369 lines
14 KiB
369 lines
14 KiB
;;; Microsoft Research Singularity
;;; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;;; This file contains ARM-specific assembly code.
; Copyright (C) Advanced RISC Machines Limited, 1994. All rights reserved.
; RCS Revision: 1
; Checkin Date: 2007/06/29 02:59:16
; Revising Author
GET fpe.asm
GET kxarm.inc
CodeArea |.text|
SNaNInf EQU NaNInfExp_Single - EIExp_bias + SExp_bias
DNaNInf EQU NaNInfExp_Double - EIExp_bias + DExp_bias
DExp_max EQU 2047
SFrac_len EQU 23
exp RN 3
sign RN 2
tmp RN 12
;Format conversions
[ :DEF: d2f_s
; Local storage size and offsets
OrgOp1h EQU 0x14
OrgOp1l EQU 0x10
ExDResl EQU 0x08
NewResl EQU 0x10
; Ensure the defines are what they should be. Note that there was
; a problem when we swapped the double halves as the code relied on
; the low half of the double not being the register where floats are
; returned. I have put these asserts here so the registers don't
; change out from under me. We don't really need these conditions
; to hold true, just the code needs to be checked after register
; defines are changed.
ASSERT exp = r3
ASSERT sign = r2
ASSERT tmp = r12
ASSERT dOPh = r1
ASSERT dOPl = r0
Export __dtos
STMFD sp!, {r4, lr} ; Save off non-volatile, lr
SUB sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Allocate stack space
STR r1, [sp, #OrgOp1h] ; Save off arg in case of exception
MOV r4, #_FpDToS ; Set double->float convert
ORRS tmp, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #1 ; Special check for zero
STR r0, [sp, #OrgOp1l] ; Save off arg in case of exception
BEQ __dtos_return_zero ; If zero, return it
AND sign, dOPh, #Sign_bit
MOV tmp, #(DExp_bias - SExp_bias) << (DExp_pos+1)
RSB dOPh, tmp, dOPh, LSL #1
MOVS exp, dOPh, LSR #DExp_pos+1
BEQ _d2f_ExpUnderflow
CMP exp, #254
BHS _d2f_uncommon
MOVS tmp, dOPl, LSL #3 ; Check for inexact
ORRNE r4, r4, #INX_bit ; Raise inexact if inexact
ORRS tmp, sign, dOPl, LSR #29
MOV r3, dOPl ; * Need to save dOPl somewhere else
ADC fOP, tmp, dOPh, LSL #2 ; dOPh already shifted 1 bit
BCC __dtos_return
MOVS r3, r3, LSL #4 ; * Was: MOVS dOPl, dOPl, LSL #4
BNE __dtos_return
BIC fOP, fOP, #1
B __dtos_return
_d2f_uncommon ; exp out of range - check for special cases
CMP exp, #(-(DExp_bias - SExp_bias)) :AND: 0x7FF
BHS _d2f_ExpUnderflow
; if exponent 254 - test for overflow during rounding
CMP exp, #254
MOVEQ tmp, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len
ORREQ tmp, tmp, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len
CMNEQ tmp, #1 << 8 ; check if dOP rounds to overflow
BLO _d2f_round ; no - continue (8 clk overhead)
_d2f_ExpOverflow ; overflow, inf/NaN
ADD exp, exp, #1
TEQ exp, #DExp_max - DExp_bias + SExp_bias + 1
MOVNE fOP, sign
BNE __dtos_return_overflow ; overflow
_d2f_Inf_or_NaN ; found inf or NaN
ORRS tmp, dOPl, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len ; infinity if EQ
MOVEQ tmp, #0xFF000000
ORR fOP, sign, tmp, LSR #1 ; return signed infinity
BEQ __dtos_return
; sign in fOP
MOVS tmp, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len
ORRPL r4, r4, #IVO_bit ; Set invalid if SNaN
LDR r2, fNaN ; Return quiet NaN
MOV tmp, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len-9 ; insert high mantissa bits
ORR tmp, tmp, dOPl, LSR #29 ; insert low mantissa bits
ORR r0, r2, tmp ; Set exp, high mant bit
B __dtos_return
fNaN DCD &7FC00000
MOV fOP, dOPh ; dOPh has the correctly signed
B __dtos_return ; float zero, so return it
CMP exp, #0
SUBNE exp, exp, #0x800
; was underflow - return denorm or zero (exp is -X .. 0)
