
1549 lines
43 KiB

;;; Microsoft Research Singularity
;;; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;;; This file contains ARM-specific assembly code.
; void *
; memcpy( void *dest, const void *src, size_t count );
; The memcpy function copies count bytes of src to dest.
; If the source and destination overlap, this function does
; not ensure that the original source bytes in the overlapping
; region are copied before being overwritten. Use memmove to
; handle overlapping regions.
OPT 2 ; disable listing
OPT 1 ; reenable listing
dest RN R0
source RN R1
count RN R2
temp1 RN R3
temp2 RN R4
temp3 RN R5
temp4 RN R12
IF Thumbing
IF Thumbing
; Switch from Thumb mode to ARM mode
DCW 0x4778 ; bx pc
DCW 0x46C0 ; nop
;//Save registers onto the stack
STMDB sp!, {dest,temp2,temp3,lr} ; save registers
; Use a threshold to determine which code to use:
; if destination & source are naturally aligned, then
; threshold = 512
; else
; threshold = 128
; if copy size > threshold, then
; use memcpybigblk
; else
; use .NET code
ORR temp1, dest, source
TST temp1, #3
MOVEQ temp1, #512
MOVNE temp1, #128
CMP count, temp1
BHI UNDO_PROLOG ; revert and continue to memcpybigblk
; NOTE: UNDO_PROLOG just restores SP, so do NOT modify anything other
; than r3 (temp1) and r12 (temp4) before this point
; Copy from head to tail to avoid source overwrite because the source
; destination the source
;if LT 8 bytes store them and exit
CMP count, #8 ; 2-3 cycles
;Check alignment of parameters
ANDS temp1, dest, #3 ; 2-3 cycles
; destination is at least 1 byte misaligned
; Read and write (4 - alignment) bytes to align destination.
RSB temp1, temp1, #4 ; 9 cycles
LDRB temp2, [source], #1
CMP temp1, #2
STRB temp2, [dest], #1
LDRGEB temp3, [source], #1 ; >= 2 == at least 2 bytes
LDRGTB temp2, [source], #1 ; > 2 == 3 bytes unaligned
SUB count, count, temp1
STRGEB temp3, [dest], #1
STRGTB temp2, [dest], #1
SRCALIGN ; 3 - 7 cycles
TST source, #1 ; save alignment of src
BNE UNALIGNED ; src 3 byte unaligned.
TST source, #2
BNE HWORDMOVE ; src and dst are hword aligned
;word aligned source and destination, move blocks of 32 bytes
;until we have less than 32 bytes left, then divide moves in
;half down to less than 4, where we will move the last 3 or less
SUBS count, count, #32 ; 2-3 cycles
BLK32 ; 20 cycles/32 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,lr}
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,lr}
LDMIA source!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,lr}
SUBS count, count, #32
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,lr}
BLK16 ; 11-4 cycles/16 bytes
ADDS count, count, #16
LDMGEIA source!, {temp1, temp2, temp3, lr}
STMGEIA dest!, {temp1, temp2, temp3, lr}
SUBGTS count, count, #16
BLK8 ; 6 cycles/8 bytes
ADDS count, count, #8
LDMGEIA source!, {temp1, temp2}
SUBGE count, count, #8
STMGEIA dest!, {temp1, temp2}
ADDS count, count, #4 ; 6-9 cycles/4 bytes
LDRGE temp1, [source], #4
STRGE temp1, [dest], #4
ADDLTS count, count, #4
BEQ WORD_BYTES_EXIT ; On zero, Return to caller
LDR temp1, [source], #4 ; 10 cycles/1-3 bytes
CMP count, #2
STRGEH temp1, [dest], #2
STRLTB temp1, [dest], #1
MOVGT temp1, temp1, LSR #16
STRGTB temp1, [dest], #1
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
BX lr
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc}
; half word align source and destination
HWORDMOVE ; 2-3 cycles
LDRH temp1, [source], #2
SUBS count, count, #32
HWORD32 ; 35 cycles/32 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3,temp4,lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #16
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #16
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #16
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #16
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #16
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #16
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #16
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 1-16
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #16
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3,temp4,lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #16
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #16
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #16
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #16
