RNDexp, LSR #32-EIExp_len
BIC OP1sue, OP1sue, RNDexp
STMFD sp!, {r10} ; r10 is used to store exception information
MOV r10, #0 ; Assume no exceptions
;Passed in the result of an operation. That is:
; - the uncommon/sign are in OP1sue
; an error can be flagged as Uncommon, with the Error bit set, and
; a further bit specifying which. fpe.s defines appropriate values
; (e.g. IVO_bits). These are transferred to a4 on exit.
; - the exponent in RNDexp,
; - the fraction in OP1mlo/OP1mhi.
;Return with
; - a result in dOPh/dOPl and possibly some error flags in a4
ASSERT Uncommon_bit = 1:SHL:(31-1)
ASSERT EIUnits_bit = 1:SHL:31
BICS tmp, OP1mhi, OP1sue, LSL #1
BPL _e2d_SpecialCase
SUBS RNDexp, RNDexp, #(EIExp_bias-DExp_bias)
BMI _e2d_ExpUnderflow
ASSERT tmp <> RNDexp
ADDNE tmp, RNDexp, #1
CMPNE tmp, #DNaNInf+1
BGE _e2d_ExpOverflow
MOVS tmp, OP1mlo, LSR #32-DFhi_len-1 ; 1 is for the J bit
;If rounding is needed then a one will have dropped out
BCS _e2d_NeedsRounding
;Simple enough now then.
; Test for inexact
ORRS Rarith, Rarith, OP1mlo, LSL #DFhi_len+1
ORRNE r10, r10, #INX_bit
ORR dOPh, OP1sue, RNDexp, LSL #DExp_pos
BIC OP1mhi, OP1mhi, #EIUnits_bit
ORR dOPh, dOPh, OP1mhi, LSR #32-DFhi_len-1
ORR dOPl, tmp, OP1mhi, LSL #DFhi_len+1
E2D_Return ; 22S+1N
TST OP1sue, #Uncommon_bit
BNE _e2d_Uncommon
;Sign is in OP1sue's top bit. The units bit of OP1mhi is clear indicating a
;zero value (since the denorm case is handled by the uncommon bit).
AND dOPh, OP1sue, #Sign_bit
MOV dOPl, #0
E2D_Return ; 9S+2N
;Sign is in OP1sue's sign bit. May still need rounding. The exponent (RNDexp)
;is out of range for a double precision number, and wasn't signalled as a NaN.
;The exponent has been re-biased.
;Might just be the "just underflowing case" (because of a quirk above). In
;that case RNDexp = 0
TEQ RNDexp, #0
BEQ _e2d_ExpUnderflow
MOV r10, #OVF_bit :OR: INX_bit
MOV r0, #0 ; Have an overflow so clear mantissa and
MVN r2, #0 ; force exponent to max, preserving the sign
ANDS r1, r1, r2, LSL #20 ; ..
ORR r1, r1, r2, LSL #20 ; ..
BICPL r1, r1, #0x80000000 ; ..
Export _e2d_ExpUnderflow
;Underflow. If the value can be represented as a denorm in the target
;precision, then it should be. For this to be the case the exponent needs
;to lie in the range [&380-23..&380]. Otherwise the result is a suitably
;signed zero. (A zero is, however, a denorm with zero mantissa.)
;The exponent (RNDexp) has been rebiased (by (EIExp_bias-SExp_bias))
ADDS RNDexp, RNDexp, #DFhi_len+32
;If the result is zero then we round according to the top bit of the
;fraction. Branch out of line to do this.
BEQ _e2d_ExpJustUnderflow
;If this result is negative, nothing can be done, so return a signed zero.
ANDMI dOPh, OP1sue, #Sign_bit
MOVMI dOPl, #0
ORRMI r10, r10, #UNF_bits
E2D_Return MI
;These need to be converted into a denormalised number. We want the N
;left most bits (N<=52) from this 64-bit value. This splits into three
;cases - [1..20], [21..32] and [33..52]. We actually split it into the
;[1..32] and [33..52] cases.
SUBS RNDexp, RNDexp, #32
BEQ _e2d_Underflow32
BLT _e2d_ShortUnderflow
;Okay - all the bits we are going to throw away are in the low word.
;Check for rounding.
