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// Microsoft Research Singularity / Netstack
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: TestUDP.cs
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net.IP;
using Drivers.Net;
using NetStack.NetDrivers;
namespace NetStack.Runtime.TestPing
public class Receiver
private UdpSession session;
private int maxReceivePackets;
private int receivedPackets;
private Thread worker;
public Receiver(IPv4 ipAddress,
ushort localPort,
ushort remotePort,
int maxReceivePackets)
Core c = Core.Instance();
UdpModule m = c.GetProtocolByName("UDP") as UdpModule;
this.session = m.CreateBoundSession(ipAddress, localPort,
ipAddress, remotePort);
this.session.Blocking = true;
this.maxReceivePackets = maxReceivePackets;
this.receivedPackets = 0;
this.worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WorkLoop));
public ThreadState ThreadState { get { return worker.ThreadState; } }
private void WorkLoop()
while (receivedPackets++ != maxReceivePackets) {
byte[] recvData = session.ReadData();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(recvData.Length == 4);
// Get Sequence number from payload and assert it is
// the expected one.
int v = BitConverter.ToInt32(recvData, 0);
v = ByteOrder.BigEndianToHost(v);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(v == receivedPackets);
if ((receivedPackets % 100) == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", receivedPackets);
public class Sender
private UdpSession session;
private int maxSendPackets;
private int sentPackets;
private Thread worker;
public Sender(IPv4 ipAddress,
ushort localPort,
ushort remotePort,
int maxSendPackets)
Core c = Core.Instance();
UdpModule m = c.GetProtocolByName("UDP") as UdpModule;
this.session = m.CreateBoundSession(ipAddress, localPort,
ipAddress, remotePort);
this.session.Blocking = true;
this.maxSendPackets = maxSendPackets;
this.sentPackets = 0;
this.worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WorkLoop));
public ThreadState ThreadState { get { return worker.ThreadState; } }
private void WorkLoop()
while (sentPackets++ != maxSendPackets) {
int n = ByteOrder.HostToBigEndian(sentPackets);
int r = session.WriteData(BitConverter.GetBytes(n));
// Console.WriteLine("Send {0}", sentPackets);
public class Test
static void Main()
LoopbackAdapter loopback = new LoopbackAdapter();
Console.WriteLine("Created Loopback Adapter {0}",
Core.Instance().RegisterAdapter(loopback, 64);
IPModule ip = Core.Instance().GetProtocolByName("IP") as
Console.WriteLine("Binding address to adapter");
IPv4 ifAddress = IPv4.Parse("");
IPv4 ifNetmask = IPv4.Parse("");
IPv4 gwAddress = IPv4.Parse("");
new InterfaceIPConfiguration(ifAddress, ifNetmask, gwAddress)
const int nInstances = 8;
const int maxPackets = 10000;
ushort basePort = 10000;
Receiver[] receivers = new Receiver[nInstances];
Sender[] senders = new Sender[nInstances];
for (int i = 0; i < nInstances; i++) {
ushort rPort = (ushort)(basePort + 2 * i);
ushort sPort = (ushort)(basePort + 2 * i + 1);
receivers[i] =
new Receiver(ifAddress, rPort, sPort, maxPackets);
senders[i] = new Sender(ifAddress, sPort, rPort, maxPackets);
bool done = false;
while (done == false) {
done = true;
for (int i = 0; i < nInstances; i++) {
if (receivers[i].ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped ||
senders[i].ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped)
done = false;
Console.WriteLine("Removing Adapter.");