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #16
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #16
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #16
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 17-32
SUBS count, count, #32
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #16
ADDS count, count, #24
HWORD8 ; 11 cycles/8 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #16
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #16
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #16
STMIA dest!, {temp1, temp2}
SUBS count, count, #8
MOV temp1, temp3, LSR #16
HWORD4 ; 3-7 cycles/4 bytes
ADDS count, count, #4
LDR temp2, [source], #4
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #16
STR temp1, [dest], #4
MOV temp1, temp2, LSR #16
HWORD_BYTES ; 5-11 cycles/1-3 bytes
ADDLTS count, count, #4
BEQ HWORD_BYTES_EXIT ; On zero, Return to caller
CMP count, #2
STRLTB temp1, [dest], #1
LDRGTB temp2, [source], #1
STRGEH temp1, [dest], #2
STRGTB temp2, [dest], #1
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
BX lr
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc}
; Unaligned Moves
TST source, #2
UNALIGNED3 ; 3-4 cycles
LDRB temp1, [source], #1
SUBS count, count, #32
OFFTHREE32 ; 35 cycles/32 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3,temp4,lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #8
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #24
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #8
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #24
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #8
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #24
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #8
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 1-16
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #24
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3,temp4,lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #8
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #24
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #8
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #24
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #8
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #24
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #8
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 17-32
SUBS count, count, #32
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #24
ADDS count, count, #24
OFFTHREE8 ; 11 cycles/8 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #8
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #24
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #8
STMIA dest!, {temp1, temp2}
SUBS count, count, #8
MOV temp1, temp3, LSR #24
OFFTHREE4 ; 3-7 cycles/4 bytes
ADDS count, count, #4
LDR temp2, [source], #4
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #8
STR temp1, [dest], #4
MOV temp1, temp2, LSR #24
OFFTHREE_BYTES ; 5-12 cycles/ 1-3 bytes
ADDLTS count, count, #4
BEQ OFFTHREE_EXIT ; On zero, Return to caller
CMP count, #2
LDRGEH temp2, [source], #2
STRB temp1, [dest], #1
STRGEB temp2, [dest], #1
MOVGT temp2, temp2, LSR #8
STRGTB temp2, [dest], #1
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
BX lr
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc} ; On zero, Return to caller
; Source is one byte from word alignment.
; Read a byte & half word then multiple words and a byte. Then
; shift and ORR them into consecutive words for STM writes
UNALIGNED1 ; 5-6 cycles
LDRB temp1, [source], #1
LDRH temp2, [source], #2
SUBS count, count, #32
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #8
OFFONE32 ; 35 cycles/32 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2, temp3, temp4, lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #24
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #8
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #24
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #8
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #24
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #8
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #24
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 1-16
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #8
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3,temp4,lr}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #24
