309 lines
8.2 KiB
309 lines
8.2 KiB
bool TRACE = false;
if := "^if"
else := "^else"
while := "^while"
bool := "^(true|false)"
equals_compare := "^=="
lt := "^<"
le := "^<="
gt := "^>"
ge := "^>="
semicolon := "^;"
integer := "^-?\d+"
interp := "^""(([^\\""\r\n])|(\\.))*"""
{ tok.value = ((String) tok.value).Replace("\"",""); }
string := "^'([^'])*'"
{ tok.value = ((String) tok.value).Replace("'",""); }
comment := "^#.*"
{ tok.value = null; }
word := "^\w+"
div := "^/"
equals := "^="
plus := "^\+"
mult := "^\*"
mod := "^%"
concat := "^\."
and := "^&&"
ampersand := "^&"
or := "^\|\|"
not := "^\!"
lparen := "^\("
rparen := "^\)"
lbrace := "^{"
rbrace := "^}"
minus := "^-"
reference := "^((\$\w+)|(\$\(\w+\))|(\$\?)|(\$\(\?\))|(\$#)|(\$\(#\)))"
tok.value = ((String) tok.value).Replace("$","");
tok.value =((String) tok.value).Replace("(","");
tok.value = ((String) tok.value).Replace(")","");
newline := "^\n"
{ tok.optional = true; }
whitespace := "^[ \f\r\t\v]+"
{ tok.value = null; }
lparen rparen > not
lparen rparen not > mult div mod
not lparen rparen mult div mod > plus minus concat and or
S => STMT_LIST:list
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing statement list to programm");
value = new ScriptEngine.Block((ArrayList) list);
STMT_LIST => epsilon
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Rsmt epsilon");
value = new ArrayList();
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reduction: adding statement to statement list");
((ArrayList) list).Insert(0,stmt);
value = list;
STMT => if lparen E:cond rparen lbrace STMT_LIST:stmts rbrace
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing if");
value = new ScriptEngine.If((ScriptEngine.Expression) cond, new ScriptEngine.Block((ArrayList) stmts));
STMT => if lparen E:cond rparen lbrace STMT_LIST:trueBranch rbrace else lbrace STMT_LIST:falseBranch rbrace
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing if then else");
value = new ScriptEngine.IfThenElse((ScriptEngine.Expression) cond, new ScriptEngine.Block((ArrayList) trueBranch), new ScriptEngine.Block((ArrayList) falseBranch));
STMT => while lparen E:cond rparen lbrace STMT_LIST:block rbrace
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing while loop");
value = new ScriptEngine.While((ScriptEngine.Expression) cond, new ScriptEngine.Block((ArrayList) block));
STMT => word:var equals E:expr newline
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing assignment: " + var + "= " + expr);
value = new ScriptEngine.Assign((String) var, (ScriptEngine.Expression) expr);
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing command list to statement: " + comm);
value = new ScriptEngine.Command((ArrayList) comm);
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing command list to statement: " + comm);
value = new ScriptEngine.Command((ArrayList) comm, true);
COMMAND => COMM:elem COMM_LIST:list newline
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing command list to command");
((ArrayList) list).Insert(0,elem);
value = list;
ASYNC_COMMAND => COMM:elem COMM_LIST:list ampersand newline
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing command list to command");
((ArrayList) list).Insert(0,elem);
value = list;
ArrayList rest = (ArrayList)list;
if(TRACE) {
Console.WriteLine("reducing commlist: '{0}'", elem);
int i=0;
foreach (object o in rest) {
Console.WriteLine(" [{0}] = {1}", i++, o);
value = list;
COMM_LIST => epsilon
value = new ArrayList();
COMM => reference:varRef
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing variable in command reference: '{0}'", varRef);
value = new ScriptEngine.VariableReference((String) varRef);
COMM => interp:str
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing interp: '{0}'", str);
value = new ScriptEngine.StringInterpolation((String) str);
COMM => string:str
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing string: '{0}'", str);
value = new ScriptEngine.StringLiteral((String) str);
COMM => word:w
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing command word: '{0}'", w);
value = new ScriptEngine.StringLiteral((String) w);
COMM => integer:integer
{ value = new ScriptEngine.IntegerLiteral(Int32.Parse((String) integer)); }
E => lparen E:e rparen
{ value = e; }
E => integer:intString
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing integer literal expression: " + intString);
value = new ScriptEngine.IntegerLiteral(Int32.Parse((String) intString));
E => interp:interp
{ value = new ScriptEngine.StringInterpolation((String) interp); }
E => string:strVal
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing string literal expression: " + strVal);
value = new ScriptEngine.StringLiteral((String) strVal);
E => bool:boolVal
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing bool literal expression");
value = new ScriptEngine.BooleanLiteral(Boolean.Parse((String) boolVal));
E => reference:varRef
value = new ScriptEngine.VariableReference((String) varRef);
E => E:e1 and E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean and");
value = new ScriptEngine.And((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 or E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean or");
value = new ScriptEngine.Or((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 lt E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean less");
value = new ScriptEngine.Less((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 le E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean less than or equal");
value = new ScriptEngine.LessEqual((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 equals_compare E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean ==");
value = new ScriptEngine.Equal((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 gt E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean greater");
value = new ScriptEngine.Greater((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 ge E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean greater than or equal");
value = new ScriptEngine.GreaterEqual((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => not E:e1
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("reducing to boolean and");
value = new ScriptEngine.Negate((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1);
E => reference:varRef
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing expression variable reference");
value = new ScriptEngine.VariableReference((String) varRef);
E => E:e1 plus E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing plus");
value = new ScriptEngine.Add((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 minus E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing minus");
value = new ScriptEngine.Subtract((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 mult E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing multiply");
value = new ScriptEngine.Multiply((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 mod E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing modulus");
value = new ScriptEngine.Mod((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 div E:e2
if(TRACE) Console.WriteLine("Reducing divide");
value = new ScriptEngine.Divide((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
E => E:e1 concat E:e2
value = new ScriptEngine.Concat((ScriptEngine.Expression) e1, (ScriptEngine.Expression) e2);
} |