RSB exp, exp, #SExp_len+1 ; right shift for dOPh
RSBS tmp, exp, #33 ; left shift for dOPh rounding bits
MOVLS fOP, sign ; LO: shift larger than 33 -> return signed zero
ORRLS r4, r4, #UNF_bit :OR: INX_bit
BLS __dtos_return
MOV dOPh, dOPh, LSL #DExp_len-1 ; dOPh shift left 1 bit
ORR dOPh, dOPh, dOPl, LSR #DFhi_len+1
ORR dOPh, dOPh, #1 << 31
MOVS tmp, dOPh, LSL tmp ; CS -> round
ORRNE r4, r4, #UNF_bit :OR: INX_bit
MOV tmp, dOPl ; save dOPl since we may need it
ADC fOP, sign, dOPh, LSR exp
BCC __dtos_return
MOVEQS tmp, tmp, LSL #32 - (DFhi_len+1) ; * Was: MOVEQS dOPl, dOPl, LSL #32
BICEQ fOP, fOP, #1
B __dtos_return
ORR r4, r4, #OVF_bit :OR: INX_bit ; Set exception information
AND r0, r0, #0x80000000 ; Keep sign bit
MOV r1, #0xFF000000 ; Set exponent to max
ORR r0, r0, r1, LSR #1 ; ..
TST r4, #FPECause_mask ; Check for exceptions
MOV r1, r4 ; Move exception info.
ADDEQ sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; If none, pop input arg
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMEQFD sp!, {r4, lr} ; restore r4 and return
LDMEQFD sp!, {r4, pc} ; restore r4 and return
STR r0, [sp, #ExDResl] ; Store default result
LDR r2, [sp, #OrgOp1l] ; Load original arg
LDR r3, [sp, #OrgOp1h] ; ..
ADD r0, sp, #NewResl ; Pointer to new result
CALL FPE_Raise ; Deal with exception info.
IF Thumbing :LAND: :LNOT: Interworking
bx pc ; switch back to ARM mode
LDR r0, [sp, #NewResl] ; Load new result
ADD sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Pop exception record, arg
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMFD sp!, {r4, lr} ; Restore r4 and return
BX lr
LDMFD sp!, {r4, pc} ; Restore r4 and return
ENTRY_END __dtos
[ :DEF: f2d_s
OrgOp1l EQU 0x14
ExDResh EQU 0x0c
ExDResl EQU 0x08
NewResh EQU 0x14
NewResl EQU 0x10
Export __stod
; Ensure the defines are what they should be. Note that there was
; a problem when we swapped the double halves as the code relied on
; the low half of the double not being the register where floats are
; passed. I have put these asserts here so the registers don't
; change out from under me. We don't really need these conditions
; to hold true, just the code needs to be checked after register
; defines are changed.
ASSERT exp = r3
ASSERT sign = r2
ASSERT tmp = r12
ASSERT dOPh = r1
ASSERT dOPl = r0
STMFD sp!, {lr} ; Save return address
SUB sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Allocate local storage
STR r0, [sp, #OrgOp1l] ; Store original arg in case of exception
ADD tmp, fOP, #1 << SExp_pos ; filter out inf/NaN/denorm/zero
TST tmp, #254 << SFrac_len
BEQ _f2d_uncommon
MOV tmp, fOP
MOV dOPl, tmp, LSL #32 - 3
MOVS dOPh, tmp, ASR #3
ADD dOPh, dOPh, #(DExp_bias - SExp_bias) << DExp_pos
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMPLFD sp!, {lr}
LDMPLFD sp!, {pc}
SUB dOPh, dOPh, #0x700 << DExp_pos
ADD sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMFD sp!, {lr}
BX lr
LDMFD sp!, {pc}
TST tmp, #1 << SExp_pos ; inf/NaN -> EQ, zero/denorm ->NE
MOV tmp, fOP
BEQ _f2d_Inf_or_NaN
MOVS dOPl, tmp, LSL #1 ; zero -> EQ
MOVEQ dOPh, tmp
ADDEQ sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; dOPl zero, dOPh sign bit
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMEQFD sp!, {lr}
LDMEQFD sp!, {pc}
; We have a denormal that must be normalized. The exponent and sign
; are initialized, then the input argument's mantissa is shifted left
; until the hidden one is left justified. The exponent is adjusted to
; account for the shifts. Then the hidden one is removed and the
; final result assembled.