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #8
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #24
MOV temp3, temp3, LSR #8
ORR temp3, temp3, temp4, LSL #24
MOV temp4, temp4, LSR #8
ORR temp4, temp4, lr, LSL #24
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4} ; Store bytes 17-32
SUBS count, count, #32
MOV temp1, lr, LSR #8
ADDS count, count, #24
OFFONE8 ; 11 cycles/8 bytes
LDMIA source!, {temp2,temp3}
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #24
MOV temp2, temp2, LSR #8
ORR temp2, temp2, temp3, LSL #24
STMIA dest!, {temp1,temp2}
SUBS count, count, #8
MOV temp1, temp3, LSR #8
OFFONE4 ; 3-9 cycles/4 bytes
ADDS count, count, #4
LDR temp2, [source], #4
ORR temp1, temp1, temp2, LSL #24
STR temp1, [dest], #4
MOV temp1, temp2, LSR #8
OFFONE_BYTES ; 11 cycles/1-3 bytes
ADDLTS count, count, #4
CMP count, #2
STRLTB temp1, [dest], #1
STRGEH temp1, [dest], #2
MOVGT temp1, temp1, LSR #16
STRGTB temp1, [dest], #1
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
BX lr
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc} ; Return to caller
BYTEMOVE4 ; 12 cycles/4 bytes
CMP count, #4
LDRB temp1, [source], #1
SUB count, count, #4
LDRB temp2, [source], #1
LDRB temp3, [source], #1
LDRB lr, [source], #1
STRB temp1, [dest], #1
STRB temp2, [dest], #1
STRB temp3, [dest], #1
STRB lr, [dest], #1
MMOVEXIT ; 2-5 cycles
CMP count, #0
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMEQIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
LDMEQIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc} ; On zero, Return to caller
; Store last 3 or so bytes and exit
BYTEMOVE ; 4-7 cycles/1 byte
LDRB temp1, [source], #1
CMP count, #2
STRB temp1, [dest], #1
LDRGEB temp2, [source], #1 ; 8 cycles/1-2 bytes
LDRGTB temp3, [source], #1
STRGEB temp2, [dest], #1
STRGTB temp3, [dest], #1
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, lr}
BX lr
LDMIA sp!, {dest, temp2, temp3, pc} ; Return to caller
; The following reverts the stack to its state at the point of entry
; of memcpy. It then falls through to memcpybigblk to perform the
; large copy
ADD sp, sp, #0x10
ENTRY_END memcpy
NESTED_ENTRY memcpybigblk
;//Save registers onto the stack
;//R3 should be OK to destroy. If not, we stack it off too.
stmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, lr}
;//Prefetch the source.
;//Have to align source register with word boundary first
mov r5, r1
and r5, r5, #~0x3
;//The PLD instruction just happens to be a Never Execute on ARM V4,
;//so we can in-line the PLD instruction and still maintain V4 compatibility
;// 0x0000000c: f5d5f000 .... PLD [r5,#0]
;// 0x00000010: f5d5f020 ... PLD [r5,#0x20]
;// 0x00000014: f5d5f040 @... PLD [r5,#0x40]
DCD 0xf5d5f000
DCD 0xf5d5f020
DCD 0xf5d5f040
;//If there are 4 or less bytes to copy, we just jump to the end
;//and do a straight byte copy.
cmp r2, #4
bls finish
;//Align the destination to a word boundary.
rsb r4, r0, #0 ;//Figure out how many bytes
ands r4, r4, #0x2 ;//See if we need to do 2 copies
ldrneb r5, [r1], #1 ;//Read the two bytes
ldrneb r6, [r1], #1
subne r2, r2, #2 ;//Decrement count by 2
strneb r5, [r0], #1 ;//Now store the two bytes
strneb r6, [r0], #1 ;//Have to do two seperate byte stores
;//because of possible address misalignment
ands r4, r0, #0x1 ;//See if we need to do 1 copy
ldrneb r5, [r1], #1 ;//Load the single byte
subne r2, r2, #1 ;//Decrement count by 1
strneb r5, [r0], #1 ;//Store the single byte
;//We need to choose which memcpy we use based
;//on how the source is now aligned. If the destination and source
;//are both aligned, then we fall through to the aligned copy
;//Check the byte alignment of the source
;//We do it in reverse order just because. If most memcopies are
;//expected to be off by a certain #, that should be placed first.
and r3, r1, #3
cmp r3, #3 ;//If both bits are set, go do case 3, off by 3 bytes
beq memcpyoffby3 ;//Goto case 3
cmp r3, #2 ;//Check for case 2, off by 2 bytes
beq memcpyoffby2 ;//Goto case 2
cmp r3, #1 ;//Check for case 1, off by 1 byte
beq memcpyoffby1 ;//Goto case 1
;//The source and destination are word aligned. We get an easy job.
;//Now we need to align the destination to a cache line boundary
;//We need to figure out how many words are needed to align it.
