
181 lines
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;; Microsoft Research Singularity
;; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; File: halstack.asm
;; Note:
;; This file contains implementations of the LinkStack and UnlinkStack
;; routines suitable for use by ring-0 code (kernel and ring-0 apps).
.model flat
assume ds:flat
assume es:flat
assume ss:flat
assume fs:nothing
assume gs:nothing
else ; Singularity
endif ; Singularity
align 16
;; Public symbols
public ?g_LinkStack@Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_V1_Services_StackService@@SIXXZ
public ?g_UnlinkStack@Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_V1_Services_StackService@@SIXXZ
;;; Stack:
;;; arg2.. (args 0 & 1 = ECX & EDX) + 44
;;; caller (addr) + 40
;;; caller ebp + 36 <= old EBP
;;; callee (addr) + 32 <= old ESP
;;; argsize + 28
;;; unlinkN + 24
;;; efl + 20
;;; eax + 16
;;; ecx + 12
;;; edx + 8
;;; stackLimit + 4
;;; stackBegin + 0
?g_LinkStack@Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_V1_Services_StackService@@SIXXZ ::
;; Disable interrupts
pushfd ; +20
push eax ; +16
push ecx ; +12
push edx ; +8
mov edx,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._threadContext]
push [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit ; +4
push [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin ; +0
mov eax,esp
;; Change to schedulerStack
mov ecx,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._schedulerStackLimit]
mov [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit,ecx
mov ecx,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._schedulerStackBegin]
mov [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin,ecx
ifdef DEBUG
;; If we're already on the scheduler stack, we're in trouble,
;; so trap to the debugger:
cmp eax, [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin
jg stackOk
cmp eax, [edx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit
jl stackOk
int 3
endif ;; DEBUG
mov esp,ecx
;; Save the old ESP (and create a temporary frame head).
lea ecx,[eax+32]
push ecx
push [eax+4] ; stackLimit on old stack
push [eax+0] ; stackBegin on old stack
;; Call GetStackSegmentAndCopy(ecx=stack needed, edx=threadContext, *args, args,
;; esp, begin, limit)
push ecx ; old esp
push [eax+28] ; #args
lea ecx,[eax+44] ; &arg2
push ecx ;
mov ecx,[eax+16] ; stack size needed
call ?g_GetStackSegmentAndCopy@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Memory_Stacks@@SIPAUuintPtr@@PAU2@PAUStruct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext@@PAII000@Z
;; Get back to old ESP, then adjust to pop off EDX and ECX
pop ecx
sub ecx,32
mov esp,eax
push [ecx+24] ; unlinkN
push [ecx+20] ; efl
mov eax,[ecx+32] ; callee
mov edx,[ecx+8] ; edx
mov ecx,[ecx+12] ; ecx
;; Restore interrupts
push ebp ; Create new ebp frame.
mov ebp,esp
jmp eax ; jump to callee code.
;; NB: See halstack.asm for a stack diagram
;; Disable interrupts and remove dead args from old stack
mov esp,ebp ; Find adjusted ebp
add esp,ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+4] ; move eip link up
mov [esp+4],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+0] ; move ebp link up
mov [esp+0],ecx
mov ebp,esp
push eax ; save eax to old stack
push edx ; save edx to old stack
mov ecx,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._threadContext]
mov eax,[ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin
mov eax,[eax-16] ; save efl to old stack
push eax
;;; Stack:
;;; caller (addr) + 16
;;; caller ebp + 12
;;; eax + 8
;;; edx + 4
;;; efl + 0
;; Prepare scheduler stack segment.
mov eax,esp
mov esp,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._schedulerStackBegin]
push eax ; save old esp
push [ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin
push [ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit
push [ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit
mov edx,[ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin
;; Then switch to scheduler stack.
mov eax,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._schedulerStackLimit]
mov [ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackLimit,eax
mov eax,fs:[Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ProcessorContext._schedulerStackBegin]
mov [ecx].Struct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext._stackBegin,eax
;; Call ReturnStackSegmentRaw(ecx=threadContext, edx=begin, limit)
call ?g_ReturnStackSegmentRaw@Class_Microsoft_Singularity_Memory_Stacks@@SIXPAUStruct_Microsoft_Singularity_X86_ThreadContext@@PAUuintPtr@@1@Z
pop eax ; pop old limit
pop eax ; pop old begin
pop esp ; restore esp
popfd ; restore interrupts
pop edx ; restore eax and edx
pop eax
pop ebp ; pop ebp chain