SUB tmp, RNDexp, #1
ORRS tmp, Rarith, OP1mlo, LSL RNDexp
ORRNE r10, r10, #UNF_bits ; Determine inexact
MOVS tmp, OP1mlo, LSL RNDexp
BMI _e2d_LongUnderflowNeedsRounding
RSB tmp, RNDexp, #32
ASSERT dOPh <> OP1mhi
ORR dOPh, OP1sue, OP1mhi, LSR tmp
MOV OP1mlo, OP1mlo, LSR tmp
ORR dOPl, OP1mlo, OP1mhi, LSL RNDexp
;We need to determine whether to just round upwards, or to round to even.
ORRS tmp, Rarith, tmp, LSL #1 ;C=1, Z=definite round to even.
;Now we calculate the shift amount and do the shift, probably throwing away
;lots of mantissa bits
RSB tmp, RNDexp, #32
;Merge in the sign bit and add one (C flag). Then undo the rounding if we
;need to round to even and the result isn't even.
ORR dOPh, OP1sue, OP1mhi, LSR tmp
MOV OP1mlo, OP1mlo, LSR tmp
ORR dOPl, OP1mlo, OP1mhi, LSL RNDexp
TSTEQ dOPl, #1
E2D_Return EQ
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1
TST dOPh, #0x00100000 ; Check if rounded up to MinNormal
BICNE r10, r10, #UNF_bit ; If did, no longer underflow
; Check for inexact
ORRS tmp, Rarith, OP1mlo
ORRNE r10, r10, #UNF_bits
;We are going to throw away the entire of the bottom word. This makes
;rounding simple, so it is special cased.
TEQ OP1mlo, #1<<31
;Z flag is set if only the top bit is set. The N flag is set to the
;*inverse* of the top bit.
ASSERT OP1sue = dOPh
ASSERT OP1mhi = dOPl
E2D_Return MI ;No rounding to be done
TSTEQ dOPl, #1 ;Z flag now clear if rounding needed
E2D_Return EQ
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1
;We are going to throw away all of the bottom word. The amount to shift
;by is in RNDexp, but has had 32 taken away.
ADD RNDexp, RNDexp, #32 ; Undo the subtraction
; Check for inexact
SUB tmp, RNDexp, #0
ORR tmp, Rarith, OP1mhi, LSL tmp
ORRS tmp, tmp, OP1mlo
ORRNE r10, r10, #UNF_bits
MOVS tmp, OP1mhi, LSL RNDexp ; test top bit to be thrown
BMI _e2d_ShortUnderflowNeedsRounding
RSB tmp, RNDexp, #32
ASSERT dOPh <> OP1mhi
MOV dOPl, OP1mhi, LSR tmp
AND dOPh, OP1sue, #Sign_bit
TEQ tmp, #1<<31 ; any bits other than rounding
ORREQS tmp, OP1mlo, Rarith ; bit? i.e. in lo or in sticky?
RSB tmp, RNDexp, #32
ASSERT dOPh = OP1sue
MOV dOPl, OP1mhi, LSR tmp
TSTEQ dOPl, #1
ADDNE dOPl, dOPl, #1 ; Can't overflow in this case
;The exponent is just at the limits of underflow - i.e. we may be able
;to represent the number as the float epsilon.
; MOVS dOPh, dOPh, LSR #20
; ADC fOP, tmp, #0
;But that's not how the FP emulator behaves. It does this:
TEQ OP1mhi, #1<<31
TEQEQ OP1mlo, #0
ASSERT OP1sue = dOPh
MOVEQ dOPl, #0
MOVNE dOPl, #1
ORR r10, r10, #UNF_bits
;The uncommon bit may signal an error (in which case the error bit will
;be set too)
; RDCFix: Get rid of this? Take care of NaNs, etc. in special code for each routine?
; TST OP1sue,#Error_bit
; BNE _e2d_Error
;The uncommon bit (infinity or a NaN) bit was set. The exponent in RNDexp
;is invalid. An infinity is signalled by mhi=mlo=0.
TEQ OP1mhi, #0
MOVNES OP1mhi, OP1mhi, LSL #1
MOVMI dOPh, #-1
E2D_Return MI
TEQEQ OP1mlo, #0
E2D_Return NE
;An infinity. The sign of the resulting infinity is in tmp.