;//If the number of words to align it are less than the number of words
;//we're asked to copy, just copy the required number of words.
and r4, r0, #0x1C ;//Grab the low bits of the destination
rsb r4, r4, #32 ;//Negate them and
;//add 32 to the low bits(this is
;//how many we need to move to get aligned)
and r5, r2, #0x1C ;//Check only the number of words from count
cmp r4, r2 ;//Compare low bits to align against the words from count
movhi r4, r5 ;//If words to align is greater than the count, then
;//use the words from count instead
cmp r4, #0
beq offby0mainloop
;//r4 now contains the number of times we need to do a word load/store
;//So we need to sortof back-calculate how many of the word load/stores to
;//skip in memcpyoffby0cachelinealignload/store
rsb r3, r4, #32
and r3, r3, #0x1C
;//r3 now contains the number of *instructions* to skip over.
;//Deduct words from size
sub r2, r2, r4
;//Because the & 0x1C corresponds to words, we don't have to shift anything
;//when we jump into load table
;//Using two jump tables is faster because it gives the processor a chance to load
;//data before we try to store it out.
adr r12, offby0cachelinealignload
add pc, r12, r3
offby0cachelinealignload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r1], #4 ;//Could also do load/store pairs, and shift
ldr r5, [r1], #4 ;//r3 left 1 bit to calculate jump address
ldr r6, [r1], #4
ldr r7, [r1], #4
ldr r8, [r1], #4
ldr r9, [r1], #4
ldr r10,[r1], #4
ldr r11,[r1], #4
;//Now jump into the store table
adr r12, offby0cachelinealignstore
add pc, r12, r3
str r4, [r0], #4
str r5, [r0], #4
str r6, [r0], #4
str r7, [r0], #4
str r8, [r0], #4
str r9, [r0], #4
str r10,[r0], #4
str r11,[r0], #4
;//We are now cache line aligned.
;//We loop around doing prefetches and copies based on how far ahead we want to look
cmp r2, #(32*3 + 32) ;//Only keep looking ahead by 4 cache lines
bmi offby0endofmainloop
;//Preload the data
;// 0x000000f4: f5d1f060 `... PLD [r1,#0x60]
;// 0x000000f8: f5d1f080 .... PLD [r1,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d1f060
DCD 0xf5d1f080
;//Here is the main loop that handles pipelining the loads
ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}
stmia r0!, {r4-r11}
ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}
stmia r0!, {r4-r11}
sub r2, r2, #64 ;//Take 64 bytes off of count
b offby0mainloop
;//If we still have more than 32*4 words to move, do one more preload
cmp r2, #32*4
bls offby0nopreload
;// 0x0000011c: f5d1f080 .... PLD [r1,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d1f080
;//Now we finish up the copy without any preloads. The data should have already
;//been loaded into the caches
;//Copy 32 bytes at a time
cmp r2, #32
bmi offby0endoffinishcachelines
ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}
stmia r0!, {r4-r11}
sub r2, r2, #32 ;//Take 32 bytes off of count
b offby0finishcachelines
;//Now we need to finish off any partial cache lines that may be left. We do a similar
;//algorithm to the cachelinealign loop above.
