
358 lines
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// singx86.h - Singularity Debugger Extension common Header.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// For more information, see http://ddkslingshot/webs/debugexw/
#pragma warning(disable:4201) // Enable nameless structs and unions.
#include <winlean.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
// Define KDEXT_64BIT to make all wdbgexts APIs recognize 64 bit addresses
// It is recommended for extensions to use 64 bit headers from wdbgexts so
// the extensions could support 64 bit targets.
// #define KDEXT_64BIT
// #include <wdbgexts.h>
#include <dbgeng.h>
// Load the Singularity types exported by halclass.h
#define arrayof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#include <pshpack4.h>
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Static Assert.
// Compile-time (not run-time) assertion. Code will not compile if
// expr is false. Note: there is no non-debug version of this; we
// want this for all builds. The compiler optimizes the code away.
template <bool x> struct STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE;
template <> struct STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE<true> { };
template <int x> struct static_assert_test { };
#define STATIC_CAT_INNER(x,y) x##y
#define STATIC_ASSERT(condition) \
typedef static_assert_test< \
sizeof(STATIC_ASSERT_FAILURE<(bool)(condition)>)> \
STATIC_CAT(__static_assert_typedef_, __COUNTER__)
#define OFFSETOF(s,m) ((uintptr)&(((s *)0)->m))
#define ARRAYOF(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
//#include <halclass.h>
#include <poppack.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Declares an extension routine.
#define EXT_DECL(Name) \
Name(PDEBUG_CLIENT client, PCSTR args)
// Set up and clean up for an extension routine.
#define EXT_ENTER() \
HRESULT status = ExtQuery(client); \
if (status != S_OK) goto Exit; else 0
#define EXT_LEAVE() \
Exit: ExtRelease(); return status
// Safe release and NULL.
#define EXT_RELEASE(Unk) \
((Unk) != NULL ? ((Unk)->Release(), (Unk) = NULL) : NULL)
// Evaluates a numeric expression from the current args
// and updates the Args location.
// Assumes variables args and status, plus exit label Exit.
#define EXT_ARG(Dst) \
if ((status = ExtEvalU64(&args, &(Dst))) != S_OK) goto Exit; else 0
#define EXT_CHECK(expr) \
if ((status = expr) != S_OK) goto Exit; else 0
// Global variables initialized by query.
extern PDEBUG_ADVANCED g_ExtAdvanced;
extern PDEBUG_CLIENT g_ExtClient;
extern PDEBUG_CONTROL4 g_ExtControl;
extern PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES4 g_ExtData;
extern PDEBUG_REGISTERS2 g_ExtRegisters;
extern PDEBUG_SYMBOLS g_ExtSymbols;
// Queries for all debugger interfaces.
// Cleans up all debugger interfaces.
void ExtRelease(void);
// Normal output.
void __cdecl ExtOut(PCSTR Format, ...);
// Error output.
void __cdecl ExtErr(PCSTR Format, ...);
// Warning output.
void __cdecl ExtWarn(PCSTR Format, ...);
// Verbose output.
void __cdecl ExtVerb(PCSTR Format, ...);
// Evaluates an expression from the given string
// and updates the string pointer. Consumes trailing whitespace.
HRESULT ExtDefPointer(ULONG64 Address, PULONG64 Val);
extern BOOL Connected;
extern ULONG TargetMachine;
HRESULT OnTargetAccessible(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client);
HRESULT OnGetKnownStructNames(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client,
PSTR Buffer,
PULONG BufferSize);
HRESULT OnGetSingleLineOutput(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client,
ULONG64 Address,
PSTR StructName,
PSTR Buffer,
PULONG BufferSize);
HRESULT OnGetSuppressTypeName(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client,
PSTR StructName);
ULONG64 GetStaticPointer(PCSTR name);
///////////////////////////////// Remote to Local conversions for structs.
// Metadata structures.
struct StructType
struct StructType * next;
struct FieldType * fields;
ULONG fieldCount;
PCSTR name;
ULONG64 module;
ULONG type;
ULONG size;
PBYTE temp;
ULONG localSize;
static StructType * registered;
static HRESULT InitializeRegistered();
StructType(PCSTR name, ULONG localSize, struct FieldType *fields);
HRESULT Initialize();
HRESULT RemoteOffsetFromLocal(ULONG localOffset, ULONG *remoteOffset);
HRESULT Clear();
HRESULT Read(ULONG64 address, PVOID local);
HRESULT RawAccess(ULONG remoteOffset, PVOID *raw);
HRESULT Update(PVOID local);
HRESULT Flush(ULONG64 address);
struct FieldType
struct StructType *parent;
PCSTR name;
ULONG localOffset;
ULONG64 module;
ULONG type;
ULONG offset;
ULONG size;
// Macros for defining metadata.
