86 lines
2.7 KiB
86 lines
2.7 KiB
#pragma once
#include <bit>
#include <base/Types.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <span>
namespace lightningbolt {
namespace detail {
template <class NativeT, class OffsetType>
constexpr NativeT* CreatePointerFromAddend(void* BasePointer, OffsetType addend) noexcept {
return std::bit_cast<NativeT*>(static_cast<char*>(BasePointer) + addend);
} // namespace detail
/// An "auto-resolving" semi-sweet (/s) pointer type.
/// This is designed to allow resolving offsets in data for
/// games written before 64-bit pointers were common/used at all.
/// This allows looking up data a lot easier :)
/// [NativeT] is the type of data this would point to
/// [OffsetType] is the type of data the "pointer" is repressented as
template <class NativeT, class OffsetType = u32>
struct OffsetPtr final {
using Type = std::remove_cvref_t<NativeT>;
using Pointer = Type*;
using ConstPointer = const Type*;
/// Set the offset. Duh!
constexpr void Set(OffsetType newOffset) noexcept { rawOffset = newOffset; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr OffsetType Raw() const noexcept { return rawOffset; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Pointer operator()(void* baseAddr) const noexcept {
// While yucky, it should show problem areas which aren't checking things
// immediately rather than read invalid data that might do much worse.
if(rawOffset == 0)
return nullptr;
return detail::CreatePointerFromAddend<Type>(baseAddr, rawOffset);
template<class NativeU>
constexpr OffsetPtr<NativeU, OffsetType>& PtrCast() {
// Safety: The data layout of OffsetPtr<> stays
// the exact same regardless of the result type, therefore
// even though this is *techinically* UB (? using bit_cast it shouldn't be ?),
// this isn't problematic
return *std::bit_cast<OffsetPtr<NativeU, OffsetType>*>(this);
OffsetType rawOffset;
/// Like OffsetPtr<T> but for arrays of data
template <class NativeT, class OffsetType = u32>
struct OffsetArrayPtr final {
using Type = std::remove_cvref_t<NativeT>;
using Pointer = Type*;
using ConstPointer = const Type*;
using Span = std::span<NativeT>;
/// Set the offset. Duh!
constexpr void Set(OffsetType newOffset) noexcept { rawOffset = newOffset; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr OffsetType Raw() const noexcept { return rawOffset; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Span operator()(void* baseAddr, OffsetType length) const noexcept {
// While yucky, it should show problem areas which aren't checking things
// immediately rather than read invalid data that might do much worse.
if(rawOffset == 0 || length == 0)
return {};
return { detail::CreatePointerFromAddend<Type>(baseAddr, rawOffset), length };
OffsetType rawOffset;
} // namespace ssxtools::core