ands r3, r2, #0x1C ;//Get number of words left
beq finish ;//If words left==0, then branch to finish
sub r2, r2, r3 ;//Subtract words left from count
rsb r3, r3, #32 ;//Get 32-number of words left
adr r12, offby0finishload ;//That's the instructions to skip
add pc, r12, r3
offby0finishload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r1], #4 ;//Could also do load/store pairs, and shift
ldr r5, [r1], #4 ;//r3 left 1 bit to calculate jump address
ldr r6, [r1], #4
ldr r7, [r1], #4
ldr r8, [r1], #4
ldr r9, [r1], #4
ldr r10,[r1], #4
ldr r11,[r1], #4
;//Now jump into the store table
adr r12, offby0finishstore
add pc, r12, r3
str r4, [r0], #4
str r5, [r0], #4
str r6, [r0], #4
str r7, [r0], #4
str r8, [r0], #4
str r9, [r0], #4
str r10,[r0], #4
str r11,[r0], #4
;//Copy the last 4 bytes, if necessary
rsb r2, r2, #4 ;//Find how many bytes to copy (0, 1,2,3, or 4)
adr r12, finishloadby0
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2 ;//Need to shift r2 left by 2 bits to jump instructions
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
ldrb r4, [r1], #1
ldrb r5, [r1], #1
ldrb r6, [r1], #1
adr r12, finishstoreby0
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2
strb r3, [r0], #1
strb r4, [r0], #1
strb r5, [r0], #1
strb r6, [r0], #1
;//Return to calling function
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, lr}
bx lr
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, pc}
;//The source and destination are not aligned. We're going to have
;//to load and shift data from a temporary buffer. Stuff needs to be
;//shifted to the right by 8 bits to align properly
;//First we need to word align the source
and r3, r1, #~0x3
;//Load the first value into the holding buffer (lr)
ldr lr, [r3], #4
mov lr, lr, LSR #8
;//Now we need to align the destination to a cache line boundary
;//We need to figure out how many words are needed to align it.
;//If the number of words to align it are less than the number of words
;//we're asked to copy, just copy the required number of words.
and r4, r0, #0x1C ;//Grab the low bits of the destination
rsb r4, r4, #32 ;//Negate them
;//Add 32 to the low bits(this is
;//how many we need to move to get aligned)
and r5, r2, #0x1C ;//Check only the number of words from count
cmp r4, r2 ;//Compare low bits to align against the words from count
movhi r4, r5 ;//If words to align is greater than the count, then
;//use the words from count instead
cmp r4, #0
beq offby1mainloop
;//r4 now contains the number of times we need to do a word load/store
;//So we need to sortof back-calculate how many of the word load/stores to
;//skip in memcpyoffby1cachelinealignload
rsb r6, r4, #32
and r6, r6, #0x1C
;//r3 now contains the number of *words* to skip over.
;//Deduct words from size
sub r2, r2, r4
;//Because the & 0x1C corresponds to words, we DO need to shift this time around
;//when we jump into load table
adr r12, offby1cachelinealignload
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//Allows 4 instructions per byteblit
;//Because there is no convenient way to split the load/store into multiples of 2
;//unless we keep them together, for misaligned data we leave them together.
offby1cachelinealignload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
;//We are now cache line aligned.
;//We loop around doing prefetches and copies based on how far ahead we want to look
cmp r2, #(32*4 + 32) ;//Only keep looking ahead by 4 cache lines
bmi offby1endofmainloop
;// 0x00000264: f5d3f060 `... PLD [r3,#0x60]
;// 0x00000268: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f060
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Here is the main loop that handles pipelining the loads for off by 1
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #24
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #24
mov lr, r5, LSR #8
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #24
mov lr, r6, LSR #8
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #24
mov lr, r7, LSR #8
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #24
mov lr, r8, LSR #8
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #24
mov lr, r9, LSR #8
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #24
mov lr, r10, LSR #8
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #24
mov lr, r11, LSR #8
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #24
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #24
mov lr, r5, LSR #8
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #24
mov lr, r6, LSR #8
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #24
mov lr, r7, LSR #8
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #24
mov lr, r8, LSR #8
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #24
mov lr, r9, LSR #8
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #24
mov lr, r10, LSR #8
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #24
mov lr, r11, LSR #8
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #64 ;//Take 64 bytes off of count
b offby1mainloop
;//If we still have more than 32*4 words to move, do one more preload
cmp r2, #32*4
bls offby1nopreload
;// 0x00000338: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Now we finish up the copy without any preloads. The data should have alread
;//been loaded into the caches
;//Copy 32 bytes at a time
cmp r2, #32
bmi offby1endoffinishcachelines
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #24
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #24
mov lr, r5, LSR #8
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #24
mov lr, r6, LSR #8
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #24
mov lr, r7, LSR #8
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #24
mov lr, r8, LSR #8
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #24
mov lr, r9, LSR #8
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #24
mov lr, r10, LSR #8
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #24
mov lr, r11, LSR #8
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #32 ;//Take 32 bytes off of count
b offby1finishcachelines
;//Now we need to finish off any partial cache lines that may be left. We do a similar
;//algorithm to the cachelinealign loop above.