#define FIELD(s,f) { NULL, #f, offsetof(s,f), 0, 0, 0, 0 }
#define FIELDEND() { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Known Structs.
struct MmxContext
ULONG64 fcw;
ULONG64 fsw;
ULONG64 ftw;
ULONG64 fop;
ULONG64 eip;
ULONG64 cs;
ULONG64 dp;
ULONG64 ds;
ULONG64 mxcsr;
ULONG64 mxcsrmask;
ULONG64 st0;
ULONG64 st1;
ULONG64 st2;
ULONG64 st3;
ULONG64 st4;
ULONG64 st5;
ULONG64 st6;
ULONG64 st7;
struct ThreadContext
ULONG64 regs;
ULONG64 prev;
ULONG64 next;
ULONG64 eip;
ULONG64 efl;
ULONG64 num;
ULONG64 err;
ULONG64 cr2;
ULONG64 eax;
ULONG64 ebx;
ULONG64 ecx;
ULONG64 edx;
ULONG64 esp;
ULONG64 ebp;
ULONG64 esi;
ULONG64 edi;
ULONG64 stackBegin;
ULONG64 stackLimit;
ULONG64 processId;
ULONG64 uncaughtFlag;
ULONG64 suspendAlert;
ULONG64 _thread;
ULONG64 processThread;
ULONG64 stackMarkers;
ULONG64 processMarkers;
ULONG64 threadIndex;
ULONG64 processThreadIndex;
ULONG64 gcStates;
struct MmxContext mmx;
extern FieldType ThreadContextFields[];
extern StructType ThreadContextStruct;
struct Thread
ULONG64 blocked;
ULONG64 blockedOn;
ULONG64 blockedOnCount;
ULONG64 blockedUntil;
ULONG64 process;
ULONG64 schedulerEntry;
ThreadContext context;
extern FieldType ThreadFields[];
extern StructType ThreadStruct;
struct ThreadEntry
ULONG64 queue;
extern FieldType ThreadEntryFields[];
extern StructType ThreadEntryStruct;
struct ProcessorContext
ULONG64 threadContext;
ULONG64 _processor;
ULONG64 exception;
ULONG64 schedulerStackBegin;
ULONG64 schedulerStackLimit;
ULONG64 interruptStackBegin;
ULONG64 interruptStackLimit;
ULONG64 exceptionStackBegin;
ULONG64 exceptionStackLimit;
ThreadContext exceptionContext;
ThreadContext thirdContext;
ULONG64 cpuId;
ULONG64 nextProcessorContext;
extern FieldType ProcessorContextFields[];
extern StructType ProcessorContextStruct;
struct Processor
ULONG64 context;
ULONG64 nextTimerInterrupt;
ULONG64 pic;
ULONG64 timer;
ULONG64 clock;
ULONG64 timerInterrupt;
ULONG64 clockInterrupt;
ULONG64 inInterruptContext;
ULONG64 halted;
ULONG64 NumExceptions;
ULONG64 NumInterrupts;
ULONG64 NumContextSwitches;
ULONG64 interruptCounts;
extern FieldType ProcessorFields[];
extern StructType ProcessorStruct;
struct String
ULONG64 m_stringLength;
ULONG64 m_firstChar;
extern FieldType StringFields[];
extern StructType StringStruct;
struct LogEntry
ULONG64 _cycleCount;
ULONG64 _cpuId;
ULONG64 _eip;
ULONG64 _threadId;
ULONG64 _processId;
ULONG64 _tag;
ULONG64 _severity;
ULONG64 _strings;
ULONG64 _text;
ULONG64 _args[6];
ULONG64 _arg0;
ULONG64 _arg1;
ULONG64 _arg2;
ULONG64 _arg3;
ULONG64 _arg4;
ULONG64 _arg5;
extern FieldType LogEntryFields[];
extern StructType LogEntryStruct;
#ifdef __cplusplus