AND dOPh, OP1sue, #Sign_bit
ORR dOPh, dOPh,#(DNaNInf:AND:&ff00)<<DExp_pos
ORR dOPh, dOPh,#(DNaNInf:AND:&00ff)<<DExp_pos
ASSERT dOPl = OP1mhi ; =0
;RDCFix: Get rid of this? See above
;The error bit was set.
; MOV a4, OP1sue
; ORR r10, r10, #IVO_bit
; E2D_Return
;Sign in OP1sue, exponent (in range) in RNDexp. OP1mlo is unaffected, but
;a correctly shifted value is in tmp. OP1mhi has the top bit set.
BIC OP1mhi, OP1mhi, #EIUnits_bit
;Get the bits that are going to be thrown away, except for the topmost one
; Test for inexact
ORRS tmp, Rarith, OP1mlo, LSL #DFhi_len+1
ORRNE r10, r10, #INX_bit
MOV tmp, OP1mlo, LSL #DFhi_len+2
ORRS tmp, tmp, Rarith ; Z<-round to even
AND tmp, OP1sue, #Sign_bit ; save the real sign
MOV dOPh, RNDexp, LSL #DExp_pos
ORR dOPh, dOPh, OP1mhi, LSR #32-DFhi_len-1
MOV dOPl, OP1mhi, LSL #DFhi_len+1
ORR dOPl, dOPl, OP1mlo, LSR #32-DFhi_len-1
; MOV a4, #0
BEQ _e2d_RoundToEven
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1
ADDS a3, dOPh, #1<<DExp_pos
ORR dOPh, dOPh, tmp
E2D_Return PL
MOV r10, #OVF_bits
;If we need to round to zero, we do something else
TSTEQ dOPl, #1
ORREQ dOPh, dOPh, tmp
E2D_Return EQ
; Same as before
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1
ADDS a3, dOPh, #1<<DExp_pos
ORR dOPh, dOPh, tmp
E2D_Return PL
MOV r10, #OVF_bits
; frexp
[ :DEF: frexp_s
; Take a double and a pointer to an integer, and return the fractional part,
; writing the integer to the pointer.
EXPORT frexp
EXPORT __fp_frexp
[ :DEF: thumb
EXPORT __16__fp_frexp
Import_32 __fp_edom
Import_32 __fp_erange
; extern double frexp(double value, int *exp);
[ :DEF: thumb
PUSH {a3,lr}
BL __16__fp_frexp
POP {a4}
STR a3,[a4]
[ Interworking
POP {a4}
BX a4
POP {pc}
STMFD sp!,{a3,lr} ; leaves sp pointing at a3
BL __fp_frexp ; returns double,int
LDMFD sp!,{a4,lr}
STR a3,[a4] ; store value away
; __value_in_regs struct { double frac; int exp } __fp_exp(double);
__fp_frexp EnterWithLR_16
MOVS dOPh,dOPh,LSL #1 ; C<-sign Z<-zero?
TEQEQ dOPl,#0 ; Z<-zero
MOVEQ dOPh,dOPh,RRX ; if (zero) restore sign;
MOVEQ a3,#0 ; return exp=0
ReturnToLR EQ
MOV a3,dOPh,LSR #DFhi_len+1 ; extract exponent
BIC dOPh,dOPh,a3,LSL #DFhi_len+1 ; clear out exponent
MOV dOPh,dOPh,RRX ; recombine sign bit
TEQ a3,#0
SUB a3,a3,#(DExp_bias-1):AND:&ff00
SUB a3,a3,#(DExp_bias-1):AND:&00ff ; adjust exponent
BEQ __fp_frexp_denorm ; un-normalized mantissa
ORR dOPh,dOPh,#(0x3fe<<(DFhi_len)) :AND: 0xff000000 ; add new exponent
ORR dOPh,dOPh,#(0x3fe<<(DFhi_len)) :AND: 0x00ff0000
;Test for an uncommon exponent - &401
EOR a4,a3,#(DNaNInf-DExp_bias+1):AND:&ff00
TEQ a4,#(DNaNInf-DExp_bias+1):AND:&00ff
ReturnToLR NE ; and return
; We have an uncommon value. We need to set errno to EDOM and return a huge_val.
MOV a2, #1 ; return HUGE_VAL
B_32 __fp_edom
; Handle an unnormalized mantissa
; Shove the sign bit into a temporary register, and then shove the mantissa up into
; the top of the word. Then loop around until a bit pops out, and recombine everything.