ands r6, r2, #0x1C ;//Get number of words left
subeq r1, r3, #3 ;//Realign source on exact byte if need to branch
beq finish ;//If words left==0, then branch to finish
sub r2, r2, r6 ;//Subtract words left from count
rsb r6, r6, #32 ;//Get 32-number of words left
adr r12, offby1finishload ;//That's the copies to skip
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//..but need to multiply by 4 to get instructions
offby1finishload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #24
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #8
sub r1, r3, #3 ;//Realign source on exact byte
;//Copy the last 4 bytes, if necessary
rsb r2, r2, #4 ;//Find how many bytes to copy (1,2,3, or 4)
adr r12, finishloadby1
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2 ;//Need to shift r2 left by 2 bits to jump instructions
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
ldrb r4, [r1], #1
ldrb r5, [r1], #1
ldrb r6, [r1], #1
adr r12, finishstoreby1
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2
strb r3, [r0], #1
strb r4, [r0], #1
strb r5, [r0], #1
strb r6, [r0], #1
;//Return to calling function
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, lr}
bx lr
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, pc}
;//The source and destination are not aligned. We're going to have to load
;//and shift data from a temporary buffer. Stuff needs to be shifted to the
;//right by 16 bits to align properly
;//First we need to word align the source
and r3, r1, #~0x3
;//Load the first value into the holding buffer (lr)
ldr lr, [r3], #4
mov lr, lr, LSR #16
;//Now we need to align the destination to a cache line boundary
;//We need to figure out how many words are needed to align it.
;//If the number of words to align it are less than the number of words
;//we're asked to copy, just copy the required number of words.
and r4, r0, #0x1C ;//Grab the low bits of the destination
rsb r4, r4, #32 ;//Negate them
;//Add 32 to the low bits(this is
;//how many we need to move to get aligned)
and r5, r2, #0x1C ;//Check only the number of words from count
cmp r4, r2 ;//Compare low bits to align against the words from count
movhi r4, r5 ;//If words to align is greater than the count, then
;//use the words from count instead
cmp r4, #0
beq offby2mainloop
;//r4 now contains the number of times we need to do a word load/store
;//So we need to sortof back-calculate how many of the word load/stores to
;//skip in memcpyoffby2cachelinealignload
rsb r6, r4, #32
and r6, r6, #0x1C
;//r3 now contains the number of *words* to skip over.
;//Deduct words from size
sub r2, r2, r4
;//Because the & 0x1C corresponds to words, we DO need to shift this time around
;//when we jump into load table
adr r12, offby2cachelinealignload
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//Allows 4 instructions per byteblit
;//Because there is no convenient way to split the load/store into multiples of 2
;//unless we keep them together, for misaligned data we leave them together.
offby2cachelinealignload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
;//So in theory we should now be cache line aligned.