AND exp, tmp, #Sign_bit ; Extract sign
ADD r1, exp, #(DExp_bias-SExp_bias) << DExp_pos
; Initialize exponent
MOV r0, tmp, LSL #9 ; Extract mantissa and left justify
MOVS r2, r0, LSR #16 ; Any high 16 bits set?
SUBEQ r1, r1, #16 << DExp_pos ; If not, adjust exponent
MOVEQ r0, r0, LSL #16 ; shift mantissa
TST r0, #0xFF000000 ; Any high 8 bits set?
SUBEQ r1, r1, #8 << DExp_pos ; If not, adjust exponent
MOVEQ r0, r0, LSL #8 ; shift mantissa
TST r0, #0xF0000000 ; Any high 4 bits set?
SUBEQ r1, r1, #4 << DExp_pos ; If not, adjust exponent
MOVEQ r0, r0, LSL #4 ; shift mantissa
TST r0, #0xC0000000 ; Any high 2 bits set?
SUBEQ r1, r1, #2 << DExp_pos ; If not, adjust exponent
MOVEQS r0, r0, LSL #2 ; shift mantissa
MOVPL r0, r0, LSL #1 ; If high bit clear, adjust exponent
SUBPL r1, r1, #1 << DExp_pos ; shift mantissa
MOV r0, r0, LSL #1 ; Account for hidden 1
ORR r1, r1, r0, LSR #12 ; Form sign, exp, high mantissa
MOV r0, r0, LSL #20 ; Form low mantissa
ADD sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Restore stack and
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMFD sp!, {lr} ; return
BX lr
LDMFD sp!, {pc} ; return
_f2d_Inf_or_NaN ; fOP is NaN/infinity.
MOVS dOPl, tmp, LSL #SExp_len+1 ; EQ -> inf
ORREQ dOPh, tmp, #0x007 << DExp_pos ; tranform float inf to double inf
ADDEQ sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Restore stack and
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMEQFD sp!, {lr} ; return
LDMEQFD sp!, {pc} ; return
; MI if quiet NaN - sign in fOP
BPL __stod_snan
; Have a QNaN so copy the mantissa bits and return the QNaN
MOV dOPh, tmp, ASR #3 ; Load mantissa high, sign
MOV dOPl, tmp, LSL #29 ; Load mantissa low
ORR dOPh, dOPh, #0x70000000 ; Force exp to max
ADD sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Restore stack and
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMFD sp!, {lr} ; return
BX lr
LDMFD sp!, {pc} ; return
__stod_snan ; Got an SNaN so raise exception
LDR r2, [sp, #OrgOp1l] ; Load original operand
MOV r1, r12, ASR #3 ; Load mantissa high, sign
MOV r0, r12, LSL #29 ; Load mantissa low
ORR r1, r1, #0x70000000 ; Force exp to max
ORR r1, r1, #0x00080000 ; Make QNaN
STR r1, [sp, #ExDResh] ; Store default result
STR r0, [sp, #ExDResl] ; ..
ADD r0, sp, #NewResl ; Pointer to return result
MOV r1, #_FpSToD ; Load opcode and exception info.
ORR r1, r1, #IVO_bit ; ..
CALL FPE_Raise ; Deal with exception info.
IF Thumbing :LAND: :LNOT: Interworking
bx pc ; switch back to ARM mode
LDR r1, [sp, #NewResh] ; Load new return value
LDR r0, [sp, #NewResl] ; ..
ADD sp, sp, #LOC_SIZE ; Pop space off stack
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMFD sp!, {lr} ; Return
BX lr
LDMFD sp!, {pc} ; Return
ENTRY_END __stod