AND tmp,dOPh,#Sign_bit
MOV dOPh,dOPh,LSL #DExp_len+1
SUB a3,a3,#1
MOVS dOPh,dOPh,LSL #1 ; N<-last bit C<-0
BMI frexp_denorm_loop_exit
ORRCS dOPh,dOPh,#1:SHL:(DExp_len+1)
B frexp_denorm_loop
; When we get here we have:
; We sign extend the 1 to get the 3fe exponent and then add in the sign
[ :DEF: ldexp_s
EXPORT ldexp
Import_32 __fp_edom
Import_32 __fp_erange
; Take a double format number and an integer, and return x * 2^n without
; calculating 2^n - i.e. add n to the exponent of x.
; extern double ldexp(double value, int exp);
ldexp EnterWithStack
AND tmp, dOPh, #Sign_bit
MOVS a4, dOPh, LSL #1
MOVS a4, a4, LSR #DExp_pos+1 ; Grab exponent in a4
BEQ ldexp_zero_exp
; Test for max exponent
ADD lr, a4, #1
CMP lr, #1:SHL:DExp_len
BGE ldexp_max_exp
ADDS a4, a4, a3
BLE ldexp_exp_underflow ;not sure about CC here
; Test for max exponent
ADD lr, a4, #1
CMP lr, #1:SHL:DExp_len
BGE ldexp_exp_overflow
;Add the mantissa onto the exponent, and then rotate into position adding
ORR dOPh, a4, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len+1
ORR dOPh, tmp, dOPh, ROR #DExp_len+1
; Could either be a zero (return zero) or an un-normalized number (yuck).
ORRS a4, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1 ; check for zero
MOVEQ dOPh, tmp
ReturnToStack EQ
; An un-normalized number...
; We do this the slow way - normalize the number, and then branch back into
; the main code. For each normalization step, decrement a3
MOVS dOPl, dOPl, LSL #1 ; C <- top bit of low
ADC dOPh, dOPh, dOPh ; dOPh << 1 + C flag
SUB a3, a3, #1
TST dOPh, #1:SHL:DExp_pos
BEQ ldexp_norm_loop
;The value has been normalized, so the exponent is "1". The bit at
;DExp_pos in dOPh is unimportant - it will be cleared later.
MOV a4, #1
B ldexp_entry
; clear exponent and add leading one.
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len
ORR dOPh, dOPh, #1<<31
; A zero or negative exponent. We should attempt denormalization.
; An exponent in the range [0..-19] leaves some bits in the high word
CMP a4, #-DFhi_len
BGT ldexp_ufl_small
; An exponent in the range [-53..) cannot be denormalised - the result
; is just zero. -52 might just get a result through rounding.
CMP a4, #-(DFhi_len+32)
BGE ldexp_ufl_large
; Return a zero with the same sign as the argument
MOV dOPh, tmp
MOV dOPl, #0
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSR #DExp_len
RSB a4, a4, #1 ; get the shift amount
RSB a3, a4, #32 ; get inverse shift amount
; get rounding information
MOV lr, dOPl, LSL a3
MOVS lr, lr, LSL #1 ; C <- round Z <- if round, round to even
MOV lr, dOPh, LSL a3 ; do the shift
ORR dOPl, lr, dOPl, LSR a4
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSR a4
ORR dOPh, dOPh, tmp ; add in sign
B ldexp_ufl_exit
; we know that the result is going to be all in the lower word, but are any
; bits from the lower word going to be used? [-20..-31]
ADDS a4, a4, #32 ; shift amount
BLE ldexp_ufl_massive
; dOPh is in place - merge in dOPl bits.
ORR dOPh, dOPh, dOPl, LSR #32-DExp_len
; get rounding information
MOVS lr, dOPl, LSL a4 ; C <- round, Z <- if round, round to even
RSB a4, a4, #32-DFhi_len
B ldexp_ufl_massive_exit
ADD a4, a4, #DFhi_len+1
; get rounding information
ORRS lr, dOPl, dOPh, LSL a4 ; C <- round, Z <- if round, round to even
RSB a4, a4, #33
MOV dOPl, dOPh, LSR a4 ; do shift
MOV dOPh, tmp ; get sign/hi-word
TSTEQ dOPl, #1 ; test for rounding
ReturnToStack LS ; C clear (don't round) or Z set (even)
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #1 ; round upwards
ADDCS dOPh, dOPh, #1
; The number has the maximum exponent, so the result is a domain error.