;//We loop around doing prefetches and copies based on how far ahead we want to look
cmp r2, #(32*4 + 32) ;//Only keep looking ahead by 4 cache lines
bmi offby2endofmainloop
;// 0x00000514: f5d3f060 `... PLD [r3,#0x60]
;// 0x00000518: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f060
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Here is the main loop that handles pipelining the loads for off by 2
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #16
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #16
mov lr, r5, LSR #16
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #16
mov lr, r6, LSR #16
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #16
mov lr, r7, LSR #16
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #16
mov lr, r8, LSR #16
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #16
mov lr, r9, LSR #16
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #16
mov lr, r10, LSR #16
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #16
mov lr, r11, LSR #16
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #16
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #16
mov lr, r5, LSR #16
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #16
mov lr, r6, LSR #16
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #16
mov lr, r7, LSR #16
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #16
mov lr, r8, LSR #16
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #16
mov lr, r9, LSR #16
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #16
mov lr, r10, LSR #16
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #16
mov lr, r11, LSR #16
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #64 ;//Take 64 bytes off of count
b offby2mainloop
;//If we still have more than 32*4 words to move, do one more preload
cmp r2, #32*4
bls offby2nopreload
;// 0x000005e8: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Now we finish up the copy without any preloads. The data should have already
;//been loaded into the caches
;//Copy 32 bytes at a time
cmp r2, #32
bmi offby2endoffinishcachelines
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #16
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #16
mov lr, r5, LSR #16
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #16
mov lr, r6, LSR #16
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #16
mov lr, r7, LSR #16
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #16
mov lr, r8, LSR #16
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #16
mov lr, r9, LSR #16
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #16
mov lr, r10, LSR #16
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #16
mov lr, r11, LSR #16
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #32 ;//Take 32 bytes off of count
b offby2finishcachelines
;//Now we need to finish off any partial cache lines that may be left. We do a similar
;//algorithm to the cachelinealign loop above.
ands r6, r2, #0x1C ;//Get number of words left
subeq r1, r3, #2 ;//Realign source on exact byte if need to branch
beq finish ;//If words left==0, then branch to finish
sub r2, r2, r6 ;//Subtract words left from count
rsb r6, r6, #32 ;//Get 32-number of words left
adr r12, offby2finishload ;//That's the copies to skip
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//..but need to multiply by 4 to get instructions
offby2finishload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #16
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #16
sub r1, r3, #2 ;//Realign source on exact byte
;//Copy the last 4 bytes, if necessary
rsb r2, r2, #4 ;//Find how many bytes to copy (1,2,3, or 4)
adr r12, finishloadby2
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2 ;//Need to shift r2 left by 2 bits to jump instructions
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
ldrb r4, [r1], #1
ldrb r5, [r1], #1
ldrb r6, [r1], #1
adr r12, finishstoreby2
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2
strb r3, [r0], #1
strb r4, [r0], #1
strb r5, [r0], #1
strb r6, [r0], #1
;//Return to calling function
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, lr}
bx lr
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, pc}
;//The source and destination are not aligned. We're going to have to load
;//and shift data from a temporary buffer. Stuff needs to be shifted to the
;//right by 24 bits to align properly
;//First we need to word align the source
and r3, r1, #~0x3
;//Load the first value into the holding buffer (lr)
ldr lr, [r3], #4
mov lr, lr, LSR #24
;//Now we need to align the destination to a cache line boundary
;//We need to figure out how many words are needed to align it.
;//If the number of words to align it are less than the number of words
;//we're asked to copy, just copy the required number of words.
and r4, r0, #0x1C ;//Grab the low bits of the destination
rsb r4, r4, #32 ;//Negate them
;//Add 32 to the low bits(this is
;//how many we need to move to get aligned)
and r5, r2, #0x1C ;//Check only the number of words from count
cmp r4, r2 ;//Compare low bits to align against the words from count
movhi r4, r5 ;//If words to align is greater than the count, then
;//use the words from count instead
cmp r4, #0
beq offby3mainloop
;//r4 now contains the number of times we need to do a word load/store
;//So we need to sortof back-calculate how many of the word load/stores to
;//skip in memcpyoffby3cachelinealignload
rsb r6, r4, #32
and r6, r6, #0x1C
;//r3 now contains the number of *words* to skip over.
;//Deduct words from size
sub r2, r2, r4
;//Because the & 0x1C corresponds to words, we DO need to shift this time around
;//when we jump into load table
adr r12, offby3cachelinealignload
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//Allows 4 instructions per byteblit
;//Because there is no convenient way to split the load/store into multiples of 2
;//unless we keep them together, for misaligned data we leave them together.
offby3cachelinealignload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
;//So in theory we should now be cache line aligned.
;//We loop around doing prefetches and copies based on how far ahead we want to look
cmp r2, #(32*4 + 32) ;//Only keep looking ahead by 4 cache lines
bmi offby3endofmainloop
;// 0x000007c4: f5d3f060 `... PLD [r3,#0x60]
;// 0x000007c8: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f060
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Here is the main loop that handles pipelining the loads for off by 1
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #8
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #8
mov lr, r5, LSR #24
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #8
mov lr, r6, LSR #24
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #8
mov lr, r7, LSR #24
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #8
mov lr, r8, LSR #24
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #8
mov lr, r9, LSR #24
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #8
mov lr, r10, LSR #24
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #8
mov lr, r11, LSR #24
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #8
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #8
mov lr, r5, LSR #24
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #8
mov lr, r6, LSR #24
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #8
mov lr, r7, LSR #24
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #8
mov lr, r8, LSR #24
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #8
mov lr, r9, LSR #24
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #8
mov lr, r10, LSR #24
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #8
mov lr, r11, LSR #24
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #64 ;//Take 64 bytes off of count
b offby3mainloop
;//If we still have more than 32*4 words to move, do one more preload
cmp r2, #32*4
bls offby3nopreload
;// 0x00000898: f5d3f080 .... PLD [r3,#0x80]
DCD 0xf5d3f080
;//Now we finish up the copy without any preloads. The data should have alread
;//been loaded into the caches
;//Copy 32 bytes at a time
cmp r2, #32
bmi offby3endoffinishcachelines
ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}
orr r1,lr, r4, LSL #8
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
orr r4, lr, r5, LSL #8
mov lr, r5, LSR #24
orr r5, lr, r6, LSL #8
mov lr, r6, LSR #24
orr r6, lr, r7, LSL #8
mov lr, r7, LSR #24
orr r7, lr, r8, LSL #8
mov lr, r8, LSR #24
orr r8, lr, r9, LSL #8
mov lr, r9, LSR #24
orr r9, lr, r10, LSL #8
mov lr, r10, LSR #24
orr r10, lr, r11, LSL #8
mov lr, r11, LSR #24
stmia r0!, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10}
sub r2, r2, #32 ;//Take 32 bytes off of count
b offby3finishcachelines
;//Now we need to finish off any partial cache lines that may be left. We do a similar
;//algorithm to the cachelinealign loop above.
ands r6, r2, #0x1C ;//Get number of words left
subeq r1, r3, #1 ;//Realign source on exact byte if need to branch
beq finish ;//If words left==0, then branch to finish
sub r2, r2, r6 ;//Subtract words left from count
rsb r6, r6, #32 ;//Get 32-number of words left
adr r12, offby3finishload ;//That's the copies to skip
add pc, r12, r6, LSL #2 ;//..but need to multiply by 4 to get instructions
offby3finishload ;//Need to have up to 8 words (1 cache line)
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
ldr r4, [r3], #4
orr r12,lr, r4, LSL #8
str r12,[r0], #4
mov lr, r4, LSR #24
sub r1, r3, #1 ;//Realign source on exact byte
;// b finish ;//Not needed, just fall through
;//Copy the last 4 bytes, if necessary
finish ;//This finish also used in < 4 bytes case
rsb r2, r2, #4 ;//Find how many bytes to copy (1,2,3, or 4)
adr r12, finishloadby3
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2 ;//Need to shift r2 left by 2 bits to jump instructions
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
ldrb r4, [r1], #1
ldrb r5, [r1], #1
ldrb r6, [r1], #1
adr r12, finishstoreby3
add pc, r12, r2, LSL #2
strb r3, [r0], #1
strb r4, [r0], #1
strb r5, [r0], #1
strb r6, [r0], #1
;//Return to calling function
IF Interworking :LOR: Thumbing
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, lr}
bx lr
ldmfd sp!, {r0,r4-r11, pc}
ENTRY_END memcpybigblk