MOV a2, #1 ; return HUGE_VAL
B_32 __fp_edom
; Exponent overflow - set ERANGE and return HUGE_VAL.
MOV a2, #1 ; return HUGE_VAL
B_32 __fp_erange
[ :DEF: modf_s
IMPORT _dadd
modf EnterWithLR
; Take a double argument in a1,a2, and a pointer in a3 and write
; the integral part to *a3, returning the fractional part.
;Test for zero (return zero and write zero)
ORRS tmp,dOPl,dOPh,LSL #1 ; Z<-zero argument
;A zero argument. Integer part is appropiate zero, fractional part is zero.
;We know that tmp=0 and dOPl must also be zero.
STMEQIA a3,{dOPl,tmp}
ReturnToLR EQ
MOV tmp,dOPh,LSL #1
MOV tmp,tmp,LSR #DFhi_len+1
SUB tmp,tmp,#DExp_bias+1
ADDS tmp,tmp,#1
BMI modf_small
RSBS tmp,tmp,#DFhi_len
BPL modf_truncate_top
ADDS tmp,tmp,#32
BMI modf_big
MOV a4,dOPl,LSR tmp
MOV a4,a4,LSL tmp
STMIA a3,{dOPh,a4}
EOR dOP2h,dOP1h,#Sign_bit
B _dadd
MOV a4,dOPh,LSR tmp
MOV a4,a4,LSL tmp
MOV tmp,#0
ASSERT tmp>a4
STMIA a3,{a4,tmp}
EOR dOP2h,a4,#Sign_bit
MOV dOP2l,#0
B _dadd
; The number is so big that it has no fractional part.
STMIA a3,{dOPh,dOPl}
MOV dOPh,#0
MOV dOPl,#0
; The number is so small that it has a zero integer part.
MOV a4,#0
MOV tmp,#0
STMIA a3,{a4,tmp}
[ :DEF: floor_s
EXPORT floor
mask RN 12
; Floor - Round to an integer towards -Inf
floor EnterWithLR
MOVS exp, dOPh, LSL #1
BCS ceil_1
MOV exp, exp, LSR #21
RSB exp, exp, #1088 ; 1088 is first 8-bit constant > 1023+53
RSBS exp, exp, #65
BLO floor_exp_overflow ; exp > 1088 or exp < 1023 -> overflow
; exp is number of fraction bits to preserve (0 .. 65)
RSBS exp, exp, #20 ; number of bits to clear in high word
MOV mask, #-1
ANDGE dOPh, dOPh, mask, LSL exp ; clear exp bits in high word
MOVGE dOPl, #0
ReturnToLR GE
RSB exp, exp, #0 ; number of bits to preserve in low word
BIC dOPl, dOPl, mask, LSR exp ; preserve exp bits in low word
floor_exp_overflow ; PL if exp too large, MI too small
ANDMI dOPh, dOPh, #Sign_bit ; create signed zero
MOVMI dOPl, #0
; Ceil - Round to an integer towards +Inf
ceil EnterWithLR
MOVS exp, dOPh, LSL #1
BCS floor_1
MOV exp, exp, LSR #21
RSB exp, exp, #1088
RSBS exp, exp, #65
BLO ceil_exp_overflow ; exp > 1088 or exp < 1023 -> overflow
; exp is number of fraction bits to preserve (0 .. 65)
MOV mask, #-1
SUBS exp, exp, #20 ; number of bits to preserve in low word
BGT ceil_low
ADD exp, exp, #32 ; number of bits to preserve in high word
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, #-1 ; round up low word
ADC dOPh, dOPh, mask, LSR exp ; round up high word
BIC dOPh, dOPh, mask, LSR exp ; clear exp bits in high word
MOV dOPl, #0
ADDS dOPl, dOPl, mask, LSR exp ; round up low word
BIC dOPl, dOPl, mask, LSR exp ; clear exp bits in low word
ReturnToLR CC
ADD dOPh, dOPh, #1 ; round up high word
ceil_exp_overflow ; PL if exp too large, MI too small
ReturnToLR PL
ORRS tmp, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1 ; zero?
ANDNE dOPh, dOPh, #Sign_bit
ORRNE dOPh, dOPh, #0x30000000 ; no, create +-1.0
ORRNE dOPh, dOPh, #0x0FF00000
MOVNE dOPl, #0